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Doctrines: Trinity or One: Word from the Lord & Teaching

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

One— God

[video link the to this word and teaching: ]


Person— someone being regarded as an individual, a character in a play or story;  root definition— Middle English: from Old French persone, from Latin persona ‘actor's mask, character in a play.’

Persona— aspects of someone’s character;  root definition— mid 18th century: Latin, literally ‘mask, character played by an actor’.


Individual— single entity;  root definition— late Middle English in the sense ‘indivisible’: from medieval Latin individualis, from Latin individuus, from in- ‘not’ + dividuus ‘divisible’ (from dividere ‘to divide’).

Identity— who or what a person is, the characteristics determining who or what a person or thing is;  root definition— mid 16th century in the sense ‘quality of being identical’: via French from late Latin identitas, from Latin idem ‘same’.

Identify— establish or indicate who or what someone or something is, assign a particular characteristic or categorization to oneself, regard oneself as sharing the same characteristics or thinking; root definition— mid 17th century in the sense ‘as being identical with’: from medieval Latin identificare, from late Latin identitas (see identity) + Latin -ficare from facere ‘make’.

Expression— making known.


In this document, the Lord and I will do the best we can, to express again to you— what he has expressed of himself, what he has revealed of himself to me:  and he bids you all to take it to him— as I am just the messenger, and yet— I will do all I can to detail out the scripture and understanding of, to help reveal to you, what he has revealed of himself to me, as to— Who is One, before we were?


Colossians 2:1-3, 8-10, 20-22

“For I would that you knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea— and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;  That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding— to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God— the Father, and of Christ [anointed Messiah];  In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.


Beware lest any man spoil [lead you away and seduce] you through philosophy [sophistry— tricking someone by making a seemingly clever argument] and vain deceit [empty delusion] —after the tradition [transmission, precepts] of men, after the rudiments [arrangement and proposition] of the world— and not after Christ.  For in him— dwells [permanently houses, resides, and inhabited, is] all the fulness [completion] of the Godhead [divinity] —bodily.  And you are complete in him— who is the head [seizing] of all principality [ranks— beginning corner, magistrate— principle rule] and power [ability, privilege, force, competency, mastery, freedom, potentate— token of control, delegated influence— with authority and jurisdiction].


Wherefore if you be dead [slain] with Christ— from the rudiments [arrangement and proposition] of the world— why, as though living in the world— are you subject to ordinances [prescribed and submitted to that rule], (touch not; taste not; handle [manipulate and injure] not; which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments [injunction or religious precept] and doctrines [instruction of function or information learned] of men?”


DOCTRINES: Trinitarian, or Monarchianism

Subordinationism, or Sabellianism?


“The doctrine of the Trinity began to take shape in the mid-2nd century and later among early Christians and church fathers. They tried to understand the relationship between Jesus and God in their traditions and scriptural documents. The church father Tertullian (AD 160–225) was the first to use the term "Trinity" to refer to God. However, the concept was finalized at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. 

The council was called by —Roman Emperor Constantine, the Great— to settle disputes among church leaders and create more unified Christian beliefs. The primary issue at the time was the Arian controversy, which threatened the unity of the church. 

The controversy centered around the nature of the Holy Spirit and included different views, such as Monarchianism, Subordinationism, and Sabellianism. The council officially agreed upon the belief in the Holy Trinity, which is encapsulated in the phrase ‘one God in three persons’.”

Subordinationism— sub·​or·​di·​na·​tion·​ism. -shəˌnizəm. plural -s. : a doctrine in theology: the second and third persons of the Trinity are subordinate (as in order or essence) to the first person and the Holy Spirit is subordinate to the Son.”

Monarchianism is a Christian teaching about God that originated in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. The word comes from the Greek words monos, meaning "one", and arche, meaning "source" or "principle". Monarchianism emphasizes the unity of God— rather than the three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. It is in contrast with Trinitarianism— which defines the Godhead as three coeternal, consubstantial, co-immanent, and equally divine hypostases [essences].”

Sabellianism is a Christian theological position that rejects the idea of the Trinity. It is also known as modalism, modalistic monarchianism— or Jesus Only theology. Sabellianism teaches that God is one person who manifests himself in three different ways, or "modes" —as the Father, as the Son, and as the Holy Spirit: 

Father: In creation— or Creator

Son: In redemption— Redeemer

Holy Spirit: In sanctification— Sanctifier “


Take it to the Lord, you will face him with all of this at some point:  but I urge you— look at where, and when these things came about.  I can only bring you the God I have met, and how he has revealed himself to me— both in the Word, and as well in the Spirit, and by the Spirit of God.

But these are all ‘doctrines,’ and it’s best if we sort man’s doctrine— with the Lord himself:  for he is the truth— and his Spirit will bring us all into it.


[Strong's, Thayer’s, Vine’s] 

G3962 – Father

Greek: πατήρ

Transliteration: patēr

Pronunciation: pat-ayr'

Definition: Apparently a primary word; a father (literally or figuratively), generator, progenitor, founder, creator, originator.


Progenitor— a person, from which another person— originates from;  root definition— late Middle English: from Old French progeniteur, from Latin progenitor, from progenit- ‘begotten’, from the verb progignere, from pro- ‘forward’ + gignere ‘beget’.

Generator— a person who generates something.  Generate— cause something to arise or come about— produce;  root definition— mid 16th century, in the sense ‘beget, procreate.’

Procreate— to bring forth, spring forth.

Beget— brought into existence by the process of production;  root definition— Old English begietan ‘get by effort.’ 

Originator— person who initiates something.

Founder—  a person who manufactured (produces) and owns, establishes.


Creator—  one who brings something into existence. 

Exist— be;  root definition— late 16th century: from French exister, or from Latin existere, from ex- ex-1 + sistere ‘set up, cause to stand’. (compare with existence.)

Manifest— displayed and evidenced:  appear.


So, when we read ‘Father,’ we should be reading:  one who originates (brings something to be, or forth) someone, who begets forward— or brings into existence, produces— by effort, who generates something to arise or come about— produces, who establishes, who sets up and causes to stand.

Our Father, the Creator part of God, who originates and brings things to be— or to come forth… who begets or brings forward (into existence)... produces by effort.  He generates something to arise or come about; he produces, establishes, sets up— and causes to stand.


Romans 1:7, 19, 20, 25

“To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Because that which may be known of God— is manifest in them; for God has shown it unto them.”


Our Father— the one who originates (brings something to be, or forth) someone, who begets forward— or brings into existence, produces— by effort, who generates something to arise or come about— produces, who establishes, who sets up and causes to stand.

Our Father, the Creator part of God, who originates and brings things to be— or to come forth… who begets or brings forward (into existence)... produces by effort.  He generates something to arise or come about; he produces, establishes, sets up— and causes to stand.

This is what our Father has shown to me, this is what our Father has manifested to me;  to know him as he is.



“For the invisible things of him— from the creation of the world— are clearly seen— being understood by the things that are made (that’s us), even his eternal power and Godhead [divinity]; so that they are without excuse:

Who changed the truth of God into a lie— and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator— who is blessed forever. Amen.”


I am very careful, meaning mindful— with God— not to worship the creature more than the Creator;  not to worship, or mind, and lean on the creature’s (mine) understanding, or other created being’s understanding of the Divine— of God himself:  I learn of him, by him— for any other way is second hand;  and I need personal, first hand experiential knowledge of our Creator.

And I do not desire to change the truth of God— into a lie, or delusion, or deception— so I ask of him to reveal himself to me:  and this is all I ask of you to do with him;  for you, personally, will be held accountable for knowing him personally— I will not be responsible for your relationship with God, or his revealing of himself to you.

But, I AM— RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE— to serve him as he asks, to not buck him, cower in fear to man or any other being:  I am called to teach what I have learned of him— and I am obedient in this:  I face him now on this, not later— now.


Acts 17:22-30

“Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said— You men of Athens— I perceive that in all things you are too superstitious [more religious than others].

For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription— ‘TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.’  Whom therefore you ignorantly worship— him, I declare unto you.

God that made the world and all things therein— seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth— dwells not in temples made with hands;  neither is he worshiped with men's hands— as though he needed anything— seeing he gives to all— life, and breath, and all things; and has made of one blood— all nations of men— to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the times before appointed— and the bounds of their habitation;  that they should seek the Lord— if haply they might feel after him, and find him— though he be not far from every one of us:  For— in him— we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said— For we are also his offspring [born of him].

Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God— we ought not to think that the Godhead [godlike divinity] is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.

And the times of this ignorance— God winked at; but now commands all men, everywhere, to repent.”


All men, everywhere, everyone— is called to repent at the foolishness and ignorance— of not knowing the truth of God, personally, and intimately.

He is not to be known religiously— as the ‘unknown God’ who we have been ignorantly worshiping; nay— he is to be KNOWN by his people, by his creation:  we must come to know him in his truth;  we must come to know him in his fullness:  he will bring forth first fruits who do.

Will he bring forth first fruits who see him as separate persons— yes, he tells me:  but he said— “They, in that— will not know me as I am, or as One.  For One— is not separate— but assembled.”

He made all things:  ‘he,’ made all things— the scripture states:  who is ‘he?’

This is exactly what you will need to come to terms with, personally, inside— with God:  as you ask him to reveal to you— who he shows he is in scripture;  and devoid of man’s precepts, or devil doctrine:  to know him as he is, and especially— before we were (very important).

Because who he was/is before we were— is who we will come to know— when we return to him, after this fallen place.

That they should seek the Lord— if they choose to ‘feel after him;’  that means— seek him with their whole hearts— to know him fully:  and since he is everywhere, and in many expressions— he be not far from any one of us!  For ‘in him’ we live, move, and have our being.

This is what he’s returning us to:  we can live afar, in heavenly places inside of God once again;  and here— he can live closer than a brother to us, inside— and in this— we can return one to another, and abide in both realms:  the heavens of his abode, and the earth of ours:  for we are born, and reborn of him:  and brought into all truth— of him, ourselves— and all created beings.

The Godhead simply means— the Divine;  it doesn’t mean— 3 people, it’s the fullness of the Divine, or of God himself:  and is not conceived of man’s devising. 

And the times of this ignorance— that once God winked at; we are now  commanded— all men, everywhere— to repent:  that means— a call of turned around thinking is required:  and only he can do that, within each man— if each man will humble himself, seek the face of the Lord, and turn inside to face him in these matters— thereby uncoupling from man’s reasoning, and face God’s truth.


Genesis 3:22-24

“And the LORD God said— Behold, the man is become as one of us— to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever:  Therefore— the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden— to till the ground from whence he was taken.

So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.”


This is the story of the serpent, and his presence and his actions in the garden of God— where he communed with man.  So— in context, God and other beings were present in this place.  So, when he says— ‘like us,’ what do we think that means?

Have we leaned on man’s understanding for ages, born of men’s percepts and doctrines that say— It is speaking of God, speaking with the persons of the trinity?

Or— is it something else entirely— as more than humans were present in this garden:  for one, angelic, cherubim, and satan.

The Lord said to me…


“Janet— when I say, ‘like one of us knowing good and evil,’ does that mean the Father was speaking to the Son?  Does it mean and say— the Holy Spirit was speaking to the Father, or to the Son?

No— it doesn’t;  it simply states— ‘like us.’  So— who knew of good and evil— BEFORE THE FALL OF MAN— that I could have been speaking with?”

And I said— “The angelic, the seraphim, the cherubim, all and any created SPIRIT BEING— for the fall happened in their ranks— long before ours.”


So, again folks— take these things to the Lord. Because we assume a lot in our ignorance;  nowhere does it say— GOD was reflecting and speaking to himself;  it simply states— ‘Now man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil.’

How do we think the angelic help us, as messengers of Light, not darkness— THEY KNOW GOOD AND EVIL.

We must be raised up by the Holy Spirit, folks— who will bring us into all truth;  for otherwise— you will allow man to raise you up, and the created raising the created up— will fall into deception and delusion.

I pray that you will take all of this to him— and learn of him directly— not me:  I am only a parrot for what my Lord has spoken and shown me.


Matthew 7:21, 10:29, 18:10-11, 14, 23:9-10, 25:40

“Not every one that says unto me— Lord, Lord— shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father —which is in heaven [idea of elevation].


Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.”


Our Father— the one who originates (brings something to be, or forth) someone, who begets forward— or brings into existence, produces— by effort, who generates something to arise or come about— produces, who establishes, who sets up and causes to stand.

Our Father, the Creator part of God, who originates and brings things to be— or to come forth… who begets or brings forward (into existence)... produces by effort.  He generates something to arise or come about; he produces, establishes, sets up— and causes to stand.



“Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you— That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father— which is in heaven.  For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.”


I am called to sonship, as the Word made manifest to us was called to sonship.  I am called to save that which has been lost:  this is people to God, and the mysteries of God— to people:  reunion.



“Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.”


And we perish— for a lack of knowledge;  a lack of knowledge in God, the truth, our identity (in him) and his.



“And call none your father upon the earth:  for one— is your Father— who is in heaven [the idea of elevation].  Neither be called masters:  for one— is your Master [guide, teacher] —Christ.


And the King shall answer and say unto them— Verily I say unto you— In as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these— my brethren— you have done it unto me.”


I am not your teacher— I am a parrot who reiterates to you, what the Word has revealed of himself and the truth to me:  if you come into truth from the work the Father does through me— IT WAS HE who brought you into the truth, teaching and guiding you by the Spirit, in it:  I am only a messenger who delivers the mail to you (the truth).

And what we do to all children of the Lord, all expressions of God in the earth— we do to him directly:  what you say, do, and how you treat a servant of the Lord— you do directly to him:  for we are only vessels of his— that he is using to bring forth the mail (or a message he give us to deliver).


Mark 1:24, 10:18

“[demons speaking] Saying— Let us alone;  what do we have to do with you— Jesus of Nazareth?  Have you come to destroy us?  I know you— who you are— the Holy One [the sacred, pure, blameless, most holy thing] of God.


Even demons know he is the Creator, the one who fathered and originated us all— for they tell us so:  We know you;  you are the sacred, pure, blameless, most holy one— that has the ability to destroy us.

Now— outside being the Creator in some fashion— how could he destroy?  For the only one who can destroy his creation— is the Creator, himself.

They recognized the Creator— was inside of him all along:  they could see the Father role (creator role) inside of him as he walked the earth;  why do we struggle with this?



“Jesus said to him— Why do you call me good?  There is none good but one— God?


And Jesus answered him— The first of all the commandments is— Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God— is one Lord:  And you shall love the Lord— your God— with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment.”


There is only— One, good— that is God.  So, essentially— our Lord was asking him— Who do you think I am?  Essentially— Do you think I am the Creator, I am God incarnate?

The Lord your God, is called One— that is who he introduced himself to me as;  he said— “Many do not understand— that is a NAME of the Lord.  Which means— there is a ‘way’ to know me in that name.  How many know me as One?”

One— is one master, one teacher, one guide, one ruler, one authority, one spirit, one truth, one creator/father, one bridegroom, one friend, one redeemer:  one person.  But many will not meet him as this— until afterwards, after here— when one will search out such matters with him… 


“Who were/are you— before we were?”

I take the first commandment very seriously— with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength;  and I am doing just that.

May you all do the same— and let your heavenly (elevated within) Father— lead you into all truth, by his Spirit— coming through the Doorway that is the way, the truth, and the life:  the fulness of the Divine— Jesus.


John 8:19, 42-43, 10:25, 26-30

“Then said they unto him— Where is your Father [originator, progenitor, who begat you, produced you, generated, raised you to come about, who established you, set you up and caused you to stand]? Jesus answered— You neither know me, nor my Father: if you had known me— you should have known my Father also.”


They are One:  and we are called to get to know our Creator again— as One;  just as much as we are to know him in all his manifestations:  Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the 7 spirits of God, etc.

He is calling us to also know him as he was— before we came to be:  for if you will come back to him fully— you will reintegrate yourself with him in heavenly places, and he will reintegrate into you— in earthly spaces (your soul/body person), here in this realm.



“Jesus said unto them— If God were your Father, you would love me: for I proceeded forth [issued out from, departed from] —and came from God; neither came I of myself— but he sent [set apart, sent out] me.

Why do you not understand my speech? Because you cannot hear my word [thoughts, reasoning, motives, computations, divine expression].”


If the supreme divine God was your Father (creator, producing you) —you would love me:  this denoted who he was inside, in his Father role, unto all of mankind.  And he tells us why.

Inside of Jesus— was the Father, and as he stood before his creation— who could not see his Spirit in operation inside of Jesus— it vexed his heart:  because the Father (Creator) pulled from the depths of who he is— an expression of himself called ‘the Son,’ to send forth into the earth (a vessel), to commune with man face to face:  because we lost that spiritual connection in the garden;  as well as to fulfill a mission in the earth (his body) to bring forth that spiritual connection again— as he fulfilled Calvary.

Jesus was saying and expressing— that the Father pulled up Jesus, from the depths of all that he is— and called him forth, standing him up in the earth, to walk out the role of Redeemer, unto our salvation:  Savior/Messiah.  Where he was set apart, called up and out to fulfill his purpose, as that identity of God— in the earth, and on mission.

And to demonstrate— as God is the only teacher and Lord/master— how to honor God the Creator once again, who has such a heart for his creation; and how to live as one with him again:  where two— become One spirit— in Christ Jesus once again.

One— who he was— before we were:  and who he will be— when we are with him forever more, as he is.  We will be able to step fully back into him, and he into us— and see and experience NO SEPARATION— ever again:  this is full circle oneness.

Why do we not understand his speech? 

Because we cannot hear his word. 



“Jesus answered them, I told you, and you believed not: the works that I do— in my Father's name— they bear witness of me.”


He does nothing in his own name, which means his own character or authority— but in the authority of the Creator aspect of God— because only the Creator aspect of God has the say over his creation:  when the Son fulfilled his mission— the Creator then placed all authority and power in his hand at the throne— why?

Because until all is redeemed— we are at war— and we need a King, a warrior, a general— a fighter!  Our Father— is a lover, by his nature as he created us:  but the aspect of our Creator that wanted to save us and fight for us— manifests as Jesus the King and warrior, and heaven’s captain of the host army.

Our Father communes with us inside and reveals himself to us again— as Creator of us:  our King manifests himself as the aspect of God that FIGHTS FOR US— and slays all opposition to us, and his Lordship in our lives here.

The Father honors the Son— in his position and missions (and those are not completed yet, he’s still fighting, still reigning, still will come back for his bride);  and the Son honors the Father— in that once his position and missions are completed— he will hand back all authority to the Creator of us— who we will simply live in Love with, forevermore;  there will be no need for the warrior King part of God— to hold the dominion in his hand, and so all authority and dominion will be placed back into the Father’s hand, once again:  bringing us— full circle, back to where we began.

Who was he— before we were?



“But you believe not— because you are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.  My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:  And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

My Father (the Creator aspect of God), who gave them to me (the teacher, son example, word of God— to care for in the earth realm), is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand (the Creator’s hand).

I and my Father— are one.” 


[Vine’s, Thayer’s, and Strong’s concordance] 

G1520: One

Greek: εἷς

Transliteration: heis

Pronunciation: hice

Definition: a primary numeral— a cardinal numeral (as opposed to many), the number— singularonly: one.


John 13:14, 17:21-23

“He who rejects me— and receives not my words— has one who judges him:  the word that I have spoken— the same shall judge him in the last day.

That they all may be one; as you, Father, are in me, and I in you— that they also may be one in us (coming back home, where we originated:  full circle): that the world may believe that you have sent [dispatched, departed, wielded] me.

John 17:21-23

And the glory [dignity (as a dignitary)] which you gave me— I have given them; that they may be one— even as we are one:  I in them, and you in me— that they may be made perfect [complete, accomplished, consummate, finished] in one; and that the world may know that you have sent [dispatched, departed, wielded] me— and I have loved them, as you have loved [love— in a social or moral sense] me.”


Dignity, which is what ‘glory’ means— is related to the word dignitary. And the word dignitary— comes from the Latin word dignitas, which means "dignity."  A dignitary is someone who holds a high position or office, such as a head of state, ambassador, or royalty— and is considered important and powerful. Dignity can be defined as the state of being worthy of honor.

Our Messiah is worthy of honor, as he was brought forth of the Father, meaning— from the depths of who he is— where there was no beginning and no end— where he has always existed:  and he holds the highest office.

For the Creator placed him in that position— as he sent forth the part of himself to fulfill this mission;  and the Son honored the Father (Creator role) of himself— to do this— to redeem his creation.

All that the Father/Creator gave to the Son, he gives to all sons who come through life ‘in’ the Son:  in this— we return back inside of God to live, breathe, and find our being— well, BEING ONE WITH GOD!  He in us, we in him— just like where we originated from, before we were.

And in returning to him in this way— we come full circle; and that which broke or split apart— is now reconciled, and reunited, and made perfect— or finished, consummated, completed and accomplished!

We return to One.

And as we do, and as we manifest this reunion, coming into One again:  the world will know that the Creator sent, or dispatched, departed, and WIELDED Christ Jesus— turned him about, and worked his works through him, bringing the truth to all of creation!

And as the Creator— loves, or morally approves of the Son, he does the same with us— THROUGH— the life of the Son, and coming back into union with the way, the truth, and life in Christ the Savior.

I realize this is A LOT— and very controversial to many— because we have been taught religion for so long; and our Creator HATES religion— and is coming to destroy it:  and he will do so— through his manifest ones.  These know him— and are vessels who have returned home to him again, and the truth— and do union with them both!

But many will not meet our Lord— as One— until much further down the line of their eternal lives;  for religion keeps them bound in knowing him in this way:  he is One, and that is who he was— before we were.

But don’t take my word for it, take it to him— and hear him out in the word he has brought forth below.  I love you all— and I am just a messenger.  As with all messengers— take the message to the Lord, and sit with him for a while with it:  let him, himself— bring you into the truth.

My only hope is— you will clear yourself of any preconceived notions— so he has a truly clean place to bring you into the truth.

God bless you all on your journey into oneness with our Father and God of us:  he delights in you so much!!!


Word from the Lord


“Janet— I brought forth, of myself— in my Father role, my creator role, my role who originated all that is— calling it forth, forward, into existence, and produced by effort, generating and raising up, establishing, setting up and causing all things to come into existence.

I called forth the Word from me— and manifested myself as the Word of God in a body, and with that Word and body that is me— I brought the Father role of myself, the Creator part of me; and I bowed to the Creator part of myself— to serve that part of me, in a vessel— to abdicate all authority and rule to the Creator, and to lay my life down in the similitude of sinful flesh, to be the perfect sacrifice;  one who came not as God, but as the likeness of a son of man— to BE the perfect slain flesh suit, born of the perfect interior vessel that never was separated in my essence from the Father:  for we are one.

I created you, and all things created.  I created, I originated all that is:  but before there was a created— who was I?

This— most will never learn in this world;  most will never know me as I am— before the creation of creation itself.  Who am I before the foundations, or conceptions of the created— at all?

Do my children know what, and who I am— then?

I am able— handily— to manifest myself with limitations in this world— and come as a son;  one who will look to the father role of myself, see my heart, and give a sacrificial life, lived— to show my children how to be one with me again.

Let’s talk about that dear:  do you not all know you are a manifestations of me?  You need to come back into understanding that I gave you ‘my Spirit’ to begin with, that is my breath I breathed into you:  so— if you will return to me— you will come back to living ‘in my Spirit,’ with me.

If you will not— you will remain in an estranged spirit, a dead spirit— one that identifies separate from me;  and those are devils— did I not say in scripture— ‘And one of you here is a devil,’ when speaking of Judas, in John 6:70?

Who was I before creation existed outside of my Spirit?

Where were we before the beginning— before this world?

I am— before creation;  and I am One— before creation.

I did not have need of ‘being’ the role of Redeemer, manifest— for there was no redemption needed.  I did not have need to manifest as Father— for I had no children yet.  I had no fellowship with anyone but myself— for no created— existed:  I am— One— before creation, Janet.  And many will never in this world know me as One:  he who existed as the self-existent eternal— One— before the created realm.  

Only my closest friends— that I reveal myself to, as I am known as One— will ever come into this.  

Many are still struggling with doctrine— and because they are boxed in with doctrine— one can only know me separately, or as they call it— as three different persons.  But should they suspend, at bare minimum— doctrines— and ask of me to show them— as I have you, literally— who I am as One… 

I will.

You see, you cannot know me as separate— and know me as One, at the same time:  for they are contrasting doctrines.

One— is when I had no one to manifest to, you were all still in me;  the Son had no need to come forth of me in manifestation— to be a Redeemer— for there was nothing to redeem yet;  the Spirit had no one to couple with, or comfort, or bring into all truth yet— for no one existed outside of my person.

As I brought forth creation— as the Creator— I now saw how created beings, with free will would choose to separate from me— become their own gods (or elohims), and would forever estrange themselves from me:  holiness, righteousness, humility, love, truth— and Creator above them all.

I watched as spirit beings fell into sin (inner separation from my person’s ways) — estrangement— and that sin separation brought forth death, a spiritual place of distance that I could not live in:  for there is no place in light for darkness— they are in opposition, one to the other.  

As I watched this take place— and saw that man would fall to the wiles of the devil, too— as other spirit beings had;  I brought forth all that I am to bring you all back to me— from where we all began together:  inside of me— where we were one;  where you were a part of me, and I was a part of you— and there was no separation or distance.

So, I devised ways to present myself to you all— for whatever you had need of me, and for whatever I had need of to do— to be there for you all, as I did.

I manifested, I presented— as Spirit of the Lord, Angel of the Lord, Word of God made manifest— fullness of God in a body, Redeemer/Lamb/Perfect sacrifice, Rabbi/teacher, as the Holy Spirit and Truth bringer, Comforter, as the bridegroom to partner with— I found many ways to come to my creation and manifest myself to them— in an attempt to return them to me, and close the distance.

I pulled out all the stops— I crushed every avenue of opposition from the enemy of my creation— and I gave everyone the opportunity to come back home.

Before you were— I was, and yet am.  Before creation— I was One, and the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the 7 Spirits of God, Melchizedek— and every other manifestation of God— were all inside of me:  and as I had need— I brought them forth, which means up and out, so each manifestation of myself (the Creator/Originator of all created) carried out the mission I was to fulfill.

But before we needed a King— there was nothing to rule. 

Before we needed a Redeemer of me to come forth— there was nothing to redeem.  Before there was a created being who had fallen— there was no need for Savior/Messiah/Redeemer.

Before we needed a Comforter— there was nothing to comfort, for all was still inside of me— and well.

Before we needed an angel of the Lord— there were no spirits to govern or come to as one.

Before there was sickness or sin— we needed not the Great Physician to come forth;  for all were still inside of me— whole and well.

Before there was a priesthood— there was no need for a Melchizedek or a High Priest of our confession:  Yahshua Ha Mashiach.

Before there was a bride— there was no need for a bridegroom partner to come forth.

Before you were— I was, and am.  Before creation— I was known as One;  many will never meet me as One— this side of eternity:  for their doctrine holds them captive.  And you will notice how hard it is for them to be freed inside— to receive this knowledge.  But I did not call you to the easy things;  I was not called to the easy things— but to enlighten them all of the mystery of God:  who am I.

Who am I?  Is much more than who do you know me as.  Who am I?  Is— who am I outside of creation, before time, before all things— who was I, who am I— THERE?

If you have a desire to go back to— ‘before there was’ —I will take you there to meet me:  I will show you I am many manifestations— in fact, I am all holy manifestations— they are all expressions of me.

For— before you came from me, you were in me— and you were perfect as I am perfect:  when you came forth, into the fallen realm (kingdom), you now have need to come out of that, out of that identity, that lower— devilish wisdom of man’s precepts born of devil doctrine— that seeks to keep you separated from me— and not reintegrated into me:  we are coming full circle back together, yes?  If you are— you are desiring to ‘come into me’ once again:  for that is where you began your inception.

All who come back ‘into me,’ through Christ— will come back into being one with God:  this allows me to occupy your vessel, in the earth— as a manifestation of God.

Did I not say— in the son— the Father desires to work?

You are all manifestations of me at your core, pure, holy and righteous identities:  but do you identify with me— or do you identify with the identity you assumed in that realm?  For that identity is a facade:  come out from the facade— and come back home;  come back to being one with God.

Your true identity is like me.  Your true identity— knows what and who I am;  and you are what, and as I am:  do you believe?

Do you have any recall that you were in me— and then I brought you forth from your inception and conception?  Do you have any inclination— that once upon a time— we were together, and you played inside of me?  Do you remember who I was to you— INSIDE GOD, as one?

I would like to show you once again— and I am revealing myself to my children who have returned to be one with me:  and they will be like me, they will see me as I am— and the world will know them;  and they will break many chains of religion— and yokes of lies, facades, and false identity— off of my people.

I reveal these things to my prophets, I reveal these things to my friends:  if you have need to settle this within yourselves with me— do so!  I am available to speak with everyone about this:  it is not the job of the created being, the servant— to bring one into all truth— that is the job of the Spirit:  it is why the Comforter came forth of the Creator (Father), for I have need to be a Comforter, who brings my people into all truth;  and reveals the Creator— to all of my creation.

A prophet is only a mouthpiece I use:  your argument is not with the messenger— but with the message:  that is your responsibility to bring to me.  My messengers are held to a high standard, and are judged now by my Spirit as to whether they are obeying my voice and command, or not:  and this child is being obedient.

She DOES NOT want to bring these things forth— for her own sake— but for mine.  She listens to my heart, and knows the grief of a Father for his creation— that doesn’t remember who he is;  and she has laid her life down to bring this forth.  Your battle is not with flesh and blood (her), but the message she brings forth— and that can only be settled between us— face to face:  so come and seek me on these matters— for I have much to say to you, if you are not dull of hearing.

Can you hear what the Spirit is saying and showing?

Because I am revealing myself to you— do you remember me— before you were here?  Who was I?  Was I not— The One you knew?”

—The Ancient of Days

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