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Discernment, Deception-- and when the deceived don't know they are deceived, and deceiving.

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

[Transcript from today's YouTube video: ]


Today is February 13, 2023

[The irony is that 13– is the number for rebellion, and 23– the number for death.]


Father, and Yahshua and I, have Unpopular topics to discuss today– I think it might be our specialty; I believe for some, it will be understood and welcomed, and for other– likely it will hit like sandpaper upon them, as the Lord attempts to sharpen iron, with iron.

His topic, essentially, is this: ‘When carnal man becomes the leader of the church and body of Christ– instead of the Holy Spirit of God– and can we even discern when it has?’

Heart alignments has been the Lord emphasis for quite some time now– and will remain so, for quite some time– as it is the HEART IN MEN and WOMEN– where ALL ISSUES FLOW FROM– even where satan sits, and purports himself, as antichrist– to rule as God high and supreme.

And if we allow him to– he will oblige us, and erect his domain there, and his rule– and if men and women do not IDENTIFY HIS PRESENCE, by his NATURE and HIS DESIRES and FOCUS– even the elect, or chosen of God– can, and will be– DECEIVED.

DECEPTION– has been on the Father and the Son’s heart lately; and for good reason– deception is going to be coming in HARD and FAST in this hour.

We have arrived at a great falling away– and that falling away– is the falling away from the TRUE CHRIST, and the TRUE, HOLY and CONSECRATED life of Christ– and we have found many within the ‘church–’ to be in bed with devils– and many do not even know they have shacked up with them– within.

You can walk with God, and read the bible, and you can even attempt to live cleaned up and sanctified in what you allow your person to partake in– BUT…

If you do not let him REIGN WITHIN YOUR VESSEL, and LEAD YOU IN ALL HIS WAYS, and YOUR WAYS, DESIRES, THOUGHTS and PLANS, become HIS– you can have devils in there, that will continue to lead you: and you will be led into deception.

And he keeps telling me…


“House cleaning begins in my very own people in leadership, FIRST, my child; for as the leaders go– so go the congregants, the pew parishioners, the laymen and women.

So– I will begin the clean up process in those who call themselves– LEADERS in the ecclesia; because many, my child, are DEFILED WITHIN, and are CARRYING OUT THE DEVILS plans, agendas and focuses– NOT MINE.

There will be New Leaders erected by me in this hour– as I remove the ones not allowing me to rule and reign in their vessels; if we are to bring in MY MILLENNIAL REIGN, child– don’t you think that will be through those who ALLOW ME TO REIGN, within them??

I am coming to REVAMP, REFORM, and RECONFIGURE my leadership in this earth; I have been doing it from the ‘hidden place–’ within many of my SERVANTS in this hour. And many that are in the ‘public eye,’ CURRENTLY– are not those.

Many have been deceived, and deceive others, and lead them in DISTRACTIONS; and child, distractions are things that DO NOT BENEFIT, nor ADVANCE the Holy Spirit WITHIN MY CHILDREN.

Distractions– SOUND GOOD, LOOK GOOD, and ALLURE– but do NOTHING to correct, reform, lead one out of deception and darkness– and into the light; distractions do nothing to BRING THEM CLOSER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT within them, and DO NOTHING TO FOCUS ON WALKING CLEAN, and UNIFIED WITH THEIR FATHER.

I am coming to regenerated MY OWN MODEL in my chosen, and refined ones; for they have been VOLUNTARILY going through the refinement process within, have been persecuted and afflicted– left, right and center, and have learned what it is to FOLLOW IN MY FOOTSTEPS.

I am going to bring them out of the caves, and the hidden place, where they have been undergoing PRUNING and BURNING, REFINING FIRES– where they have been TRIED– and FOUND TRUE.

For in this hour– THEY ARE THE ONES WHO WILL SEE THE DEVIL, and all his operations– AND WILL TEACH THE OTHERS TO DISCERN HIM TOO– and what to do about his presence.

Child– if they are not EQUIPPING THE SAINTS– they are DISTRACTING the saints, and with allure, and with enticements that sound good, and are even DESIRABLE TO EAT INTO THEMSELVES, exactly as the serpent did to Eve, way back when– ALL OVER AGAIN.

And in this hour– as judgment sits at the door of this world, in many nations– we can afford NO DISTRACTIONS, or ENTICEMENTS– focused upon comforts, blessing, and wealth: for I am come to cause DIVISION, and TO REMOVE COMFORTS, as my judgements roll in.

For this spiritually adulterous generations– has been led astray by them, following devils– for far too long already.

REPROOF, CORRECTION, DEMOTION and PROMOTIONS– are coming to my House now; for I have need of my SERVANTS, to serve my needs in the earth– and my needs have always been– to return unrepentant, wayward and wicked hearts of men and women, walking in spiritual adultery– unto reconciling with me, and returning to my image.

Those who are doing that with me, and have been cleaning up their conduct with me, and allowing my Spirit to reign within, will over take the hirelings now; but we must see the TRUTH, child.

And to see the truth, and to know the truth– and, as to not walk in deception– one must FIRST, know their God, and how he lives, moves and finds HIS VERY OWN BEING.”


Definition, Apostle– chief disciples, Christ’s teachers, successful missionaries in foreign land and unto foreign people, a vigorous and pioneering advocate or supporter of the Kingdom of heaven, advocate, proponent, ambassador of the Kingdom of heaven; root definition– SUPPORTER SENT FORTH.


Luke 6:13

“And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve– whom also he named Apostles.”


Here we can see that an Apostle– first– is an exemplary student of Christ; an excellent disciple of Christ– who walks in the ways of our Lord.

This is why they were chosen to become Apostles of our Lord.

Apostles are FOUNDATION layers; Christ is the Cornerstone upon which the church is built. Apostles go out, and build with the stones [people], placing one upon another, in their proper places, jointly fitting them together, in unity– building the Church→ upon the Rock.

Apostles are good at FOLLOWING CHRIST first– then they are solid teachers to the brethren– in how to follow in his footsteps too; that is how they were chosen by God to become LEADERS now, as Apostles.

{Side note– he is coming with Prophetic Apostles in this hour; this is a breed and caliber man of God, servant of our Lord– that he is raising up right now.}

Apostles are Leaders– who learned to submit to the authority of Christ, and DO ALL THINGS– HIS WAY; they are not showboaters, and they do not have, nor follow idolatry. They uphold the true model of Christ to the brethren, and they ‘check them,’ and watch them, reprove them and encourage them, expound upon scripture, and even pastor over them– caring for the sheep– when God sends them about.

Apostles are very much high in the leadership ranking of God, as teachers and architectural builders of God’s church– because they were those who learned to BOW LOW unto Christ and the Father PRIVATELY, in the hidden place– and now go and represent Christ, with Christ– to the other sheep and children of the Lord.

One in the Kingdom of God, does not arrive at the role of Apostle by chance, and does not promote self into this office– all roles and positions IN CHRIST– are given OF CHRIST, and unto CHRIST’S purposes, as he ORDAINS THEM; because it very much IS CHRIST living straight out of these people– by his Holy Spirit.


Luke 6:14

“Simon, (whom he also named Peter,) and Andrew his brother, James, John, Philip and Bartholomew, 15 Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes, 16 And Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot– who also was the traitor.”


Luke 22:24

“And there was also a strife among them [concerning] –which of them should be counted as the greatest [among them].

25 And he said unto them– The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.

26 But you shall not be so: and he that is greatest among you– let him be as the younger; and he that is chief among you– as he that does serve.

27 For what is greater– he that sits at meat– or he that serves?

Is it not he who sits at meat?

But I am among you as HE WHO SERVES.

28 You are they in whom have continued with me in my temptations. 29 And I appoint unto you a kingdom– as my Father has appointed unto me.”


True Apostles do not jostle for the Greatest Leadership role– the true Apostle MODELS OUR LORD– and BOWS LOW to LIFT his brethren up, before himself, and SERVES the BODY of Christ– as Christ came and served all, and gave all in doing so.

Remember– the Last, or lowest, and servant to the rest– shall become first, and lead.

An Apostle, like Christ, faces temptations– and stays steadfast unto the Lord, the Father, and their way– in the face of persecutions and temptations; and in doing so– the Father, as well as the Son– appoint unto them leadership roles unto the church, in a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.

Because FIRST– they learned to bow, and be led– which is to say, they learned humility, and how to serve– not be served, and esteemed.


Luke 22:3

“Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. 4 And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them.

5 And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money.”

Luke 22:21

“But, behold, the hand of him who betrays me– is with me on the table.”


Not all disciples keep their garments clean, nor sanctify and consecrate themselves unto the Lord, and his holiness; and in doing so– satan enters into them– finding a ‘place’ within them.

Betrayal– to betray the Lord and all he is, and has taught one– comes first from within– where one lies in OPPOSITION to the Lord, and walks according to THE FLESH– and its DESIROUS BELLY.

You can walk with God, be chosen by God– and fall, next to God– as you walk this life out– if you are not SANCTIFIED and CONSECRATED unto him, and RESIST THE DEVIL, AND THE FLESH, here in this realm– and ALLOW HIM TO SIT ON THE THRONE WITHIN YOU.

And there is ALWAYS a ‘lust’ that is fulfilled in idolatry when betrayal is conceived– before the throne is usurped within.

And in this case– one who sat with Christ, AT HIS TABLE– still fell into temptation, deception and betrayal– all through– TEMPTATION THAT WAS ACTED UPON, instead of THROWN DOWN the second it was offered up from the platter of the devil– off of their table of options.


Luke 22:47

“And while he spoke, behold a multitude, and he that was called Judas– one of the twelve– went before them, and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him.

48 But Jesus said unto him– Judas, you betray the Son of man with a kiss??”


A Kiss, here– is where INTIMACY is used to ‘come close–’ but with the intimacy– betrayal and death, lurked beside lust and temptation acted upon– and brought about ESTRANGEMENT from God– as separation took place, when satan USURPED GOD’S POSITION INSIDE THE MAN, and thereby was given dominion in him– as he aligned with the kingdom of darkness within– and God is betrayed, and removed from the heart throne, inside the man.

THIS SHOULD BE NOTED– it happened then to one God chosen, and it can happen again; just because we are called, and chosen– doesn’t mean we cannot fall. In fact– it means we are to be ever wise to this example, and prudent in our walking circumspectly with our God.

We are to ANALYZE our hearts daily– and subdue [that’s handcuff], and throw down [that’s jail, kick out] in dominion– ALL THINGS THAT SEPARATE US FROM GOD, as they SET THEMSELVES AGAINST GOD, and THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD– in us.

The Knowledge of God within us, means– to know God AS HE IS, in Truth; his being, and how he operates, and what his nature is, and what your fruits will look like [which are your results], if you live and abide with him.

I often joke that– “We need carnal knowledge of you Lord;” I say that for the exact double-entendre that you suspect.

We are to consummate the marriage of the Lamb within us; and I say Lamb– for he was SLAIN just for that purpose and reason– to REUNITE US TO THE FATHER, sacrificially making the way to do so– and at the ultimate price.

I say that we need “carnal knowledge,” because we need the knowledge of God, the holy, true, loving and JUST GOD– to reign within our flesh-suits [carnal bodies, humus-dirt beings], and in doing so– we will subdue, and take dominion over every presence that comes to us in this material world, that is NOT GOD HOLY– and we will SET IT OUT LIKE THE DOG IT IS!

He told me yesterday in my video in the prayer field…


“Janet, they are not consummating the marriage covenant; they are not getting intimate with me, and becoming one with my Spirit.”


Now, I had never thought about that before– but to become one flesh, in a man and woman, is when they ‘come together–’ and it is for PRODUCING SOMETHING FROM THAT ‘UNION.’

It is the same with God and our proverbial, spiritual relationship in marriage with him too; we are supposed to be PRODUCING SPIRITUAL FRUITS, and those are spiritual results that come about, because we consummate the marriage relationship, figuratively, that is spiritually inside– and in doing so– TWO BECOME ONE IN SPIRIT– and God himself, is able to witness himself, right out of us– because TWO– have now come into UNION– and abide as One on the SAME PAGE NOW– for they have joined: this is consummation of the spiritual marriage: and it is what is meant by UPHOLDING THE COVENANT.

All we have in this realm, in marriage to other physical children of the Lord– is to shadow and mirror what we are to ALREADY HAVE– in and with– our Lord God and Father.

If somewhere in our walking this life out– we fail to unite with Christ, and reunite to the Father– we have failed to pick up Salvation, all that was accomplished and laid out for us, as the free gift in Yahshua the Messiah.

We fail to RECEIVE SALVATION, even though it’s freely offered– if we fail to REUNITE TO THE FATHER, and BECOME ONE IN SPIRIT WITH GOD; because we heard about him, we heard the way was made– but we never REUNITED– we never consummated the marriage unto the purposes of– WHY MESSIAH CAME AND DIED for our sins– which was to REUNITE US TO THE FATHER AGAIN.

If we fail to reunite and become One with him again, and get reshaped into his image, fall under him in authority over us– we fail to take hold of the Salvation [which means the saving] that Christ accomplished.

What do we think we are being SAVED FROM??

–estrangement, folks, it’s the estranged relationship– between man, and his God.

Yahshua came to RECONNECT US to our Father again– when we refuse to be reconnected to him, get cleaned up by him, reshaped by him– and become ONE WITH HIS SPIRIT– that’s in agreement with, living with, and under– in being our God in authority over us– we fail to receive Salvation, and its purpose: RECONCILING WITH OUR FATHER, inside and out.

It was given– but never was anything DONE WITH the ‘gift–’ who is God himself; we have to consummate what was given to us, and 2 MUST BECOME 1.

Definition, Consummate– complete, by having INTERCOURSE [that’s conversation too], complete, or perfect [this is literally the definition]; root definition– COMPLETE, ACCOMPLISHED, BROUGHT TO COMPLETION, ALTOGETHER SUM TOTAL– HIGHEST SUPREME.

Why do I say ALL THAT ABOVE??

Because– not all Apostles [or even prophets, pastors, and teachers] today– are Christ’s chosen Leaders who walk circumspectly with him, chaste, sanctified, and consecrated unto him– nor are ALLOWING HIS SPIRIT to have DOMINION and RULE within them; they are walking according to the lusts of their flesh and souls– and Christ said it would be so.

And it is OUR JOB– to spot them in these last days.


[Christ, speaking to his church, and true servants.]

Revelation 2:2-3

“I know your works, and your labor, and your patience, and how you cannot bear them who are evil: and you have– TRIED THEM– who say they are Apostles, and are not, and have found them to be liars: 3 and have borne patience— for my name's sake— and have labored, and have not fainted.”


OUR JOB– is to weigh all matters within the House of God; it is our job to know what a child of God really is, what they are to look and sound like, how they are to move, and have their ‘being,’ for we are BEING SOMETHING at all times.

And if Christ is the ultimate ‘BEING,’ as he is ALWAYS ‘I Am’ing–’ then we are to be ‘I AM’ing’ at it too– and find ourselves as HE IS.

Our job is to weigh all matters.


1 Thessalonians 5:21

“Prove all things– and hold fast that which is good.”


It’s our job to DISCERN– and he keeps telling me– “DISCERNMENT will need to increase in the days to come; and we are to PRACTICE IT with all DILIGENCE;” which truly means– WALK WITH HIS SPIRIT, and hear and see– what the Spirit of the Lord is saying, and showing.



2 Timothy 3:13

“Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”


When he says– “deceiving, and being deceived–” he is saying, they themselves, DO NOT KNOW THEY ARE WALKING IN THE SPIRIT OF DECEPTION– and believe and purport themselves to NOT BE: they, themselves– are deceived.

Folks– he said in Matthew 24:24–

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets [orators], and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible– they shall deceive the very elect.”

If the very elect, or chosen and anointed of the Lord– CAN BE DECEIVED WITHIN– they will be in this hour; it is our job to be DILIGENT with the Lord God, and become ONE with him, in order to HAVE HIM RULING WITHIN, and POINTING OUT ALL DECEPTION.

Otherwise– we can be the very chosen and elect of God– who cannot see that the impostor, the deceiver himself– has erected his throne within us, and sits there– opposing all that is God, and holiness, and sanctified– and exalts himself– showing himself to BE AS God, inside the TEMPLES OF MEN.


He would not have warned us of this very issue– in HIS VERY OWN PROPHESY to John, in the book of Revelation– if it were not so in these last days.

A great evil, and a great deception is upon this world– and we are the Light of the World now, through living out of Yahshua the Messiah– WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD; and that means– we ILLUMINATE ALL THAT IS DARKNESS.

We shine a light upon it– AND EXPOSE IT; this is what it is to ‘have our brothers backs.’

We will not leave a brother behind– even if it requires pointing out the devil antichrist within them; for love exposes evil, with compassion and the Spirit of God– IN ORDER TO SET THEM FREE– not condemn them.

And God and I bring all that up because he’s been showing me and telling me things about the LEADERS in his body right now.

He said…


“Janet– are they returning the hearts of men to their Father?

Are they speaking of the gross darkness that even now permeates this world?

Are they pointing them in the right direction, within, to circumspectly analyze all that is going on within them, and leading them to the Holy Spirit to do so?

Are they speaking to men and women, and exemplifying how to walk in sanctification, and how to consecrate their lives unto their God, Father, and Savior and Creator?

Are they BUILDING UPON THE FOUNDATION that I MYSELF erected, and set as The Cornerstone?

Are they set up properly, coming off of the Cornerstone himself– which is me and my Holy Spirit?

Do they feed my sheep the daily bread sustenance necessary from my word, and do they tell them what the Spirit of the Lord is saying concerning their lives today– and pointing out all the places the devil has subtly crept in– as I did??

Or, my child…

Are they speaking of wealth transfers, blessings, politics, provisions of the Lord, bringing them comforts and their desires– speaking of angels, more than of myself, my Spirit, my heart’s desires, plans and intentions…

Do they flatter, and woo them– more than they warn them, reprove them, or destroy the hiddenness of the devil, and then build them back up in the truth and the faith?

Do they flaunt wealth, do they walk according to the flesh and their carnal desires?

Do they exemplify humility, and bow low to SERVE THE OTHERS, by example?

Do they look and sound like me?

Can you see me walking, talking, dressing and going after what they are?

You see child– discernment is necessary– and you can only walk in that with my very Spirit, as you become one with me.

If I would not be doing it– your leaders ought not be exemplifying that either; and one should question, and discern within– why are they, and if antichrist is at the helm and rudder within that relating ship.

Because there are MANY antichrist spirits, and many different Jesus personas in the world today; I am one– I am not many. I have one way, one truth, and one Spirit– KNOW IT, BECOME ONE WITH ME, and USE YOUR DISCERNMENT.

A leader of mine, whether apostolic, prophetic, pastoral, teacher, or evangelist– will LOOK and SOUND and OPERATE– as my very own Spirit does; because they have become one with my Spirit.

I warned you about those that worship angels for a reason; satan can purport himself to be an angel of ‘light–’ but in him is no light, nor truth– only lies and deception.

If they speak more about angels, and WITH ANGELS, than they do me, and of me, and of all the conversations they are having with me, as I lead them– RUN!

Fallen angels love to be worshiped– and what we give our heart, time and focus upon– becomes the object of our AFFECTIONS, IN WORSHIP.

And I did say– satan comes to sit within a man, in the place I should sit and reign and lead from– and he will tell them what to do, and how to be– and it will be CONTRARY to how I have my being, and how I walk.

Satan comes to men, to DECEIVE THEM; and deception never announces it has come to deceive.

He comes to show himself to ‘be God–’ within man; that, child, means he comes to PURPORT HIMSELF TO BE THE HOLY SPIRIT LEADING MEN…

BUT HE IS NOTHING BUT AN IMPOSTOR– who leads men, ‘another way,’ and speaks of angels, as one example– MORE THAN OF ME– because fallen angels want to be WORSHIPED and PAID ATTENTION TO, and seen as NECESSARY TO ENGAGE WITH– and more so than my very own person.


I warn all things in scripture for good reason.

LISTEN CHILDREN– LISTEN TO WHAT THEY ARE REALLY TALKING ABOUT; satan made things ‘sound good’ to the woman and man who originally fell in the garden– and his motives are the same now.

Do you know what God truly said?

Do you know the Word of God himself?

Do you get out of the leadership role, and allow his Spirit to lead you in all your ways?

Do you KNOW HIM, how he has his being, what he says, what he lives by, how he looks, walks, and what things he is minded upon?

Because if you do not– you will be deceived in this hour.

For it is not miracles and healings that prove the holy Spirit of God is within and reigning– devils come to lie, deceive and work miracles too.

You cannot determine that just because the atmosphere is filled with a ‘feeling,’ that the Holy Spirit is in operation there, and not devils– for child, they were created to ASSIST MAN, and HELP– but when fallen– they will come to DISTORT, LEAD ASTRAY, CONFUSE and DECEIVED, and emotions and tingles, and all kinds of DEMONSTRATIONS can take place.

One must walk with me, as I lead them; one must allow my Spirit to reform them inside– and then one has the most powerful, all reigning supreme entity– MYSELF– within, to guide you into all TRUTH.

The devils walk in manipulations, lies and deception; you must know your God, walk with your God, and have your being ‘as your God–’ to walk in proper discernment in this hour.

And the hour is– ‘THE HOUR OF DECEPTIONS,’ child.

But it is also– the hour in which my true ecclesia, which means– my TRULY SET APART ONES– will come upon the scene; because the impostors are here.

Now my children will arise into the positions I have been honing them to fulfill, in secret– and will come out into the public, to display.

There will arise a great need– in the darkest of times and tribulation– for my very Spirit to show himself strong through my TRUE and OBEDIENT, SERVANT CHILDREN— because the impostor, and his army of cohorts– are coming on the scene to overpower, intimidate, overwhelm, and go up against– the men and women of this world.

And it will be those who TRULY EMBODY [that is hold within them] MY VERY SPIRIT, and I MYSELF– will go up against the prophets of Baal, my enemy– through my MANIFESTING SONS and DAUGHTERS.

It will be CLEAR soon enough– who walks with God, and better yet– WHO GOD WALKS and ABIDES WITH; for many have come purporting and sporting MY NAME– ‘Christian–’ but only a REMNANT KNOW ME and WALK WITH ME, and HAVE BECOME ONE WITH ME, and are ALLOWING ME– to have may say and leadership role within them.

Prepare ye the way of the Lord– I come to my children, and through my children.

Know them by their fruit; and their FRUIT, is the RESULT OF THE UNION THEY ARE CONSUMMATING.

Are they consummating in covenant with MY DESIRES, HEART and PLANS coming forth– or are they in union with angels, and deceived, and are not LEAD OF MY SPIRIT AT ALL– but think they are?

Children– you will have to KNOW WHO IS WHO– in this hour; do as Adam and Eve did not: KNOW YOUR GOD, CONSULT YOUR GOD.

First you must KNOW how I MYSELF WALKED.


WHAT DID THE SON EXEMPLIFY– and are they following that?

Do they connect the people to the Father, check their behaviors in reproofs, lead them in the ways of the Lord by example??

Or do they speak of frivolous, distractive, vain worldly affairs, and desires of the flesh?


I have a way, I walk in truth, on a mission to reconcile sinners in a grossly sinful world, led of lust of the flesh; and I do that with one mission– and that mission is not to live our best lives ever, to be comfortable, to be rich in material things, to be without suffering, to be minded upon Caesar [or the current world powers], the leaders and their affairs…


That has always been my mission, and my Spirit has come to help you all on, and with, the Great Commission.

KNOW THEM by the fruits of their UNIONS, CHILD.

Whom– are they– in union– WITH??

DISCERN– for the hour is late, children.”



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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Feb 14, 2023



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