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Deliverance and the HEART

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

[video to this teaching--- he speaks first person in the introduction:]


H3820 – Heart

Hebrew: לב

Transliteration: lêb

Pronunciation: labe

Definition: A form of H3824; the heart; also used (figuratively) very widely for the feelings, the will, and even the intellect; likewise for the center of anything: care (for), comfortably, consent, (consider, courage(ous), friend(ly), broken, hard, merry, stiff, stout, double) heart(ed), heed, kindly, midst, mind(ed), regard(ed) themselves, unawares, understanding, well, willingly, wisdom.

H7451 – Wicked

Hebrew: רעה רע

Transliteration: ra‛ râ‛âh

Pronunciation: {rah} raw-aw'

Definition: From H7489; bad or evil (naturally or morally). This includes the second (feminine) form; as adjective or noun: adverse, afflicted, bad, calamity + displease, distress, evil, favored man thing + exceedingly great and grievous, harm, heavy, hurt, ill favored + mark, mischievous, misery, naught(y), noisome + not please, sad, sore, sorrow, trouble, vex, wicked(ly/ness/one), worse, wretched, wrong.

H3336 — Imagination

Hebrew: יצר

Transliteration: youtser

Pronunciation: yay'-tser

Definition: From H3335; a form; figuratively conception —that is— purpose): thing framed, {imagination}, mind work.


Genesis 6:5

“And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was— great in the earth— and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart— only evil, continually.”


Something I’ve been noticing lately, concerning healing, deliverance and ‘Godly’ counsel (and I mean, when God is allowed to counsel through us, not just counsel that is well intended from man’s heart— for it is wicked and evil, lest disciplined and reformed by the Lord)...

Is that— the heart has been damaged by the ‘fall.’

The hearts of men have been malformed; they have been perverted— and in that perversion and mutation— they have been tainted.


Malformed— Misshapen, not conforming to the standard type set.

Perverted— alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state— to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended— lead (someone) away from what is considered right, natural, or acceptable; root definition— late Middle English (as a verb): from Old French pervertir, from Latin pervertere, from per- ‘thoroughly, to ill effect’ + vertere ‘to turn’.

Mutated— change or cause to change in form or nature, a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, a distinct form resulting from a change in the structure; root definition— late Middle English: from Latin mutatio(n- ), from mutare ‘to change’.

Tainted— contaminated or polluted, affect with a bad or undesirable quality; root definition— Middle English as a verb, in the sense ‘convict, prove guilty’: parely from Old French teint ‘tinged’, based on Latin tingere ‘to dye, tinge’; parely a shortening of attaint.

Attaint— affect or infect with disease or corruption; root definition— Middle English in the sense— ‘touch, reach, attain’: from obsolete attaint (adjective), from Old French ataint, ateint, past pareiciple of ateindre ‘bring to justice’ (see attain); influenced in meaning by taint1.

Attain— succeed in achieving, reach; root definition— Middle English (in the senses) ‘bring to justice’ and ‘reach a state’: from Old French ateindre, from Latin attingere, from ad- ‘at, to’ + tangere ‘to touch’.

Justice— just behavior or treatment— being fair, the administration of the law, deserved or appropriate in the circumstances— justifiable and well founded; root definition of Just— late Middle English: via Old French from Latin justus, from jus ‘law, right’.


Ok, now why would I write all those definitions above,

and what do they have as a point or premise?

Well, as of late— as the Lord has been stepping me further into deliverance/healing/Godly counseling (where I step out of the way, and allow him to minister to his people) —he’s been showing me the depths of the brokenness of the human heart; and it has quite literally been rocking me to my core in empathy for the human condition from ‘the fall.’

Let me add those definitions all up, and bring some understanding into the picture— because what the Lord has been showing me is that— without healing— the revelation and understanding of the truth, in practical sense (meaning, where it saves, and saves thoroughly in making one free) —is lost in translation with blockages, after block, after block: heart healing is CRITICAL to receive the truth and love in properly (and he’s a person).

But, first let us recall— ‘the fall.’


Genesis 3

“Now the serpent [snake] was more subtil [cunning/crafty] than any beast [same as Life— H2416, Chay— life form] of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman— Yea, has God said— you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

And the woman said to the serpent— We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said— You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.

And the serpent said unto the woman— you shall not surely die: For God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise— she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat— and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

And the eyes of them both —were opened— and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden, in the cool of the day [Cool— is defined as ‘spirit’ in Strong’s— it is Ruach— H7307]: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.

And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him— Where are you?

And he said— I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid— because I was naked; and I hid myself.

And he said— Who told you that you were naked? have you eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded you that you should not eat?

And the man said— The woman whom you gave to be with me— she gave me of the tree— and I did eat.

And the Lord God said to the woman— What is this that you have done? And the woman said— The serpent beguiled [seduced, led astray mentally and morally] me, and I did eat.

And the Lord God said to the serpent— Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon your belly shall you go— and dust shall you eat all the days of your life: And I will put enmity between you and the woman— and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.

Unto the woman he said— I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in sorrow you shall bring forth children; and your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.

And unto Adam he said— Because you have hearkened unto the voice of your wife— and have eaten of the tree, of which I commanded you, saying— you shall not eat of it: cursed is the ground for your sake; in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of your life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to you; and you shall eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of your face— shall you eat bread— till you return unto the ground; for out of it were you taken: for dust you are— and unto dust shall you return.

And Adam called his wife's name— Eve; because she was —the mother of all living.

Unto Adam, and also to his wife, did the Lord God make coats [shirts and robes]— of skins— and clothed them [wrapped them around in wearing].

And the Lord God said— Behold— the man has become as one of us [united as one] —to know good [beautiful, cheerful, ease, fair, favor, fine, glad, good deeds, gracious, joyful, kindly, merry, most pleasant, precious, prosperity, ready, sweet, welfare/wealth, well] and evil [bad/evil, adversity, affliction, calamity + displeasing, distress, evil, favored man thing + exceedingly great and grievous, harm, heavy, hurt, ill favored + mark, mischievous, misery, naught(y), noisome + not please, sad, sore, sorrow, trouble, vex, wicked(ly/ness/one), worse, wretched, wrong]: and now— lest he put forth his hand [reach for] and take [accept, receive and mingle with] also of the tree of life— and eat— and live forever: Therefore the Lord God sent him forth [away] from the garden of Eden— to till the ground from whence he was taken.

So he drove out [expatriated— expelled outside one’s native place, or divorced] the man; and he placed at the east [H6923— front of, fore part, ancient place] of the garden of Eden— Cherubims— and a flaming [blazing and enwrapping magical (as hidden) and enchanted] sword [cutting instrument, knife/sharp implement/tool]—which turned every way, to keep [guard and preserve] the way [road, course, life/mode] of the tree of life.”

{Native— a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not, associated with the place or circumstances of a person's birth, belonging to a person's character from birth rather than acquired— innate; root definition— late Middle English: from Latin nativus, from nat- ‘born’, from the verb nasci.}


Before we break down ‘the fall’ in Genesis 3, and then subsequently— the definitions above about the wicked hearts of men that were mutated, malformed, perverted and tainted… let’s recall that the ‘good news’ is hidden to those who are ‘lost;’ and lost (according to Strong’s) means— destroyed fully, perished and marred.


2 Corinthians 4:3-4

“But if our gospel be hidden— it is hidden to those who are lost: In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who believe not— lest [God forbid] the light of the glorious gospel of Christ— who is the image of God— should shine unto them.”


Why is that understanding important— because it ties into the implications of what happened during the ‘fall’ of mankind— we assumed a ‘lost’ state— and we need to be ‘found,’ BY Christ, and ‘found’ IN Christ, once again— to be ‘saved’ or recovered.

Now— let’s break down what happened in Genesis chapter 3, with the ‘fall’ of mankind, and the breakdown of the relations between God holy, and man(kind) —and what it resulted in; in order that we might see what is the ‘resurrection’ of mankind— in Christ.


First we see that there is a cunning crafty one (snake), who moves with twisting (also in the definition of perversion of ‘to turn’); so, ‘the snake’ was the MOST CUNNING LIFE FORM, ever formed, or made (think about that).

Definition— cunning— having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion; root definition— Middle English: perhaps from Old Norse kunnandi ‘knowledge’, from kunna ‘know’ (related to can1), or perhaps from Middle English cunne, an obsolete variant of can1. The original sense was ‘possessing erudition (great knowledge/scholarly) or skill’; the sense ‘deceitfulness’ dates from late Middle English.

Definition— crafty— clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods; root definition— Old English cræftig ‘strong, powerful’, later ‘skillful’ (see craft, -y1).

So, God made ‘something’ that was cunning— something that achieved its ends (or goals) by deceit or evasionin knowledge— whilst possessing erudition (great knowledge in a scholarly format) with skill in that; and who walked deceitfully. As well— one who was crafty— clever at achieving one’s aims by indirect or deceitful methods, walking in— strong powerful skill set.

Hmmm… Sounds directly like ‘the fallen one’ himself, the one who was a liar (deceitful) and murderous (taking life from another) and a thief (taking any thing from another) from the beginning (whom if man follows— he becomes like).

One who twists things, and perverts things, and kills or ruins things from the original state; one who is skillful in knowledge, skillful in influential counsels of a wicked kind— to get others to ‘fall in line’ with his leadership and influence.

One who has GOALS of deceiving mankind (because he hates them, he views them as lower than he) with clever aims (goals) brought about by indirect (counsels that sound wise and helpful— think thoughts/thinking) and deceitful methods (perverted/twisted methods— opposite of God holy and TRUE) —and of whom walks in STRONG, POWERFUL— ‘skill set.’

Skill set— a person’s range, or skills of ability.

Lucifer, or whatever his original name was (he has no name now) —was a magnificently created being— very full of God’s knowledge base and light (though it perverted into twisted knowledge and darkness); and he was created to ‘assist’ mankind; when he defected, turned in rebellion to God (his father and creator) —he set about (aims/ends/goals) to destroy God (in his heart and power, influence and skills) —and with God, his children (his prized creation to his heart); now, he has this ‘range or skills and ability’ that are used AGAINST MANKIND— and it began in the Garden (heart) —when he SEDUCED man to ‘follow after’ him, and his counsels.

Seduce— entice someone (intimately), attract (someone) to a belief or into a course of action that is inadvisable or foolhardy— attract powerfully; root definition— late 15th century —originally in the sense— ‘persuade (someone) to abandon their duty’: from Latin seducere, from se- ‘away, apart’ + ducere ‘to lead’.


James 3:15

“This wisdom descends not from above— but is earthly, sensual— devilish.”


So, he enticed mankind (intimately— meaning, inside, in the heart/mind), attracted us to his counsels, and his intriguing knowledge or wisdom, that was— inadvisable (per God holy) and foolish; he persuaded us to abandon our duty (obey God holy), and we then were led away, or apart from God.

DOES THIS MAKE CLEAR SENSE— not only of who he is (and that we should hate him, not cuddle with him and his ways), but as well— WHAT HAPPENED TO US, and what needs to be rectified??

(Let’s continue in Genesis)

So, the next part of his ‘counsels’ or deception— is to claim the exact OPPOSITE of God holy— ‘surely you shall not die,’ and yet— that’s EXACTLY what God said would happen; so— what did he succeed at— getting man to DISTRUST GOD HOLY.

The hearts of men and women remain here— if we do not adopt the truth back into our hearts regarding him— and kick out the lies and counsels of satan: first accomplishment of satan (and failure of man) was— DISTRUST GOD, and REBEL what he said— and ‘follow after’ another— who walks completely OPPOSITE of what God is, and what God does: follow ‘this’ logic, reason and knowledge base— it is ‘desirable,’ and ‘alluring’ to your FLESH.

So, Eve ate of his ways (and was seeded by him— think reproduction), and then she gave to her husband— and he did eat also; so BOTH— were led astray in their hearts to rebel God, distrust God, and walk away from God— toward the cunning/crafty one: so, we will have to return to God, TRUST God, and OBEY God once again— from HIS WISDOM, which is ‘not’ sensual (it’s spiritual), from below (born from above), nor devilish (but godly).

The allure— was to ‘know’ something— good and evil, and the biggest factor OF the allure— was to ‘be like God,’ and yet— they already were. Ugh.

The first thing man notices— is that he is naked; they lost their spiritual covering of holiness; and God would now need to ‘cover them’ another way: he would need to give them ‘skin,’ of a fleshly format.

But one of the MOST disturbing and grievous statements found in this chapter is this— ‘they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden, in the cool of the day— and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God— amongst the trees of the garden.’

Not only were they now SCARED OF GOD (distrusting, fearful of the one who loves them and made them, because he DESIRED them), as they now ‘hide from’ him (in false refuges, false safe places— AMONGST OTHER TREES tree of fallen knowledge of good and evil for one) but, also— FROM THE VOICE OF GOD, who— ‘walked in the cool of’ —the day with them.

And ‘cool’ of the day is translated— THE SPIRIT!

[Cool— is defined as ‘spirit’ in Strong’s— it is Ruach— H7307]

His voice— ‘walked in the SPIRIT with them, daily.’ 😶


Adam had said— “I heard your voice in the garden → and I was afraid— because I was naked; and so I hid myself.”

So, what do we think has to be corrected—

to be reconciled with him??

And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him— Where are you?

God is still saying this to us….

“COME OUT FROM HIDING, come to me again, return to proper wisdom and counsel, RECONCILE— make up with me— RETURN TO ME, return to the ‘voice of my Spirit’ WHO WALKS AND TALKS WITH YOU! UNCOUPLE FROM your ‘other father’ —the one of lies, perversion, deception, estrangement and craftiness of seductive counsels that appeal to the flesh; become a ‘living’ spirit with me again— let me breathe (spirit) into your souls again— the breath of LIFE.”

But until we ‘take his hand’ again in partnership (covenant marriage— divorcing satan/carnal nature and counsels of the fallen one) —we will remain estranged, distrusting of God, and rebelling against him (walking contrary to him and his leadership).

And Adam found himself walking this way; the first thing he did was not support his wife, graciously, and kindly— but he walked in ‘blame,’ and sought to deflect responsibility and accountability— because HE KNEW BETTER.

To blame— is to hide from taking responsibility; we ALL— have fallen short of the glory of God; it does no good to blame— it only delays taking responsibility through godly repentance, and carrying burdens, as well.

Repentance— is ALWAYS the fastest route back to being on the same page: oneness; and oneness is achieved with FACING UP, not running and hiding from the ‘hard stuff,’ but instead— BECOMING A MAN, and ‘manning up,’ taking responsibility— even if you didn’t do it.

What do I mean— Christ took responsibility for mankind’s sinning (rebellion) against God holy; he was neither guilty of it, nor did he ‘have to’ take that responsibility and accountability on— but because he is righteous, he did; and because he loves us profusely.

Do we demonstrate this godly attribute— Taking responsibility and accountability for someone else’s transgression— giving our sweat (efforts) and tears (intercessions) too??

Because that is the godly way of YahShua HaMashiach (our High Priest and King); it is the way of the High Priest himself— unto all the following priests.

So, we see that following after satan will only cause us heartbreak— and it continues to this day— and is what God is desiring to rescue us from (heal), as well as alleviate.

Alleviate— make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe; root definition— late Middle English: from late Latin alleviat- ‘lightened’, from the verb alleviare, from Latin allevare, from ad- ‘to’ + levare ‘raise’, influenced by levis ‘light’.

He is setting about to lessen this fallen experience to us, in us— by ENLIGHTENING US once again (by his Spirit’s Voice and counsels), RAISING US TO LIGHT, once again: Alleviate.

The first thing God says to ‘satan’ is that he is CURSED; what do we think we are— if we do not come out of his ways/counsel/leadership in our lives— and return to God holy, and LIFE IN CHRIST?

We too— remain cursed; the curse is lifted— when we return to God holy, holiness, reconciling with his Spirit, and his ways, and his Voice leadership in our lives— as we desire to return to godliness: holiness and righteousness, and he as our Father of us, and our way about us.

When we do this— we bruise satan’s HEAD, or ‘leadership’ in the earth (or our earthen vessels) —no more influence heeded, no more of his kingdom upheld inside of us— no more representation of him as our ‘father’ of us, and we divorce him, and ANNUL THE COVENANT WITH DEATH and HELL: becoming FREE IN CHRIST.

We have great SORROW and HARSH LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES (cares of this world), because we did not HEARKEN UNTO THE VOICE OF GOD— but instead, the ‘voice of man,’ from his own counsels, led of satan: the ‘other’ option to God’s voice and leadership in our lives.

“Because you have hearkened unto the voice of your wife…”

Many want to blame Eve— and we discussed what blame is, it’s the inability or willingness to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY or ACCOUNTABILITY— even when we didn’t do the crime; but the truth is— Adam suffered too, from God’s wisdom of decree judgment from this great transgression… and it is because of this…

Adam KNEW BETTER, but did not attempt to stop his wife anywhere along this path of rebellion and tragedy to REBEL GOD; why was that??

Adam’s heart was drawn away of his OWN LUST to rebel God, as well, and take of satan’s counsels; we only do our own will— when we are led astray of our own lusts. God’s will being done— would have been obeying what he said and commanded— but Adam did not, nor his wife— and he sought not to save her because he was ‘fallen’ in his heart to, unto the wiles of the devil, through lustful fleshly desire.

Eve— was ignorant and wrong— she even quoted God wrong; but she came from Adam— who knew better, and still did not stand up for God, nor the truth, nor obedience to him— and because of this transgression on BOTH their behalves— BOTH were punished, and justly.

One of the definitions of Tainted, Attaint, and Attain— is ‘BROUGHT TO JUSTICE,’ and that does not mean happy circumstances— but ‘just’ circumstances— equitable circumstances— meaning, ‘fair.’ And it was FAIR of God— to give man what he asked for, and went after— in his heart: free will and all.

So, when we hearken unto ‘man’s’ voice, and not God’s voice— we are cursed, and we will suffer in the cares of this world (thorns and thistles) —as we till the ground with sweat (meaning, toil to fight the good fight of faith in God, through hardships, that we ourselves desired, through our rebellion).

“And Adam called his wife's name— Eve; because she was —the mother of all living. Unto Adam, and also to his wife, did the Lord God make coats [shirts and robes]— of skins— and clothed them [wrapped them around in wearing].”

The ‘mother’ of all living— we came from their lineage, and we were cursed from their ‘fall;’ in order to be uncursed— we must return to God, and Obedience to HIS VOICE once again.

He clothed us with ‘skins,’ because we lost HIS COVERING of LIGHT; when we return to him, and holiness— we regain our SPIRITUAL COVERING/CLOTHING once again— and we return to THE LIGHT— out of darkness.

“Behold— the man has become as one of us [united as one] —to know good [beautiful, cheerful, ease, fair, favor, fine, glad, good deeds, gracious, joyful, kindly, merry, most pleasant, precious, prosperity, ready, sweet, welfare/wealth, well] and evil [bad/evil, adversity, affliction, calamity + displeasing, distress, evil, favored man thing + exceedingly great and grievous, harm, heavy, hurt, ill favored + mark, mischievous, misery, naught(y), noisome + not please, sad, sore, sorrow, trouble, vex, wicked(ly/ness/one), worse, wretched, wrong].”

This is a huge statement to make— one thing made clear is that, in knowing good and evil now— we are ‘like’ God; the problem is— we are immature and failing at the part God is successful at— and that is— RESISTING or CASTING DOWN ALL DARKNESS and EVIL; we have got to do that, because goodness was defined, and evil was defined— and to walk in goodness— is how God walks— and to walk in evil— is how satan walks— and light and dark, good and evil only walk together, in FALLEN MAN: where God dwells, there is not ANY SHADOW OF TURING, NOR DARKNESS— they cannot co-dwell together, darkness (evil) and light (purity).

So, why does he keep man from the tree of eternal living?

Because if he takes from that ‘tree’ or root system, and accepts his living in a fallen state of rebellion to God FOREVER— he has no course to be taken, but that of where Lucifer and all the devils will be forever— because they remain in a PERPETUAL STATE OF REBELLION and DARKNESS: God did not desire that for man, so he took on the ACCOUNTABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY of man’s transgressions (against himself, no less) and FOUND A WAY FOR MAN TO RETURN TO HIM— but ‘return to him’ in their hearts, and obedience to him and holiness— they must, to be rescued and saved, and reformed from satan and death, and perversion.

Therefore the Lord God sent him forth [away] from the garden of Eden— to till the ground from whence he was taken.”

Man was now banished from the place he belongs (with God holy) —and was sent forth into a ‘foreign land,’ hence earth (are we not ambassadors who hail from another kingdom) — where it is fallen, and estranged, or perverted from God— to work in that land.

What do we think we are working— dirt land only in the physical?

Or— do we believe he means to WORK AT COMING BACK TO HIM, ALIGNING WITH HIM, RECONCILING WITH HIM— in hostile territory (carnal nature), and fighting against the inhabitants and leaders of that hostile territory (devils and satan’s leadership)?

Because I believe he means— the spiritual aspect first and foremost— for he speaks in parables and riddles from the beginning: he who has spiritual eyes and ears, to hear what the Spirit is saying— who hearken to the VOICE OF the Lord God holy once again.

“So he drove out [expatriated— expelled outside one’s native place, or divorced] the man; and he placed at the east [H6923— front of, fore part, ancient place] of the garden of Eden— Cherubims— and a flaming [blazing and enwrapping magical (as hidden) and enchanted] sword [cutting instrument, knife/sharp implement/tool]—which turned every way, to keep [guard and preserve] the way [road, course, life/mode] of the tree of life.”

So, God DIVORCED man (partnership— because he began a relationship of fatherhood with another— a covenant with sin and death [estrangement]) and EXPATRIATED him— kicked him out of the place he hailed from (as God did Lucifer— for they both are ‘satanic’ now— and walk in opposition to God holy— opposite of him in his nature, leadership and holiness— and are DARK NOW).

God sets guardians around the ‘live forever this way’ tree, since they are in a fallen state— and so, to enter this tree— we have to COME TO JESUS, and I mean that literally, as well as have our being as he is— for to enter him, one must— HUMBLE HIMSELF, REPENT, CHANGE (reconcile), ASSIMILATE BACK INTO HIS IMAGE (inner guts conduct), BE HOLY AS HE IS, and WALK OUT HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS— fulfilling his righteousness in us.

Without all that— we would not want to remain forever in a state of NEVER BEING ABLE TO RECONCILE WITH GOD; but because Christ has hidden life in himself only— that tree is protecting man from entering in sin and estrangement— to be that way, away from God forever. And when we now turn to Christ, and change, and become obedient to him again, and the Father of us— WE MAY ENTER INTO ETERNAL LIFE NOW.

It’s brilliant, and glorious— his love for us, and to protect us,

even from our own rebellion and ignorance.

But we must MARRY HIM AGAIN— through Christ, and OBEDIENCE TO HIM: this is the New Covenant (marriage) —for he divorced us in the Garden ‘fall;’ so we will remarry him— in the Garden (heart) ‘resurrection,’ reconciliation (reunion) —where 2 become 1 in Christ Jesus once again.

“Glory sweet Glory—”

as my friend Bill Lang would say!!!

The way/road/course back to LIFE— is in, through, and with uniting to— YahShua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ; because we have to come back to where we came from (full circle) —and that is only achieved when we return to our native place, identity and Father of us.

Native— a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not, associated with the place or circumstances of a person's birth, belonging to a person's character from birth rather than acquired— innate; root definition— late Middle English: from Latin nativus, from nat- ‘born’, from the verb nasci.

We must be born again— to return to our place of our birth, our true residence, the place we BELONG, the place where we are in our proper character that is innate within us— by our Father, the Holy One— NOT THE ACQUIRED CHARACTER of satan, or ‘fallenness;’ and we are BORN AGAIN (renewed/brought back to life, and out of sin and death estrangement, and out from another father— the false one).


Now— the definitions we need to go over once again— and why the tremendous heartbreak over the state of the heart of man.


Malformed— Misshapen, not conforming to the standard type set.

Perverted— alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state— to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended— lead (someone) away from what is considered right, natural, or acceptable; root definition— late Middle English (as a verb): from Old French pervertir, from Latin pervertere, from per- ‘thoroughly, to ill effect’ + vertere ‘to turn’.

Mutated— change or cause to change in form or nature, a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, a distinct form resulting from a change in the structure; root definition— late Middle English: from Latin mutatio(n- ), from mutare ‘to change’.

Tainted— contaminate or pollute, affect with a bad or undesirable quality; root definition— Middle English as a verb, in the sense ‘convict, prove guilty’: parely from Old French teint ‘tinged’, based on Latin tingere ‘to dye, tinge’; parely a shortening of attaint.

Attaint— affect or infect with disease or corruption; root definition— Middle English in the sense— ‘touch, reach, attain’: from obsolete attaint (adjective), from Old French ataint, ateint, past pareiciple of ateindre ‘bring to justice’ (see attain); influenced in meaning by taint.

Attain— succeed in achieving, reach; root definition— Middle English (in the senses) ‘bring to justice’ and ‘reach a state’: from Old French ateindre, from Latin attingere, from ad- ‘at, to’ + tangere ‘to touch’.

Justice— just behavior or treatment— being fair, the administration of the law, deserved or appropriate in the circumstances— justifiable and well founded; root definition of Just— late Middle English: via Old French from Latin justus, from jus ‘law, right’.


Something we need to understand about the ‘free will,’ or the law of sow and reap is this— God did not make slaves, or robots— he made free will (thinking, emoting, deciding) beings— like himself; and in that— his law of sow and reap gives a man what he GOES AFTER; so when man fell— it was JUSTICE, to give him the leadership of satan (he asked for it in his heart, and followed through following him), and the RESULT of what it is— to be ‘opposite’ of God holy, righteous, true and loving: Justice— rightness brought forth by the law.

Satan ‘attained,’ or succeeded at achieving, brought us to ‘a state,’ as he touched us— that brought about a just judgment from our God— who gives man what he chooses (evil or good).

He affected us, or infected us— with disease or corruption, when he led us in his counsels and ways— that we chose with our free will.

It malformed us in our hearts and lives— it caused us to become misshapen, not conformed any longer to the standard type set forth by the Holy God and Father. We became mutated— changed or caused to change into a form or nature— that was a variant form that was transmitted to subsequent generations, through a distinct form that resulted in a change in the structure we were originally created in.

He tainted us, or caused us to become— contaminated or polluted— and affected with bad or undesirable qualities; so we will have to come out of that— and into life in Christ, and attain HIS QUALITIES once again— agreeing to be like/same/as him (one with him).

And in order to attain that, to— succeed in achieving and reaching that state— or as the root definition of attain details— we must be brought into THAT JUSTICE (law of what we choose from our hearts— what a man sows, he will reap that judgment and decree and course from God) —we will TOUCH HIM AGAIN, God (which is the root of attain— ‘to touch and reach a state’).

Now with all the knowledge and enlightenment given to us, of what happened, who led us astray, who we came out of relationship with— and what we must do to return to him, and relationship with him…

We have one thing that has been hurting and plaguing me for days now— one thing that stands in the way of this reconciliation and recovery from sin and death (estrangement) —and that is the CONDITION OF THE CURRENT HEART OF EACH MAN.


We have a problem with the current ‘DELIVERANCE’ ministry in the earth right now (and I mean in the church as well); and the problem is —I’m not sure we understand the definition and meaning of DELIVER.

Deliver (according to the dictionary) —bring and hand over to the proper recipient or address, provide something promised or expected, surrender, acknowledge that one intends to be bound by (a deed), either explicitly by declaration or implicitly by formal handover, launch or aim, state in a formal manner, assist in the birth of, save, rescue, or set someone or something free from; root definition— Middle English: from Old French delivrer, based on Latin de- ‘away’ + liberare ‘set free’.

Deliver, according to Strong’s (H7725, similar to H5414)— turn back, return to the starting point again, retreat again, come again, build in circumcision, lodge, answer again, bring back home again, call to mind, carry again back, consider + continually convert, pull in again, relieve and render, repent and requite, restore, retrieve, reverse, slide back into, turn self back, withdraw from.

Strong’s H5337 —snatch away, defend, escape, preserve, recover, rescue, rid, strip, take out.

G3860— surrender up, yield up, entrust and transmit, commit.

G4506— current, rush, or draw— rescue, deliver.

G1807— tear out, select and release— rescue, deliver.

G525 — change away, release, remove— deliver, depart.

So— let’s recap DELIVER.

To bring and hand over to the proper recipient or address; are we giving our lives over in our hearts to God holy again— and returning to whence we came from— holiness and righteousness, obedience and revering him??

Are we providing something promised or expected back to God— our conduct, loyalty, to be reformed into his image again, TO TRUST HIM AGAIN, to take accountability, and GIVE HIM BACK OUR HEARTS AGAIN (truthfully) IN BELIEF and TRUST TO HIM AGAIN of WHO HE REALLY IS— who will LEAD US AGAIN, as we give him our LOYALTY once again??

Have we SURRENDERED OUR WILL and HEART to him again— through acknowledging that we intend to be bound by (a deed), a COVENANT to him again (a marriage as a partner) —either explicitly by declaration, or implicitly by —FORMAL HANDOVER??

Did we hand our lives over to him again, in our hearts, with full on trust to him, obedience to him, and reverencing him as leader of us— no matter what it looks like, or feels like, or seems like??

Have we launched our hearts and loyalty upon him again— are we aiming head-on into Christ, holiness and righteousness— coming to our King of Righteousness— desiring to be made into his likeness once again, and to return fully to him in our hearts??

Are we assisting him— in the birth of, the saving of, the rescue of, or the setting free of ourselves— from the former ‘father’ of our sinful and estranged ways— divorcing him…

And reconciling with, assisting God (meaning agree with him and putting effort in, to resist the devil/carnal nature of estrangement and rebellion to God), in the saving of, rescue of, the setting free of ourselves from satan’s grip— BY BEING BORN AGAIN— into the glorious liberty of Christ??

Are we REMARRYING GOD— IN OUR HEARTS— and are our hearts— ALIGNED WITH ‘trusting’ HIM AGAIN— and ‘giving up control’ —and DECISION MAKING??

Because that is required to become FEARLESS (he didn’t give us fear— satan did— and it began immediately in the garden [heart] of Adam and Eve), TRUSTING, giving up control (satan/carnal nature seeks to attain control) unto God once again.

That is what happened in the ‘garden fall;’ man got scared that God was holding back ‘good’ from him, and sought to make his own choices between good and evil— and FEARED GOD IN A NEGATIVE MANNER, really meaning— he attributed BAD CHARACTERISTICS toward God, and his INTENTIONS for man (withholding from him); and yet— that is satan’s rationale, and nature.

In order to reconcile properly with God, inside our wicked, perverted, distrusting, scared hearts, that seek to ‘save self,’ [that is the definition of pride— essentially; where one trusts what he can do by his own arm (strength, choices, reason, counsel, wisdom, etc) —and not God holy]…

We must come back TO TRUSTING HIM— and we have


and that is why my heart is breaking.

Because if we do not learn to truly trust God again— we will, in our hearts— remain estranged from God holy, controlling our own decisions (and making them), scared, untrusting toward God— yes, but man too— in rebellion to obedience to him (doing our own thing), in obedience to satan and his ways and counsels, and walking in sin and death (estrangement) from God holy: WE MUST LEARN TO TRUST HIM AGAIN, and desire to RETURN TO HIM IN OUR HEARTS, and be HEALED (delivered) FROM SATAN’S LIES, TRAUMAS, TORMENTS, COUNSELS, and LEADERSHIP.

If we do not— we cannot be ‘delivered’ into the hands of the Almighty once again, and SAVED (healed/delivered/rescued); and we have SO MANY THAT NEED RESCUE; so many that need to be FOUND, in their hearts, and reconciled to God holy, and the TRUTH.

It hardly (meaning, isn’t the main focus, unless we are inclined to dwell on carnality, and carnal affairs) —it hardly matters what happens to our flesh— as this chapter stated— we will return to dust in our flesh bodies; but more so matters what happens to our ETERNAL SOULS (hearts), where the ‘garden’ is, and where eternal life can be found → in Christ, and in the TRUTH.

He does seek to set flesh bodies free— but those bodies will never be more important to the living God (because they are temporary)

—than the eternal SOULS of men.

And I am seeing him wanting to DELIVER THEIR SOULS— for many are still estranged from him in many ways— even today, even in the church.

And we have skewed understanding and perception of deliverance; many believe— ONE AN DONE; meaning— one interaction with Christ— and you will be forever healed/rescued/delivered/made whole— right now.

And yet— Christ did not always do this.

For instance— the Gadarene man (afflicted of a legion of demons) —many believe it will be like that in deliverance healing; but that man was set free in the flesh— but was required to REMAIN FREE in his ‘soul’ afterwards, by FOLLOWING CHRIST.

It is the same with us God has said— he can set a man free in the flesh— but if the house is clean and swept, the entities will attempt to come back and enter in again; and if that man does not FILL HIS HOUSE WITH GOD’S SPIRIT, HOLINESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS and OBEDIENCE and REVERENCE TO THE HOLY GOD, RETURNING TO HIS IMAGE— and RESOLUTELY FIGHTING TO UPHOLD GOD’S KINGDOM, WAYS, and LEADERSHIP WITHIN…

The demonic will come back, the kingdom of hell will come back, sin and death will come back, the principality leadership of hell will come back— and 7 TIMES WORSE THAN THE PERSON’S PREVIOUS STATE HE STARTED IN!!!

And why??

Because deliverance wasn’t achieved and FOUGHT TO BE KEPT.

Deliverance— is truly turning to God holy again, and trusting him again, allowing him to becoming our Father again, revering him again, obeying him again, returning to being like him and in his image (holy and righteous), desiring to and fulfilling divorce papers to satan and the carnal nature being exalted within— and REMARRYING GOD HOLY, coming out of being divorced from him, and BEING A LOYAL PARTNER to him once again: truly trusting and exalting him as MOST TREASURED ONE TO US once again.

And not from an ‘intellectual’ standpoint— but from a


The soul (heart) is delivered, when we ACTUALLY

UPHOLD the TRUTH inside (and he’s a person).

You see, what God has been showing me (as we begin deliverance ministry together, unto his children), is that— man in their hearts, is STUNTED IN THE SOUL— back to things, covenants, agreements that were made with the devil— way back in their lives— that they need to RENOUNCE, and COME OUT OF AGREEMENT WITH— through repentance, understanding it all, meeting the Lord in those areas— and thereby be ‘healed’ or delivered of those covenants of lies that were made— when man was mistreated, let down, betrayed, or rejected and hurt— by others.

Because we actually DISTRUST GOD INSIDE, even if we don’t as ADULTS, think we do— our souls are stunted in places of immaturity; we walked on in the flesh— but our souls only developed to a certain place (our hearts) because we began to believe LIES, and we sought HIDING IN FALSE REFUGES (dark places, secluded, alone, trust no one, open up to know one, fear people, places, things, protect self, etc): IMPRISONED.

Why do we think Isaiah 61:1 says— that we bring the good news of the gospel first (that’s Christ and reconciling to him), then we HEAL THE BROKEN HEARTS, first and foremost??

Because it’s the hearts of man that need salvation (the souls) because of the trauma inflicted upon us by satan and his cohorts that played out in our lives, and life itself in this realm.

As the hearts HEAL and are delivered of the LIES— prison gates are opened, shackles come off (cuz in Christ, where his Spirit is— there is freedom/liberty), blind spiritual eyes and spiritual perceptions are restored— for we have COME HOME AGAIN: delivered.

We have such a need for this, because he said to me…


Word from the Lord


“Janet— until the hearts are healed— the understanding is veiled, I told you this in 1 Corinthians 2:14 — ‘But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned;’ as well as— 2 Corinthians 4:3 — ‘But if our gospel be hid— it is hid to them that are lost.’

And what did I say about the word ‘lost,’ Janet? It means— destroyed, perishing or lose, marred; and are they not, they whose hearts are not believing the truth (me)... are they not perishing, for I am life— are they not destroyed from the original heart I made for them— and are they not at a loss with that marring that took place?

I told you— a heart of flesh must replace the one of stone; my children must truly return to me, and trust me, and believe the truth (I am he— the truth); believe me once again children— COME OUT OF HIDING, and REPENT, let me off the hook— I have been accused of false crimes— I am good.

Stop following the counsels of satan, for he LIES TO YOU; he tells you to NOT TRUST, to STAY HIDDEN, WITHDRAWN, SECLUDED, FEARFUL, ESTRANGED FROM THE TRUTH— and believing what he rationalizes to you, through DOUBT, DISTRUST, FEAR OF ME, and he leads you all to remain in a state of estrangement, far from the truthhidden in DARK DUNGEONS within your souls: you are entrapped in the fowler's snare little ones.

COME TO ME, COME OUT— face the things that are perceived as scary, come back to the places we became estranged— and reconcile.

There are places inside men’s hearts— that unbeknownst to them— they are in fear of me, afraid of me, believing lies about me, upholding lies about me, and are alone in hiding: I need them to come out— hence, the work of the Holy Spirit in deliverance, or leading them back home.

If man cannot do this with me alone, I have ministers who help me; something I am doing in this hour— will be TRUE deliverance, and it is not a one and done (it was always something that must be upheld resolutely)— it is being TRULY set free in their hearts, in UPHOLDING ME IN THERE AGAIN, and the truth.

One can easily be set free, from a holy command and decree to be free— but one will not STAY FREE— if they do not truly uphold me and truth within their vessels, Janet. And many believe (because of their adult perspective) that they are trusting me inside, and honoring me and truth— but they in many ways— are not, sweet child, they are upholding lies within— and remain in torment, because where fear/scared of is— there is torment. (1 John 4:18)

Do you know what is more heartbreaking than their original separations from me, in fear, distrust, doubt, unbelieve, pride (self preservation and leadership of control and decision making), rebellion, lies and the likes, Janet?

It is when they are set free in an area (during temporary deliverance ministry) —and come back into DEEPER BONDAGE— because the discipling was not applied.

If my children do not become discipled by my Spirit (raised as children by me) —they will fall back to the leadership of the carnal nature (and satan), and the enemy kingdom knows this— and hence— they become ensnared in the fowler’s snare once again— and worse this time than the previous enslavement— because now more lies, devils and counsels are upheld inside than previously.

That is truly heartbreaking, child; so, I will be leading, teaching, and refining my priests in what is deliverance, what is healing, what is it to be made whole again by God, and WITH GOD, and UNTO GOD: oneness.

If this repentance and renouncing of the lies and covenants does not take place— and remains ERECT— meaning, instated and with resolve (resolute in resisting the devil and lies) —then the kingdom of hell will return, and with a vengeance.

I do not desire this; I desire my children to DISCIPLE; this generation desires FAST FOOD. They desire fast results (and I can), but they lack FOLLOW THROUGH— and this is a huge problem.

Do we intend for me to set them free from the same demons, upholding the same lies— over and over again?

I do not like to repeat myself— I have given man ALL OF MYSELF, and ALL OF THE TRUTH, and ALL OF ACCESS TO ME; man needs to uphold me inside, along with the TRUTH— and man will remain free.

In this life— you WILL SUFFER AFFLICTIONS in your flesh and hearts (souls) —but my grace (graciousness) is sufficient for your endurance, as much as my strength is (for you can endure all things through Christ who strengthens you).

But being set FREE IN THE SOUL (the heart) is necessary— and it will precede being set free, and remaining set free in the flesh; and it is eternal— the flesh bodies are not— they will return to me, to be remade, and reissued.

Please tell them— they must come to me and be restored in their hearts, they must heal from the wounds and traumas— coming out of the lies and uphold the truth within, for REAL; and when they will do this— my Spirit will come in with strength, and wisdom, and counsel, and endurance— through all that one must endure in this lifetime on earth.

I intend to set bodies free— I said so in Romans 8; but the bodies will not remain free— if the HEARTS are not free; and I need hearts healed and set free, Janet.

Or else— all the wisdom, and revelation knowledge of the truth given to you from my Spirit— will not land on fertile soil— it won’t take; and I need it to take.

And in order for the heart soil to be good soil, and for the truth to take— the hearts must return to me, and RECONCILE to the truth of my person, and what I said I am in scripture; heal the hearts— in deliverance of the truth, into areas they are currently estranged in lies— and the TRUTH WILL STICK, and will be able to be walked out; as long as they FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH, RESIST THE DEVIL AND LIES— and he will stay gone (flee from them) —for this is my justice— they must flee, where the light is: so UPHOLD THE LIGHT (truth) MY CHILDREN— and be delivered of darkness and lies.

Tell them dear— tell them, and work with them— by allowing my Spirit to speak to you the truths of what lies are erected inside, and what false refuges exist— and then DESTROY THEM— the lies and refuges— BY LEADING THEM OUT OF THEM, IN LOVE, and IN TRUTH DELIVERED, and by a laid down life.

I will help you all who are willing to help the others— I have need of you: get ready to see my priest arise in the earth; for in this hour— I have need of my mature ones— for many need salvation.”

—Your LORD, Savior and Father

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