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Before the Origin-- the story, the person: YHWH, the beginning and the end of all things--- where the priest begins

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

The Name: YHWH

Our LORD— is One

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1 Corinthians 13:9-12

“For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.  But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man— I put away childish things.

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know —even as also I am known.”


YHWH is a Hebrew name for God that appears in the Bible and is pronounced as Yahweh. The name is made up of the consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, Heh— and is also known as the tetragrammaton. The meaning of YHWH has been interpreted in a number of ways, including:

‘He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists, He Brings the Hosts into Existence:’ Yo, Yah, or Yahu. 

In the Hebrew Bible, YHWH is derived from the triconsonantal root יהוה (h-y-h), which means "to be, become, come to pass". 

In many English translations of the Hebrew Bible, YHWH is represented by the word "LORD" written in capitals. This is because the name of God is so sacred that it is not pronounced in its original form, which has been forbidden since the 2nd or 3rd century BC with Jews. Instead, it is pronounced as Adonai or Elohim. 

Many Greek transcriptions also indicated that YHWH should be pronounced Yahweh. The meaning of the personal name of the Israelite God has been variously interpreted. Many scholars believe that the most proper meaning may be “He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists” (Yahweh-Asher-Yahweh).

In Exodus 3:14-15, God answered him. He said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He also said, "Say this to the people of Israel: 'I AM has sent me to you.'" God also said to Moses, "Say this to the people of Israel: 'The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.' This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations."

It is critical to notice how God declares who He is in these verses. First, He says, 

"I AM WHO I AM." This is a tricky phrase to translate. Hebrew does not have past, present or future tense. However, the reader can usually determine the tense implied. In this case, the possible translations could be "I was who I was" (past tense), "I will be who I will be" (future tense) or "I am who I am" (present tense). 

So how should one translate this phrase? Because the context looks backward and forward, it is legitimate to translate it as "I am who I am." In other words, God is declaring, "I was God, I will be God, and I always and forever am God."

While some modern English translations translate "YHWH" as "Jehovah" or "Yahweh," many English translations maintain the tradition of the Septuagint by translating the name as "LORD" (notice that it's all caps). So whenever you see the word "LORD," you can know you are reading the self-disclosed name of God, 


Exodus 34:6-7

"The LORD passed before him and proclaimed, 'The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children's children, to the third and the fourth generation.’”

He is: 

  1. Full of mercy & grace

  2. Abundantly patient

  3. Abounding in committed and unmovable love and faithfulness

  4. Quick to forgive

  5. Perfectly just toward the guilty from generation to generation

  6. Weight of the passage - thousands to three or four (mercy & grace are exponentially greater in size than his justice) The LORD's mercy, grace, patience, love, faithfulness and forgiveness far outweigh His justice. It's not even close: thousands— to three or four.


The Name: YHWH


Yod— the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [aleph-bet] —looking like an arm, or a hand.  It is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet (representing the most humble of), and represents the presence of the spirit, or life.

Yod represents the number ten. As a prefix, it designates the third person singular (or plural, with a Vav as a suffix) in the future tense. As a suffix, it indicates first person singular possessive; av (father) becomes avi (my father).


[Hebrew for]

The Mystery of Yod:

“Suspended in mid-air— Yod is the smallest of the Hebrew letters, the ‘atom’ of the 4 consonants, and the form from which all of the other letters begin and end:  The first dot with which the scribes first start writing a letter, or the last dot that gives a letter its final form— is a yod.” (Likutei Maharan)

The Yod represents a mere dot, a divine point of energy.  Since Yod is used to form all other letters, and since God uses the letters as the building blocks of creation— Yod indicated God’s omnipresence.

Jesus— the starting point of the presence of God in all things:  the spark of the Spirit in all things— as he breathed life into us;  his Spirit came forth from the depths of him, and created/fathered us:  he sparked all into existence.

The meaning of Yod as 10:  the word Yod means ‘arm’ or ‘hand,’ and the numeric value is 10.  Now 10 is a number marking ‘shelemut,’ or completion in order— evidenced by the following:

  • Just as Yod is part of all the previous letters of the alphabet (as a component), so Yod is part of all of the numbers.  It is said that Yod does not mean 10 because we have 10 toes and fingers, but— we have 10 toes and fingers because Yod means 10.

  • There were 10 things created on the first day, and there were 10 things created at the end of the 6th day.

  • There were 10 generations from Adam to Noah— suggesting that the ‘godlessness’ of those generations was made complete.

  • There were 10 generations from Noah to Abraham— suggesting that the ‘godliness’ of those generations was made complete.

  • There were 10 plagues issued during the exodus of Egypt.

  • Ten commandments were given to us by God.

  • The tenth part shall be holy for the LORD. (Leviticus 27:32)

  • There are 10 days of awe— from Tishri 1, to Tishri 10— culminating in Yom Kippur, which occurs on the tenth day of Tishri.

  • In Jewish mysticism there are 10 forces of the ‘Tree of Life,’ called Sefirot, that depict the metaphysical working of God in the universe.


Hey:  the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Hey represents God’s Creative Power:

Psalm 33:6

“By the word of the LORD were the heavens made;  and all the host of them— by the breath of his mouth.”  

The Hey in Genesis 2:4 appears smaller than usual: 


Waw (or Vav) is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.


The culmination of the Name of God—

YHWH:  as One


YHWH, or LORD is One:  ‘He brings into existence— whatever exists; he brings the host into existence:’ Yo, Yah, or Yahu.

YHWH— ‘to be, become, come to pass.’

The LORD, Adonai, Elohim— he brings into existence, whatever exists.  “I Am who I Am.”  And this is my name forever, and thus— I am to be remembered throughout all generations.

I Am:  “I was who I was, I will be who I will be, and I am who I am:”  Past, future, and present tense, is the God, One:  he will be known in the future, as he was in the beginning, and as we are to know him now:  he is the timeless God called One.  Your LORD God is One, he changes not; he is the same yesterday, today, and forever:  we are called to know him as such.

The self-existent eternal One: Jehovah.

The One, YHWH is full of mercy and grace, abundantly patient, abounding in committed, and unmoveable love and faithfulness.  He is quick to forgive, perfectly just toward the guilty— from generation to generation; and his mercy and grace is extended in much greater quantity to humanity— than his justice:  thousands to three or four.

His arm or hand (Yod) is humble, and brings the presence of his Spirit, or life to creation.  He is perfect order, displayed, and displays and brings perfect order when he comes:  he is first person, and he is third person:  he is known as One, and he is known and identified in part (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

He moves, and begins with himself (Yod), then moves downward from the Divine— toward the created, hooking together with his creation— and to the Doorway of reunion into oneness, or unity.

YahShua/Yahushua— upholds the world by the word of his power (Hebrews 1:3).  And he (Yod) is part of everything (just like the letter Yod):  he is considered the starting point of the presence of God in all things (like Yod):  the ‘spark’ of the Spirit in everything:  all in all.

Suspended in air (spirit) is the YHWH, like the Yod— pulling all things to himself, and a part of all things:  the atom, and the form from which all things begin and end.  The point of the Divine that forms all things, the building block of creation— himself (the Cornerstone upon this building of the Lord):  he represents God’s omnipresence in Spirit form, Creator in Spirit, physical and soul form:  his name is YHWH, One— the person of God, in unity, his heart/soul, his Spirit— energy, light, powerful source of his essence, and his body, walk, actions and interactions with creation itself, in creation:  he is YAHWEH, the LORD— is One.

He is the MOST HUMBLE— and so are his people;  he will be small— to exalt others, he will serve— in trade for being served:  he is Yod, lived out— connecting with his creation, and bridging them back to One— who he was, who he will always be, and who he is.  Israel is the smallest of nations, humble— and his people will always be a remnant of small, humble people.

And like it was said of Moses— YHWH is the ‘most humble man’ upon the face of the earth— that ever was, will be, or is (the last, or least, or most humble— is first):  he is I Am— the Divine, fully displayed in his creation— the fullness of God, bodily brought forth— of the One God:  YHWH.

God, in his manifestation of the Word incarnate, walking among us— came to us in exemplary manifestation— to show us the way to walk as One with God again:  YahuShua (Jesus) came in a body, carried into that body that was born of the Spirit and flesh— came the fullness of the Divine One called YHWH— in that YahuShua (Yod) came into a body, born of flesh, left behind his omnipresence, his omniscience, his omnipotence— so the Father part of God could be EXALTED ‘IN THE EARTH:’ in his vessel (body, with God’s soul intact— the Word of God).

Just as we are body, soul and spirit:  we were modeled after our God/Creator/Father.  We have 3 distinct parts, or ways in which we ‘identify,’ but we are one person.  This oneness within our person is necessary— to understand our true personal identity, being whole, well, and completed in Christ Jesus;  and it’s also crucial in our understanding of who God is— as One:  the one who existed before we were, the one who will exist after he made us, and the one who exists with us, even now.

If we are body, soul, and spirit— and we have need of coming into wholeness, or completed in Christ Jesus— to know what and who we are:  we have need to see God— in his Spirit, soul/heart (inner expression), and his actions with us in the earth (body), as well.  And together— all of God’s whole parts, unified, and understood as such— equals us knowing God as he is, whole, unified, and One.

We are no more multiple people than God is;  we are made as he is— and we are one person:  thereby— God is one person, but like us— multidimensional, multifaceted, and yet whole, complete, and unified. 

The Hebrews understood this, in the old religion— they knew him as One LORD, One YHWH;  it is Christianity— he tells me— that has need of knowing him ‘as he is.’

YahuShua (Jesus), like the Yod— pulls us together in unity, and brings us back to being one within ourselves (through his Spirit bringing us into all truth, in the earth realm:  soul), and bridges us back to the Creator/Father of God in unity— connecting the earth (souls of men) to the Father/Creator/Divine— once again:  making them unified in, and as One, again.

The arm and hand of God— is reaching from heaven— to earth (souls of men), and so— the souls of men are to reach from earth, to heaven:  and here— we join the Divine once again, as One— in Christ Jesus (Yahu-Shua).

Godly order (10) is restored to us, when we take God’s hand again (Yod) —in this we regain completion— and come back to him in all our parts (our heart/soul/mind/will/emotions, actions— body [which will also be given in rejuvenation and remade], and our spirits— connecting to the Divine in our powerful energy, light source, and force that we are:  we are his breath (spirit) alive in a soul, bringing actions to the realm of earth— in a body:  he is Spirit, heart (soul, word, expression of) in a body— carrying out actions, too:  he is One person manifesting himself to creation— fully, in the life of Yahu-Shua (the Word [heart/mind/emotions of God], come as a Son, to lead all other sons— to oneness/completion/wholeness— back into One:  full circle.

We are complete— because he is complete:  and when we are one within our souls, with our spirit, with our body— we understand one whole person:  and in this— we enter back into unity (One) with God, and we know him as he is, was, and will always be— One, the person of God:  who manifests a soul/heart/word/emotions/mind— just like us;  and who manifests as a spirit— powerful light, love, energy source and force that we are in our essence;  and in a body vehicle— that displays the actions of the previous two other parts of our identity (soul and spirit) —that define us as we are— as a person:  we are made in his image, they are.

Who is— ‘they/us?’  The Spirit of God, the Soul/heart/mind/emotions/words of God, and the body of God (held in YahuShua/Jesus) carrying forth his soul and Spirit.

This is eternal life in Christ:  this is your identity, your understanding of who and what you are— found in Christ, and in oneness with him, in unity:  coming back together as one, with One:  the LORD, your God, he is One.

The first of the Divine Name, YHWH (Yod), is also the first in the name of the Savior of the world:  YahuShua, Jesus, Jehoshua (God delivers his people):  this indicates his preeminence, which means— superior, and surpassing all others:  he is One, all together in a body:  he is the soul/heart/mind/words of God— placed into a body, by his Spirit— to carry out demonstration of yielding to the Spirit of God.  He did not come ‘as God,’ meaning— in his power, dominion, essence, and Spirit— he came as God’s heart/soul/word/truth into the earth (body), to show us the way to oneness with God the Creator/Father, once again.  And in this— he bowed to the Spirit, to become one with the Spirit once again, for our benefit (he left his divinity behind, and thought it not to be desired to be equal with God, but to walk as a man, and to identify with us, and lay a perfect meat/flesh down (walked out by his perfection of his inner heart/mind/soul/words of God— in alignment (submission) to the Spirit of God, so we will all follow his example.

And what was his example— You are not God, but you can be one with God:  you can lay your dirt suit down too, die to self exaltation, exalt the Father/Creator in your souls/hearts/minds/words of your inner man— and come back into the state you were in before you were here:  one with God, the LORD, he is One;  and thus— come full circle in understanding who and what you are, as well as who and what God is— and then doing that oneness with the corporate body.

The priesthood, the manifest 144,000, will come into oneness with God— and will bring the One to all— so that they too can come back into oneness within their own person (body, congruent with soul and spirit— led of Spirit, as YahuShua demonstrated); and then— with one another:  like life inside of the person of God was, before we all were— and bringing us back, full circle— to where we will end:  each individual expression of God, coming back together, as one cohesive unit called— the body of Christ.

As God begins to pull his— through religion— separated parts, aspects, identifications of his soul/word/heart/mind, back with his Spirit— essence of light, power, love, presence of source and force, into his body— the expressions of actions to us all, housing the fullness of the Divine (the godhead, meaning) that we interact with in this realm, called Yahushua/Jesus:  we begin to meet him once again, as One— who he was, who will always be, and who we are to know him as now.

To no longer know him in part— but to be known, as we are known:  this is the mystery of that verse— and the mystery of the One God, your LORDYHWH.

1 Corinthians 13:9-12

“For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.  But when— that which is perfect is come— then that which is in part shall be done away.  When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man— I put away childish things.  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then— face to face: now I know in part— but then shall I know —even as also I am known.”

We are called to mature in Christ— to come off of the milk of the word (the immaturity of the truth, who is Jesus— and come to know him as he is:  Creator/Father, Spirit shed to us all at the beginning– and again at Calvary— breathed into us, and back into us— and the person in total of God, in a body, with actions and demonstrations of, who yielded to the Spirit— as we are to:  and know him as he is, and not in part any longer (Father, Son, and Spirit— separate), but to know him in UNITY once again, as One:  YHWH, your LORD God, he is One.

Are you still in part (no unity) within your person (soul, spirit, body)?  Are you not made whole in Christ (unity within your person:  body, soul and spirit) working together cohesively, with and by the mind of Christ that we are to live from, coupling with his Spirit, walking that all out in our body with actions proving this unity of oneness again?  Because ‘in part,’ can be done away with— if we will enter back into oneness, in the LORD God, who is One.

When as a child [childish— not child-like] —we will move separated, divided— soul not congruent with spirit, body not congruent with spirit, all divided and not unified, whole, or one.  But when we are mature, when we are grown as a man completed or finished of the Lord— we will be one inside:  we will move in our souls/hearts/minds/words/emotions, etc— as one with our spirit, and our body and actions will follow with proofs of this union within, and with the Spirit of God leading us:  and signs, miracles and wonders will follow this child of God.

And when we are grown (like Moses), we will see God as he is, face to face, countenance to countenance— whole, completed, grown, matured, and at one again— within ourselves, and within God;  and we will return with the I Am to the state we all were, before we were here;  the state and place, and person we will return to— when we leave here:  we will come full circle back into One, the LORD God.  And this is the body, or members of Christ— coming back into knowing who he is, who we are, and how we exist individually, and corporately— back together as one.

We are all expressions of the Divine, of our Father/Creator— who is Jesus:  the fullness of God the Divine— seen in a body, working the words, heart, mind, emotions and actions of God— in the earth, unto us all:  he is One.

In this— we shall know, and be known— as I Am:  all in all, in Christ Jesus, YHWH, the LORD, he is One.

As the first— God’s name, Yod, shows— he is Spirit, He is One, and from him— derive all other things— by the power of his Word.

As Hey— we see arms raised to God, and a foot walking the ancient path of righteousness with the God of:  and Hey means— LOOK, BEHOLD— him.  As he is— so shall we be:  what we behold— we become like:  come into oneness with God, and know him as he is, was, and will always be:  One.

Know him in your soul (conscious man in the earth suit)

Nefesh— know him in your instincts.

Ruach— know him in your emotions.

Neshamah— know him in your mind (at one with him, led of his).

Chayah— know the bridge to transcendence, the ladder upon the son of man: Yahushua.

Yechidah— know him as One, in oneness with him.

God + broken humanity —is the picture of Hey, walked out: in the life of Yahushua:  the presence of God brought back into the human heart— to become one with him again, there:  a new name given— after this is completed, like Abraham, or Sarah— or as we will walk in a new name, mentioned in Revelation:  a fruitful one.

Revelation 2:17

"To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it."

Revelation 3:12 

"The one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. Never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name."

Returning to God, fruitfully (proofs of, within and without), by the means of the transforming power, truth, and love of God— of his Spirit.  Brokenness, separation— WAS— and God is calling us out of separation, even knowing him as such— and into UNITY: or One, in oneness, once again.  And to know him as he is, and know ourselves as we are;  and we are one person, whole, and complete— operating as body, soul and spirit— all congruently:  and this is based upon the person of God, made in his image of all his multidimensional, multifaceted components— that make him the magnificent One, in whom we all hail from.

Let him put you back together as one:  and know him as he is assembled together as One:  so we can all come back together as one corporate body— and walkout the manifested children of God, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people— born, and reborn— of God and the truth; who are a people who have been brought back to before the origin story— brought back to I am:  who he is, was, and will always be— as well as who we were, are, and will always be— in wholeness, complete, grown, matured, and reassembled into one proper and finished person.  And this person who now knows, and is known as he is:  knows God, as he is, and no longer sees or knows in part— but that in which was in part, is now made whole, and we see in whole (God), and we are seen in whole (ourselves), by God, ourselves, the world, and the brethren.

That is his dream— to pull us all back into unity— 

in him, as ONE!!!

The Dalet (brokenness), and the Yod (hand) —bringing all things back TOGETHER, UNITY, ONE:  it is the picture of God’s heart, and his Spirit, indwelling the believer— to bring the Aleph (God), together with broken man, to form the hey— the fruitful union (one):  look, behold— God and man as ONE, again!!!

Vav— the tent peg in our tabernacling with God (soul) that ‘hooks’ us back together again— via union with his Spirit, word, and the truth of who he is, and who we are ‘in’ him.

He has connective powers, union power— connecting the heavens and the earth:  the man— to his ethereal God once again:  bring him back into the truth, his real identity, God’s real identity— and back home to him, as One.

As in heaven— so in earth:  he is the origin, he is the connection, he hooks us and brings us back home into the truth— and we shall abide with him there, forevermore, as one with him: for your LORD God, is One:  and in this— heaven (truth, his, yours, eternal life from him, in him, full circle coming back into him) —hooks earth, and unites:  binding all in all— in One.

The tabernacle— your person, the soul and the tent of the body— are hooked, fastened together again, by the way of Yahushua, his truth, and life found only in him— and coming back to understanding him— as he is.

From curtain— to post, from separation— to firmly established, and staked down— we are to come to know our Creator/Father— and return full circle to him:  and he desires to be known as he is— One, of many dimensions and facets— but One, nonetheless.

The beast, or the beastly (carnal) man— will never come back into this, and hence— be forever ‘separated’ from God, the truth, the way, and life in him— coming back home to him:  so, we have need to understand— that we are to come forward, further, go deeper into God— and come back home fully:  knowing him as he was, is, and will always be:  One.

The Vav— was broken, and lost (the union), the proper footing, from the reach of God to man:  remember Phineas, the fornication (cheating, brokenness), and the parallel to Yahushua (Jesus) coming from the jealousy of God, for his people, to make atonement for the people of Israel (which means, those who will rule as God— in their vessels, and by his Spirit’s lead)?

As well— Yahushua was broken, for our brokenness (separation and breach), and came to, with his breaking— bring us back together with that sacrifice, making the at-one-ment (atonement) complete in him: if we will ‘join’ him, be hooked by that truth, take God’s hand, and come back home to him— be one with him— as we were were— before we were here:  with him, as, and in— One, your LORD God, is One.

His priesthood of kings under him— will know him as he is, see him face to face— and become mature, in a full stature he erects in the earth (vessels) once again:  and these will become one with their God again— knowing him as he is, One— assembled, not divided, whole and complete:  delivering us all the way back home, full circle.

The generations— will be repaired, made whole and complete again— coming out of the broken Vav— restored, in Christ Jesus. (Yahu-Shua).

Perez— the place of the breach, whereafter— God brought in the MEND, or that atonement (at-one-ment) again to mankind:  restoring order (Yod, 10, God) back into mankind (oneness), no more separation between God and man, between soul, spirit and body, or in knowing God as he is:  One— one person, of soul [heart, mind, words, emotions], spirit [powerful essence, source and force of light, love and the power], and body [the home of the actions of a person, brought forth to display to others].

The Vav— relates to the first, and the last man:  the Adam— coming full circle again, back home into one with God:  Yahushua demonstrated this— and we are to come back into one with God, know him as one, and walk with the brethren— in one, as well:  this is full circle back home, to where we began (in I Am), to where we are to walk now, and where we will always live, breathe, and find our being:  in One.

If you know Yahushua— as only the Son, you do not know him in maturity yet:  Yahushua ‘came’ as the Son:  he came to submit to the Father (gaining the Father with him, in him, over him), to show humans how to reconnect with the Creator/Father, and how to come full circle back to oneness with God:  he accomplished that.

But he came back to earth, after his resurrection— with all authority from the Father, the ROLE of the Father (all authority and dominion in him now), and walked as the King of all that is, and taught— on the Kingdom of God, walking out not only the Divinity fully in body, but the DOMINION OF FATHER— as well.

Seated at the right hand of God— the power and dominion, in his Kingly role— and at some point, when we have no foe— he will lay this down, and place all authority and dominion back into the hand of the Creator:  he did not come as Creator— he came into the earth to REPRESENT the Creator part of him, to bow to it (so we would follow, and stop being false gods), and honor the Father/Creator part of God— so we would.  And he came on a mission— not as Father, but of a Son— to show us the way, as a Savior— to make the way;  and as a teacher/rabbi— sending then, his Spirit to us— to bring us into all things of the truth.

If you think Jesus— is only the Son— you missed what happened:  you missed who he was— before we were, who is always going to be— and who he is to you, all in all, even now:  Jesus— is the fullness of the Divine— demonstrated to man: the body, soul and Spirit— in tact, whole, complete— in him.

He was, is, and will always be— but have we truly come back to him— and know him as he is, yet— or not?

The Son, is the Son— yes:  but Jesus— is not only the Son:  Jesus— is the godhead, or the Divinity— completely manifest in a body:  he is the word, the heart, the will, the actions, the Spirit of God, the power of God, the Creator (with the Father and the Spirit over him, and one with him) —restoring his creation legally and physically— HE IS LORD, the LORD God, and— HE IS ONE!!

The Father— is Jesus.  The Son— is Jesus.  The Spirit manifest— is Jesus’ Spirit spread abroad to all:  he is One— and he’s asked me to come fully home to him again, and to bring this to all people as well— to come back into knowing him as one.

Imagine— your children never knowing you in this earth— as the one you hailed from, never recalling who he was— because the spirit of religion blocked them, or they would not ascend higher to the summit (full knowledge).

He has called me to the difficult— for religion will keep us bound if we let it, and it will keep us confused, if we let it:  but there is freedom in the anointed One (Christ), and he desires that all should be set free— from being separated from God, the truth, who he is— when he, and we— are all assembled, the breach has been mended, and we are brought back to our right mind in him, our true identities, and his:  and he— is One, and desires to bring us back to himself as such, back to our true selves as such, and back to one another— IN UNITY OF THE ONE!!!

This ‘is’ what we are waiting on, in the upper room (soul’s chamber) for him to come in a corporate raising of ‘his’ body members:  a oneness with him, with ourselves becoming whole, healed and integrated— and with the members of his body (the brethren).

When we come to this knowledge of God, and the hidden mysteries are revealed— and we know him face to face, in maturity— as we should:  we will be brought forth to manifest as first fruits of his, who have come home into oneness with God again, in his true identity, uniting with him there, and having come into the full stature that Christ walks in— as he is one with God:  Jesus— he’s more than a man, more than a Son— he is the Divine in totality (body, soul and spirit):  he is One.

Deep— is calling you to come deeper.

And those who will come ALL THE WAY UP THE MOUNTAIN— will, eventually, be brought into his fullness of his identity, too:  for only these are like/same/as Yahushua himself:  one who is born of unity with the Creator, led of him, and remembers who they are, in him:  One— all in all, that is Christ Jesus.

Son— exemplifier to all sons, one who shows the way, makes the way, and bridges the breach, mending man back to God in all his parts, making him whole, and whole with God.

He is Father/Creator/Maker —and your maker is your husband, scripture states:  you were formed in his image:  body, soul and spirit— a multidimensional being, but one person— with power, light, truth and love.

He is Spirit— he is the essence of all life, found in his light, love, and power, his word spoken forth, and the breath of all life.  He is the true partner of us all, in union with his Spirit, marrying him there first:  where two— now walk as one.

Jesus/Jahushua/Yahushua —is far more than one dimensional as the Son, he is the Word, he is heart and mind of God (put this mind in you, that was also in Christ Jesus), he the Spirit of God— shed abroad at his crucifixion for all to couple with once again:  he made you in the way he is— and he is a multidimensional being called: One, YHWH, your LORD, Maker/Creator/Father, Savior, Healer/Deliverer, the Way, the Truth, and Life itself.

Come back to him— fully assembled— and come full circle:  this is the holy priest and king under him, this is the order of Melchizedek, this is the priesthood:  the mature, full statured, fully grown, who have met God— face to face— and know him, and see him— as he is, before we were, as he is now, and as he always will be:  One— in whom we all hail from, and all will return to.

But we have the opportunity to know him as such, and each other— NOW!!!


YHWH:  your LORD God— he is One.

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