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Before it was written--- it was SPOKEN

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Before it was written— it was SPOKEN;

In the beginning was the Word—

and the Word— was SPOKEN.

[video link to this teaching:]


Before there ever was a written account unto man— there was a spoken account of the story between God and his children. Before there ever were letters penned by the finger of God, or by the finger of man— led of God’s Spirit— there was an account of the voice of God.

The book of the Beginning, Genesis— has long since been disputed by scholars as to who actually wrote it; to me— I don’t care, because God chose it, and used it, and still uses it today. So, whomever it was that penned that book— it was approved of by God. And to whom the Lord dictated what he desired to be known unto man about the origins of creation— it was given, and it was approved of: and is set in the canon of scripture— the Bible.

The black words, on white paper, the etched and sketched words on scrolls, and even the tablets written by the finger of God— were first known unto God, recited by God, and written into existence— secondarily.

Why do I make this point?

Because something the Lord has been showing me, and telling me for quite some time— is the staunchness of the Pharisee; they are those who are, by their own account, well versed in the scriptures— but at the same time— they are those who are not so well practiced in the application of it; and the application of it— was to follow the pathway it created— straight back to the creator, and to know him, and to follow him, and to unite with him again— and to become as/like we were— when we were in him, and one with him: the Pharisee— will never live this, they will only speak of doctrine, scripture, and they will be hypocritical to it; meaning— the Pharisee will not live what was meant by all that scripture (written words— given to man, by God— as it was spoken to them).

You see, our Lord did not intend for us to stop at the written word— but to transition from only the written word, carrying it forth (as it is the blueprint plumbline) into the spoken word of God again; and he will never contradict himself— he will stay true to that which is written.

Do we not understand what happened ‘in the beginning?’

“In the beginning— God created the heaven and earth. In the beginning— it was without form, void, dark, and yet— the Spirit of God moved upon the face of it.” (Genesis 1-2)

The Spirit of God moved upon the face of it— this what he desires to do with each of us, once again— where we are dark, and formless, and void (empty— vain). So….

“God said— Let there be light, and light was, and God saw that the light was good— and he divided it from the darkness.” (Genesis 3-4)

And again— he desires to spiritually set us free by the light, and separate us from darkness; and do you see— he SPEAKS this all in: so children of the Lord— do you not understand, you will come out of shapelessness, vanity, darkness— by the light coming in, and the light comes in— by God speaking it into creation: that is you and I; we must HEAR the word of God.

Romans 10:17

“So then faith comes by hearing— and hearing— (by) the word of God.”

Faith comes to us by HEARING; and hearing what? The Words of God. We can read the words of God that were penned once upon a time— but unless those penned words become alive to us, and bring us to the face of the living God— they are just words on paper, scroll, or tablet. The words become Life, or ALIVE— when those words written down, lead us to the one who penned them of his Spirit: and we begin to HEAR the living words, spoken from the mouth of God himself, once again.

Once again; yes— I mean that very much, you see, Adam— spoke with God face to face. And if we are going full circle back to correcting all that went awry in the Garden— we must then come face to face, word to word, spirit to spirit again— with the living God: full circle, full intent, full goal, full reward.

“And God said” THESE ARE VERY IMPORTANT WORDS, and I encourage you to go and read Genesis 1 again, and see just how many times our God of Words— spoke.

If he spoke creation into existence, and creation— spoke itself into corruption, and we fell away from the spoken words of God as our plumbline, counselor, Father and leader of us— we will have need to come full circle back into HEARING the words of God spoken to us once again; because in “God said,” our salvation is found.

In all God has spoken— comes all God has promised; we need to return to the God who SPEAKS; not just to know the God who had things written: but the God WHO SPEAKS.

Why is this so important— because so many are content with what he has written— and go no further to return to the God who SPEAKS directly unto his creation: because God speaking directly to his creation— will repair all that has broken, in the dissolution of the speaking— God to his creation, and his creation (man), to his God.

“And God said— Let us make man in our image— after our likeness.”

God deliberated, and God spoke within himself— and designed, and created man— after his own image; GOD SPOKE. Can we see the incredible need to return to being able to hear the voice of God once again; in this hearing of him in our individual and daily lives— we come under the SPOKEN WORD OF GOD, once again— and THIS— was how he created ALL— to begin with: how do we think he will RE-create all that became misshapen?

He will SPEAK IT IN: his good pleasure (will), will be decreed from heaven, and the kingdom— is within man: we in the Lord, and the Lord in us.

Genesis 1:27

“And so God created man— in his image— in the image of God, he created man; male and female– he created them.”

Did we catch that— God has both feminine and masculine qualities, for he created man in his image— and in his image he created them, both male and female; think about that. We have such a culture that will state God is only masculine, but he is feminine qualities too— or we would not be: think about that; in HIS IMAGE— he created them— MALE, ‘and’ FEMALE— he created them.

He is not meaning sex organs, folks— he’s meaning, qualities of persons— traits and characteristics; we need each other to be complete, as he designed; one will cleave to the other, and together— twain— shall be one: this was to demonstrate coming back to one with God. God is one— both feminine traits and masculine traits— and only when we honor both male and female in marriage, becoming one flesh— can we understand the full measure of who God is, what his traits are, and what it is to be whole— in a fuller picture.

Not all will marry in this world— but all should come to understand the wholeness God intended in WHY he created them both male and female: Adam had both in him to begin with, it’s why Eve was pulled from him: but Adam, dear brothers and sisters— had not partner in the earth— hence, Eve and her traits and qualities, were pulled from the full creation in Adam, and two, became one again. In this union— they worked together, fulfilled each other, and resembled the living God again— IN A PARTNERSHIP: this partnership shows us what God expects of us to return to, in relationship with him.

In our flesh lives— he desires for two spirits, to become one— in that flesh suit we wear. And when we do this— we understand, as well— that since the fall, when Adam had it all with God— we are not whole, without coming back together with him, as one entity, in union and agreement— as child and Father: twain in spirit, become one in unity again (union).

We fell away, and when we did— we stopped hearing the voice of God as we should— because another voice was raised up, inside of man; the voice of the antichrist, or the fallen nature of the creation, following its own voice, by the counsels of the ‘one’ who originated that voice and way: satan.

In order to come full circle again, with God, and to be whole within our person— we will be required to partner with the SPOKEN voice of God once again; we will be required to come back into spirit union with him— and hear his voice spoken in the spirit, by his very Spirit, unto ours.

I never said full circle, would be without effort— in fact— I’ve said quite the opposite all along; we will need to put effort in, and our faith will have to be ALIVE, not dead. We will have to BELIEVE, before even venturing into having a one on one conversation with our creator— that we CAN HEAR HIS VOICE, and that our voices are KNOWN BY GOD, INDIVIDUALLY— as he said.

John 10:2-3

“But he that enters in by the door— is the shepherd of the sheep. To him— the porter opens; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calls his own sheep by name, and leads them out.”

John 10:27

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

The Lord YahShua— is the Door, the one in whom we must enter into, in life with him, following him, hearing him, led of him— to be able to come through the gate— to reunite with our Creator Father: YahShua is the shepherd— and he calls to each of his sheep, by name (they know him, and he knows them), and they HEAR HIS VOICE— and by this— HE LEADS THEM OUT.

How do we think LIBERTY IN CHRIST,

or DELIVERANCE in YahShua comes about?

Well, he just said so— THEY HEAR HIS VOICE— and he LEADS THEM OUT: out of darkness, and into the light— out of death, and into life, out of lies and into truth— out of estrangement, and into RECONCILIATION: and that— is salvation.


and we are to HEAR HIS VOICE.

He speaks ‘within,’ and we are to KNOW HIS VOICE ‘within;’ if we do not— we need to listen better, because he speaks all day, to all his sheep.

I didn’t begin to understand how much he had been speaking to me, or how much I was actually hearing his voice on a daily basis (whether I was heeding it was another story, but I digress) —until I recognized what a spirit was: a spirit is the demeanor, disposition, character, attributes, traits, attitude and fruits of what a ‘created being’ expresses in its soul.

When I realized— THAT, was what a spirit was—

I realized he had been speaking to me all along—

I had been speaking all along— and so had satan been.

You see— we are HEARING, all day long; we are hearing thoughts inside our minds and hearts, all day long— every day; this is how the Lord, and satan, and our own soul speaks to us, and leads in its ways: God, satan, or our own souls (thoughts, intents, emotions, choices [will] and actions that stem from them).

If we can understand this— you will begin to understand the CRITICAL IMPORTANCE of what ‘voice’ you are allowing to molde you, and lead you— from within; because the voices work inside man; they can come from God directly, satan from the carnal nature, and from our very own souls: so it’s critical we learn, whose voice— is whom!!

“THAT—” he just said—

“Is critical information, Janet!”

Folks, when he says such a thing— we are all to heed that knowledge; he just said that there are always, a bare minimum of 3 entities that speak to us on a daily basis: God, satan, and our own souls.

SO— do you know which is which? Can you differentiate between the voice and lead of God, satan, and your own soul?

I ask this— because this the work that takes place during the sanctification process— we are schooled of God, as to what is our heart/soul crying out to be heard, seen and acknowledged, what is satan’s voice— desiring the same…

And what is God’s still, small voice of reason— bringing forth truths and intimacy with him— as he speaks to us, from within the throne?

THIS— is a process we need to be practicing in our individual lives with God— or how will you ever OVERCOME THE DRAGON (satan, the devil) in your lives— if you do not even know his demeanor, disposition, attitude, attributes, traits, characteristics, and fruits of his spirit?

And do you know what is your own soul’s voice, demands, desires, wishes, perspectives, and such? Because if not— we can see we have a great need to know ourselves— even yet.

And do you know the Lord God, his voice, his traits, character, attitude, attributes, disposition, demeanor, truth, written word, and ways? Because if so— you will then be able to IDENTITIFY his SPOKEN VOICE to you; and in that— you will begin to come full circle back into the Garden relationship— that was waylaid, and went off course— shortly after conception.

That is his goal, you understand, yes? To bring us back to him in oneness, where we HEAR EACH OTHER CLEARLY, once again; face to face communion, and we are healed, mended, and stitched back together: into one entity union.

The Lord God ‘commanded’ man, in the Garden; this is to say— he guided him, and he ordered his steps; he cared for man— as a parent cares for their child.

Genesis 2:16-18

“And the LORD God commanded the man, saying— Of every tree of the garden you may eat freely— but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil— you shall not eat of: for in the day that you eat of it— you shall surely die.

And the LORD God said— It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet, for him.”

Ok— God ‘commanded,’ is— he SPOKE directly to them; so, when we hear— ‘Obey my command-ments,’ do we not understand— we fell away from obeying his commanding, in the garden— when we decided to do our own thing, and increased the number of voices that speak to us on the daily— when we adopted the carnal nature, in the fall— as we desired, satan’s leadership voice in our lives.

So— we will come full circle once again, when we HEAR GOD’S VOICE, IDENTITFY HIS VOICE, and HEED GOD’S VOICE‘over’ ours and satan’s— once again.

God is not speaking of only things commanded in the written word, he’s speaking of falling back in line under his leadership in our lives— as he SPEAKS TO US, one on one, and two— become one spiritual entity, in union agreement— LEAD OF HIS VOICE, once again.

He speaks to me often about the Pharisee, who only loves the written word, but not the SPOKEN words of God; this is their failure and hypocrisy— they loved God, when God was on paper— but not in literal leadership of their SPIRITUAL lives: and thus— they were lukewarm Pharisees— serving their own satanic voice and desires: they denied the holy Spirit, to BE— the holy Spirit, in their hearts.

“...or in the day that you eat of it— you shall surely die.”

I pray we will REALLY, and FINALLY, understand what death really is— it is ESTRANGEMENT from God; we died, inside— the second we took up satan as our counselor, and father of our ways— and we adopted a carnal nature that we HEEDED; we died— ‘that day,’ the day we took him into ourselves, and his seed (nature); and to live— we must kill his seed in us (die to self leadership, and rebellion), and we must live unto Christ— scripture tells us this, again and again.

And to live unto Christ— we must learn to OBEY HIS COMMANDING again— and his commands into our individual lives, comes by his VOICE— of which we are all to ‘know,’ and ‘heed,’ once again. That is the reason we fell in the first place— we HEARD, and KNEW his Voice— but it was not enough, we wanted more: we wanted more voices and more choices— and we died that day because of it.

So— if we are to live unto Christ, and in Christ— and unto life… Then we must learn his voice again, and heed his voice again— and KILL OUT ALL OTHER VOICES THAT DESIRE TO LEAD US (self and satan); and in order to do that— we have to KNOW THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM ALL, as they ‘speak’ to us.

And to even begin to know the differences in the voices that speak to us— WE NEED TO KNOW THE WRITTEN WORD— to know the voices that speak to us. Because the voices that speak to us— desire to lead us: is it ourselves, satan— or God?

We must know ALL 3 of the those leadership voices— to determine who is leading whom, in our lives— on the daily; and in order to do that— satan and God are well defined in scripture— get to know them and their voices: get to know their spirits— disposition, demeanor, characteristics, attitude, attributes, fruits of their spirits and ways; and then— get to know yourself, and the desires of your heart (and remember— it’s deceitful— so get to know it, but understand, it will desire for you to please it— it likes to get what it wants).

GOD SPEAKS— he always has, he always will— and yet, we were made in his image; so, fundamentally— GUESS WHO ELSE WILL ALWAYS BE SPEAKING? Man.

And guess who desires to lead man, besides God? Satan.

So, it will be either God, satan, or man himself who will be speaking internally to lead man about in his day: we must know the voices that speak from within, and we begin to differentiate them— by what is written.

What is written— will return us to what is spoken, and WHO IS SPEAKING.

And who is speaking— will show us whom we obey and follow: best we determine which voice that is, by learning God, satan, and the soul of man’s will— from the written scripture.

Do we see why it’s the plumbline?

Because it will flesh out who is speaking to us, from the throne of man: man’s heart/soul voice, God’s, or satan’s?

The written— leads us to the spoken; and his sheep— know his voice; what his sheep are not doing so much— is practicing the differentiation of voices within them— and thus, are perpetually turned aside, unto other voices: this is discerning of the spirits.

The Lord has been speaking to me for quite some time about ‘other voices.’

He told me in 2021, to— “Cutout other voices— heed mine, and mine alone; and in this— you will have to turn away from human counsels; but as you do this two things will happen: you will be anxious, because you will see how much you depend on man, to bring you the words of God— and you will hear me clearer, like dialing in a clear station of airwaves.”

I began that with him, and I haven’t missed man’s voices so much, bringing me things from God; I have dived deeper into God, and he into me— and we have rooted up, holed up, and dwell together in ways I am grateful for— that cutting out the other voices and counsels— has brought me into.

I can hear the voice of satan, I can see the hand of satan— and I can hear the cries of the souls of men (including my own); and none of that would have been possible to walk in the discernment of— lest I cut the other voices out, and counsels out— and listened for myself, to hear my Shepherd’s own Voice.

In doing that— the voices of the impostors, who desired to sit on the throne of leading me— became much easier to distinguish, the one from the other. But if I would not have put deliberate effort in, to spend time with God— and not freak out, but know that if he asked it of me— it was doable. And that if scripture, the written— said that I could know and hear his voice— that I could, and I would; and that he knows me by my name (that’s very individual), and another voice— I will not follow.

You see, I could not fulfill that part of scripture, until I learned the other voices that were speaking to me: and I learned to differentiate the other voices— by learning the voice of my Bridegroom, my Shepherd— from the written; in getting to know him in the written form— I began to identify him in the SPOKEN form he flows from, in the Spirit.

I couldn’t know him in the SPOKEN— until I knew him, well— in the written; this is why knowing God ‘inside’ scripture, is so important; because it will introduce you to him IN THE SPIRIT— the Voice of God who Speaks.

“And the LORD God said— It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet, for him.” (Genesis 2:18)

Do we think that is just meant and spoken by God in carnal terms— as he created Eve, from Adam— for Adam to not be alone?

No— in deeper revelation— we discover that God is speaking as well, about the need for the Holy Spirit to come to us, and set right what was broken in the fall, in the garden; where man broke from the living God leading us, and fathering us— and we come back to him, join and yoke to him again— and two, become one again— in spirit, and in truth: we must learn his voice again— to HAVE HIM in the role of leading voice of us.


[Joshua Spatha– mperspective . org]

El Dabar, El Shama

God speaks (Hebrew— dabar) from the opening lines of Genesis in the act of creation, to the final lines of Revelation. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and scripture is clear that especially as believers—and thus friends of God—we can hear His voice.

‘And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaks unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man— departed not out of the tabernacle.’ (Exodus 33:11)

‘You are My friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.’ (John 15:13-14)

‘My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.’ (John 10:27)

But not only does God speak, He listens. Communication with God is a two-way conversation. Hagar named her son Ishmael, from the Hebrew El shama which means "God hears." Five other Israelites in scripture were named Ishmael as well and a variant of this name, Elishama, is also found in the genealogies of the Old Testament. Again, from the Old Testament, to the New— scripture attests to the fact that God hears us.

‘I have called upon You, for You will answer me, O God; Incline Your ear to me, hear my speech.’ (Psalm 17:6)

‘This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.’ ” (1 John 5:14)


God SPEAKS, and God HEARS; I love this! We have zero excuses with this knowledge, and it really shouldn’t shock us to know this about God, or his plans for his children to come back into knowing him, and being known of him: To speak to us— is for us to know him; to hear from us— is for us to be known of him, as he hears us.

El Dabar— God SPEAKS; El Shama— God HEARS; do we really need much more??

He will speak to us in written format, which he desires will lead us to spoken format— straight from his Spirit; but in order for that to happen— we must indulge in his written word, and meet him there first (or at bare minimum— whilst we seek him in spirit spoken words).

“But his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man— departed not out of the tabernacle.” (Exodus 33:11)

I love this verse— because he never leaves the sanctuary.

God has been speaking to me about the fact that I ‘live in’ the temple of God, and ‘remain’ at the altar of his.

Why is that so important— because it is the secret place; it is why Joshua (which is the root of YahShua’s name, Yah’ushua— Joshua) is so important; once he went in— he didn’t come back out.

This is the walk of YahShua, and it is the walk of the sons of God, who are born following after him (literally walking his ways, and being born anew, and uniting back to the Father and Creator— as YahShua [Jesus] demonstrated so well, and leads them in) —these walk like/same, and with, and by— YahShua himself: they go in as priests, and they never come back out.

They are always in the presence of the Lord, and they are always interceding on behalf of humanity— fulfilling the heart’s desire of their Bridegroom, High Priest, Creator, and lover of their souls: always in his presence, always serving him, heeding him, learning of him and by him, watching him move, and breathe and have his being; so that they too will emulate him, and reflect him in the earth— as their spirit man partakes with him every moment, and brings this back into the earth realm— through their living soul, in alignment with his Spirit.

THAT— was Joshua; and THAT— was YahShua in the earth, in their perspective lives; and THAT— is the sons of God, who are priests, returned to their image in spirit, and in soul— they reform to reflect his image in the earth, as they behold him, moment to moment: these are they— who behold, and are led of the Spirit, for they have learned of him (voice and all).

Romans 8:14

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God— they are the sons of God.”

2 Corinthians 3:18

“But we all— with open face, beholding as in a glass— the glory of the Lord— are changed into the same image, from glory to glory— by the Spirit of the Lord.”

We were created to HEAR HIM, and to learn of him; we were created to BEHOLD HIM, and return to him, and his image. How will this happen if we do not learn his spoken voice again, within? And how will this happen, if we are not being led of his Spirit, literally (his voice, and what he shows within us)? And how will he return us to looking like him in image again— if we cannot behold what and who he is, and how he operates, and from his voice?

We must learn the 3 voices that speak within— so that we can distinguish if/when God is leading us by his SPOKEN words to us; because he is, you know— we’ve determined scripture says so, and he’s not dead, but alive; HE IS SPEAKING TO EACH OF HIS SHEEP— and they ‘know’ his Voice, and another— they will not follow.

So— his sheep can hear other voices— but because they know his, differentiating from their own, and satan’s— they will not follow anyone but his.

So— can we see how imperative it is to know his Voice in the written— to know his voice from within? Because several voices are speaking to us within, where the throne room is; best we distinguish which is which, and what the voices are really after.

This is where he says— in James 4:3….

“You ask, and receive not— because you ask amiss, that you may consume it upon your lusts.”

That’s— ANOTHER voice, speaking within; and lest we distinguish the one from the other— we will fall prey to asking things from our souls, and not according to the will of God. And he did say….

Matthew 7:21-23

“Not every one that says unto me— ‘Lord, Lord—’ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but (or only) he who does the will of my Father— which is in heaven.

Many will say to me in that day— ‘Lord, Lord, have we not —prophesied— in your name? And in your name —have cast out devils? And in your name done many wonderful works?’

And then will I profess unto them— I never knew you: depart from me, you who work iniquity.”

We can say— we were inspired to speak by God’s Spirit (that’s what prophesy means in Strong’s), we can say we cast out devils (but did we really, or were some words said, and things happened), and we can do many ‘wonderful’ workings in the earth— but we can do all those things— DEVOID of the leading of the Holy Spirit of God; and instead— be lead of our own souls or satan— completely deceived; all because we never learned the 3 voices, and how to distinguish the one from the other.

In order to do that— we must KNOW the ‘person’s’ of the 3 voices: know yourself, know God, and know satan.

If you are going to, with God’s spirit, discern the spirits— then you must KNOW THEM, first: we must know who satan is— based in the written word, and KNOW who God is— based in the written word, and KNOW ourselves, inside— to know which VOICE is SPEAKING TO US; in order to know— which we are heeding: ourselves, God, or satan?

Psalm 135:5, 15-18

“For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.


The idols of the heathen are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.

They have mouths, but they speak not; eyes have they, but they see not; they have ears, but they hear not; neither is there any breath in their mouths. They that make them are like unto them: so is every one that trusts in them.

Our Creator— is to be placed ABOVE all other gods (self and satan), because HE IS— ABOVE ALL OTHER GODS; and we will all find out so, at the judgment, in the end of all that is.

The idols (self led of satan) have mouths— but speak not (because they are in darkness), have eyes— but are spiritually blind to God and the Truth and obeying him, have ears— but HEAR NOT (God, nor the truth— and obey both). They are dead (no breath), which means estranged from God and lack unification with him.

Those that make themselves idols (of themselves) will end up like all idols— dead, estranged from God and the truth— obeying neither: so please— learn God’s Voice, and the Truth, from the written word— so you can know God WHEN HE’S SPEAKING FROM HIS SPIRIT to you, and when satan is, and when your own desirious heart/soul is.

Without knowledge of all 3 of them— we will fall into deception— for it is not first nature down here, to follow God’s Voice first: it is the nature of the spirit of the air down here— to follow a man’s own soul, or satan, first.

We will have to DISCIPLINE OURSELVES unto the Lord, and the Truth— to follow after him: and that takes deliberate practice (working out our salvation— he is our salvation, so work out with him, practice with him— in fear and trembling; throwing self and satan— out of the throne room— when you hear their voices).

New Age— will seek after the spirit realm— DEVOID OF THE TRUTH PLUMBLINE, and devoid of HIS VOICE leading them; or at minimum— devoid of KNOWING HIS VOICE, from an impostor; this is why we need to KNOW THE SCRIPTURES, and WHO OUR LORD IS, ‘in them.’ We need to know him in the written— to know him, in the Spoken spirit realm.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

“All scripture is given —by inspiration of God— and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction— in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect— thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

2 Peter 1:20-21

“Knowing this first— that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

All of the written word of God (scripture) —was inspired by God; this means— it was said to a man, within or without (audible inner voice, or outer) —by the Spirit (invisible) God. And the purpose of the written word of God is to correct us from what formerly believed and acted out— to know the ways of righteousness; so that man— can learn to be WHOLE in his ways of righteousness, that Chrst walks in— and has bestowed us with: as we are robed in his righteousness.

No prophesy (or inspired man, of the Spirit of God) is of a private, or personal interpretation; this is stating— there is ONE truth of what scriptures means, and only ONE truth of what they mean— as they were given to us by God; there may be layers to them— but one meaning, and the Spirit knows the meaning thereof.

Because it did not come by man alone, but by the men led of his Spirit, as the Spirit moved them INSIDE, by what the Spirit was showing and TELLING them: they were holy men, set apart, priestly— and followed the Spirit in what he was bringing forth in spiritual sight or words spoken to them: the same as YahShua— he only did what his Father did; and he said what his Father said, period.


(Joshua Spatha – mperspective . org)

“So scripture was rhema (spoken word) before it was logos (written word). In John chapter 1— Jesus is called the "Word of God,” which means he was the personification, embodiment, or fulfillment of scripture.

Of course one of His favorite responses to questions from people was— "Have you not read?" and then He would go on to quote the applicable scripture to answer the question. The key word here is applicable. God spoke a lot of information, revelation, and prophecy in the scriptures— so knowing them well is important because being able to quote relevant texts to your present needs, situation, and questions— is critical.

When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert— He didn't quote random genealogies, Levitical laws, or Psalms at His adversary to overcome him— He quoted specific, applicable passages. We often hold our leather-bound Bibles in hand when we reference Ephesians, talking about the Word of God being the sword of the Spirit— but the word, for word, there— is RHEMA— not logos. The Spirit leads us into all wisdom and knowledge—He was given as the helper, the teacher— and He can bring to mind a specific passage in the logos, or SPEAK to us through an entirely different method.”


We have to MEDITATE, chew on, and RUMINATE (like chewing cud) on the word of God, written— to know him— in Spirit.

Joshua 1:8

“This book of the law (conduct) shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night— that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.”

So, follow it backward once again (as he is telling me to follow the steps backward, what you find something was successful; well, this verse says how to have success).

Good success comes about when we have prosperous ways; and we have prosperous ways when we observe what was written down in scripture. And to observe what was written in the bible, we need to read it and meditate on it (chew on it); and we need to never let it leave us, or stop flowing from our mouths: the book of the conduct of God, by all the examples he put forth in it.

Psalm 77:12

“I will meditate also of all your work— and talk of your doings.”


(Joshua Spatha— mperspective . org)

“Here in the same context, we have meditate (hagah) and muse, which in Hebrew is siach. Siach means to ponder or converse with oneself. We don't use the word muse very often, but we certainly use its antonym frequently—amuse. Muse means —to become absorbed in thought or to think or say things reflectively. Amuse is the opposite—a largely mindless endeavor meant to distract and entertain. So we see clearly that biblical meditation is— thoughtful reflection, recitation, and remembrance and is often done so aloud so that we hear the truth. There is power in the spoken word (Proverbs 18:21).”

Proverbs 18:21

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it (death or life) shall eat the fruit thereof (whichever they produce).”


Do we understand we have an issue in the earth with AMUSEMENT, instead of MUSING? Do we understand that what you meditate on, what you— become absorbed in, and think, say and reflect on— you BECOME?

Because you become what you behold; and we are to return to HIS IMAGE— hence— BEHOLD HIM, in written word, in spoken rhema word of his Spirit; and behold his image detailed out in scripture, and what he shows you and tells you of his very own Spirit.

Why do we think he’s teaching us to speak properly? Because he, as LIFE HIMSELF— speaks well, properly— and according to LIFE; we must also speak in agreement with him, and in order to do that— we must first know the written words of God; and then— we must PRACTICE the written words of God: first by reciting them, and ruminating or musing on them; and then— by LIVING THEM, as we assimilate them into the building block structure of our person— and no longer walk hypocritically to what we are reciting, but instead— live AUTHENTICALLY, in our souls and actions, according to, and because of what we are beholding, and adhering to (him, the truth), and by his Spirit’s voice.


The Lord likes this article—

from Joshua Spatha— mpersepective . org

[post— hearing the God who speaks].

And so here are the parts on the modes

Of how God’s speaks to us: Body, Soul and Spirit


To the Body

In this mode, God speaks to your physical senses—your sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste. While our imagination may automatically go to rather spectacular examples, the truth is every time you read your Bible, God is using your sight to speak to you. The Holy Spirit may highlight part of that text to you, so a portion of that logos becomes rhema, but it began with a physical sense. It is also through the physical senses which we gain general revelation through the universe around us—which is enough to condemn us, but not to save us (Psalms 19:1-4, Romans 1:18-20). Another example of God speaking through a physical sense would be prophecy—you're listening to the audible words of another person. Of course our lived experiences and circumstances can also be God's nudging, though again these alone are not clear indications of His will.

Occasionally God forgoes the subtle and opts for the dramatic however, and I think each of us can experience these life-changing moments if we're truly seeking God. Biblical examples are numerous, but I'll cite cases for each of the five senses.

For sight, King Nebuchadnezzar saw a finger write a message on a wall, though he needed Daniel to interpret the words (Daniel 5:5). For a combination of sight and hearing, you of course have Moses' burning bush moment (Exodus 3:2-6) and in the New Testament you have Saul (Paul) on the road to Damascus who saw a blinding light and heard a loud voice (Acts 9:3-7).

For hearing alone, God spoke to Abraham and Peter from heaven to give guidance (Genesis 22:11, Acts 1:9). For touch, there is the time Jacob wrestled with God through the night which ended by God dislocating his hip (Genesis 32:24-28). For taste, remember the odd passage where God had the prophet Ezekiel eat a scroll in order to give Israel a message and it tasted sweet like honey (Ezekiel 3:1-3).

That leaves us with smell— which I'm going to have to cheat on a bit. Though I am not aware of a passage where God communicates to man exclusively through their sense of smell, there is the case of poor Ezekiel again who God told to bake all of his food over human feces as a prophetic act (Ezekiel 4:12-15). There are also passages which indicate smell communicates something to God, particularly in the area of sacrifice—whether literal in the Old Testament or more figurative in the New (Genesis 8:20-21, Amos 5:21-22, Philippians 4:18).

To the Soul

In this mode, God speaks to your —mind, will, and emotions. Most think of the biblical examples of dreams and visions which still happen all the time around the world, but this mode also includes more nuanced and subtle forms. The notion that God can speak through our thoughts of course opens up all kinds of possibilities. Though this idea may sound a little foreign at first, most Christians are pretty comfortable with the idea that Satan can plant thoughts in our minds, so it shouldn't be controversial to think that God can and does. Scripture does indeed speak of this.

‘As for you, O king, while on your bed your thoughts turned to what would take place in the future; and He who reveals mysteries has made known to you what will take place. But as for me, this mystery has not been revealed to me for any wisdom residing in me more than in any other living man, but for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind.’ (Daniel 2:29-30)

‘ that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them…’ (Romans 2:15)

‘Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.’ (1 Corinthians 2:12-13)

Understanding how God can speak to our soul is a game changer as it makes us realize how many times God has spoken to us and we simply didn't recognize His voice; because we simply assume that our thoughts are our own, originating from us.

But if our minds are like a computer, then we must recognize that they are connected to the internet, and information can be downloaded to them from a variety of sources. Ancient societies understood this reality much better than modern Western ones do because again, we have largely rejected the spiritual realities in favor of a more materialistic worldview. But ancient man not only viewed dreams and visions as very spiritual in nature, but also their thoughts and ideas.

If you examine some English words and terms and study their roots and etymology, you begin to see this connection. For example, the word muse as stated earlier means to think or ponder, but originally muse wasn't something that you did, but rather a being you interacted with. A muse in Greek and Roman mythology was a goddess (there were 9 in total) who divinely inspired men with ideas. Even our word for extreme intelligence— genius— is tied to this understanding. A genius wasn't originally something you were, but rather —someone you had.

A genius or genie was a patron spirit which presided over one's birth and acted as a tutelary spirit or guardian angel over one's life. The implication being that brilliant and innovative ideas were often given to men by those spirits, not simply products of their own mind. It wasn't until the 18th century translation of Arabian Nights into English that the Arabic jinni (a demonic spirit) was kind of transliterated into the similar English word genie— which drastically changed the connotations of genies and altered the use of genius.

Yet even in modern times, many people in the Western world often have claimed they got their innovative or novel ideas from dreams, visions or spirits. The Beatles' song— Yesterday— was attributed to a dream, as was the invention of the sewing machine and even Einstein's theory of relativity, the shape of DNA, and the periodic table. In the 18th century, Swedish scientists Emanuel Swedenborg spent most of his career detailing interactions between men and spirit beings and attributed a few of his own innovative ideas to mystical experiences. So the membrane between the soul and the spirit seems to be quite thin, and therefore crossover via osmosis is very likely as the writer of Hebrews clearly indicates (Hebrews 4:12). This is why scripture warns us to guard our minds and to take every thought captive to Christ. In other words, spit that thought out—you don't know where it came from or where it's been!

The good news is that God is spirit— and He is good. What He speaks to us through thoughts, dreams, visions, feelings, and even our will, is wholly good, true, and trustworthy. But as the soul is more than just the mind, but also our will and emotions, it's important that we recognize that God can speak to us through them as well.

We know the spirit of God has been poured out on all mankind, therefore dreams and visions are actually more common now than ever (Joel 2:28), but they aren't the only methods God speaks to the soul. In Ephesians 3:16 Paul talks about God giving our inner man strength—that is giving us the willpower to do what we are naturally unable to do.

In fact, the entire spiritual discipine of fasting is designed to help us overcome our will and align with the will of God. And while often we are led by our emotions rather than truth, God speaks to them as well. Philippians 4:7 states that God gives us peace in the midst of the turmoil and guards our hearts and minds (emotions and thoughts).

To the Spirit

In this mode— God speaks to Himself— which is a bit of an unfathomable mystery. What we do know from scripture is that as believers, we become one in spirit with God (1 Corinthians 6:17), that the Spirit of God knows everything about God, everything about us, and reveals this knowledge to us in the spirit (Proverbs 20:27, 1 Corinthians 2:10), and that the Spirit intercedes for us and through us in the spirit (Romans 8:26-27, 1 Corinthians 14:2).

We also know that revelation which is given in the spirit (Ephesians 3:5) is not available to other parties—men or other spirits (1 Peter 1:12-13).

This makes the Holy Spirit the ultimate Enigma machine (WWII German communications encryption device)—He is a secure channel. He knows the mind of God and speaks it to individuals through Himself as He resides in believers, making truth known to them, but hidden from the enemy. The Holy Spirit is our direct line to God, our most valuable strategic asset in the spiritual war we are engaged in for this world. The Holy Spirit's role cannot be overstated and must not be under appreciated. We must be sensitive to the Spirit and tune our mind, emotions, and will into His constant chatter with the Godhead. He has invited us to eavesdrop on their conversations, and even to join in on them.”


Can we see clearly now why we need to PERSONALLY know the Voice of God, and the voices of impostors? Can we see that to know the SPOKEN words of God to each of us, we must first know the written words of God; and not in theory, or in text words— but IN PRACTICE, knowing the spiritual understanding of them?

We have the Holy Spirit after all; and he is MORE THAN capable of helping us know God, as God knows us. To deny this is possible for you— you deny scripture, the truth, and you claim the Spirit is incapable, and impotent in this: and he simply is ALMIGHTY, and more than capable.

Please— get to know the Spirit of the Living God’s VOICE— as his voice will always precede his words written; they did from the beginning— he spoke all things in; he will speak all things into you, and into your life as well: he does in fact, sing over you daily.

Zephaniah 3:17

“The Lord your God, in the midst of you, is mighty; He will save— He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest in His love— He will joy over you with singing.”

We must use discernement, and in order to use holy Spirit discernement, we must learn of his Word (YahShua) in the written plumbline first, in order to learn of his Voice— in that in which is SPOKEN and sung over us daily, and moment by moment; because he is.


(Joshua Spatha — mperspectives . org [hearing the God who speaks])

“Though not comprehensive, a good list of tests and qualifiers would be (and yes, please read the proof texts):

1. Is it in line with scripture? (Galatians 1:6-9, 2 Titus 3:16-17)

2. Does it exalt or give glory to God alone? (Revelation 19:10)

3. Does it edify, exalt, or consult? (1 Corinthians 14:3, 26)

4. Does it have good fruit? (Matthew 7:15-16, Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 5:9)

5. Does the Spirit bear witness that it is true? (John 16:13, 1 John 2:27)

6. If it predicted the future, did it come to pass?

(Deuteronomy 13:1-4, 18:14-22)

7. Do you have peace about it? (Isaiah 55:12, Philippians 4:7, 9)

8. What do your mentors or Godly counsel say?

(Proverbs 12:15, 2 Corinthians 13:1)”


“Now,” he said, “These are not foolproof, but they will help to guide you to determine better, with my Spirit.”


(Joshua Spatha— mperspective . org)

Communication Hindrances

While simply being unaware of how God speaks or even that He speaks is one reason why Christians don't hear His voice, another reason is less benign—sin.

But the reality is that it isn't necessarily the sin itself which creates communication issues, but rather the effects of sin on our soul and spirit. Sin begins a process which scripture calls the "hardening of the heart," (Exo 9:34, 2 Chronicles 36:13, Heb 4:7) and this condition makes the heart (soul and spirit) less and less sensitive and receptive to God. In fact, the figurative phrase literally means to turn away from, or to not listen to. And while any and all sin can create hindrances in being able to hear God's voice, I want to highlight three classifications or categories of sin: pride, unbelief, and disobedience.


We often think of pride as thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought, but pride is actually any deviation from the truth of anyone's identity. As Dean Sherman says in his book Relationships— "Pride involves moving outside of the truth about who we are, who others are, and who god is."

So while superior pride is certainly an issue in our lives at times, inferior pride is equally destructive. Inferior pride, also known as false humility, is when we think less of ourselves than what is true. But regardless of the form, pride hardens the heart as it moves in presumption rather than in submission.

As Joy Dawson says in— Forever Ruined for the Ordinary— "Pride feels no need to inquire of God and take time to seek His face. When we see this from God's perspective, it is both proud and foolish to live independently of Him by continuously making our own decisions and hoping or presuming they are in His will."

Scripture is quite blunt regarding God's feelings about pride. Not only does He hate pride (Proverbs 8:13), and not answer the cry of prideful men (Job 35:12), but He actually actively opposes them (1 Peter 5:5). The Greek word antitasso, translated as oppose— actually means— to set an army against, so this language could not be more strong. If you think more or less of yourself or others or less of God (you can't think more of God) than what is true, God will ensure your downfall. Your pride will come up against His power— and it will end poorly every time. Humble yourself— or He'll do it for you.


Unbelief sounds fairly benign, but Hebrews makes clear it is evil and results in a hard heart against God (Heb 3:12-19). The logic of this argument is pretty straightforward: if God is all powerful (omnipotent), all knowing (omniscient), and truth, then unbelief is falsely claiming God is impotent, ignorant, and a liar, which would be morally wrong and evil. Furthermore, if you hold such a warped and and skeptical view of God, then obviously you won't trust Him, listen to Him, or obey Him, so unbelief quite directly causes one to turn away from or not listen to God.

Conversely, belief builds up our faith and creates not only internal change in our hearts, but begins to create external change in the world around us as well. We all read or hear of amazing stories of faith and miracles and desire to experience them ourselves, but often aren't willing to go through the faith building process to get there. We want instant spiritual power and authority, but like getting in physical shape, that's not how faith works. Faith isn't created out of nothing or spoken into existence— it is cultivated from a consistent practice of hearing, believing, and obeying. This biblical process of growing your faith is covered in depth in the article: Radicle Faith.


Often we can't hear God currently because we refused to hear God previously. Because open communication requires relationship, and according to Jesus, there can be no relationship with God without obedience (John 14:21). Note that works are not the same as obedience (Isa 66:2-4, Mat 7:22-24), which is a critical distinction to understand prior to standing before the Bema Seat of Christ and having your deeds judged (1 Co 3:11-15). Jesus makes it plain and clear— if we are ashamed of Him and His words (disobey His instructions), He will be ashamed of us when He returns in glory (Luk 9:26). There's simply no more effective way to harden your heart than to actively disobey (Heb 4:6-7).

Obedience applies both to God's written word (logos) and His spoken word (rhema). Indeed if you're not reading, believing, and obeying His written word— why should God trust you to respond to His spoken word? So reading, understanding, and keeping God's commandments is step number one in softening our hearts and becoming more sensitive to hearing God's voice. It's important to understand that this is not a performance-based relationship however. God doesn't cut you off from communication and communion with Him because you're a dirty sinner—you are hidden in Christ due to His sacrifice after all.

Rather, it is we who cut off communication and communion from God by choosing to turn away and not listen to Him.

Repentance does not bring about reconciliation

because God turns his face back to us—

but because it turns our face → back to Him.

But it is not just a right relationship with God that is necessary to hear His voice, but also a right relationship with others. As the apostle John said, you cannot love God and hate your brother (1 Joh 4:20). Jesus made it clear that we must be in right relationship with others in order for our sacrifices and offerings to God be acceptable (Mat 5:21-24) and Paul likewise commands believers to be at peace with all men (Rom 12:18).

But the consequences of ignoring these commands

are also often ignored or downplayed.

Peter warns that by simply not honoring one another (he uses the context of marriage, but the principle would certainly apply to any relationship), we run the risk of our prayers being hindered (1 Pe 3:7-12). In other words— if we are not in right relationship with others, we cannot be in right relationship with God, and therefore our communication with Him is broken. Jesus takes it even further and states that— unless we forgive others— He will not forgive us (Mat 6:14-15, also a concept present in the Lord's prayer). Obedience and relationship are linked at the hip.

Those Who Wait Upon the Lord

The modern world is full of hustle, bustle and noise. It is all too easy to listen to the loud and obnoxious voices in our culture, society, families, careers, and circles. But loud voices have to be loud because they lack true authority and are insecure. Unlike those voices— God isn't vying for your attention; he doesn't need your love and affection— but He loves you and desperately wants what's best for you... and that just so happens to be relationship with Him and obedience to Him.

The world is loud, but God is meek.

If we seek Him, we will find Him, but He will not chase us down, tackle us, and force relationship upon us. Free will is the most powerful (and therefore dangerous) thing that God ever created, and He loved you so much as to give it to you. Be very careful what you do with it and do not presume your will is His.

God is speaking— but it is only those who wait upon Him who hear. Let us not turn our face from the lover of our souls— but enter into His presence daily with awe and wonder that an infinite God would be mindful of us and speak to us— as friends.”


Can we understand, better, now— the Voice of God as he speaks, why we may not hear him, and the NEED to HEAR and KNOW— the 3 voices that speak to us daily?

For if we do not KNOW GOD’S VOICE, in the logos (written), how will you KNOW GOD’S VOICE in the rhema (spoken)?

And knowing God’s voice in the rhema, is how he leads you in the logos— the spoken word of God (communications of his Spirit) lead us in the word of God we read; and the word of God we read— reveals his Spirit to us: WE NEED TO BE MEDITATING ON BOTH HIS WRITTEN and SPOKEN words to us!

Learn the Voices— by cutting down on a lot of voices in/of humans;

And learn the Voice of God, the voice of satan, and YOUR soul’s voice:

Your life depends on it, and you’ll only learn them— by practicing

Speaking with God in the hidden place— within; the place where the throne of God resides, inside of you!

The 3 Voices: God, satan, and YOU!


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