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August 24, 2024: 'White Expanse:' word from the One True God

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

August 24, 2024

I sat on a chair and engaged the Lord tonight, and he stretched out his hand in the Spirit for me to take.  I took his hand and he pulled me next to him, as he gestured out in front of us at a ‘white expanse.’  I sat next to him sharing the pain and weariness of the battle in the earth, as he directed me to what was before us, and pulled me tight to his side, as he began to speak and point.

We looked ahead at the white expanse before us— and as he began to speak plainly with me— I asked him if I could quote him, and this is that quoting of him, as he spoke to me.


“I see an expanse, Lord.”

“Yes: much like the birth canal, it’s been a tight squeeze on many of my first fruits, yes?  Like a funnel, or a passageway that leads to a wide open space, like a whole new world— after exiting the womb.  I see much I have yet to bring into play, and I know why I am doing it.  As you sit with me, and we look ahead, and you see a vast white expanse— this I bring forward, and into play.”

“But it seems like a blank slate.”

“Nay, child— it is a purity I bring forth, it is a cleansing, it is my agenda all along:  to bring forth a purity into the earth.  You are right— the tribulation is for making my people white, Janet.  The tribulation is not for the spirit of error in the people of the world who will not return to me;  the tribulation is for my people to be ready for my return, and to come from among the world, and worldly— and to be scrubbed clean, and reformed into my image once again:  they are not white and clean— as my bride should be— so I will help with this.

I am fierce, Janet, you should know this truth.  I am holy, and with holiness there is holy terror that befalls a person when they are not holy.  This is the dread of the Lord, unto the reprobate, to the darkness itself: this is why hell has weeping, and gnashing of teeth, torment and suffering:  what do you think being darkness and evil feels like when it is wrapped in holy fire?  It’s excruciating, Janet, it’s truly painful to the extreme.

I do not desire for ANYONE to go through that;  Do we not understand that all will return to a place in holy fire?  My people are to become holy fire with me, refined in it, removing the dross, and coming forth as I am, conformed into my image and likeness again:  having become one with the fire— like/same/as.

But child, those who will return to me at the judgment, that strayed from me, strayed from righteousness, holiness, justice, mercy, love and truth— are penetrated by darkness— and darkness, when exposed to light, FLEES when in this realm, yes, child?

Well— where is it to go in the Lake of holy fire?  It cannot flee— and it will face holiness over, and over, and over again— as it wraps itself around them, immersing them in it.  Do you understand how much holiness the holy fire of God, truth, and love— hurts the demonic?  Do you understand that they are in literal spiritual pain when they come up against it in my people and my presence, in the earth realm?  

What do you think being wrapped in it, in the lake of fire will be like— when they cannot escape it?  Torturous.  And this is why I desire for none to go into estrangement from me forever— all because they became en-darkened, and yet— did not desire to return to me, or their real identity, or my arms of love:  so we will bring forth my priesthood, Janet.  We will bring forth a refined into my image, people.  And those people will bring me to the masses— and those that will accept me will be harvested into the kingdom family of God.

But first— I must prepare to bring forth the first fruits, priestly, purified, first matured, sacrificial group of lambs, who serve God and mankind— IN LOVE.  

With these vessels— I can bring myself through them:  those who have laid everything down, and aside, and pursued God full force, all the way into purification, refinement, pruning, stripping, humbling, and found themselves walking in pure love, and pure love walking in them.  

As I bring forth this vessel— my own type of vessel— fit for myself— into the earth— then we bring forth tribulation.  

The birthing and coming forth of the first fruits, will temper, reprove, lead, guide, love, support, comfort, teach and witness— by truth lived, by example lived— a truly anointed vessel:  for I myself will do my works through them.

We understand I am fierce, yes?  I am holy, I am uncompromising, I am clean, I am pure, I am King over all things created— which means I have dominion and authority of:  I am just, I am merciful, I am honoring, I am sacrificial, I am tempered, I am disciplined, I am one who will serve and honor another— preferring their benefit before mine:  I am long-suffering, I am gentle— but firm, I am true, I am patient:  and so are my firstly matured ones— for they are a chip off the ‘ole Rock.

I am in them, and I am erect, standing— and ruling and reigning IN THEM:  and they do as I command, they do not seek their own, they listen, they heed, they do not assume— they ask, and I lead them:  they have been humbled, stripped, and reformed by my very hand— and I have need of an empty and clean vessel, for this world has need of the King of kings, the Lord of lords to come forth into the earth— and bring about a harvest of souls.

This harvest of souls is not a light thing, Janet;  it is INTENSE, for my very own household needs to be cleansed with holy fire, pruning all unprofitable things off, and slaying giants who are still erect in them:  the soul is equivalent to the second heavens, with warfare of holiness against darkness;  and in my people— we have need to bring forth holiness, honor, purity, cleanliness, humility, authenticity, and reverence unto the Lord God:  tribulation will bring this forth in the wilderness birthing— and my first fruits will strengthen the rest of the bride, serve them, teach them, and lead them into the sanctification of their souls, as they come to truly live for me.

Everything I do is with reason, and everything I do is for the end result:  recovery of my family.

This is a rescue mission, Janet.  It is a recovery mission— and my first fruits saw that we were in a war, and chose to enlist:  first fruits are warriors of love and truth— and they will go through anything for me and their brothers and sisters:  they will walk through fire— even as vessels of clay, in a world of compromise— and they have asked to be stripped, and refined, pruned, and reproved, chastised and whipped into shape in a spiritual scourging— all because they cannot stand the thought of not being exactly ‘as’ I am, and exactly ‘where’ I am— at all times, in all situations, and with a full and pure heart toward all.

These— I have need of.  These, I have been waiting millennia for.  I desired to do this LONG AGO— but where was the vessel?  Where was the maturity?  Where was the purity?  Where was the willingness?  Where was the faith?  And where was the heart unto God— unto the death of the self (flesh)?

I had not even a beginning corporate vessel— and so, as I do now— I will gladly bring them forth, and as you say— ‘on my arm.’  

I am well pleased with my first fruits— but even so, many still need to let some ‘things’ go, as you have astutely picked up on:  strongholds of demonic involvement in their souls and lives yet; and I have provision for this.

I will catch my first fruits up, as I come to my temple quickly;  and as I do— much will be rectified, restored, justified (like a document, set right), and I will catch them up to speed on their specific missions— that they and I will fulfill in the earth.

We have an adversary— but they are no match for me:  however— I will need mature ones to go up against literal giants in the spirit realm, and in the earth (people/vessels, with the demonic).  Who is unafraid with God?  Who knows who I am, and in whom they have put their trust and faith in?  Who is ready to go head-to-head with the enemy— to the salvation of souls, and the maturation of a spotless and wrinkle free bride?

Many are saying my bride is ready to be received in this hour, but as you know— I say, the first fruits bride is— but not the whole bridal company:  first fruit brides are the first of my bride to come forth before the majority— and these will birth forth with me many more into maturity— as they clean up, get ironed out, and step into life in Christ, and Christ living in the headship within them.

My first fruits are ready to be caught-up, but not my bridal company:  how can I catch up a bride before her purification ceremony/procedure is complete?  Just as Esther went through a purification— so have my first fruits been going through this.  And as my first fruits come forward— they will raise up, help wash, and exemplify maturity to the rest of the bridal party— for she needs to get ready for her King and Bridegroom.

Do you know why we cleanse the bride before we receive her?  Because I can only tie myself to that which is the same as me— I am holy, remember?  And darkness is in spiritual pain and torment being even near me— let alone attached to me, as one:  so, my bride leans into the flame of love, lets me reform her and correct her, as she yields to holiness lived in her vessel:  then— for eternity— we can embrace one another, coupled as one— for we are both, now— abiding in the holy fire of God, and at peace in it.  

Only some will be my bride, dear.  Not all will come forth as my bride, we have guests, and we have friends of the Bridegroom— but my bride are those who must— who cannot live any other way than by my side— and are willing to go all the way through the fiery trials, testings, and refinement— to do so.

I receive many people to myself daily, hourly, and second by second— but they are not all my bride:  many enter in different proximity of intimacy with me.

My bride is a particular group of individuals who chose me back, as strongly as I chose them;  they pursued me back, as strongly as I pursued them:  they wanted to literally be united to me forever more, where two become one, in every way, and at all times.  

My bride is very special people who gave their all to me in this earthly realm— no compromise, no spot;  wherever I showed them discrepancies with being in sync with my Spirit— they relentlessly pursued— resolutely— all obstacles that stood between them and myself— and they with fierce love, overcame all adversaries to our love union.

That sounds like a specific ‘wife’ of mine, now, doesn’t it, dear?

I am coming for her.  I will receive many others to the other-side during the tribulation time period— as I do in all time periods— who are not my bride, but who are mine, nonetheless.  But my bride— she will come through with a pure white linen, she will come through, united to me, wrapped all around my Spirit, and my Spirit around her— and the people of the world will see God in them.

That is a specific ‘wife’ of mine.

I am a holy and pure person.  I am a no-nonsense person.  I know what my people are capable of, and I know when they are giving their all, and when they are not:  I see all, I know all, and I have chosen my first fruit company well.

I will bring forth the ‘white expanse,’ Janet:  the white expanse is where I myself come back to the earth, in my people— bringing holiness back, bringing much shaking, and fire to purify— in order to do that.

My 144,000 mature priests— have laid down lives, purified, clean (as a priest is to be), service minded unto me (not man’s ministry and accolades);  they are lambs— as all priests are, and they are acquainted intimately with the Lamb.  

They know firstly— the walk of sacrificial servitude, humility, and what it is to go last— so others can be served.  They know cleanliness, they know ironed out conduct, they know what it is to die (they are well acquainted with death at the altar), and they know what it is to live unto Christ— and in Christ now.  

They are workers who work for me.  They wash my feet, and I wash theirs— and then they turn to their brethren and do the same.  

They live in eternity— not the temporal:  they are spiritual, as I am spiritual;  and I will hold the scepter inside the lambs— and so, as the Lion has need to come forth— I will lay down my dominion through them, as I turn them about— for they have soft hearts, and supple, easily turned necks (that’s my headship, leadership, erect in them).

I do not have kings— who will be priests:  I have priests— who will be seated with me, in me, at the throne— in whom I, the Father, will do my works directly through— as I did with Jesus the Christ:  I will do this through all the anointed sons, as that is what christ means— anointed one.

I do have an agenda, dear, and I am bringing it forth.  

Yes— it has been excruciatingly painful what I have caused my first fruits to walk through of my fire;  but I assure you— it was not only what was necessary for the salvation of your souls, but it was what was best for you— for your freedom, for your being conformed back into my image, for your intimacy with me, for the humbling of your vessel— and death to the carnal nature, for your coupling with my Spirit, and for the gain of my headship in you:  my Son’s suffering taught him obedience;  you are sons— did you think it would be any different for you?

I am just, I am true, I am love, I am good, and I am faithful:  I will bring forth everything I have promised my children.

So— when the atmosphere changes, and the time gets rough— know that all is for your benefit— you who desire to marry me:  and our victory is assured— as it was for all of those in times past.

I am excited to receive you— my children who have chosen to marry in union to my Spirit;  but much maturation must come forth, much salvation must come forth, much restoration must come forth, much cleansing, much refinement, much union-unity, power, love, truth, warfare, and slaying giants must come forth in the earth— and in the lives of my people.

I come soon— and I come with a sword, and to divide:  I said— be ye separate, and holy, as I am:  I am fierce in this, and I mean it:  the darkness that is coming is not going to pussyfoot around, my people.  And so, you will be required to walk in maturity, spiritually, with me in you— to combat what is coming, to stand in the storm, to be unshakable, and a formidable foe unto the powers of darkness.

I will be with you all the way, and remember— all this— is to pave the way to the Millennial Reign of Christ in the earth:  to bring forth my royal priesthood, and my governors in this realm.  That will not come easily— but it will be what is needed, and it will raise up an army of believers who come into the light for real, get cleaned up, purified, empowered in my love, truth and Spirit— who will do battle with satan for the procuring of my family.

I am raising up warrior children— my ‘woman’ wars with darkness, for she is fiercely in love with me, and my children.  And I come to honor her, as she and I will bring forth many, into the family of God— in the darkest hour known to humanity.

My woman (first fruits mature ones) will bring forth my bridal company into maturity, into their real identity;  they will teach them to war against the powers of darkness— and will slay giants together, as one, united, powerful, family of love.

Can you see the ‘white expanse,’ Janet?  The harvest season is upon us— it is white;  and I am coming with my pure ones— who will bring forth the bridal company, who will usher in the King of Kings— to a lost and dying world:  and together, as one— we will take back all that is mine, through holy fire— and holy ones.”

—The One True God

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