[Gather Sacraments for Communion, if you wish to partake;
As well as a Notepad and Pen or Pencil, as the Lord
Is expecting us to take notes, as he provides
Revelations and visions/visuals.]
[Notes from this video: https://youtu.be/KUS2jzUFi84 ]
Psalm 63:6
“When I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the night watches…”
Psalm 19:14
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”
Psalm 5:1
“Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation.”
Psalm 104:34
“My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord.”
Psalm 119:99
“I have more understanding than all my teachers: for your testimonies are my meditation.”
His goal and intention is to meet with you today, and he full expects you will see in your visual room inside his mind he shares with you, and you will experience his presence, and you will know concepts he wishes for you to know, and hear affirmations of his love for you, and his prosperity for you.
He will expect you to jot down these things today as he sends them your way in visuals and concepts to your mind and heart; DO NOT DISCOUNT THEM IN UNBELIEF (he prefaces this with), as God is Spirit, and spirit is unseen, but tangible to be received.
Open to the Spirit of God, and he will open to you.
Date your papers and detail as much as you can, as he will bring you back into places of remembrance— later— after this day and exercise, to revisit him in the same manner; and if you meditate upon what was meditated upon and SHOWN and TOLD today— you will be brought back to the same place to commune with him time, and time again.
John 5:19
“Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.”
He said— “I go before you today, to prepare the place for you to sup Janet.”
And he was speaking of the place inside, in the Spirit, that he intends to corporately take us to— like a dream, detail as much as he gives you.
John 14:3
“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
Let us begin
Genesis 28:12
“And he dreamed, and behold— a ladder [a staircase] set up [stationed, appointed, erected, established and deputized with officers, settled] on the earth…
and the top of it [head, place and rank, captain, chief company, principal ruler] reached [laid the hand upon, arrived, acquired, drew near, joined] to heaven [lofty visible arch in which the clouds move, as well as the higher ether— where the celestial bodies revolve]:
and behold— the angels [dispatched deputies, messengers of God— also prophet, priest or teacher— ambassador, king] of God, ascending and descending on it.”
H4397 – Angels
Hebrew: מלאך
Transliteration: mal'âk
Pronunciation: mal-awk'
Definition: From an unused root meaning —to dispatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of God— that is an angel (also a prophet, priest or teacher): - ambassador, {angel} {king} messenger.
Hebrews 12:1
“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses…”
Ether— The upper regions of air— beyond the clouds, a very rarefied and highly elastic substance formerly believed to permeate all space, including the interstices between the particles of matter, and to be the medium whose vibrations constituted light and other electromagnetic radiation; root definition— late Middle English: from Old French, or via Latin from Greek aithēr ‘upper air’, from the base of aithein ‘burn, shine’.
John 1:51
“And he said unto him (John) —Verily, verily [firmly and trustworthily] I say to you— Hereafter you shall see [gaze, voluntarily observe, inspect] heaven [elevation— the heavens, the abode of God, figuratively and by implication— happiness, power, eternity, the gospel (meaning, the good news, which is he)] open [open up]....
and the angels [messengers who bring tidings, angel— by implication, pastor] of God ascending [arising, climbing, growing, springing up, come up] and descending [stepping down]....
upon [superimposition— the act of putting one image on top of another, so that the two can be seen combined— distribution] the Son [kinship— child foal] man [countenance, man-faced— human being].”
Luke 19:28
“And when he had thus spoken [said, bid forth, brought word], he went [traversed, traveled, gone one’s way up, took journey] before [in front of— in place or time, in the presence of], ascending up [arising, climbing, growing, springing up, come up] to [expressing motion] Jerusalem (the city of Peace, the city of God).”
New Jerusalem
H3389 – Jerusalem
Hebrew: ירוּשׁלים ירוּשׁלם
Transliteration: yerûshâlaim yerûshâlayim
Pronunciation: {yer-oo-shaw-lah'-im} yer-oo-shaw-lah'-yim
Definition: A dual (in allusion to its two main hills (the true {pointing} at least of the former {reading} seems to be that of H3390)); probably from (the passive participle of) H3384 and H7999; founded peaceful;
Jerushalaim or {Jerushalem} the capital city of Palestine: - Jerusalem.
Revelation 3:12
“Him that overcomes [subdues, conquers, prevails in victory], I will make a pillar [stiff, a post— as support] in the temple [dwelling fane (temple or shrine— holy sacred constructed place for a particularly revered person)] of my God— and he shall go no more out [outside the doors of, away forth or be strange (strange— not previously visited, seen, or encountered; unfamiliar or alien; root definition— external, estranged]:
and I will write [engrave and describe/scribe] upon him— the name [authority and character— surname— hereditary name] of my God, and the name [authority and character] —of the city of my God— New [fresh, with respect to an age] Jerusalem—
which comes down out of [origin from/in completion] heaven [elevation— the heavens, the abode of God, figuratively and by implication— happiness, power, eternity, the gospel (meaning, the good news, which is he)] from my God— and my new [fresh] name [authority and character— surname— hereditary name].”
Beyond the Veil
The goal of Calvary, the Lord’s mission in carnate upon this earth— was, and still is— to reconcile us to the Father, and once again come into One Union with him; in this— he desires for us transcend this earthly realm, and enter back into his domain, in the heavenlies, or the spirit realm.
Those who will join him here once again, will be those who have found the strait path that leads home again; they will be those who refuse religion, and MUST walk with the Lord himself— in UNION.
This union takes place in the courts of the heart, the birthing place of the union between man, and his God.
How far in, or how high one ascends the Mountain of the Lord, is completely up to each man, and his process of sanctification and consecration with, and unto God— and their individual relationship with him.
Father’s desire, Christ’s desire, the Spirit’s desire, AND MINE— is that we lead you to the Door today— and you make the choice to sup with him, and to meet him in his domain: where two, throw off the things of this world which do so easily beset us— and you embrace the holy living Spirit of God, within YOUR spirit man, and choose to embrace ‘Spirit,’ as you let go of the carnal— and ascend, or climb his Mountain with him: the paths that lead to the Creator, our Father, himself.
We— are now the temple of the Lord; he has gone to prepare a place for you, in his temple, or person— Let us prepare a place, a palace, a temple unto him— in our very hearts, submissively, and reverently.
Let him lead us through the gateways of the temple, by and with, and through the Door himself (as he is the Shepherd that leads his sheep, as well) —and by his holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, Yahshua Hamashiach— Let us come through you, as we reside in you— and come to the temple of the holy Father for direct communion and supping with our God; prepare our hearts to enter into the place of submission and reverence— let us partake in the holy communion— between God and man.
Let us bring into remembrance you, and your sacrifice— and open ourselves to honoring you for all that you ARE, and for all that you have made possible, and provided unto us.
Mark 1:33
“And all the city was gathered together— at the Door.”
Isaiah 6:4
“And the posts [columns/pillars (us)] of the Door (Christ) —moved at the voice of him who cried— and the house was filled with smoke [vapor].”
John 10:7 & 9
“Then said Jesus unto them again— Verily, verily I say to you— I am the Door of the sheep. 9 I am the Door: by me if any man enters in— he shall be saved and shall go in and out— and find pasture.”
John 10:2
“But he that enters in by the Door— is the shepherd of the sheep.”
The Outer Court
The way of the outer court was made for us, through the blood and sacrifice of the Lamb— the life of our Messiah, our Door to the Father, our Savior, our Bridegroom, our Brother, our example ‘Son’ to follow; we thank you for your paths of righteousness that you walked, and yet walk.
We thank you that through your obedience, and our submission to follow you, unto and through repentance of the sin and death ways— we too can partake with you, through your righteousness, and the robe of that you bestowed upon us.
We ask you to cleanse us from all wrong motives and mindedness at this time Lord Jesus, and we thank you for removing the barriers to enter into the presence of our Father once again, and to lead us there, as the Door, AND as the Shepherd who leads all sheep.
We thank you Holy Spirit of God for leading us today in all you have in store for us, and prepare us to receive, as we traverse the temple of the Lord, in his courts— approaching the Door, Christ…
Following him and you unto the outer court— the Way home, through the blood of Christ and his righteousness, by the way of repentance and obedience…
Unto the porch— where the support pillars stand and are led to, and into like a channel unto the Spirit of God and the Father— through the entrance way into the inner chamber, intimate place within the temple— where holy communion with our God takes place. The place where the TRUTH OF THE WORD OF GOD is laid down as the Cornerstone and foundation in our lives and our hearts— upon which this temple is built.
And where you will lead us into the most sacred of places— into the innermost chamber of the holy of holies— where the soul and the spirit are ONE with the Spirit of the holy Father— and we come together, THROUGH THE TORN VEIL OF YOUR FLESH— and unite with reconciliations to our creator and Father once again.
The holy of holies— where the presence of our Father resides; the reason for the Cross and Calvary itself— to join him again, and to be one with him, as you are one with him. We are honored to come in with you Christ Jesus, and through you— and unto our Father; THIS IS THE LIFE IN CHRIST— to be with our Father again, and to walk his paths of righteous life in, and through Christ: We thank you Yahshua Hamamshaic (Jesus the Christ).
Psalm 100:4
“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving— and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”
Let us enter into your outer court Lord with praise and thanksgiving unto you, as scripture details; let us bring our bodies, hearts (souls), thoughts, emotions, intentions, expectations of hope— in submission to your will and desires— that you may prepare us to enter in unto your porch…
then unto your inner chamber of the holy place Lord…
then— unto a face to face countenance encounter with our holy Father; both his dream fulfilled— and ours.
Communion and Sacraments
1 Corinthians 11:24-25
“And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said— Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying— this cup is the New Testament in my blood: this do, as often as you drink it— in remembrance of me.”
(Take communion)
Giving Thanks
The Porch
H197 – Porch
Hebrew: אלם אוּלם
Transliteration: 'ûlâm 'ûlâm
Pronunciation: {oo-lawm'} oo-lawm'
Definition: From H481 (in the sense of tying); a vestibule (as bound to the building [the building being the temple, and courts]).
Vestibule— an antechamber (a small room, leading to a main room), hall, or lobby —next to the outer door of a building, a chamber or channel— opening into another; root definition— early 17th century (denoting the space in front of the main entrance of a classical Roman or Greek building): from French, or from Latin vestibulum ‘entrance court’.
1 Kings 7:6
“And he made a porch of pillars…”
1 Kings 7:7
“And he made a porch for the throne where he might judge— the porch of judgment…”
1 Kings 7:21
“And he set up the pillars [standing columns] in the porch [entrance of the courts of God] of the temple [the building and capacity of the palace of God]: and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof— Jachin [he will establish]: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof— Boaz [in strength].”
We, the standing pillars of support, in the entrance of the courts of God— unto the temple, or the building and capacity of the palace of God; he, there, has set up the pillars he has established, in strength.
1 Chronicles 28:11
“Then David gave to Solomon his son, the pattern [structure and resemblance] of the porch [entrance unto the courts of God, and channel]— and of the houses [places] thereof— of the treasuries and of the upper chambers [lofty STAIRWAY— second story room, figuratively— ascent, going up]— and of the inner parlors [apartments, bed chambers, innermost], and of the place of the mercy seat [covering of the sacred Ark].”
Ark— the chest, or vessel, or sanctuary —that serves as protection against extinction, tied to the ‘covenant—’ or bond.
Covenant— the legal agreement and contract— an agreement which brings about a relationship of commitment between God and his people; root definition— Middle English: from Old French, present participle of covenir ‘agree’, from Latin convenire (see convene).
Convene— come or bring together for a meeting or activity— assemble; root definition— late Middle English: from Latin convenire ‘assemble, agree, fit’, from con- ‘together’ + venire ‘come’.
Joel 2:17
“Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD— weep between the porch, and the altar…”
John 10:23
“And Jesus walked [tread around, lived as a companion or votary— a person who has made religious vows and dedication— a devout and adherent one, a VOWED ONE— and occupied ] in the temple [sacred place, entire precinct— central sanctuary]— in Solomon’s porch [colonnade— row of columns].”
Acts 5:12
“And by the hands of the apostles— were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; and they were all with one accord— in Solomon’s porch.”
Solomon— known to be the ‘chosen’ to BUILD THE HOUSE OF THE LORD; let us build a temple and house unto the Lord, befitting the king— within the innermost of us; let us prepare a people of the Lord.
Let us be the pillars of the Lord, the supportive and strong structures of relationship, in intimacy unto our God; let us walk the courts of Solomon’s temple with our God— let us invite our God to fill his temple.
H1964 – Temple
Hebrew: היכל
Transliteration: hêykâl
Pronunciation: hay-kawl'
Definition: Probably from H3201 (in the sense of capacity); a large public {building} such as a palace or temple: - {palace} temple.
Psalms 11:4
“The LORD in his holy temple— the LORD’S throne— in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try [investigate, and test like metals] the children of men.”
Psalms 18:6 & 2 Samuel 22:7
“In my distress I called upon the LORD— and cried unto my God: HE HEARD MY VOICE OUT OF HIS TEMPLE, and my cry CAME BEFORE HIM— into his ears.”
Psalms 27:4
“One thing have I desired of the LORD— that I will seek after— that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold [mentally perceive, contemplate with pleasure, have a vision of] the beauty of the LORD— and to enquire [admire, and consider, seek out and break forth] in his temple.”
Psalms 65:4
“Blessed is the man whom you choose, and cause to approach— that he may dwell in your courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house— of your holy temple.”
Psalms 48:9
“We have thought of your lovingkindness, O God— in the midst of your temple.”
Psalms 68:29
“Because of your temple at Jerusalem— shall kings bring presents unto you.”
Psalms 5:7
“But as for me— I will come into your house, in the multitude of your mercy: and in your fear— will I worship toward your holy temple.”
Psalms 138:2
“I will worship toward your holy temple— and praise your name for lovingkindness, and for your truth: for you have magnified your word [speech and commandment of] above all your name.”
Consider the LORD
Isaiah 6:1
“In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord— sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up— and his train filled the temple.”
Ezekiel 8:1-3
“And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I sat in my house, and the elders of Judah sat before me— that the hand of the Lord God fell there upon me.
2 Then I beheld, and lo a likeness as the appearance of fire: from the appearance of his loins downward— fire; and from his loins upward— as the appearance of brightness, as the color of amber (golden yellow).
3 And he put forth the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of my head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God— to Jerusalem— to the door of the inner gate that looks toward the north…”
Father— you are our North, and through Messiah we can enter into your abode now, through the righteousness of Christ, and sup once again with our Father; we thank you with all of our heart, right in this moment.
Father, I pray through your Holy Spirit, and with and unto the Son— you lift us up in the spirit, and carry us between heaven and earth— bringing us into the visions of God; bringing us unto the New Jerusalem, the fresh place, within the city of peace— as you are the God of Shalom: Jehovah Shalom.
Bring us to the door of the inner gate— that looks to you Father, the North; bring us DUE NORTH into the heavenlies upon your the Holy Mountain of the Lord Holy Spirit. Let us soar as eagles with, and by the Spirit, as we enter into the perceptions of the Lord God our Creator.
Let us walk with you in our birthright— which as sons of God— is to walk and talk, commune and fellowship, with our Father once again; bring us into that holy place, within and through the veil Lord.
For we are holy priests by the Order of Melchizedek in Messiah now, holy priests and kings, with, by and through— the High Priest himself: Yahshua Hamamshiac/Jesus the Christ.
1 Peter 2:9
“You are a chosen generation— a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness— into his marvelous light.”