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Are you actually 'religious?' Do you know him?

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Religion vs. Relationship

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YahShua— The fulfillment of the Law;  do we even understand that, what it means?

He became our sacrifice, innocent— yet, lowered himself to lift us back up, into God’s grace.

The Law showed us how far we had fallen from God, and godly righteousness;  as well— it showed that no man could achieve it on his own, the fulfillment of the Law, without infraction— perfectly:  only God can/could.

And why?

Because the ‘law,’ was the conduct of God;  the law is how we were to be— as he is— before the fall:  no sin, no death, no evil.  But because no human could do this fulfilling of the law— because of the carnal nature— and our weakness to it…

God sent God, into the similitude of sinful flesh, for our sakes— and to provide a way back to God for eternity;  for all that is of sin— does not enter back into heaven:  only godliness does.

So, YahShua came in the similitude of sinful flesh (the likeness of it) and he lived out the old covenant Law, and flawlessly;  to make the way back home to our Creator and Father.

Why did we need the Law fulfilled in the first place?

Because a perfect sacrifice, for all of creation, was needed to rejoin sinful creation back to the creator— by atoning for that sin— and trading it out for righteousness once again;  we needed a Lamb, we needed someone to lay their life down fully— so we could ‘join’ to this Holy One— and be legally allowed back into God’s domain forever:  after all— satan and sin was cast down and out.

God was well aware that when the fall in the Garden took place— a legal and binding sin penalty of estrangement from God was enacted;  so, it would take a legal and binding (joining to God, breaking from the yoke to satan) would also need to take place once again— to ‘get them back into’ heaven— as they were cast to earth, to choose whom they serve.

We came from God, but in order to return to him, we needed the passageway— that is Christ;  we needed atonement (payment in full) for our sin, by someone who lived NOT IN OUR SIN— but laid his life down to fulfill the old law, legal and binding in righteousness and holiness— to bring us back home, through that doorway, that way, that gate, that sacrificial and perfect life.  

Because we were alive in God until we sinned— and so we entered death;  it will now take stepping into life again, which is God in YahShua— to enter back into heaven, God’s domain, and life with him for eternity.

The Law led us to death— because no one could do it, but God— because God is the only one good and holy;  so, in order to become good and holy and righteous— we all need to accept YahShua, the perfect sacrifice— to enter back in, through yoking up with him:  living in God himself, through the perfect life of the Son, unto all sons offered.

YahShua COMPLETED, what man could not— the Law, or conduct of God, and holiness and righteousness.  The Law, has been fulfilled;  if you have a debt owed, and the debt is paid in full— there is no longer a debt;  and the law in our world— steps back from the one who once owed, because it has been fulfilled:  there is now therefore, no need for the law to be addressed, for the law has been fulfilled.

When Christ/Messiah completed the law, it was no longer incomplete over the lives of creation— it was now completed in full— now, only his literal life laid down into death was yet still needing to be completed:  death of the righteous, for the lives of the wicked.

So— he went all the way to the cross, death, and paid our debt in full. 

Then— in the glory of God, he himself was resurrected and glorified— as he passed from death to life, full circle, once again;  he did what we could not— even after rebelling and forsaking him in the Garden:  that is an eternal love and devotion unto us all.

The life of the sinless one, must be given and laid down unto death— to become the perfect, and once and only sacrifice— to break us out from underneath the conduct of God— that we could not do— without infractioning it;  and in YahShua fulfilling it (completing what we could not) —we can, through his living the conduct of God out in the earth, flawlessly, ‘as’ a man— we can come home ‘through’ his life, death, and resurrection:  we will die too, and we will resurrect, and we will come full circle back into life in God.

The law can no longer hold us in bonds of a death sentence— God has freed us from it:  religion seeks to keep us under it, and so does antichrist.  Hebrew roots, putting one’s self under walking out the Torah, or trying to (it cannot be done, at all— hence the need for God to do it— so anyone attempting to, is foolish and ignorant), is walking out a fool’s folly:  or we didn’t need YahShua in the first place.

Religion will cause us to think if we ‘do’ A,B,C and D— we will be in God’s graces;  nay— the only grace of God we can be in— is the finished work of YahShua.  He does however— expect we will obey his command now.  Since we are now living inside the life of YahShua— we are called back to the Garden through him, and unto obedience and reverence:  the things we relinquished in the fall.

Religion will give you a list— YahShua— will give you leadership, counsel, commands/orders, wisdom, fatherhood, relationship, and communion:  religion will give you written things— God will give you spiritual things, namely, himself as a Father to you, spiritually, once again.

Death— is found in the old law and covenant;  because in the law was the proof of God’s holiness and righteousness, as well the proof— man fell short, ALL men.

If the old law brought forth death— then only the sinless one of LIFE— could lay his life down to save us from the law that dictated where we would go after this earthly life— because we could not do it, without error.

YahShua came and slummed it with all the temptations common to man, in his holiness— and he resisted every sin and temptation of them— and then he ‘laid’ his life down for us;  he LAID his life down— he was sinless— death could not TAKE his life, it had to be WILLINGLY RELINQUISHED, as he could not die, for he was innocent (he is life eternal) —lest he lay his life down willingly, and suffer under the affects of death (for us).

LIFE— became death in a body, FOR ALL OF US;  the law itself (the conduct of God’s person, holiness and righteousness) became flesh, and walked out a death sentence— for our sakes:  and in his flawless walk, living as God lives— he saved us all, who will come and yoke (join) to him, repent from the old ways, and be saved— as we come back under his rule, obedience to him, and reverence unto him.

And he agreed to ALL THIS— before there ever WAS A CREATION, ‘at all!’

He chose to do all this— because he saw the merit in it, the mercy in it, the love in it, and the only choice— HE— could live forever with:  giving his very own life— in exchange for theirs (ours).


Hebrews 7:28

“For the law makes men high priests —who have infirmity [feebleness of mind or body, malady, moral frailty]; but the word [the Diving Expression— that is Christ] of the oath [asseveration (affirm and declare) of oath—  promise, witness and truth— in a court of law], who was since [accompanied, case associated and with succession— joined] the law [the regulations and principle]— the Son— who is consecrated [accomplished and complete, consummate in character— perfect] for evermore.”

Hebrews 7:26

“For such a high priest became us— who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners— and made higher than [esteemed] the heavens.”

1 Peter 3:18

“For Christ —has once, suffered for sins— the just for the unjust— that he might bring us to God;  being put to death in the flesh— but quickened by the Spirit.”

John 19:30

“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said— It is finished [ended, complete, executed, discharged (a debt) —accomplished and performed]: and he bowed his head, and gave up [surrendered, yielded up, transmitted and delivered up] the ghost [spirit— breath, rational soul, vital principle mental disposition— spiritual mind].”


The Law was now fulfilled, completed, finished in execution of, flawlessly;  a life was given for all lives— and a debt, and a law conduct that no man could fulfill— was now COMPLETED;  we now had a way back to God, his domain, his grace, and his life:  through the sacrificial life of Christ, YahShua HaMashiach.

The ‘letter’ of the law— killed;  trying to keep it, killed man— it was impossible;  but the one who could, put himself subject to it, lived under it, and COMPLETED IT FLAWLESSLY;  so now, if one chooses to attempt to live by the ‘letter of’ the law— the scripture states clearly— THE LETTER KILLS:  life, and eternal life at that— is ONLY found in YahShua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ— for he is the only one that could live out a sinless life (the conduct of God in the law), without infractioning it— whilst putting himself in the likeness of sinful flesh.

That means— he had a carnal nature that was gifted to him— but he refused it, over and over and over again— and did flawlessly hold to the ways of God, and godliness:  we cannot get back into God’s grace, any other way, but to understand— IT IS NOT OF OUR MERIT, in ‘any’ way, shape or form— that we return to him:  it is Christ only.

We are to repent (that is turn from all our wicked ways, as Christ leads by his Spirit shed to us all), and return to his image— which means, we will be REFORMED;  the former man, and his ways— are now done away with, in DEEDS, and BEHAVIOR— and we are adopted into the Creator’s family, we are given a new holy spirit to walk in and with, and we are to obey, once again— and not rebel him.

We have someone over us once again— and we are not our own any longer;  we are purchased, and we are submissive to HIM:  the One who gave his life, blood, sweat and tears for us— to join to us again, by his Spirit— and return to God, and godliness.

HE— does a work in us, that reforms our inner person— and it is not our merit or strength that does this, BUT HIS;  and it is not the letter of the law that saved us— IT WAS and IS— HIM:  we are now no longer subject to the letter of the law, but to CHRIST HIMSELF:  the law of the SPIRIT OF LIFE, now, found in Christ Jesus.

THE TORAH— was completed, by Messiah;  now— we live in him, and it is FINISHED;  if it’s finished for him, it’s finished for us— for we are ALIVE IN CHRIST:  we are submissive and obedient now— to the SPIRIT OF LIFE, in Christ:  we obey HIM, now.

And he will lead us in his conduct now, and guide us in his counsels now:  the 7 spirits of God:  the presence of the Lord, the knowledge of the God, the wisdom of God, the understanding of God, the counsels of God, his might, and the fear of the Lord (full reverence and honoring him, in and by— obedience).

Note:  OF GOD, not ‘of man,’ and whatever deeds he can do, or whatever counsel he can come up with, or his understanding (lean not on that, he said), or his wisdom (earthly), not his presence that will save him— but the Lord’s, not his strength— arm, might, or efforts, and not reverencing himself— with what he can accomplish— but fearing and honoring God:  IT’S ALL OF GOD.

We need to come out of religion that says— we can, and should do ‘things’ to impress God;  God is not impressed with religion, lists, or earthly deeds;  God is impressed only by one thing— Christ Jesus, YahShua HaMashiach, and his endless love and sacrifice, unto all of creation.

“The Law— and trying to ‘keep it,’ which cannot be done— is a fools folly,”  he keeps saying to me:  “to attempt to ‘keep to’ something, that fundamentally a man cannot keep to, is HYPOCRITICAL, and it only serves to inflate man, in whatever he ‘thinks’ he keeps of it:  when in truth— if you infraction one thing, ONE TIME— you are guilty of all, for all of time.”

So— religion needs to die with the cross;  and we need to live, with the Messiah, in the Messiah, and unto the Messiah:  period.

All organized religion— is ORGANIZED (mandated, lists and procedures) RELIGION:  he keeps telling me— “that most all churches in the world, are OF the world, and are WORLDLY CHURCHES:  which is a juxtaposition, as church means— called out ones.”

He as well keeps saying to me…

“You’d be surprised, Janet— how many 5 fold churches are run and officiated by man— my Spirit is not reverenced, or allowed to flow as I would lead;  they box me in, IF, I even care to be in them at all;  and when I do not— I will come for the one stray sheep who is seeking me— and only for those who are.

I pull lampstands left and right, at this time— dear.  If they will not reverence the Son, the Spirit and REPENTANCE, through HUMILITY— and TURNAROUND from their wicked ways, and join to my Spirit, come under me again, and reverence me…

I will pull lampstands;  their lights will not be sustained unto the flock any longer— for they honor me not;  they honor their own lusts, bellies and desires:  and they live in sin.

Religion kills, Janet;  and the Law of the old covenant— was FULFILLED, and the New Covenant— now stands;  and the one who offers the New Covenant— is YahShua, the Son— and he is the leader of the New Covenant, and he is to be revered, and obeyed:  a lack of this— will result in rejection, for I resist the proud.

It is pride that thinks man can do ‘anything’ to come back into the graces of God— by his deeds;  only Christ walked out the conduct of God flawlessly;  and only THROUGH Christ— does anyone return to me, dear.

Once ‘in’ Christ— your faith in him, and KNOWING HIM, and his holiness and righteousness— will cause you to honor him;  once you begin to honor him— the Spirit will bring you ‘into’ all truth;  truth— is the conduct of God, the way, holiness, righteousness— walked in:  you will reform, for you revere God, obey God, and love God.

You— become the righteousness of Christ, fulfilled in flesh;  and THAT— has nothing to do with the written laws of old— it has to do with the King, conducting his children, and vessels now:  the temples— will be purged, and holy.

As the temples are purged by your OBEDIENCE and REVERENCE unto the high and holy One— you will return to godliness and to God’s image, that you were made in:  true repentance— returns you to the way in which you were first made, and to the one you were made by, and like.

True repentance— leads to holiness and righteousness— as you DESIRE to be made so, by the hand of the Lord once again, in your very lives:  in this— you will now obey the Spirit, the lead, the counsels, the wisdom and understanding of the Spirit of God (who is life), and the law you now will be ‘under,’ is Christ:  for Christ— IS THE LAW, completed.

And in that— he is WELL KNOWLEDGABLE, and CAPABLE— to lead you in his ways (his laws/conduct).

Do we understand this now children?

Do we understand the letter of the law and attempting to keep it religiously— will only serve to put you under ‘it.’

And I am asking you to put yourself under ‘me,’ the law of the Spirit of Life, itself:  YahShua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ.  I am asking you to come full circle back to the beginning— and obey, love and trust— your heavenly Father;  and come home through the Door— not your own merits (because you have none).

You were loved and valued, even in the worst of sin— but you are called to come out of it— and it is sin, it is against God’s New Covenant— to put yourselves under the letter of the law now;  for you came into Christ, not by the letter of the law— but by grace, the grace of God.

You will only stay in the grace of God, by staying in, and under— Messiah, YahShua, as well;  for it is pride to think you can do something only God could do:  isn’t that what satan said too, children?

That he will be ‘as like’ God, and assert himself to do so, in DEEDS?

Come back home, the only way you all can— THROUGH THE BLOOD OF MESSIAH:  and then, remain ‘in him,’ not in your own religious works of a fool’s folly.

Let NO ONE, not even yourselves— put a yoke on you again, that is not the yoke of the Son;  for all other yokes— are bondage to sin and death:  only the Son, who is the Truth, the Way, and Life itself— can free you, or keep you free.

OBEY HIS COMMANDS (those are they, of him, from his decrees) —and love him, and honor him.

Ditch religion— children;  it was never the way;  the blood, the grace of God, and the sacrifice of the Lamb— always was, and always will be— the only RIGHT WAY:  and that is found— in YahShua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ.

Impress God the only way you can, children— obey HIM, LOVE HIM, COMMUNE WITH HIM, come back home to the Father— through HIM, not the law:  it is finished.”



John 4:23-24 

“But the hour comes, and now is— when the true worshippers— shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him.  God is a Spirit: and they who worship him— must worship him— in spirit, and in truth.”

Romans 10:4

“For Christ is the end of the law— for righteousness— to every one who believes.”

Galatians 5:18

“But if you be led of the Spirit— you are not under the law.”

Romans 8:1-2

“There is therefore now no condemnation— to those who are in Christ Jesus— who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus— has made me free from— the law of sin and death.”

Romans 8:14

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God— they are the sons of God.”

Ephesians 2:15-17

“Having abolished —in his flesh— the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make— in himself, of twain— one new man— so making peace;  that he might reconcile both unto God— in one body— by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:  and came and preached peace to you who were afar off, and— to them that were nigh.”


God’s Dream


John 17

“These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said— Father, the hour is come; glorify your Son, that your Son also may glorify you:

As you have given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as you have given him.

And this is life eternal, that they might know you— the only true God, and Jesus Christ— whom you have sent.

I have glorified you on the earth: I have finished the work which you gave me to do.

And now— O Father— glorify me with your own self, with the glory which I had with you before the world was.

I have manifested your name unto the men which you gave me, out of the world: yours they were— and you gave them me; and they have kept your word.

Now they have known that all things whatsoever you have given me— are of you.

For I have given unto them the words which you gave me; and they have received them— and have known surely that I came out from you, and they have believed that you did send me.

I pray for them: I pray not for the world— but for them which you have given me; for they are yours.

And all mine —are thine, and thine— are mine; and I am glorified in them.

And now I am no more in the world— but these are in the world— and I come to you.  Holy Father— keep through your own name those whom you have given me— that they may be one, as we are.

While I was with them in the world— I kept them— in your name: those that you gave me— I have kept— and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

And now come I to you; and these things I speak in the world— that they might have my joy— fulfilled— in themselves.

I have given them your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world— even as I am not of the world.

I pray not that you should take them out of the world— but that you should keep them from the evil.

They are not of the world— even as I am not of the world.

Sanctify them through your truth: your word— is truth.

As you have sent me into the world, even so I have also sent them into the world.  And for their sakes— I sanctify myself— that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

Neither do I pray for these alone— but for those also which shall believe on me through ‘their’ word;  That they all may be one; as you, Father— are in me, and I in you— that they also may be one— in us: that the world may believe that you have sent me.

And the glory which you gave me— I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:  I in them, and you in me— that they may be made perfect— in one; and that the world may know that you have sent me, and have loved them— as you have loved me.

Father, I will that they also— whom you have given me— be with me, where I am; that they may behold my glory— which you have given me: for you loved me before the foundation of the world.

Oh righteous Father— the world has not known you: but I have known you, and these have known that you have sent me.

And I have declared unto them your name— and will declare it: that the love wherewith you have loved me— may be in them, and I in them.”


2 Corinthians 3:4-6

“And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward:  Not that we are sufficient of ourselves— to think any thing— as of ourselves; but our sufficiency— is of God;  Who also has made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter— but of the spirit: for the letter kills— but the spirit gives life.”

Hebrews 7:12

“For the priesthood being changed— there is made, of necessity— a change also of the law.”

Ezekiel 36:26

“A new heart also will I give you— and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart— out of your flesh— and I will give you a heart of flesh.”


Out of Religion— into the Spirit,

And walking in Him.

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