Matthew 23:38
“Behold— your house is left unto you desolate.”
[Video to these notes, with word from the Lord:]
H3456 — Desolate
Hebrew: ישׁם
Transliteration: yâsham
Pronunciation: yaw-sham'
Definition: A primitive root; to lie waste: be desolate.
In regards to food to survive— during the great famine— under Joseph and Pharaoh’s house and kingdom; and what the people of the lands would go through— to give all— for to survive in their flesh.
Christ bought creation back in redemption by perfect blood, and by a perfect and selfless sacrifice; the antichrist— a one person representative that will come to represent a ‘broadpath people—’ an apostate people who walk contrary to the Holy Spirit— will come to buy the people as well— to save them.
He will come to look as if he’s here to ‘save,’ and yet— after a time of deceptions— he will come to enslave.
Let’s look at the spiritual implications of these passages with Joseph (working for the bond kingdom) and what the people went through in the physical (to live by Pharaoh's hand) —that will rival what humanity will go through once again— as the are enslaved by the antichrist; who will come in peace and safety, saying all the right things— but will turn and devour those he pied piper to follow and trust in him.
Genesis 47:15, 19
“When money failed in the land of Egypt— and in the land of Canaan— all the Egyptians came to Joseph, and said— Give us bread: for why should we die in your presence? For the money fails.
Wherefore (why) shall we die before your eyes— both we and our land? Buy us and our land— for bread— and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh (the one of bondage): give us seed that we may live and not die— that the land be not desolate.”
And it did not fail in one place, but several areas and nations— Egypt AND Canaan; and God’s people were found in both those places, as well as un-covenanted people; it will be the same again.
This will take place again— whether it be inflation, a change in currency where one has lost its value altogether— or the total collapse of the monetary system altogether— there will come a day where you may have the funds— but they will be useless, for one reason or another.
That is a clue, and a marker of enslavement coming— and where many will take to the beast system, through a Pharaoh spirit— and step into bondage, to save their carnal suits (flesh lives).
The people came to the one who was working the system of Egypt, allotting who received what, and in what way, and what it would COST— to receive from the enslavement government.
This will be the same around the time of the antichrist revealing, saving proposals and actions; FOOD and MONEY will both fail— as well the people will show their true lack in Messiah or God— because the screaming, the denial to the flesh (with threat to lose of life— and they loved not their lives in so much as they were afraid to lose them) —will cause the people to bow to his system and ‘relief;’ even if it leads to enslavement, and to sign onto the beast system, being marked.
“Buy us and our land— for bread;” this speaks volumes of what man will sell himself for— when push comes to shove— and his carnal dirt suit (flesh body) is threatened with death. And yet— Messiah said we will have to carry our cross to death; and not love our lives so much that we won’t.
There will be a people— that for food to survive— they will sell out on God; they will DENY HIM— and will step to the antichrist for what he offers to save their carnal lives.
And isn’t this the epitome of living carnally and upholding carnality— as the most important thing, our entire self understanding revolving around this dirt-life experience— instead of our true identities as spirit beings, who have ETERNAL SOULS?
And isn’t it the saddest thing— that as a people created by an infinite and eternal God— who designed us to be eternal— we will sell our eternity (and where and with whom we will spend it) —on temporal, temporary circumstances— in this dirt simulation realm; that will have consequences beyond what we can imagine in horror, torment and separation from God forever?
And all because we upheld another—
who promised to save our carnality.
The spiritual lesson here is that if we truly EXALT THE CARNAL— we will seek to SAVE IT, not KILL IT: hence we are not to love the carnal flesh life (in character of fallenness), nor seek to save it (the nature or the body itself).
He said the body will be destroyed in the end— going back to dust: so the temporary saving, by taking allegiance with God’s enemy— will have ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES, to TEMPORAL ISSUES.
We will face death, in MANY WAYS; and the antichrist will seek to give humanity an option to— ‘go this way,’ and it will be to save your carnal lives; but God will always give the option to— ‘go this way,’ and save to your ETERNAL SOULS.
“We and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh (the one of bondage): give us seed (food) that we may live and not die— that the land be not desolate.”
Can we see that to save our lives, and our ‘land’ (body/flesh) —many will become servants (enslaved) to the Pharaoh spirit (antichrist) just to save their dirt suits; possible, so deeply will the saving of the carnal go (material life style here), that one may even sell their soul (lives) to the antichrist system— just to save their literal land possessions (homes, cars, animals, things); just so their ‘land’ (bodies or stuff) does not go ‘desolate,’ or to ruin and waste.
That human life— will be far greater exalted, than the ETERNAL SOUL— that will be everlasting; and yet the temporary dirt suit life— the humus dirt man, the human being— will be touted as the MOST IMPORTANT— because we’ve become a people of INDULGENCE, verses— DISCIPLINE, and SACRIFICE.
We know not how to be a disciplined, holy, faith filled— trusting God for real, and with the real big things, like the truth that we are alive by MORE THAN BREAD— by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, actually (Luke 4:4) —righteous, resolute people; but instead— cave to carnality, fleshly desires by the lusts of the flesh, carried out by the pride of life: the exalting the pride of carnal life, and the choices we can make for ourselves.
Eternal man— will sell himself short, in assuming a dirt existence as his REAL IDENTITY (and its fallen here, in brokenness, not our real identity originally before sin, and especially not after life in Christ has been offered, to become one with God again, resurrected from the death state) —and his REAL IDENTITY— the eternal soul created like God— WILL PERISH INTO DESOLATION…
All because the carnal— and the carnal suit— was upheld as most important: and pride was exalted, as one would not die to self, die to carnality, die in all ways required— to be quickened back into life in and with Christ: and eternal shame, and eternal sentence, and eternal TRAGEDY.
After these verses— Joseph asked for their cattle, their herds, and their flocks— in exchange for the BREAD; and the people were bought with a price.
“And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them: so the land became Pharaoh's.
And as for the people, he removed them to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof.
Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned to them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands.”
All the land, all the provisions, all the resources— were in Pharaoh's (antichrist’s) hands; it will be the same again— for God is going to correct his children in judgments brought about by an enslavement period again; to all those who do not uphold righteousness, holiness and the living God for real; nor have faith in him to deliver.
There will be much death (for they loved not their lives unto death, nor so much as they were afraid to lose their lives), and there will be much famine and enslavement in very many ways— and in very many places.
He is not coming to divert suffering, correction, judgment, enslavement, death, or any other part of the tribulation period— that is brought to a world that needs to be refined by fire: for they refused stepping into HIM, the Refiner’s fire— WILLINGLY; and he will save a remnant now— through fire— in the tribulation judgment period.
There are, however, a people— a priestly, holy, clean, sanctified, righteous and consecrated people, who are humble, subservient, submissive to his hand, heart/will and perspective— who are led of his Spirit, and have become one with him; these— will walk out great exploits in these dark days, being lighthouse BEAMS OF HIS LIGHT in the gross darkness, trusting their God for his supernatural means of salvation, and will actually BRING IT IN (via his Spirit in them doing the works through them— both to work and to will the Father through them) —through their LOYAL and REFORMED lives.
There will be a royal remnant of bridal priests—
who will walk and do mighty exploits of faith—
with their God; and isn’t that the point?
It is BY FAITH— they trust their God, and will do great exploits with him, by him, through them; and it is by LACK OF FAITH in God— that the others, on the broad antichrist path, will perish as they sign onto his saving salvation to the carnal— not the eternal life of salvation; but instead— eternal death, by upholding the carnal.
This is horrifyingly sad to God; and to his children— as we recognize the pull the enemy has with his creation— with hooks in the flesh that bring them into obedience to satan.
“For the Egyptians sold every man his field (heart field— eternal relationship with the Almighty Father);” and note they were Egyptians.
This speaks volumes in spiritual implications; meaning, they were EGYPTIAN— in the carnal, meaning they lived in the land of a wicked leader— and they were EGYPTIAN in their hearts (symbolically, here, in the nature of—bondage to death— they aligned with, in saving the flesh).
They gave up all, giving themselves over to the Pharaoh (or antichrist) to save their carnal lives— “because the famine prevailed over them: so the land became Pharaoh's.”
Because of FAMINE (carnal lives being threatened by food and survival— giving up the carnal) —they sold themselves over to that ‘one,’ and that ‘system;’ the system that saves the ‘beast—’ the carnal: the beast system.
“And as for the people— he (worker of the Pharaoh system) removed them to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof.”
‘CAMPS,’ if you will, RELOCATION— dependant upon what they deem and dictate— all to ‘stay alive’ in the physical— saving dirt suit, flesh lives; these things are coming— enslavement, and many will succumb to this willingly (like concentration camps in history before this, or enslavement to Egypt in biblical history) —because they will not have faith in God for real, or they will actually desire to STRONGLY save their lives— loving their lives SO MUCH— they are unwilling to die for Christ— for eternal life with him in heaven.
“Only the land of the priests —bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned to them of Pharaoh, and they did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands.”
Here, the spiritual implications are that the PRIESTLY ORDER, led by Melchizedek himself (our King of Righteousness), has a people that PHAROAH (or antichrist) CANNOT TOUCH— because they were ‘bought not,’ by this spirit; no place was found in them of his kingdom or reign.
And they WILL EAT THEIR PORTION given to them— by God, as they uphold him— righteousness, holiness, fully set apart unto him, not loving this world (or the spirit thereof), not partaking in her whoredoms, not walking in the world and OF the world— but denying, shutting down, casting out the world and Babylon— where ever it was found in them— and upholding Melchizedek— the Righteous King within them…
NOT LOVING THEIR CARNAL LIVES so much as they were afraid to lose them— but instead, handed them over to him.
And in this— their ‘lands,’ WERE BOUGHT NOT.
To me— this is incredible revelation, and spiritual understanding from our God; as well as, how it will all tie in again to the latter days we are in— where MANY will exalt the antichrist and his system…
Because they have been ‘snowed’ (deceived) all along inside their very own vessels, walking out compromise (that means a vessel that is weakened and at risk of collapse), with one foot in the truth (at best) and the other in the world, OF THE WORLD, and BY the spirit of the world: living, exalting, worshiping, honoring CARNAL LIFE, not life eternal or everlasting CLEAN and HOLY souls.
As per what the Lord has said to me about his earthly person (like ‘who’ is he), he doesn’t talk specifics with me; but what he does do, is say things like this to me— to provoke deep meditative thought with him, using the mind of Christ.
Word from the Lord
“Janet— do you think the antichrist (which means the alternative christ, or anointed savior) would come from a genealogy that they believe is solid (Jews), because it said the Messiah will come from the proper lineage in scripture?”
“Yes sir, that makes sense; one who they believe is undeniable, yet is not you.”
And he said…
“You do well. And do you believe that this person will have the right words, seem like the right demeanor, the right understanding, the right looks, with all the right sounding ways and options of how to save the people— and the world, or ways of life— similar to what I came for?”
I said— “Yes sir.”
He said, “You do well. And do you believe that because he is antichrist— he will come to save the carnal, the flesh carnal lives, and not their spiritual lives— because he upholds the kingdom of carnality— and not spiritual purity, as my kingdom, nor of eternal life— but that of eternal death, or estrangement— do to EXALTING and fashioning a way to SAVE THE CARNAL, instead of ‘killing’ it?”
And I said— “Yes sir, that makes sense.”
He said— “And you do well. Janet, this person will ‘look’ the part, and say all the right things, and propose things that sound AMAZING, and working MIRACULOUS things— but in the end, if one has spiritual discernment— he will have DEATH IN HIS EYES.
But dear, the only ones who will see this for themselves, are those who ACTUALLY walk with my spirit, and are led of my Spirit; for only these— walk EXCLUSIVELY with the Holy Spirit, who will show them, that LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING, and only the inner TRUTH— and the ‘god’ in there on the throne, will determine which kingdom one is from, and what their intentions are to humanity.
When the majority of people in this earth walk reprobate to my ways, person and kingdom— they do not have eyes that see, nor ears that hear TRUTH; and so, they will be deceived during the beast system roll out, and all the promises that the antichrist promises— because they sold out already, inside— long ago.
They literally ‘bought into’ the carnal kingdom, saving it, appeasing it, catering to it, not denying it anything— but instead— upholding it, honoring it and exalting it as MOST HIGH (or most highly regarded) in their lives: these will walk right into the beast system, and trust the antichrist— because he comes to SAVE THE FLESH, and the FLESH LIFESTYLE.
Watch, child— watch he will not uphold my kingdom, nor the truth biblically about Messiah, New Covenant relationship with the Father, REPENTANCE, or that JESUS CHRIST CAME IN THE FLESH, and FULFILLED THE LAW ALREADY— will likely uphold Jewish tradition (because antichrist is come to purport ME, child), and yet will walk with that spirit of perdition, will not have holiness walked out, but spiritual perversion, will uphold carnality, and doing things by his own strength and arm.
The spirit of this world likes adoration— this person will say they don’t like attention, but will be in the spotlight much; this person will sound the part, look the part— but will deny Jesus Christ ALREADY CAME IN THE FLESH— and will usurp my role in the earth; and I mean, ‘in the earth’ of humans too— where the kingdom is to be.
Discern children; discern the interior of a man by his attributes of not only what he says— but what he LIVES.
Discern beyond smooth words or looks; discern beyond carnal salvations— like saving lives; because children— death is part of life, and many will die, but the antichrist will convince many because of the carnal lives he’ll be saving: think more like…
‘We could save thousands, or tens of thousands of lives— if we institute these systems and provisions; we could rescue this many—’ etcetera and so on, child.
My people must have spiritual eyes, and spiritual perspectives— or this smooth talking, other Jesus option— will defeat many with his cunning.
The one who comes in my name, but is not me— will attempt to ‘prove’ he is me, in many different ways; please, children— use discernment, and choose wisely.
I wish for none to perish.”
Exodus 23:19-27, 30, 32-33
“The first of the firstfruits of your land —you shall bring into the house of the Lord your God…”
The first fruits— are the Lord’s duplicates; the ones he was able to predestine and conform into the image of his Son— seedling duplicates: first fruits, sons of God, manifesting his Spirit in them children— the priesthood.
“Behold— I send an Angel before you— to keep you in the way— and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.”
The angel of the Lord’s presence, his 7 spirits that raise us up into maturity in the priesthood— keeping his ways in us, and bringing us into the place he has prepared in his kingdom.
This is taking place RIGHT NOW in his priesthood, in his children that are allowing him to reform them, configure them, conforming them into the image of the Son: the royal, peculiar, set apart priesthood of the Righteous King— Melchizedek, and via the High Priest himself— Yahshua Hamashiac, Jesus the Christ.
“Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not (the angel of the presence of the Lord); for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.”
The presence of the Lord is to be REVERED, honored and we are not to ‘provoke him,’ which means— grieved, vexed or bitter with us; because he will not bear, exalt, respect, accept (etc) your transgressions against me; that means— he won’t deal with us whilst we transgress God, and eat off the enemies table.
The priesthood is clean, and remains clean; the priesthood remains sanctified by constantly cleaning up their act, and they remain wrinkle free by ironing out their conduct daily, analyzing it with the Lord, and inspecting their hearts/souls and conduct all day, every day— as they desire to resemble and represent their God, and his Holy Spirit, properly and successfully in this lifetime.
“If you shall indeed obey his voice— and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy to your enemies, and an adversary to your adversaries.
For mine Angel shall go before you (angel of his presence), and bring you in, unto the— Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off.”
Here he just said, if we obey his voice, do not grieve his spirit by eating off the enemy’s table options of conduct (carnality, pride, etc), and if we do all he tells us to (obey his commands) —then HE WILL BE AN ENEMY— to ‘our’ ENEMIES, and adversary to our adversaries: he will FIGHT FOR US, because we fight to uphold HIM, WITHIN; it’s a relationship of mutual exaltation— the apple of his eye is us, and the apple of our eye, is him.
Like Doug Barrett always says, that the Lord said to him:
“See me, see you.”
Then all the ‘-ites’ of scripture, Israel’s enemies (now spiritual Israel— the seed of the people of Faith: Abraham, Issac and Jacob/Israel) —will be DESTROY, and OVERRULED— by God holy, our Father, PERSONALLY. 😁
“You shall not bow down to their gods— nor serve them, nor do after their works: you shall utterly overthrow them— and quite break down their images.”
This happens in the INNER MAN FIRST, and spiritually has to do with SOUL REFINEMENT, or SOUL SANCTIFICATION, becoming one in agreement with conducting this vessel as God does. And in that— as we DO NOT BOW and SERVE little ‘gods’ (not demons or fallen angels, nor fallen man [self] on the throne) —we UTTERLY OVERTHROW them (demons, fallen entities— including carnal man) and we BREAK DOWN THEIR IMAGES being ‘exalted,’ WITHIN MAN.
“You shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless your bread, and your water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of you.”
That sounds important in this time period coming in, doesn’t it?
“There shall be none who cast their young, nor are barren, in your land: the number of your days I will fulfill.”
Prosperity of our children, our fruitfulness (birthing a manchild), not barren— but fruitful in the Lord— in our ‘land,’ that’s our lives down here in the material land— will prevail, as we exalt him; and will fulfill ALL the days he said he would keep us alive down here: to those who have literally taken all of salvation, and are sanctified, consecrated, upholding the King, the Kingdom and his Righteousness, and WILL NOT BOW TO, nor ALLOW— ANY OTHER GODS INSIDE THEM, OR TO BE REVERENCED— in their lives.
“I will send my fear before you— and will destroy all the people to whom you shall come— and I will make all your enemies turn their backs to you.”
Turn their backs to you, means BOW to you— so whether that is demons, fallen beings, humans who are possessed by dark entities or literal troops and people against you in the flesh— God will be our defense— to those who uphold him and his kingdom!
A dog will only turn its back to you— if it trusts you, or submits.
I think we could use a bit of that defense, in the times to come, shortly.
“By little and little I will drive them out from before you— until you are increased— and inherit the land.”
Isn’t this his point with what he has to do— prior to, and in conjunction with— bringing in the Millennial Reign of Christ into the earth?
He must CLEANSE, PURGE, PRUNE and REFINE— and bring about a ‘developed’ people (mature) who function in the full stature of Christ, within; as the enemy, the reprobate, the fallen are dealt with (judgment period), and then satan is bound for 1,000 years: terraforming, quite literally— both the literal material land of the earth, and the land of the earth vessels— into profitable, holy, clean and sanctified, righteous and consecrated persons, inside and out.
Bringing in the Millennial Reign, the 1,000 years of exalting Christ in the earth (and earthen vessels) —where it’s Christ’s HOLY SPIRIT and person— that is exalted, as satan is thrown down (for a time).
He will terraform the ‘land,’ both outside in the nations, and inside in the nations of earthen vessels (human persons); but terraform, he will.
Terraform— reform earth.
It’s literally the definition of REFORMATION, ‘reform,’ the earthen (terra) vessel, or earth in general (land of nations, geography/topography).
“You shall make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.
They shall not dwell in your land— lest they make you sin against me: for if you serve their gods— it will surely be a snare unto you.”
Ain’t that the truth!?
If we serve their ‘gods,’ or counsel and leadership— and obey them, their counsel and leadership— allowing them to move us about, as a ‘god’ does…
THEY WILL DWELL IN OUR LAND, MAKING IT DESOLATE, or ‘waste and ruin,’ and they will ENSNARE US: we will have been found in the ‘fowler’s snare,’ and we will be IN BONDAGE.
The ‘land,’ our lives/souls/hearts are grounds that both the enemy wants to rule, as well as God holy, as well as self: which one we prop up in there, and listen to, and walk according to— WINS.
I pray we exalt God holy— because in that, we walk the priestly, we walk the righteous and ancient paths, we walk holiness, and we walk sanctified— scrubbed up by the CLEANSING that the word of God is to do in us, as the TRUTH ROOTS ITSELF IN US, and we ‘become’ scripture lived out.
And in that— we are protected, prosperous and successful in, and with the Lord God— as we exalt HIM.
It’s when we don’t— that our altar goes desolate, is wasted into ruins; and didn’t he say— In the last days, the Tabernacle of David will be resurrected again, and we will rebuild the ruins??
That is INNER MAN, with God, according to God, in submission and subservient to God (under God) and by his hand: the New Man Creation— in Christ Jesus.
When we STOP THE DAILY SACRIFICING unto God— our temple goes desolate; anything after that, in the physical bodies of man— comes on the heels of that interior spiritual depravity first: everything bleeds into the physical material world, after it has been ERECTED in the SPIRIT, first.
What goes DESOLATE in the spirit—
brings desolation to the physical, after.
So— Daniel 9:27
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many —for one week: and in the midst of the week— he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate— even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
The covenant, with— Christ— for one week (or 7, being completion [days of a week], and it be 7 years— as Christ was cut off in his 3rd year + ½ a year; so Christ will confirm covenant with ‘his—’ and halfway through— the sacrifice, and the oblation will come to a halt.
The sacrifice is what Christ accomplished (his blood, life, mission, achievement— salvation— to reconcile wayward man back to himself— and be made one again with the holy God; meaning— COMMUNION and LIFE— brought back to that man, in being restored back to ‘life’ —he being life— himself).
The oblation is ‘the thing offered to God,’ in Christ’s case here in Daniel— he himself was what was offered, and his perfect (whole) relationship restored with God holy, walking it out perfectly.
For us— it is that relationship, walked out through what Christ handed us in salvation (the way back to oneness with Father God) and ‘WE’ —are now the oblation, as we ‘offer ourselves up,’ being that ‘thing’ offered to God (our hearts/souls in purity).
IF THAT (the pure offering, oblation, and daily sacrifice of communing with God, upholding him within, and reverencing him) IS CUTOFF, or done away with…
We gain a ‘desolate temple,’ or interior man/soul— it is a soul of EMPTINESS and DEATH: it is not alive, for all life— is in Christ.
Desolate— a place deserted of people, and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness, make someone feel utterly wretched; root definition— late Middle English: from Latin desolatus ‘abandoned’, past participle of desolare, from de- ‘thoroughly’ + solus ‘alone’.
ABANDONED THOROUGHLY— a desolate temple, empty, vain, purposeless— no God to fill the place that God is to fill; only an inferior spirit there— filling a space meant for God holy— but was left to destruction, desolation, ruin, wasting, vanity, emptiness and forever VACANT and in a state of DEATH.
And why??
Because the person long since— rejected God and his Holy Spirit, their holiness, righteousness, sanctification by the truth (the word of God), reconciliation, repentance, union, loving the truth and becoming consecrated to the truth (which is his person).
We can prevent the desolation inside of our temples—
by upholding God holy, A HOLY SPIRIT in us,
and OBEYING ‘his’ Holy Spirit as he reconforms us,
and reconfirms us.
‘CONFIRM—’ is mentioned, and he keeps saying ‘CONFIRMATION,’ to me, over and over again lately; but he means it as ‘a’ confirmation, as in— like a holy, set apart practice, and APPROVAL of God— in that set apart life.
I find it NO coincidence that ‘confirmation’ is quoted in these prophetic passages of scripture.
Confirmation, root definition— make firm and establish.
Daniel 9:17
“Now therefore, O our God— hear the prayer of your servant, and his supplications (there’s the union, reconciled communion between God and his man, again) —and cause your FACE TO SHINE UPON YOUR SANCTUARY (his countenance and person, to come near to him, and REFLECT UPON HIM— he the sanctuary temple) —that is ‘desolate,’ for the Lord’s sake.”
In the last days— the Tabernacle of David will be restored, resurrected, revived; those are dead souls, brought back to life, and OBEDIENCE and REVERENCING the ‘living God.’
No more desolation— but LIFE ABUNDANT!!
He doesn’t talk to me so much about ‘names’ of people, or like— naming the antichrist— for there are MANY antichrists already among us; he speaks to me of the spiritual implications of our time and season we are in.
Because in understanding ‘where’ we are in time— we understand what is coming, what to look for, and how to be in proper standing with our God.
If you think about it from his perspective— he’s less interested in exalting the ‘name of’ the ANTI Jesus— than he is about us walking in the ‘name of’ the Lord Jesus, and exalting his name, character and authority (that’s the definition in Strong’s of the word ‘name’) in this realm— than he is giving the devil 15 minutes of fame.
The glory— IS THE LORD’S.
As well, he’s more interested in ‘what do we do, or concentrate on, and put ourselves to, right now’ that will BENEFIT the time we have?
He said…
Word from the Lord
“Janet, I’m more concerned that my people understand holiness, righteousness, integrity of character— my priestly person, being upheld in them— as they walk— same/as/like with me, inside— and by my lead…
Than I am about anything else— especially when judgment for not doing so— is coming in.
As man chooses to uphold within— so it shall be rewarded back to him: sow and reap, the law thereof.
I will give a man— as he wills and does of his pleasure.
If it pleases man to serve me— holiness, righteousness, sanctity, truth, cleanliness, resolute character becoming of Christ, consecrating their vessels to this, and only this— as they become ‘one’ with me…
Then they reap an amazing harvest that comes to one— who will walk in their priestly garments, keeping clean, and holy (set apart from the world, and spirit thereof) —in ironed out (wrinkle free) conduct— upholding my Spirit as ‘most’ highly regarded one inside them.
I will also render to the man the opposite, if he chooses (sows this crop to harvest).
If a man sows lawlessness to my Spirit, following the ways of the spirit of this world, reprobate, rebellious, prideful, fearful, unbelieving in me— who I really am— walking the paths of unrighteousness, self leadership and reasoning, exalting self and devils within…
I will render the harvest of that kingdom (my enemy) unto that man; for it is what he asked me to do— as his free will chose the alternative to me, holiness, righteousness— and becoming one with me in spirit, once again.
SO, child…
What do you believe is most important right now?
Naming who the antichrist will be?
When will he show up?
What will he do in detail?
What nation or land will he hail from?
Do you believe, child— that my heart is more aligned with helping the people to reform, throw down the flesh carnal nature, get the truth (scripture and proper conduct of Christ) rooted into them, becoming living epistles of the truth, uniting with me in spirit as ‘one’ again, truly working out the salvation to their souls that I gave them— as the time and season ushers in the ‘alternative’ option, who comes with DESOLATION in his wake?”
So, I tend to agree with him— and I walk in the ministering to him, as unto his people in the earth, who have need of what to do, and what to focus on, and how to come closer to him, align with him better, return to first love (Elijah spirit job), clean up getting sanctified by his word, and consecrating their lives unto him, and HIM ONLY: loving not their lives unto death, and not being so much as afraid to lose their earthly lives.
To me— that is what he is bringing for as most important— because it’s redemptive, it’s saving, it’s healing, it’s hopeful, and it’s USEFUL; both useful to us, AND— to him, as he desires for none to perish, but that all would REPENT (turn back to him, admitting a complete change needs to take place in reforming a new man inside, with and by Christ) —and be saved.
THAT— is what he asked me to bring forth today; and I don’t usually EVER talk about antichrist, the beast system, or any of this with him; but he brought up ‘the daily sacrifice’ being removed, through Doug— and Doug shared some things with me, and— THIS— is the part he said he gave to me to tie in: we all prophesy (or hear his heart and perspective— his mind) in part.
And this was my part today concerning ‘desolation’ to man, the daily sacrifice being removed, antichrist, the beast system— and what God is asking me to help folks focus on: HIM, and their relationship with the TRUTH, and walking SANCTIFIED, and CONSECRATED unto him— and as ‘one’ with his Spirit.
That IS your salvation, and WILL BE your salvation— in all times— but certainly, in the ones coming in now: one with HIM.