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All return to the Holy Fire Light--- one way or another

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Conversation with the Lord

[Link for video of this quoted conversation with the Lord: ]


“You are such a long-suffering and patient entity— you remain for so long, with so many warnings, so many opportunities— giving your goodness as incentive and true representation of yourself— to BELIEVE YOU.

Always exemplifying the choice to walk in your discipline of character and traits (to yoke with you) … freely displaying to all— of old time, from the beginning— all the way to the end— you offer one way to ‘be,’ and be found in that being or behavior— to contrast the choices of the other ways we can choose to be.

From Pharaohs, Pharisees, and wicked kings, from undisciplined household participants and prophets— to people of other nations (gentiles), from Judas, to disciples, to centurion guards— you always gave everyone the same person to encounter:  you are steadfast.

We have the option to be as you are— or to ‘be’ something else;  it’s always been this free will choice from the beginning:  you wanted people made in your image:  and you have known of evil, things that are in contrast or contrary to your person and ways— and you will always have that knowledge;  it will always be available to you— as it is with us right now.  

But as with our choices right now— you walk in discipline OF that knowledge, yet you swim not in those attributes;  I am forever in awe of your person, your discipline and your way about your person.

What could we be— if only we would discipline ourselves to ‘be’ as you are?  

What could we see accomplished in this world of ‘choice,’ if only our choice was to be as you are?  

What would our souls ascend into, in the heights of your person, far above all that drags souls down in weight and darkness— if only we would stay above in our inner man:  Know ‘of’ the evil dark ways, but refuse to associate ourselves with these choices of conduct.

The freedom gained— is unlimited in the possibilities.

We have been speaking lately, sir about all kinds of things— but some of what we have been speaking about is ‘who you are’ in all your names and titles;  and that if we will partner within our souls and inner man, to come into alignment and agreement with your person and how you ‘behave’ —then we will become as you are— and walk in what you walk in:  Be-Have, is truly behave, is it not sir?

What are we (be)?  What do we have inside of us?

Be-Have = Behave.

Root definition of behave— late Middle English: from be- ‘thoroughly’ + have in the sense ‘have or bear (oneself) in a particular way’.”


Your Person, Father


365 Names, Titles and Attributes of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit


Abba, Father



Abounding and Abundant


Adonai, Lord and Master





Almighty God

Alpha and Omega


Architect and builder

Ancient of Days


Arm of the Lord



Author and finisher of faith





Balm of Gilead

Banner of the people


Before all things

Beginning and end

Beloved Son of God



Blessed hope


Bread from heaven

Bread of life


Bright morning star

Brightness of glory of God



Captain of the Lord’s host


Chief cornerstone

Chief shepherd

Child Jesus

Choice and precious

Chosen of God

Christ Jesus our Lord

Christ the power of God



Coming again

Commander of the army of the Lord







Covenant-keeping God

Cover for sin



Defender and defense


Desire of nations

Despised and rejected of men

Died and rose again




Dwelling place 

El Shaddai - All-sufficient

El Elyon - most high God

Elohim - eternal God

Elroi - God who sees



Eternal God

Eternal life


Everlasting Father

Everlasting name



Expected one 

Faithful and true

Father to the Fatherless

Father of lights

Father of mercies

First and the last

Firstborn of creation


Forgiveness of sin


Foundation stone

Fountain for sin


Friend, friend of sinners

Full of grace and truth



Gentle and kind

Giver of every good gift

Giver of life

Glorious Lord

Glory of Israel

God of all comfort

God of all grace

God of deliverances

God of glory

God of hope

God of Israel

God of love and peace

God of retribution

God of vengeance

God our Savior

God the Father

God who sees


Good shepherd


Grace and gracious


Great high priest

Guard and guardian of my soul

Guarantor of a better covenant


Head of the church

Head of every man



Heavenly Father

Heir of all things

Help and helper

Hiding place

High and exalted one


Holy One of Israel

Holy Spirit


Horn of salvation




Image of God

Immanuel, always with us







Innocent, sinless, perfect



Jealous God

Jehovah-Jireh (Provider)

Jehovah-M’Kaddesh (Sanctification)

Jehovah-Nissi (Banner)

Jehovah-Rohi (Shepherd)

Jehovah-Rapha (Healer)

Jehovah-Shammah (Ever-present)

Jehovah-Shalom (Peace)

Jehovah-Tsidkenu (Righteousness)


Jesus Christ our Lord

Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus the Son of God


Judge of all the earth

Just one and justifier 

King eternal


King of glory

King of Israel

King of Jews

King of kings

Lamb of God




Life and life-giving spirit


Light of nations

Light of revelation

Light of the world

Lily of the valleys

Lion of Judah

Living bread

Living God

Living water, unfailing spring


Lord God, the Almighty

Lord Jesus Christ

Lord of all

Lord of glory

Lord of the harvest

Lord of hosts

Lord of lords

Lord of the Sabbath

Love and loving

Lover of my soul


Lowly in heart 



Majesty, majestic glory

Man Christ Jesus

Man of sorrows

Man whom God appointed

Marred, pierced, stricken, rejected







Mighty God

Morning Star

Most High God 

Nailed to a cross

Name above all names



New covenant of God

None other 

Obedient Son

Offering for sin




On high forever

Only begotten Son

Only God our Savior

Only one

Only wise God

Over all




Passover, blood of the Lamb







Power and Wisdom of God

Precious cornerstone


Prince of peace


Propitiation of our sins



Pure and Purifier 

Quieter of the storm

Quick and powerful word of God



Radiance of His glory



Redeemer and redemption


Refining fire




Restorer of my soul

Resurrection and the life


Reviving one

Rewarder and reward

Righteous one

Righteous judge


Risen Lord

Rock of salvation

Rock of refuge and strength

Root and offspring of David

Rose of Sharon








Searches hearts and minds


Seed of Abraham



Servant of God


Shadow of the Almighty




Sin-bearing sacrifice

Slow to anger

Son of David

Son of God

Son of the Highest

Son of Man

Son of righteousness




Spirit of adoption

Spirit of counsel and power

Spirit of God

Spirit of grace

Spirit of holiness

Spirit of the Father

Spirit of the Lord

Spirit of truth



Strong deliverer



Suffering servant


Sun and shield

Sun of righteousness

Sure and our surety


Teacher from God

Tower of strength

True God

True light

True riches







Unspeakable gift

Upholder of all things

Upright One 


Very present help

Victorious warrior



Vine and vinedresser

Voice of the Lord 

Wall of fire



Witness to the peoples

Wonderful Counselor

Word of God

Word of life

Works wonders



Yesterday and forever the same


Zion’s righteous King 


You never walked any differently from one person to the next— you never treated anyone any differently from one situation to the next;  the outcomes were different based upon man’s acceptance and receival of you— or their rejection of you, your ways, your traits, and their decision to walk opposite of you and the your kingdom:  with that— we understand the just judgment of a righteous and equitable King and Creator— who believes in giving man what he chooses, walks in and sows of a harvest.

But in all that— you remain steadfast.  Your discipline of person— is above all the rest;  you quite literally astound me in your discipline.

It’s all a choice in life, isn’t it sir?  It’s all a choice of ‘what will you BE?’

Essentially, you as all you created— “What will you choose to be, this day, and every day?  What will you walk in, with this situation to the next?  How will you discipline your inner man, and what traits will you express to the world and its inhabitants?”

Essentially— this is the scripture— And you will know them by their fruits;  meaning the differentiation between those who are ‘your’ children— and those who either purport to be with lips, but not with hearts (their inner man) —or those who deny you outright:  but we will all be known by our ‘discipline of character and actions,’ sir.

I see the merit in knowing you in all YOUR WAYS, TITLES and NAMES— to determine for ourselves, what we will walk in:  because if we partner with your names and titles, your attributes and character— we partner with your Spirit;  as we have the ‘right’ to BECOME (behave and be) THE CHILDREN OF GOD, by the ‘power.’

I understand the verse— “...having the image (an outward image, or in speech alone) of God, but of those who deny the POWER (to save, reform, and change them into the inner man of God’s image once again) —and from such, turn away.”

I understand this much better now, sir.

It is not— Do we know the written word, have memorized it, can recite it, or even teach what the written says…


Who ‘is’ the living epistle now?

Who ‘is’ the living love letter of the Lord, incarnate, in the earthen vessels?

This is what you demonstrated.  You demonstrated what it is to walk with God, inside— as one entity, same/as/like, and under the leadership of the Spirit of God.  We all have the option to walk under this ‘discipline’ as well.  But do we actually— in the heart— choose this, and execute this disciplined walk?

Do we choose to be VERY patient, still, peaceful, loving, and entreating to all people— hopeful in prayer for their salvation of their soul man too, as you did and do?

Do we carry them to you in hope and faith?  Do we give of our hearts in all ways that we can— and KNOW that we, like you with Judas— LOVED HIM THE BEST YOU COULD, whilst you had the ‘time’ to do so?  No matter what became of him and his choices?

We, like you— will only have, for most people (as most do not choose to return to you and your ways, and person for eternity— as they choose the broadpath to separation forever) — we will only have ‘time’ in this realm to love as you do, those who will never receive you or your love for eternity.

We only have NOW, here in this realm of ‘choices,’  that is truly what this place is— to choose to love NOW;  because soon enough— they will not have ‘time’ to BE loved by anyone, anymore:  what we choose to ‘BE’ —matters, NOW, sir.

And what we choose to ‘be disciplined in,’ and WHOM we choose to ‘follow,’  will display who is our ‘father,’ both now and forever:  yours, will be known by what they ‘became;’ because they reproduces fresh fruits, good fruits from the tree planting of the Lord.

Rotten fruit always comes from being what you are not, Lord.  But you will force no man, in anything.  It’s always been our choice to serve ‘light and love,’ and the only True God of…  or to serve darkness, selfishness, and hate toward others (which is passionate dislike, or carelessness, no love).

I pray we study the life of you for real God, the whole of scripture;  and learn of your interactions with man as the Spirit of the Lord, as Son incarnate, and as the Spirit who interacts with His children— all through scripture.  And I pray we learn of you.  I pray we sit at your feet and consume all that is you:  and BECOME your image, person, conduct, character, traits and fruits once again.

Because I have heard you say, time and time again….”


Word from the Lord


“Janet, I AM THE FIRE LIGHT, I told you all this.  When we all (and I mean ALL ENTITIES THAT CAME FROM ME, originally) come back to me, after this realm of time is finished… ALL will come back ‘into’ the holy fire.

Some will burn in torment of it forever (because they refused me, to return to my image and person, out of free choice to do so), and others will BECOME THE HOLY FIRE, THEMSELVES— and walk with me in New Jerusalem forever, in peace and harmony ‘with’ the holy Fire of who we truly are, and where you all truly came from:  but either way— ALL— return to the burning of the Holy Fire Light of God— where they came from.

I receive all back to me in the end, to be ‘judged;’  which means— determined to be distributed into which area within my self-existing person, forevermore.  Inside my love, adoption and acceptance— my holiness, righteousness and person— by free will choice— to return to ‘being’ the holy Fire Light with me once again… 

Or… to reject that, and yet return to the holy Fire Light, in rejection of it’s holiness— and burn in torment of that decision— forever:  all because the choice was a free choice to make, in what we ‘became,’ and behaved as, and whose traits and character we followed in the ‘time to choose’ realm.

But I will receive all back to me, and show how all decisions made— were just, and of free choice:  and all will return to me, to be distributed into the areas and places within me (I am fire) to be forevermore.

We are made of Light and spirit— and that is holy Fire:  but if your light has gone dark— how dark has it gone?

All will return to the fire;  my children return willingly and go through the Refiner’s Fire (that is my person, who will bring you into all truth);  as you are brought into all truth— you will be disciplined in the truth;  you will become the truth, you will live in the truth.  You will not just know ‘of’ the truth— you will BE THE TRUTH INCARNATE, as I was and am.

We will witness to the world of this, in this lifetime— and when the return will come, where I will receive all back to me to be distributed into the arms of God, or to the place without me (by choice chosen) —all will come to see, there was no escape from returning to me:  the choice only was this— did you by free choice, in your hearts— choose me, and to return to me?

Because if we truly choose that, Janet;  my children will return to me, and turn their back on the world and the spirit of— and they will be changed back into my image;  they will BECOME the holy Fire Light again, under my leadership (not their own, they are not self gods);  and so— they will be with me now in ‘time,’ and they will be with me forevermore outside of the time and space, material realm.

Those who do not choose this day to serve me, my ways, my traits, my attributes or person— will at some point of the judgment— return to me, and will be determined, evidenced by their own witness, their own life and choices played out before them— that they chose to not accept me, my way, my character, my traits, the disciplined walk of my person— nor me, myself;  and it will all be just, and all will know so:  this is why there will be gnashing of teeth.  People will KNOW, without shadow of doubt— they are where they are, by their own choices, within their own inner man (hearts), as to what they TRULY CHOSE to walk ‘in,’ in the earth realm, in their inner man, in the ‘time to choose’ realm.

I will receive all back to the holy Fire Light that I am, and the Light and Fire will judge them;  this is why I am warning many to seek me now while I may yet be found.  Come to me, and repent (turn from) your wicked ways, and come into the holy way.  Walk the paths of righteousness with me.  Come back into what you were created to be.  All my beings were created to be as I am, in one way or another— for all were created of me, by my person and traits of.

It is my love to warn, it is the heart of both you and I to deliver these messages;  it is the love of God to give man ample time, long patience, many lessons and breakdowns of what is true— through my servants:  I desired from the beginning that none would perish, but that all would repent (turn back to me) and return to what I made them as, from before the foundations of this time and space realm.

I am begging mankind now— Come back to me, choose love, choose the purity of my person and light;  choose to come back to our proper conduct and traits that I seeded you all with:  choose me, because I chose you, and wanted you from the beginning.

Choose discipline, choose my way, choose to be trained up in the way to go— by my very Spirit;  and learn from those that I have sent into the world (as I was sent into the world) to bring them from darkness, into the Glorious Light.

There is no cheating the holy Fire Light, my children;  all will be judged by it, and truth be— All are already being judged by my Light and holiness.  

My eyes search to and fro, in all the earth— looking for faith in me:  looking to see who REALLY chooses the Light of holiness and love:  will that be you?  Will you be found by my eyes— because you were single-eye focused on me, on holiness and righteousness, on love and light… On my person, me?

I am coming to receive you back to me, both now— and later;  what you choose to ‘be,’ or become and behave in (what discipline you walk out in) —will prove you to be mine, or not mine:  the choice is for every man.

But I am coming… sooner or later… I will receive all;  and when I do— the distribution of eternal destination will begin:  and remember, I desire that none should perish from me, but that all would return to me;  but it will require a ‘turn around’ to face me and holiness again (repentance).

Will you choose to walk as I do?

Will you choose to be as I am?

Because people— the choice is yours and yours alone to make;  but I am desiring you would choose to return to me:  for you will return to the holy Fire Light— one way or another.  But my choice— my desire— is that…

From the Holy Fire Light that you came from— you would choose to come back to, full circle— and walk up and down in that holy Fire Light;  as the living stones, chips off the ole block— that you all are, at your true core persons.

I desire for you to return to where you came from— ‘inside me’ —and that you would do that willingly, liking who I am, and holiness and righteousness:  because it’s a choice, but it’s one that will determine your entire eternal affairs, and where you will remain inside that holy Fire LIght.

Will you remain with me, by choice and in love— New Jerusalem— the city of Peace? 

Or, will you not choose me, holiness and righteousness nor returning to the one who truly loves you— and enter into darkness of fire light forever;  because you revered not the holy Fire Light?

What we choose to ‘be,’ will prove the tree we tied into:  the tree of corruption, or the tree of Life:  our discipline we walk out— will prove which tree we are rooted into, for I will always be the Refiner, who is refining mine back into holiness and righteousness.

The choice to ‘be,’ or ‘not to be,’ is truly at hand.

Thank you Janet, for allowing me to bring this forth;  I desire to pull some from the dark light, and into the glorious Light of the children of God.  You all bless me so— in your disciplined walk with me.

I love you;  continue the good work and disciplined walk under me children— let your Light shine unto the gross darkness— and we will walk together with those we pull from it, forever more:  I promise— it’s worth the persecution, separation and troubles in this lifetime.

I promise— and I am coming soon to uphold my people.”

—Abba, your Father


Will we be as he is— because he asked us to be so?

Will we give him all that is in us to be reformed and reconfigured?  Because it must be.

Will we demonstrate love— even to those who may perish, and never come into the glorious Light of the children of God, nor return to be with the Father forevermore?

Because he NEVER demonstrated anything but stellar discipline of his person— to all.

We still have TIME— what will we do with it?

What are we REALLY— inside?

What is that internal dialogue like?

What is that heart really pointed in or as, or toward?

What do we do to walk as disciplined as he does?

For he KNOWS EVIL— he is intimate with all the workings of evil and evil people— BUT, he still remains ‘detached’ and unwilling to swim in that, AT ALL;  are we??

He came, he was tempted, he resisted— do we?

He came and rejected all opportunities to hate, slander, be jealous/envious, blame, point fingers, be cold and cruel— but he did not;  do we ‘behave’ the same?   

[Be-Have —thoroughly + 

‘have or bear (oneself) in a particular way.’ ]

I see the need for man to, as I call it— ‘Get real’ with God;  and I cannot shake the feeling inside my soul and spirit, that we are in need of doing this NOW.

Will you examine your inner man and heart to see what you have been allowing, that has not returned to the holy Fire Light and Truth that we were born of?

Will you just get determined within your soul to ‘be’ as you should be?

Do you desire, truly— to be as he is?

Because if you do, you will.  It’s really that simple;  he will help you to bring this about.

Do you really want to see how he sees things?

Do you really want to love, as he loves, even the seemingly unloveable?

Do you desire to be holy, righteous, loving and abide ‘in’ the truth, as he does?

Do you desire to be DISCIPLINED in your character, traits, attributes and fruits of your inner man— as he is?

Because if you do— you will;  if you love him with all your heart and soul, mind and strength:  sanctification and consecration matters.

The children of God are led of his Spirit because they revere his Spirit, his way, his traits, his character, his person;  and the children of God— are returning to walk the ‘ancient One’s path;’  the path of righteousness— and no one fools the eyes of the Lord.  He knows what is in the hearts of men and women, and all created entities.

We will return to face the holy Fire Light once again;  I choose, because I love the holiness of the Lord, and the Lord himself— and how he made us and where we came from (inside of him) —to come back to him now, inside— and spend my eternity with him, in the city of Peace (New Jerusalem) —not the Lake with which burns with fire and torment forever:  for I do not find it tormenting NOW— to uphold love, Light, Holiness and Righteousness— NOW.

What our hearts really rebel against, or remain steadfast in— matters:  

Is it holiness/righteousness, love and pure light, or not?

The truth— will either make us free when we come back to it;  or it will condemn us, because we rejected it and him:  but one way or another, we come back to the holy Light and Fire, to face him:  the fire will not harm the child of the holy Fire— it will only embrace him.

Come back into the Fire, willingly, I pray, my fellow man.

Come back to him in harmony and peace, willingly, and in truth from your hearts:  for he desires none to perish.

His heart is FOR YOU, is yours for him?

Because you will NEVER be loved better by anyone here— like you will be loved by him;  your true first love— for you were born of Love, and Love— wants you back!

Will you return to true Love?

Will you return to Truth?

Will you discipline yourself to choose him, and return to his image?

Because he’s calling— can you hear him calling your heart?

I can.  

I can hear him calling the names of the Lost sheep of his fold.

And I desire to help him pull some from the dark light, into the glorious Light of the family, of the children of the Lord, and unto himself, into himself— once again.

Does that sound good to you?


Because that is who is calling you to come out of darkness, and into the Light again;  we all miss the Light inside— when he is not erected there in his rightful place.

Let us come back to being ‘fulfilled’ in Christ, in God.

Let us all come back to our True Lover of our Souls/hearts.

But the choice to yoke up to him in this reforming process is free unto every man to choose:  but I do pray you will learn of him, call out to him, and unite with his traits, qualities, fruit of his Spirit and character— because not only will you return to him…

But others will see your relationship, they will see him, they will experience him in you— and some more may come home to him and us all— after this place:  and what is better than that?

May we reform by your hand Father— and may the others witness your hand on and in our lives— and see your goodness, and repent (turn back to you) and come see what and who True Love really is:  and become that true love, holy Fire Light in the earth once again;  in their earthen vessels once again.

And then— may we all be together forever more;  returning to the Fire, and being embraced by the holy, righteous, loving Fire Light of God.


How will we be consumed by his Fire?

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