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  • Writer's pictureJanet Lynn

Abba introduces himself to his children: Arms of his healing Love, with Lisa Rickard

Our Father— and his Heart

Jeremiah 29:11-13

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.  Then shall you call upon me, and you shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.  And you shall seek me, and find me— when you shall search for me with all your heart.”

Hebrews 6:19-20

“Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters into that —within the veil;  Where the forerunner is, for us, entered— Jesus, made a high priest forever after the order of Melchisedec.”


Our Father is in the process of bringing forth his sons and daughters soon, who have followed Jesus, and have crucified their flesh nature, have been sanctifying their souls (minds, emotions, hearts, words, actions), and consecrating their lives to our heavenly Father.  And he is very close to coming forth in a greater measure with these children in the earth— as it is in heaven.

Yesterday morning my daughter received a strange wake-up call alarm from the Lord, and she immediately knew something was very different, and God was making her take note of the ‘time’ we are in:  this is what took place, and it’s very encouraging.

Torie’s Alarm [September 25, 2024], and whilst my daughter’s name is Torie, in full, it is historically short for Victoria, which references victory.

7:45 a.m. was the time she set her alarm for, to wake up –but it began sounding off at 6:16— and WOULD NOT turn off, then again at 6:22 it went off once more— with a peaceful alarm sound she didn’t set:  the Lord led her to immediately look into scripture verses— but she got stuck there.

The Lord said to me— “Isaiah, 61:6, and 62:2.”  

So— that is where I headed, to see what he was sounding a peaceful alarm, or alert to, and it led to the manifest sons (and I told her):  “The Romans 8 kids, or the priesthood are soon to come forth in the earth; and these verses speak of that.  And since you had two alarms go off, and alarms are like trumpets that call forth a change in something, it signifies that the King is coming.  And as well— sometimes it's about the King's people coming, and in victory.”

Isaiah 61:6

"But you shall be named the Priests of the LORD: men shall call you the Ministers of our God: you shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall you boast yourselves."

Isaiah 62:2

"And the Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory: and you shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name."


H745 -- Arieh

Hebrew: אריה

Transliteration: 'aryêh

Pronunciation: ar-yay'

Definition: The same as H738; lion;

{Arjeh} an Israelite: - Arieh.

G745 -- Archelaus

Greek: Ἀρχέλαος

Transliteration: Archelaos

Pronunciation: ar-khel'-ah-os

Definition: From G757 and G2994; people ruling;

Archelaus a Jewish king: - Archelaus.


This is very exciting news for the children of God, because they will be coming forth in the earth, to partner with their heavenly Father— during the darkest of times that are coming into play now.

Our Father is always a full circle Father, and an inclusive Father:  meaning— no matter where are, we began in a good place with our Father— and he intends to get us back to that good place in him, and with him again— coming full circle back around (in our hearts, our relationships with him, and as well— in the reconciling of his creation in the earth).

No matter how dark it gets (and it will), no matter what is going on— our Father has a plan, and he’s had a plan for a very long time— and he will be bringing it all forth;  and it must come forth— for it is written.  And we can take solace in that it is written, and it is written for our benefit.  He has told us what shall come— and so he prepares his children. 

And as well, in that preparation— he shows us, he tells us— his intentions for us:  to reconcile lost people, broken people, wayward people— back to God, his love, and his family.

There are many things on his heart in this hour— some are exciting, like the sons and daughters of our Father coming forth in the earth, as beckons of his heart and his love, his intentions, and as his ambassadors;  and other things are more difficult and heavy upon his heart, wherein sow and reap comes into play.

But remember— all things have a purpose, and all things are for a redemptive purpose in Christ Jesus.  The warnings, the revelations, the encounters with his person in the earth, the words given, the ministering, the corrections or admonishing— they are all to save us, regain our focus, and turn us around to face our God once again— and gain freedom in Christ Jesus.

It is true, once again he will shake the earth— but not just the earth, the heavens too;  and we will speak a little today on this, as the Lord leads.  However, mostly, he desires to speak of things that have diverted the hearts of his people away from him, his face, his partnership union with them in this realm— and his heartbreak over that; as well as what that looks like that is happening right now, how we are approaching one another (in love, or not), and what we can do about it.

To begin with— there is an issue over the ‘glory,’ [which is to say the honor and dignity that is God’s] and if man has been entangled with the same thing that entangled the nameless originator of the fallen nature— taking the glory for himself, and walking out in a false light, and exalting self in the trap of self-leadership, and self focus:  the face of God lost in the high places of the created.



The face of Diversion


Ichabod: ‘No glory,’ or— the glory has departed.  

Matthew 24:24

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

We must be mindful of our affiliations and our heart motives;  we must watch and discern what is being brought forth, what we are going after, and what God is saying about it (are we even asking, facing him, or seeking his will?):  are we seeking God, or ‘other?’

“All will be humbled at my coming:  you think you know what you think you know, and you think you’re moving how you think you should be moving— and that is the point now, isn’t it?  Who is at the helm?”  

“October will be dicey, and November even worse.”

—Christ, the King

That is a word he has given to me regarding current affairs in the earth, the time/hour we are in, as well as the fact that we will all be surprised by what he does next, whom he walks out with, what they have been doing all along, what is in their hearts, and who these nameless and faceless people are (and many do not think they qualify, or will be found worthy to be a vessel of honor for our Lord— and yet, he will bring them forth.

As well— there are many who weigh themselves in the balance of judgment/reasoning, and wholeheartedly believe they will be coming forth, and that it’s a done deal— and yet our Father sees all behind closed doors, and inside the hearts of man.  We will all see soon enough— what God sees, and all men will be humbled as the truth comes forth.

Lisa was speaking to me yesterday, and the Lord came through her so strongly, and he said:  

“Refrain from the direction I’m not calling you to go in— that stream, refrain— great temptation— go in this direction. Looking at pure hearts, do you understand me, do you, do you understand me?  Pure hearts of love, pure hearts of love I search, pure hearts, I search the hearts, do you hear me?  Do you hear me?”



There are reasons why a falling away takes place, and it has soul involvement, second heavens involvement— which is rampant in his church of called out ones.  An attitude on a ship— is it’s heading/direction— and when we ‘divert’ from Abba’s face, heart, and mind— we divert unto our face, heart, and mind:  and our affections are misaligned— and our destination we were desiring to head toward, is diverted:  we end up where Abba does not desire for us to end up.

Divert— cause (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to another, reallocate (something, especially money or resources) to a different purpose, draw (the attention) of someone from something: entertain or amuse;  root definition— late Middle English: via French from Latin divertere, from di- ‘aside’ + vertere ‘to turn.’

Psalm 27:9

“Hide not your face far from me; put not your servant away in anger: you have been my help; do not leave me, neither forsake me— O God of my salvation.”

Deuteronomy 31:18

“And I will surely hide my face, in that day, for all the evils which they shall have wrought— in that they are turned unto other gods.”

Hide face, or turn away— is removal of presence, or the Glory of God, Ichabod.

God’s Glory:  The glory of God— is His presence— his tangible presence, and also refers to God's magnificence, worth, and grandeur.  God's glory is greater than His power alone— because it includes his love, grace, righteousness, his mercy and personal presence. 

The Anointing of God:  The anointing is God's power, approval, and authority revealed to others as they come into contact with the child of God:  it is the result of the gifts of the Spirit, the presence of the Spirit of God— to fulfill the will of God in particular situations in a person’s life. 

The word "anoint" in Hebrew means "to rub in," and in Greek it means "to smear."  

[taken from online]

Benefits of the anointing: “The anointing can empower people to fulfill their purpose, break yokes that hold them back, and bring favor.  For example, Jesus Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, which allowed him to heal the sick, cast out devils, and do good.”

The Anointing of God was given to heal.  The Glory of God, in the Glory of God (meaning, where he is exalted, faced, reverenced, and heeded as most high God, and allowed to come through in his fullness) is the place of the miraculous (think: restored parts/limb, verses healing wounds: it’s where the creative works with the power and will of God manifest).  It is the atmosphere with God, where one couples with the living God— where miracles happen.

Anointing:  1 Kings 13:20 —the anointing was stored in Elisha’s bones.  There was no one there to exercise faith, or giftings, Elisha was dead —So what made the difference?  It was the anointing in the bones.

Mark 5:28— the woman with the issue of blood, her faith brought forth the anointing of the Lord (virtue left him: but because he carried not only the anointing of God upon him in approval as the dove of the Holy Spirit approval came upon him at his baptism to do the works of God with power, and his ordination of public ministry— but because the Glory of the Father and Spirit rested upon his life: the presence of the Lord).  

As well when Peter said— “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have— I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene: rise up and walk.”  The anointing they had upon them (approval, agreement, power, love, faith, authority of the Lord— given by the Lord in his name: his character).

The anointing is the gift of the holy Spirit with us and upon us, and the approval and favor from God to carry out the works of the kingdom— because reverence and honor is given the most high God— to his name, and in the truth, and in faith of his name and power: healing takes place, devils flee from the anointing— it breaks the yoke.

And there are several types of anointing:  kingly, priestly, and prophetic anointings of the Holy Spirit:

We are to be priests under our high priest— and when we are (holy as he is holy, interceding as he is interceding, sanctified and consecrated as he is sanctified and consecrated unto our Father) —we will walk in the priestly anointing— for we are priests.  

When we live under the authority of our God, as Jesus exemplifies in subjecting himself under the leadership/headship of the Father (he only did what his Father showed him, led him in, and to) — we too will walk in the kingly anointing, as Jesus does this— and we are in him (little kings under the high King).  

And when we are picking up our cross, dying to self, communing with our heavenly Father and King, and their holy Spirit, getting cleaned up, ironed out, matured, and obedient to our God, loving him as he asked us to in obeying his command— we too will prophesy with the Spirit of prophecy, for we have placed ourselves under him, and subject to him:  these are all anointings that can be walked out, lived in, and carried forth in the earth— and they all come forth by partnership with our God in these areas, with a yielding to his Spirit, and his love, and his truth— within our souls, spirits, and bodies.

1 John 2:27

“But the anointing which you have received of him— abides in you— and you do not need any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things— and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you— you shall abide in him.”

Here the anointing is referred to as the Holy Spirit in a person:  but the glory of God manifest— is when God himself, displays himself, and goes far beyond the manifest anointing of his presence, and instead brings in the glory of his presence— in person;  it is where he himself comes forth and does the works, and shows up, and reveals it is he himself:  think— when people’s faces morph, and others see Christ’s face, himself, superimposed over ours.  

This is where carnality has been slayed, the cross has been carried, and the Glory of God’s very own presence shows up, and manifests that he is there, to others— through, or with all people involved.

This is because of ONENESS accomplished in this vessel, or with this vessel:  with this servant of God, who brings forth God himself into the situation:  and the all powerful, all creative, all loving God shows up to grace us with his very presence:  it goes beyond a minister with the holy Spirit anointing— and God himself shows up, with manifestation of.

Glory of the Lord/God:  is the power and presence of God manifested in visible form, he himself (in whatever format he chooses to manifest himself).  It is God himself, his presence, and the glory of his presence manifesting with you (in oneness) — to do His works and operate according to His sovereignty and initiative.  

One— is you working with the Holy Spirit, in conjunction with the truth, faith, and anointing upon you:  and the other— is the Father doing is works right through you, and manifesting himself in such a way from his glory— that the miraculous, creative power and authority of God himself manifests in such a way that it supersedes just healing or mending— it incorporates wholeness, full restoration— like the one leper that came back with thanksgiving in his heart, and was FULLY RESTORED, not just healed.

There is a completely different reverence toward God.  Not just a person grateful for the works themselves of healing— but GRATITUDE TOWARD THE PERSON OF GOD, HIMSELF: hence— full restoration, the Glory of God manifest, miraculous full wholeness, as if full health and wholeness had always been.  HE RECREATES BY HIS WILL, manifesting himself into the situation, usually by the oneness of the vessel, and God himself, with reverence;  and he rewrites the material in the process: oneness— where 2 become 1 in spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18

“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 

As we become one with the Lord, and with high reverence, throwing down all other distractions and directions, slaying the flesh, and returning to our proper garments, shape, form, and ironed out identities— we supersede the anointing only (because that can come forth with vessels who are not in oneness with God, but who are approved for some purpose to carry out the will of God):  when we become ‘at one with God,’ we become glory carriers:  which really means— we carry the Holy Spirit within us, filling usto such a degree of oneness— that God himself will manifest himself to all who come in contact with this kind of son.

Habakkuk 2:14

“For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”

The Glory of God— cannot be sought after, meditated into, or manifested by will:  it is initiated by God— FOR GOD:  and it is for our spirits and souls to recognize and encounter God directly, as we receive God directly (like his love for us being received, believing, and in faith):  he will make himself known to men.

It is not what man’ can manifest— it is ‘coupling with God in surrendered humility and reverence,’ asking him if he’d like to come through with his glory, himself, in any situation— and then allowing God to do his own works:  it is truly introducing others to God, like rolling out the red carpet for him;  versus— man stepping up and doing works ‘with’ God:  it is bowing to him entirely— and allowing God to manifest himself to the person, through or with us— entirely of his own will and personal choice.

When we carry God everywhere, rolling out the red carpet for him— in reverence to the face of God, and we desire more to bring him to the people— than we do about healing, or deliverance or ministry, for the sake of… 

That’s when God can come in and do his own works, himself:  and isn’t that what people really need, anyhow?  A personal experience with God himself.

The Glory of God will not be usurped by no man:  but God will bring his presence through with one in whom he is set at one with— and man can see and taste that the Lord is good— if man will entirely get out of the way for the glorious presence of God to manifest himself to the lost, needy, destitute— widows, orphans, and fatherless.

These— are the manifest children of God that are coming forth, and being birthed out— the glory carriers:  which means— they bring God wherever they go, bow to him, and usher HIM forward to whomever they are before:  they are with Christ, where he is— they are, where they are— he is.

Ruth 1:16-17

“And Ruth said— Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following after you: for wherever you go— I will go; and where you lodge, I will lodge: your people shall be my people, and your God— my God:  Where you die— I will die— and there I will be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought (anything) but death part thee and me.”

[Ruth was speaking to her soon to be husband, and we are to marry the Spirit of Christ Jesus as well:  becoming one with our God, the bridegroom.

Matthew 16:24-26 – "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."  This was a death with Christ verse, taking us through the same sacrificial walk as our Savior, bridegroom, and Lamb of God;  we are his sheep.    Romans 6:4 “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”]

Revelation 14:4

“These are they who were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from among men— being the firstfruits unto God, and to the Lamb.”

With God’s glory and presence— God can reach nations:  2 Chronicles 7, for example.  The anointing— is for the earth:  the Glory of God— is God from heaven, and is the atmosphere of the habitation of God— manifesting in the earth realm, cataclysmically— as he himself comes through:  one is work, or job oriented to change a situation; and the other is person orientedintroducing the King to a person or situation:  ministry working of the Holy Spirit of God, or God himself showing up.

One is a vessel coupling with God in service— with the anointing to take care of the issues at hand;  the other is God himself manifesting, as one with the vessel, in the temple of God— in his own domain, for it has been given over completely— and God himself shows up, and does his own works, through the vessel, or manifesting separately:  a face glowing like Moses, or a Peter shadow.  One the presence of God boldly showing up, from glory to glory— the other, carrying the power of God to couple with him, and accomplish his work in the earth.  

The PRESENCE OF GODunto a lost and broken generation— is what we are after, to lead them to HIM, away from our own faces, names, and lives— and usher in the King of kings to meet them, and slay estrangement with the blood of the Lamb, and encounter the people directly, himself:  this is an ambassador of Christ Jesus in the earth:  and this is the priest hood of kings who carry the presence of the high priest and the King with them— the glory carriers.

Anointing— is when man takes the initiative, doing the works, and relies on his mantles;  The Glory of God— is when God takes the initiative, himself— and carries his own person into the situation, directly, with his own works.  The anointing— is worked, we rest in his Glory of his presence.

John 14:10-12

“Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in me— and the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me— he does the works.  Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

Verily, verily, I say unto you— He that believes on me— the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

It is CHRIST himself, Jesus— who would like to co-labor with us, as we come to him, and through him and with him— to repartner with the Father, for him to do his own works out of us:  anointing— is man working with God, but the Glory of God— is God choosing to manifest himself THROUGH that person, because they are one, together:  the vessel is clean, pure in heart and mind, motives, actions, and speech unto the Lord, and all activities in this realm.  

They stare at the face of God day in and day out.  

They hang on his every word.  

They are not waylaid, they are not distracted, they know what the treasure of their heart is, and it’s DIRECT COMMUNION and WORSHIP with, and unto God himself.  

That kind of child of God— becomes a ‘manifest son,’ and the manifest sons— are MATURE:  they seek the face of God, forsake all others, family, friends, affiliations, and their affections, worship, time and labors— are unto God himself.

These give their majority of themselves, their focus, their heart, and mind unto God:  these LOVE GOD MORE THAN ALL OTHER:  they are the OPPOSITE of this current adulterous generation— who seeks a sign, and is walking in spiritual adultery and idolatry:  self adulation, self gratification, and lovers of pleasure MORE THAN God.

2 Timothy 3:1-2,4

“This, know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud.... lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.”  

Matthew 10:37-38

“He that loves father or mother more than me— is not worthy [deserving, comparable, suitable, due reward] of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than me— is not worthy of me.  And he that takes not his cross, and follows after me— is not worthy of me.”




Sensualism has taken over his church


Sensualism— can be defined as the persistent or excessive pursuit of sensual interests and pleasures. Sensualism is the idea that feeling is the only criterion for what is good. Sensualism is the doctrine that— sensations and perception— are the most important form of true cognition.

Cognition— the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses;  root definition— late Middle English: from Latin cognitio(- ), from cognoscere ‘get to know’.

Emotionalism is an issue:  we are an overly emotional people when we are in our flesh.  The flesh operations of the 5 senses can easily be manipulated by other entities in the spirit realm— if all we are keyed toward is an ‘experience,’ that makes us feel something, or see something, or taste something, or hear something, or smell something:  all entities in the spirit realm can do that for us— not just God;  and they are more than eager to assist us in this:  hence— the deceived church.

We have been carnal people, who believe we are discerning properly by the Spirit of God when we can judge a situation and happening— by the 5 senses, and that is carnal, and easily manipulated.  We either judge based upon what we are feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting, or hearing— or we judge based upon the fact that we are not— IN OUR EARTHEN VESSELS, WITH EARTHEN SENSES.  And this is a serious issue— that leads man astray, easily, handly from the second heavens— where many entities venture and assist mankind.

The TRUTH, and the PERSON OF— is walking in the Spirit with God.  His fruits, his person, his presence, his discernment, reverencing him, honoring him, facing him— and then his person— brings in his own works through us.  And when we KNOW THE AUTHENTIC PERSON OF GOD FOR OURSELVES, personally— we will know when it is ‘not him’ we are confronted with:  in our 5 senses down here, that are trying to be manipulated by satan— all because we will rely upon our God, and what he SEES, KNOWS, and LEADS US IN.

We have a church who has been diverted into walking inside— their own way, and by their own leadership— because their affections, attention, and focus— has been given to ‘other.’  Giving into lusts and appetites— instead of crucifying them, serving flesh— instead of the Spirit.

Other things: other entities (angels, humans), other lusts (supernatural power, signs, miracles, wonder), other goals and ends (what they can get to walk in, or have, positions, giftings), other gods— namely SELF!!!

He can use a donkey, he can use sons of Sceva, he can use a reprobate king to bring forth his will— and he does:  but that does not mean they serve his headship, the crown, or have gotten off the throne, out of their own high places, and have given reverence to God.

This a critical hour— what’s in the hearts of man— will now be revealed;  their heading/direction/affections/headship— is being tested, and revealed:  and subtle deviations are being noted.

Deviation— departing from established course, the deflection of a vessel's compass needle caused by iron in the vessel, which varies with the vessel's heading;  root definition— mid 16th century as an adjective in the sense ‘remote’: from late Latin deviat- ‘turned out of the way’, from the verb deviare, from de- ‘away from’ + via ‘the way’. The verb dates from the mid 17th century.

Hence— a falling away from God, unto other gods.

Signs, miracles, wonders and power will NOT be any indication of godliness or obedience and service to God:  fallen affiliations can be taking place.

Discernement is going to be key, and discernment of the Holy Spirit works in conjunction with the Holy Spirit— it’s his perception, knowledge, wisdom, and directing of us;  and we must KNOW the authentic God, in order to spot the impostors, as well as smell the trap of the lust of the flesh coming— when the temptations are offered up to us:  we cannot be INDULGENT TO THE FLESH, indulging it— instead of crucifying it.  It is AT ENMITY WITH GOD— and it does not obey the law of the Spirit of God, nor could it:  it’s OPPOSITE OF GOD/Spirit.

We need to get cleaned up and ironed out— and the judgment period, and the tribulation period— will help us with this:  as well— God’s manifest sons will be on the scene to assist our Lord in his work in the earth— unto going head to head with the prophets (or the inspired) of Baal, which means lord:  for they are those under the lordship of their own souls, going up against those whose souls are being healed, made whole, coming into alignment and agreement with the holy God, and under his headship— their spirit in oneness with his Spirit, and his Spirit— AT THE HELM OF THE VESSEL.

How to know the difference??

Is God emphasized?  Has all honor been given to God?  Are people being introduced to God?  IS THE LOVE OF GOD MANIFEST, REFERENCED, and BROUGHT FORTH?  Has the King of kings, and Lord of lord been ushered forward to meet the people and the situation?

Or is there emphasis on other things, people, and sensual focus?



We are being called into one accord, and the Lord said to me:

“Janet, many will be brought INTO one accord, when I catch them up— including those who do not perceive themselves as ‘worthy’;  because many are rebellious to my Spirit still yet— rejecting union with me, even though they cannot see it, or do not believe they are:  They are still broken, and in need of healing, in need of correction, reformation, rebuke, refocus, recommissioning— essentially, dear, deliverance in Christ.  And THEN— we will be in one accord, under God, in heaven, and in earth.”

Folks— this is his heart, and he’s after TOTAL DELIVERANCE INTO HIS PRESENCE, PERSON, LOVE, SALVATION— to return his people to their right image, with their Father, in his love (experiencing his love directly), and receiving truth FREEDOM IN CHRIST, and IN THE TRUTH.

There are many things that can waylay our mission here with Christ, all kinds of doctrine led of satan— to divert and deviate:  in Christ though, there is no shadow of turning, or diverging.

Satan will fit scripture to his agenda— we must know the scripture personally, the person of the logos and rhema— know the authentic God, PERSONALLY:  and then— never be deceived by the impostor.

There are only one of two spirits that can be in a man at any given time:  Christ, or antichrist;  and antichrist— walks in contrast to Jesus Christ, and does not watch his Father, nor is led of his Father, nor is reformed into the Father’s image again; and instead— diverged, or diverted from the way, the truth, and life in Christ.

What can we do?

Well— judgment and tribulation is coming:  famine, dearth in the earth or shortages, financial collapse, violence, war, persecution of the church, tracking our moves, mandates (again), etc.  But also— the seeking of the true word of God— because it will be in shortage— those who know God, and abide with him and truth:  the manifest sons will be called up, and sent forth, and repentance will be sought after by God, and needed to be given by man:  in fact— the shaking of both the earth AND the heavens— is for our salvation, for our turning around, and for our reconciling to the truth, and the person of.

So, what can we do?

REPENT, turn, change direction with actions of— for he desires that NONE SHOULD PERISH, but that all would REPENT— and be saved:  come back under God, follow God through Christ Jesus, know the word, know the truth— for coupling with the truth, being scrubbed by the truth, coming into oneness with the way, the truth and life in Christ— IS YOUR SALVATION THAT SETS/MAKES YOU FREE!!!


Job 5:19-24

“He shall deliver you in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch you.  In famine he shall redeem you from death: and in war from the power of the sword.  You shall be hid from the scourge of the tongue: neither shall you be afraid of destruction when it comes.  At destruction and famine you shall laugh: neither shall you be afraid of the beasts of the earth.  For you shall be in league with the stones of the field: and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with you.  And you shall know that your tabernacle shall be in peace…”

James 4:7-10

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands— sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded.  Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord— and he shall lift you up.”

Philippians 4:7-9

“And the peace of God— which passes all understanding— shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.  Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.”



Video song— segwaying into prayer

John Tussey instrumental music: healing music


Prayer, Altar Call, Ministering, Deliverance/healing,


I pray this blesses you as much as it did us.  And the music during the prayer session at the end, is by John Tussey, and his link to his music is: available on Spotify, Apple music, YouTube, Pandora, ITunes, and Amazon music.  The thumbnail picture is available for print purchases on Etsy, under:  BibleDigitalArt.  And the song video at the end, before the prayer is:  Mountain People Worship, “My heart wants you,” at: 

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