“Janet I cannot accomplish my perfect will in the earth, in each of my children’s lives— unless I have a partnership taking place in them, according to my will.
I speak to each and every man, within, where the kingdom is, where the King’s domain is in each man— but if they are not in the word, and if they are not seeking me with everything they’ve got of their souls— they will not hear my will clearly.
I have said again and again what my generalized will is in scripture for every man— to have a real relationship with me, through repentance, through a true and pure heart unto me, and with full effort— if they will seek my face, turning back to me— they will find me; and don’t forget— ‘find,’ in the scripture— The narrow way, and few there be that ‘find it’— is the word ‘obtain,’ and ‘perceive’ it, in the Strong’s.
We must be a people who can see their God in scripture, know their God in scripture, and then who will give their ALL— time, focus, dedication, throwing down doubt and unbelief— believing I’ve given all of myself to them already (they cannot get more of ALL, and I’ve given myself in FULL to every man), and WALK OUT what I have given them— fully believe they HAVE ME and ALL CAPABILITIES ALREADY.
I do not work from lack, and neither does my kingdom, or my children— tell them to work from FULL PROVISIONS! Because I have already given them ALL of myself, ALL that my kingdom has to offer, in possibilities to walk out— ALREADY.
It is a different mindset (in the mind of Christ) to walk out what one already has— than to wish, hope, and beg for inner man intimacy with God— when it’s been fully provided already.
Each man will have to work out this salvation within, with fear and trembling— that’s with great reverence and honor God; each man will have to BELIEVE, and it will have to be ROOTED DOWN in that man, and become ALIVE in him. Many talk about the ‘living words’ of God— and it ‘becomes so’ inside of them, when my person becomes real to them— when they fully believe what I have laid in the plumb-line and foundation (scripture) for them of myself— and then they JUST LIVE IT, letting it ROOT INSIDE OF THEM, and GROW DEEPER.
I expect my children to DO, not sit and try to figure it out— that’s working in and of one’s own strength and reasoning— just DO the relationship, just DO the fellowship with me, just DO the will of God (that’s my good pleasure unto every situation); and to do that— you must hear my lead inside each man, according to each scenario: ask, BELIEVING, I said in scripture, and you shall receive it.
Ask to clearly communicate with me, and hear me— and believe I desire this too— then walk it out, without doubt; one mustn’t doubt they can hear me, one must believe they already do, and tune in to my voice.
Every one of my children (sheep) knows my voice, and another they will not follow; this is for you to BELIEVE, WITHOUT DOUBT, and then STEP INTO IT— believing you can, do and will tune in more and more, and hear me clearer and clearer.
Tell them it can start like I did in you, through your voice within, like how you think— but it was the wiser, secure, confident, loving, calm voice of godly reason within you; and then LATER, it tuned into my actual voice— a different sound to my voice, with a different inflection and verbiage: but we begin, where we begin.
I speak differently to each child; currently I am speaking to you word for word as you type; some write with a pen, sometimes I speak directly to your mind— as like I interrupted what you were doing, and you took the computer out; sometimes I speak a knowingness inside a man, sometimes I move your hearts— and you will feel overwhelmed with love, or a certain feeling and topic about another.
But I never move fearfully.
I never speak with doubt, or skepticism— I already know what will be, and I am confident— and I speak with a calm, disciplined voice.
If you have too many voices and spirits talking loudly within you— you will not hear my still, small voice; this is on purpose so you will cast out all other voices and spirits, and you will TUNE INTO my voice, drawing yourself into that peace-filled state of being, where all things in God are good, and orderly, and at rest.
I have an agenda ‘in’ man, when I speak to them, as much as I am speaking a word to them; everything I do is with purpose, and the biggest purpose I will have in men’s lives— is to reform their inner man’s soul. It will be to conduct, reform, reorder, bring peace and godly governing into their inner man— bringing them out of carnality— and into living as a well rounded, mature and secure spirit being in Christ Jesus— who is reconnected to the Father of them.
I desire to reconnect within, to each of my children; I desire for them to rest in me— and to give up the carnal desire to give them their next RUSH inside. I see them going from post to post, word to word given, video to video, telegram to telegram, Instagram to Instagram, or TikTok to TikTok… and they wonder why they are unsettled inside, and cannot hear God clearly, nor have the intimacy they are desiring: there are too many gods inside of them to listen to— idols.
I told you that everyone must make me MOST HIGHLY regarded one inside; they must spend time with me in my word, to understand what I am saying, to meet me there; they must pray and speak to me, calmly— expecting to receive of me: I will give to those that dedicate all they have of themselves to me.
I will not compete with other gods/idols/voices and persons— I expect to be the apple of their eyes— that includes cutting off what the flesh wants; the flesh wants to be entertained by words spoken, screens flashing, lights and sounds… silence is a virtuous thing in the Lord— and yet my children are distracted by their flesh, and pursuits of it all day long.
I sit and wait, and wait and wait for them to make me the priority— to reach for me, and tame their souls— by crucifying what the flesh nature is demanding, desiring and screaming for— like unruly children: but until they do that, and tell it— NO— they will struggle to hear from me, because they allow so many other voices to speak into them all day long.
When they are truly serious about me in their hearts— they will come to me with their FULLNESS; until then— they speak with their lips, but their hearts and actions are far from me; and they are remaining in ‘intentions,’ but refuse to follow through and throw down the flesh.
If the flesh will remain the strongest one ruling that person— they will remain in confusion, disarray, lack, unfulfilled in intimacy with me— and pessimistic, angry, frustrated and upset; and yet— I desire for all they desire in intimacy— but will not force any man. I will wait until they are ready to do the work, and put FULL effort in— and do it CONSISTENTLY, not backing down— no matter how long it takes.
I wait patiently for my children to truly turn their hearts and minds to me; will they stick it out, and plow forward, praying, reading and believing to hear from me— no matter how long it takes for it all to click into place, and become their functioning reality??
Because many give up— when they’ve hardly started; and I am desiring them to come into the FULL STATURE OF CHRIST.
Many will become frustrated and arrest the development, as its barely begun— because I do not respond quickly enough for them, or in the way they have boxed me in to respond to them, or they become so impatient— they don’t give me time to speak, and overrun me with their incessant speech, and monologue: relationship is a two way street, and must be respected; I will speak, when I am given reverence, time, and freedom to do so.
One must listen within— to hear what I am saying; one must not dismiss the thoughts I put forth in them; and my thoughts are always good, bold, truthful and tied to the scripture. They will always be words given that will encourage you to— grow, trust, step out in faith, believe, love, stand tall in Christ, step into your true identity, and leave the old behind.
They will always be words that reveal more about each other, to each other. They will always be words that develop our relationship— and work on issues that need to be resolved as we come into alignment, where two become one in Spirit.
They will be words of encouragement, of strength to fight the enemy and giants in your lives— they will be LIFE GIVING WORDS; they will be reformative words, they will be powerful words, and they will be spoken from a calm, centered, capable, secure, peaceful voice within.
My children must ‘learn’ my voice as I speak to them; this means— they must practice hearing my voice— and that is most easily done, when all other voices are removed— as like I am doing with you now: you are tucked away, in total silence, tuned in, and giving me reverence— believing I am giving this insight that you are getting— and it’s for my children to help them.
I will work with whom I can— I am no respecter of persons; but I respect those who reverence me, who trust BIG, who step out BIG, and who put their lives on the line in a sacrificial lifestyle; I uphold those who uphold me, and are bold in doing so— those who KNOW in whom they have believed, and am persuaded of.
I desire MORE INTIMACY WITH THEM, Janet— tell them this; I stand at the Door and knock, if they will OPEN UP TO ME— I will come into their situations, their person, their minds and their hearts— their LIVES— and I will sup with them, and they with me.
I promised this— but they HAVE TO OPEN UP TO ME…
B e l i e v i n g !!!
How will a double minded, double hearted, double thinking man (doubt, belief, doubt, belief, doubt, belief)— expect to receive anything of the Lord?? For he is unstable in his ways: meaning— his heart and mind is not settled, and resolute on the Word, or the Lord God.
They must settle themselves— inside, Janet, to receive of me with clarity; and they must BELIEVE; I could hardly do anything in my hometown— because of their unbelief.
I knock, I wait, and a wait, and wait— I will force no man to discipline himself, believe, throw down pride, or stop doubting; but I will pursue them, and encourage them in their hearts and minds to seek me with everything they’ve got— because my dream has always been to walk and talk with them in the cool of the days.
The world is not ready for what is to shortly come on the scene dear; CHANGES, as the likes that humanity has not seen in a long time, or ever— are nigh upon our doorsteps— especially in America.
It will be a ‘showing forth’ of places and examples in this world, its current state that it resides in with humanity— being rebellious against me, and walking in wickedness; America will be an example of the judgment of God— but MY PEOPLE will do exploits with their God— but they must KNOW ME— in truth— and they must WALK WITH ME— in truth; and their hearts must be turned unto me fully, and their minds and necks given over to me— to move them about, supple beneath my hand, and reins.
The best advice and counsel we can give my children at this time— and humanity at large, is— to RETURN TO THE LORD GOD, IN TRUTH, HEART and MIND; and allow me to do my reformation work within them— turning them away from fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and the workings of it— and return to being a holy people, wholly given to the Lord, and living in and out of my RIGHTEOUSNESS: this is what hedges a man in, this is what preserves a man— in perilous times.
And perilous times are knocking at our doors; each man will have to do the work with me one on one; each man will have to slay giants of doubt, unbelief, fear and pride— with me. No one else can do the work for them: no one will stand with them in the judgment, not the final one, nor the judgment that is to be rolled out into the earth shortly, and VIVIDLY.
Hearts will fail men; they are not prepared for boots on the ground, and life turned upside down, and force, and marshal law type situations— but I assure you it is all coming: this fall, will begin the fall of the Dominoes— and it will not take a prophet to see it.
Prepare your hearts, prepare your minds— and what I mean is— GET SERIOUS WITH ME NOW, so you are well prepared when I speak, and guide, and move you about with my command.
Clean up, where I have convicted you to clean up— for every area you do not— is an area the enemy has been found in you, and is a place he will have ‘pull’ in your life with his kingdom; cast down and out all operations of satan, stop taking from his table of provisions that feed your flesh, base, fallen nature— and RISE UP IN CHRIST JESUS— give the devil no hold in you; he has none in me.
You can do what I ask; my grace, hand, power and authority are sufficient for you— STAND UP, don’t lie down any longer, LIVE IN THE IDENTITY I GAVE YOU IN CHRIST JESUS— because all principality and powers he is HIGH ABOVE, and are put in subjection to him.
He has PUT A SHOW OF THEM— OPENLY, and desires to crush them under your feet too!
Prepare yourselves by cleaning up— be in the word with the intent that I will speak the truths of the scriptures to you, and to your personal lives when you do so; believe and expect to be led of me— give me your all— work hard, clean the garment I bestowed upon you of my righteousness— effort at this partnership covenant with me— and you will be well in Christ during these times of great shaking.
It all has a purpose— they have not been shaken awake yet, but the world and the Lukewarm will be— for I have set it to be so; everything I do is with purpose and precision timing, never too early, never late— right on time— like this message.
You have been feeling for a few days straight that I’ve had something to say soon, building up inside you— today is the day to release it.
Much is coming in the months of October and November with ‘forward motion’ on the world’s clock; “Tick, Tick, Tick— Tock, Things will tip, pop and lock.”
Get ready, do the work— for times are a changin’.”
—The Lord God