A sweet word, conversation, and invitation
Of our LORD: unto victory in Jesus

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[Link for video of this quoted word: https://youtu.be/AsfBDI_q6wQ]
“Janet, my job is to take my children straight through the fiery trials— that come with temptations to disbelieve me, the truth, and my love for them. In the midst of fiery trials— comforts are removed. Much of the definition of fiery trial means— removal of ease, Janet. Let’s look up those definitions first: comforts, and ease, and their removal.”
Comfort— a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. The easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress. And the root definition is— Middle English (as a noun, in the senses ‘strengthening, support, consolation’; as a verb, in the senses ‘strengthen, give support, console’): from Old French confort (noun), conforter (verb), from late Latin confortare ‘strengthen’, from com- (expressing intensive force) + Latin fortis ‘strong’. The sense ‘something producing physical ease’ arose in the mid 17th century.
Ease— the absence of difficulty or effort, absence of rigidity or discomfort, freedom from worries or problems— especially about one's material situation, and to become less serious or severe.
“So, in context, if we are speaking of ‘removal of’ comfort and ease, we are stating that fiery trials that sift my people will be: states my people are experiencing where there internal and external realms will be challenged by the ‘removal of’ states of ease; which means—my children will be immersed in states of difficulty, facing much effort, much rigidity and discomfort, states of worry will come to them, problems will arise— especially in one’s material situations— that become serious or severe. As well— a ‘removal of’ the rest of the definition of comfort: loss of states of physical ease, freedom from pain or constraints (set in straits), a loss of alleviation of feelings or grief or distress (meaning— grief and distress will be present); seemingly— with a loss or lack of support, strength, consolation, or physical ease.
Do you see, dear, what a fiery trial is, now, that Peter spoke of? And do you understand that the verse in 1 Peter that my disciples, my apostles— all— entered fiery trials where satan desired to, and did, sift them?”
1 Peter 4:12-13
“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as your are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding joy.”
“Do you understand the sifting purposes, dear? You understand what they will test you in— adversity; but do you understand the purpose, the eternal purpose of your trials and sifting? Refinement of the spirit and soul within you.”
Luke 22:28-34
“You are they (speaking of disciples/apostles) who have continued with me in my temptations. And I appoint [G1303: assign, a testator— last will and testament, bequeath] unto you a kingdom [G932: royal rule, realm, and reign] —as my Father has appointed unto me; that you may— eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
And the Lord said— Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for you, that your faith fails not: and when you are converted, strengthen your brethren.
And he said unto him— Lord, I am ready to go with you, both into prison, and to death. And he said— I tell you, Peter— the cock shall not crow this day, before that— you shall thrice deny that you know me.”
“You are my disciples— if you continue in my word (John 8:31): I told you this. Herein is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit; so shall you be my disciples. (John 15:8) You are studying my life, and following after me— if you are my disciples: and all my disciples or student children— who are walking out sonship— will be tested: all students are tested out, tried: these are fiery trials, testings of— your faith, dear: your persuasion and credence— what you really believe and adhered to of your confession of trust and reliance upon me, and the truth, with fidelity to it.
I told my disciples then, and I tell my disciples now— you have been with me (in scripture) and have seen my trials— and you have continued with me (knowing my walk, and where it takes me); you have said yes to the same narrow pathway (which means— same templet of trials and siftings). I called them apostles and disciples all in the same chapter of Luke, in the same conversations, with the same people following me: do you understand why?
I called them students of the way (disciples) because they are: they are students, people learning of me, and following after my precepts and example. I call them apostles— because I sent them forth into the earth to walk out my covenant, and with power; and the same I commission you all: to be those who are rooted and founded in my truth: my righteousness, my love, my fruit of character, my holiness and separation from all that is carnal, my ability to witness, instruct, and feed my sheep— all of you will set yourselves to ‘serve’ me in heaven and earth— going about making more disciples of the way, the truth, and the life— with, and in Christ Jesus.
The Holy Spirit of God is set on a mission to raise up children of God, who are students of me— disciples— bringing them ‘into’ all truth: bringing them into— all that is Jesus: the way, the truth, and the only way to live in life. The Holy Spirit of God is not just there, to be there with you— he is on a mission in all of my disciples’ lives: to raise up men in the image of Jesus, by teaching them what I know, giving them what I was given, and maturing them into living the truth— as one with the truth, way, and life with God.
You will be taught— so you will be tested— as I was tested and tried: think not that I have come to bring peace, but a sword: a sword of division, or dividing: I am refining, sorting, and dividing out my sheep, my followers, my students; and I am placing them in proper positioning in my Kingdom— accordingly to their fiery trials and victories— ‘in, and with,’ Christ Jesus.
What do I mean?
I am here. I am there. I am everywhere, and unto all: who will walk the talk? Who will abide in my truth and love— whilst every outward and inward battle tests you to see what you have in you, or whom? And if you will cling to me, or the enemy, and his lies and temptations in the midst of the testings (battles and trials)?
The testings are as such:
‘If you, will you, do you— when I’
Will you disbelieve my love— because your earthly circumstances are not preferable and difficult?
Will you doubt the word of truth— in your hours of seeming delay, or weakness?
Will you succumb to worthlessness, shame, rejection, or betrayal— when time or circumstance does not bend to your will or desires?
Will you stop following me, honoring me, loving, obeying, and learning of me— like the disciples who turned back and followed me no more— when what I asked of them seemed too hard?
If you are caused to suffer— physically, mentally, financially, socially— in word and deed— rejected, persecuted, slandered, blamed and labeled falsely— will you doubt my love for you, my presence with you, my relationship to you— when all seems to be devastation and suffering surrounding you?
Will you give up on me, the truth, the way I am taking you through on this narrow path and journey in this realm— if it seemingly does not let up, in a timely manner, that you desire? Or when the trials come one after another?
When I allow things to be removed, people be removed, circumstances to fall through— will you disbelieve my sovereignty over your lives? Will you disbelieve my ‘good’ purposes in it all, for you, where I am working ‘all things’ together for your ‘good’ because you love me, follow me, and serve me?
Do you believe I am good— no matter what?
Will you turn back from me in your hearts (minds, emotions, wills, reasoning, disposition, intimacy with my truth and ways I lead my people) —when I refine you, inside and out, in all trials I allow— for my name’s sake, witness, and attempt to make you victors in the battles— if you will stand up and persevere and fight the good fight of faith?
If you are tried— in the furnace and afflictions— will you stay with me in your hearts, actions, words, and affections?
For I have appointed you a kingdom— just like I told my other apostle/disciples: my student, children, sent ones. And with this kingdom appointed to you in my will and testament— family bequeathal… you have all you need to be more than conquerors in these trials: you have set before you, upon my table of options and weapons of warfare— all things of my kingdom that my Father appointed (or assigned, in his will, to me).
I have appointed unto you a kingdom, as I did them. And with this kingdom— we have all the support, truth, love, intimacy union (not being alone), help (angelic), scripture promises to stand upon during all trials and circumstances, sustenance to take into you when your offered to take into you ‘other things,’ such as: shame, rejection, doubt/unbelief, betrayal, insecurity, fear, lack of joy with me, apathy, complacency, inactivity of moving forward with me— getting stuck in lies, believing you are less than or different than what I say you are, temptation to believe you are not really mine (leaning on satan’s reasons and explanations and proofs), and so much more.
But I have given you all things— in myself— Jesus Christ, to partner with, inside, in the kingdom of God, in the place of elevation— where my thoughts and ways are higher than yours (Isaiah 55:8-9). Where you must look and live through my mind and perception, understanding and reasoning: where the truth lives, in my love, and in my life.
Do not vacate the life of Christ Jesus— and go into the place of the kingdom of the flesh— you will not find me there: only darkness will be found there, with a mind and thoughts, and reasonings and temptations to uncouple with me, my truth, my love, and my ways (even trials of your faith that will come, to test all of my people).
You have plenty to drink of me, and eat of me, and at my table of options in heaven, in my kingdom; where the 12 (number for God’s government, or those who are governed by God, 1 = unity with God, and 2 = fully separated unto him) who have gone before you, and for you to sit and partake with: who can teach you, instruct you, explain to you their trials, of their faith and reliance upon me and the truth (testing their fidelity to it/me) in the books of scripture.
Satan comes to test and try men— as to whether they are truly mine and eating of me, serving me, and abiding in my truth: that is his job: to offer the other kingdom, offer himself as a father and lord, and see if you are taking him on and eating at the table ‘he’ has set before you as options: see this truth and offer now, and for what it is: temptations to serve another person, another way, and darkness within your hearts: this is the carnal nature exalted— and I do not abide there, neither my truth, nor the light and love of God. You will remain afflicted within yourselves if you uphold life in that realm, nature, and mind.
When you go through these sifting, refining, testing, trials; and you gain the victory in Christ Jesus, because the truth and person of God is upheld, coupled with, adhered to, and embraced during all temptations; go then and strengthen your brethren who are coming through the same.
I am raising up disciples, and sending them forth as truth foundation erectors (apostles) into the earth— for my end-time living army of believers in me; who will go forth doing great exploits of this faith (which means going up against giants— defeating them, and mountains— moving them) —unto the witness of truth, love, holiness (separation), power, and authority of Jesus Christ— in the earth, and unto the saving of a generation of people, in the last age.
You may be well decided, and resolute— that you would go to prison or be jailed for me, or even die— as Peter said to me: but will you deny me when what I ask for is loyalty when comfort and ease is removed— instead of jail, or death exit from this realm? Will you turn back, turn your heart and face from me, and from honoring me in the light and truth, from loving me and loving the truth (that is me) —when you are tried in an extended time period upon the earth, instead of a quick death?
When I ask of you to bear up under the affliction, furnace of refinement, and sifting of satan— will you remain with me, inside, in your hearts, and in your affections— as if you are living in comfort and ease?
Because as I was set forth to endure persecutions, revilement, slander and false accusations, pain, sorrow, suffering, loss (people and things leaving or being removed from my life, that hurt), satanic pressures and presence, agendas of darkness— and from endarkened people, trials of my faith in my Father (in our Father), temptations to give up, settle for less, quit or stop moving forward with all my Father filled of my cup and lot in life.
When you understand that the Father of lights, the only one who is good— is setting your lives up for eternal victory in Christ Jesus, where every trial is set up for you to attain a victory. I will say that again— EVERY TRIAL IS A SET UP FOR YOU TO GET VICTORY WITH CHRIST JESUS— IN SOME WAY, SHAPE, OR FASHION.
You will be given trials— but they are truly— ‘opportunities.’ When you are given a hard boat to row, hard circumstances to navigate with your God: do you lean into him, and lay your head and heart to his breast? Or do you turn your face and heart away from him?
One is a victory— one is a defeat.
Every circumstance is an invitation. Every circumstance, viewed as positive or negative in your minds— is still an opportunity set forth for you to become a victor in another way, during another circumstance, unto another day: can you see this?
When you are tempted to quit because you are weak and tired: this is set up for you to gain strength and be rejuvenated— quickening in Christ Jesus— who will strengthen you in all things: lean upon my breast, come to me, lay it all down— and ask of me, trust in me, endure till the end of the trials— uphold my love and truth— and you will be saved. Do not depart from the truth or the love during the trial, and you will gain the victory within your hearts, where you remain in union with me, exalting and praising me, singing of me in the depths of your hearts— REGARDLESS OF YOUR OUTWARD CIRCUMSTANCE: because the inward options to eat from, are an endless buffet of me, personally, in all your fiery trials. For you to either cling to me— or walk away from me in your hearts: I pray your faith (reliance upon me) fails you not, just like I said the same to Peter.
When you are tempted to not believe in me, or my word, or the truth, or my love— you have been given an ‘opportunity’ to stay with me, come to me, abide in my word and truth and love, believing in me— when you have every temptation and opportunity not to.
Can you sing my praises— from the depths of your appreciation of me, recognition of my presence, belief in my love for you, empowerment of my truth and promise of me and my portion in your lives— when satan gives you opportunity to remain in sorrow, mourning the loss of comfort and ease in your earthly lives?
Satan will come for the saints, and to overcome them, in the latter days: do you understand what I am saying? He comes to wear them out, and overcome them. He is coming to sift, try, test, tire you; and if possible— overcome your faith in me— during those times of testing and temptation.
RECALL TO YOUR PERSON MY WALK AND TRIALS— for you shall endure the same template.
For you were with me during all my trials (as you walk through the word of God, read, and entertain my story and life): and I —am with you— in all of yours: this is the promise and the inheritance of me in your lives during your time in this realm: where you and I were once apart, twain— we are now together in all things. Please— come into that truth, and abide in me, stay with me, stay in the light— for it is your psalm 91 life: dwell in the secret place— not the flesh.
I am your fortress— trust in me (believe in me, uphold me) —not the flesh fortress and kingdom stronghold. The snare of the fowler and the noisome pestilence is there. I will cover you with my wings and shield you— if you will abide in me— not the flesh stronghold. You will not be afraid of the terror of the darkness— nor the devil's arrows, nor of his warfare or destruction— if you will abide in me— not the carnal flesh mind and heart. Many shall fall away and be destroyed— at your side, around you, by the likes of the thousands, or even tens of thousands— but you— if you remain in me, believe in me, trust in me, and uphold the truth, my love, and covenant partnership with me —it shall not come nigh to you (meaning— a falling away, and being destroyed).
You shall— with your eyes, set out from under the pinion of my wings— see the reward of the wicked; because you made me— the Lord, your refuge: the most High, as your habitation (the place you dwell).
No evil (immoral bad) shall befall you with me, nor plague come nigh to your dwelling: for in me is no plague or immorality, or bad: only victory in Christ Jesus. And I shall give my angels charge over you— to keep you, in all your circumstances— to sustain you: they shall bear you up in their hands, of my direction and love, and power and authority— to keep you.
You shall tread the head of the impostor lion, and the deceptive snake, and even the dragon who comes to drown you by his mouth in the earth; and— you and I together— shall crush them under foot (foundation in the truth, the way, and power of authority over all lesser dominions and powers).
Because I have set my love upon you, and you have set your love upon me— I will deliver you, and I will set you in a high place of victory in me— because you have known, and exalted, my name (person).
You call upon me— and I answer you. I am with you in troubling circumstances and time periods of fiery trials: I will deliver you, and honor you— as you honor, extol, obey, and love me— and my truth and ways.
And I will satisfy you with a long life, together, with me— as I show you my salvation, and all that it entails. Will you continue with me, through it all?
This is psalm 91 in practical understanding, and these are all challenges, sparing, testing, and trials— by satan: to which I am poised and prepared, readied and supplied— to couple with you, and gain the victory with.
I will say it again, my dear children— Do you understand the sifting purposes? Do you understand what they will test you in as they bring forth adversity? For you to gain a victory within or without your heart and life.
Do you understand the purpose, the eternal purpose of your fiery trials in the furnace of refining afflictions and sufferings— sifting— (which means— sorting you) in this world? It is the refinement of your spirit and soul within you— to regain your image ‘and’ likeness.
Your image is being made in your structure of your person— as I am: your likeness— is when you resemble me once again, inside out, and all that is not of me is burned away, scraped away, and resolved in the fire of my truth, righteousness, and way: revealing the fruitfulness of being my students, bearing much fruit— after your kind: me.
I gained the victory over satan, and I have given you what my Father (our Father) has given to me: the full table set before you in heaven to take from: all is in me, eat of me, drink of me— and be more than overcomers with me, too.
I have given you the victories— but do you know what they are, what they look like, when they are internal, or external, small or large?
The victory in Christ— is not a one and done; it is for every day of your lives in this realm: it is where my mercy and grace is new and sufficient for you everyday; and where your God within you is present and accounted for to couple with— to gain the victories over: doubt, unbelief, fear, pride, loss of identity, lies, darkness, rhetoric of satan— his reasoning— thoughts, ways, disposition, attitude, and fruit of his nature.
Victory exists in me, my truth, my righteousness, holiness, love, and way, over: estrangement (feeling all alone), rejection (you are received, you are all I ever wanted in my heart), betrayal (I have not forsaken you, I am for you, I love you), self sufficiency/independent nature (you need me, I am almighty, know all, see all, and am all powerful— who is here to fight with you), foolishness (I am wisdom— ask of me), distrust (I have given you every reason to trust in me, even when things are without comfort or ease in the world, and my Father did the same with me through all my trials).
I give you all of myself— and I am victorious over all, who is with you and for you: do you believe? Are you a believer of the faith of Jesus Christ, the truth and the way?
For children— I am making a people who are spotless and wrinkle-free: clean and ironed out in my truth, love, and way: which is life in Christ Jesus, upheld, in you!
I am finishing my workmanship that you all speak of: are you coupling with me in it, understanding what it is all for? It’s for your clean and wrinkle free status and condition— my bride, and dearly beloved: so you are ready to be received of me at my coming.
Do not despise your fiery trials— for they are readying you for my coming: and the hour is so very late. Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden— and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls.
I am all you need, all you really— in truth— desire; and I am here for you in all you are asked to endure— unto your salvation.
Janet, as you tell them many times over— Your Full Salvation— is a workmanship wherewith I work within you to gain the victory, shape, and likeness of me— within you once again: and children, disciples, students of me and my way— this comes by refining fires, trials of fiery conditions— but with opportunity to gain the victory in all things: SING OF ME IN THE MIDST OF YOUR ENEMY! SING OF ME IN DARKNESS— AND WATCH AND FEEL THE LIGHT ARISE AND SHINE WITHIN AND AROUND YOU!
For in all these things— comes the ascension with, and in, God holy and true: the summit of the mountain is through fiery trials— where you maintain the faith, and you live and abide in my truth, righteousness, and love: do not despise the ascension of the Son of man; for the deepest intimacy resides at the summit of my mountain— which is the depths of my person, truth, ways, and righteousness.
Come— learn of me.
Come— abide with me.
Come— for the Spirit bids you— to come, and wed to me in my truth, righteousness, and way: unite with me, take my double yoke upon you, let me lift your burden as it comes; and let me carry you through all these trials of our love and relationship.
Because I promise you— what I bring to you— I equip you to gain the victory in, through, and over— with me: Jesus Christ, the Lamb, the King of all kings— highest power over all powers, the Lord of all lords— the highest commanding controller over all other dominions and powers, the Friend who sticks closer than blood family, the Bridegroom— who wishes to marry you in my truth, righteousness, ways, and love: will you come and abide with me forevermore?
I have come for you, and given my life for you. Will you come to me, and lay down everything at my feet, and serve the truth within you, and righteousness, and my way I sovereignly lead you through on my path in this life?
Because I assure you— in the end, after you endure all trials, testings, temptations, and refinement— the reward, your portion, your inheritance— is worth it: for the greatest of them all— is a personal and intimate relationship with me, forevermore, perpetually, eternally.
I have laid before you life and death; therefore— choose life, and abide with me: remain in my truth and upholding it within, becoming one with it, deep down into the fullness of your whole heart. Abide in my love— for I have not forsaken you— do not forsake me (doubt, turn back, away from me) —but believe in my love and acceptance of you into my heart and life. Live righteous with me in my ways and paths of— for it is, indeed, a narrow pathway; but in the end— it leads you straight into my love, arms, and life— for all of eternity— in the places others will not gain access: the holiest of places within my life and realms.
These trials— are for your good: can you see this?
These trials— are designed for you to gain a victory in some way or fashion, every time: can you see this?
These trials— are reforming you into my ‘likeness and image’ once again; can you see this?
These trials— are grounds for your victory, no trial/test/battle— no victory; can you see this?
These trials— are how you gain access to me, deeper and deeper, when you partner with me, my truth, my love, and righteousness, being holy/wholly separated unto me in your hearts and ways— during the dark testing times of your faith where comfort and ease has been removed, where stripping and whipping has occurred, where darkness abounds, where sin abounds— grace abounds much more (opportunity to gain victory); can you see this?
Give me your whole heart: all your soul— mind— will, emotions, reasoning, beliefs, understanding, attitudes, perspectives, knowledge base, and minding; as well as all your heart— all those places deep within your inner man that are anchored to all your souls walks in and believes in this realm; and use all your strength to align with me in my truth, love, and righteousness: this I asked of you.
Because I told you— if you will seek me— that means come after me, to be with me, in all ways, in all times and circumstances— with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength: you WILL find me: hide, or hidden— and sought after, or sought out— brings you a revealing of me (the finding of me), where I ‘show up,’ reveal, manifest: this— is good reason to come to me in all your circumstances, seeking me with all your heart (all you can do to come to me in mind, emotions, reasoning, beliefs, actions, and efforts) during ALL circumstances and states you find yourself in: that is where I will reveal myself to you— in darkness— I shine the brightest unto you in the earth.
1 Peter 4:12-13
“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of my self same sufferings; that, when my glory shall be revealed— you may also be glad with exceeding joy.”
I am coming— children; and with me— is my reward. Not only do I come one day to receive my bride— but I come to you EVERY DAY to reveal myself to your hearts and lives: can you see this, and do you recognize me when I do— in all your trials?
Because if you do not— you really should come to me, lay it all down, unburden yourselves to me, and let me take up for you in the Spirit, and in your earthly lives— to sustain you, quicken you, revive you, replenish you, and fight for you against our enemies: but dears— you must uphold me to gain the victories in your battles.
I will fight for you— will you fight for me, and understand that we have an adversary against us in your souls? Will you join to me in the battles, ask of me what we are fighting against, and then TRULY BELIEVE IN ME, that with me, and coupling with the power of the truth— believed in your deepest places— WE WILL SMASH SATAN’S HEAD(ship) UNDER OUR FOUNDATION?!
Because— for that— your King lives to accomplish in our unified relationship!!
Today— will you, instead of turning from the truth, my love, and righteousness upheld within you— where you do believe the darkness and couple with it; will you join me, my truth, my love, and righteousness upheld within you— and soften your hearts to me, and believe in me?
Because what I desire… What the will of God is toward you… Is to destroy the works of darkness— IN YOUR LIVES, NOW— and set you free in every way possible.
Come to me— and be delivered into my truth, love, ways, person, attributes— and fruit out in your image and likeness— as your Father and Vine you are bound to, grafted to— sets forth for you.
Uphold me— and I can help you gain the victory over darkness— in your lives too: for I am he who put a defeating, and open show of their defeat to them— already: help me, help you, to do the same— as you take up for me within your hearts, and I take up for you— in the earth.”
Colossians 2:15
“And having spoiled principalities and powers, I made a show of them— openly, triumphing over them in it.”
“I am come to fulfill the same in you all: in all ways— inside of your minds, hearts, beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, awares, wit and wisdom, skill and efforts, trust and coupling with me, my truth, righteousness, and ways— we will defeat the enemy together. And then— we will lay down in green pastures, where I will lead you beside still waters, and restore your soul— in the paths of righteousness— within you.
Come— let us reason together, I say: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you will be willing and obedient— you shall eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:18-19): you desire to cross over into the promised land, yes? Well— it will require you to fight some giants and their ways.
And dears— giants— were the mighty men of renown. And when they die— they move as the dark shades and spirit demons— who come to steal, kill, and destroy something of your lives: when they come— whom will you turn unto— when you need to slay some giants in your land (hearts and lives)?
Because I am he who is high above all principalities and powers, and rulers of darkness in highly exalted places of the earth: and I come to fight with you, for you.
Come— let us yoke together, and let me lift the burdens, and fight for you: it is my greatest desire to crush satan under your foundation of the truth, way, and life of me: I live, ever making intercessions (interjections of my love, power, and rescue) for you.
Will you uphold belief in me, and turn to me in your trials that are forming you back into your proper person once again? And will you ask of me— Sir, what am I to learn, who are we fighting, what rhetoric and belief are we fighting against that tempts me, how can you help me and lift this burden, or in what way can we gain the victory and be more than conquerors today? Where and how have you set a win for me today, Sir?
I promise— I will show you the way, explain your enemy, wash your inner man clean, reform you, reposition you, strengthen you, correct you, invite you, love you, and give myself to you: remain in my truth— and I will bring you victory and salvation— when you have endured to the end of your fiery trials.
Janet, and all children— I am not bringing to, and into fiery trials (I lead all sons into the wilderness of temptations and trials of my truth/word) —not to bring you to deliverance, not to birth you out, not to bring forth from the travail and the pains to be delivered: but you must all endure… and that is a time and state of existence: give me time, and give me your current state and trials— stay with me (endure), believe in me, and I will come for you, and I will abide with you in it, and I will take the cup from you— as my Father did of me— when my trials were over: each man has a different life, different trials, different victories, different outcomes— all dependant upon what, and whose breast they snuggle up to in all the affliction and fiery furnace trying.
I am building, by my own hand and construction, a people of renown— myself; who will be redeemed, and then— who will go with me as one— and liberate more. I am building a house of my own— let me finish my workmanship in you all: and let me do it my way— that will be your hardest challenge— to love me and honor and worship me, when it does not go your way for a while. If this were not ‘the way,’ you would not be enduring anything, for all things would be the way you desire— thereby— tried of nothing. And do you know— if you are tried of nothing— you are proved of nothing: finished— in nothing— like finishing school of me, into my image and likeness regained. And all my children will have been rigorously tried in the furnace of my truth, ways, and life: there is no other victorious living army of believing children, formed in my image and likeness— built— any other way.
I am developing a new human race, one born after the First born Son, and his image and likeness: and she will be a glorious bride who marries me in every way— inside and out— who is tested in her loyalties to me: for she will be eternally yoked to me; and for this— I thoroughly refine and test all instruments of gold: that was our Father’s way with me, and it is the same for all of the other sons of God, who are born after me, who are laying their lives down— dying the death of all self prefers and desires it to be, who are reformed and refined back into the image of the perfect or completed Son, myself.
We have no other mission but unto full resurrection— full reformation and refinement— through the same templet the exemplary Son passed through, the same ‘way’ traveled in this realm; the same tests, temptations, that are common to all men: but he is with you all too, I am with you all, to gain the victory, as well, like I already have.
Do not despise small beginnings, or fiery trials— for in them all— new beginnings, and testing of your faith (what you believe, and who you believe within, in the place where the kingdom exists) —is the making of ‘a man,’ in the image AND likeness of the Son of man (Jesus, me) himself: these are those who I will wed forevermore, in maturity, and in faith of me.
These— will lead many others, by their example and witness of our STRONG relationship in the earth— to me, and to salvation, and to the power of the testimony manifest— bringing in more lost sheep to the fold (or family).
I am on mission— I’ve never stopped. And the mission has been the same for all of time— redeem a small remnant of people, tiny in comparison to all of time— but mighty in exploits of faith, for they have upheld covenant, resumed their proper identity (image, likeness, truth), and walked out the most stunning faith of all of time— in me.
These— will assist me in liberating many more, on my mission in the earth: to deliver/liberate all things— in time.
Come through the fire, come through the tests— my students of me and my way. Learn of my life— and join me in the way (path and walk), for I am with you, I have gained victory and mastery in all things— and I desire to assist you, as well, in the triumphs, and victories of battle: do not grow weary in well doing: for in time— you WILL— receive your reward.
And we will accomplish great feats of faith— within your very hearts, minds, emotions, reasonings, attitudes, actions, ways, and lives: for this— is the will of God toward you, in Christ Jesus: endure to the end— and be saved: for I come, and with me— is your reward: do not be of them who turn back from the plow (workmanship), for we are not of them who turn back unto perdition— but we are of they who endure, overcome, and conquer— to the saving of the soul (Hebrews 10:39).”
—Your Teacher/Master, Overcomer, and Lover of your souls—
who partners with you for the victory in Christ Jesus
