“SO MUCH FEAR! Why is there so much fear?!”

The awares of God, and his presence
[video link: https://youtu.be/XeJgZPhRceE ]
Yesterday I spent the entire day alone with God, and it was divine; it was just what the great physician ordered, and I cannot complain.
As I sat with him, I watched him in the Spirit, sit in a chair in front me, just off to the side of me, and we watched something he desired for me to watch on the screen in front of us. As he sat there— I took him in: I soaked every shift of his person/body in; I took every gesture, I was quite before him, and I lent my ear to him, my heart to him, my mind to him— all my awares to him, and I was NOT disappointed in what took place for the whole of the day!
I learned so much from his direct Holy Spirit, from Jesus himself as he sat with me, and led me, and talked to me, and shared his heart and mind: I would, and do, desire this for everyone in his body, and even those who have yet to come in.
He began to share his heart with me, literally, spiritually-literally— and I spoke those words above— “SO MUCH FEAR! Why is there so much fear?!”
And as I began to ask the questions— he began to bring the responses/answers— and I sat taking him in, in every way: I studied him (study to show yourselves approved of him). I watched his every move, and nuance, his words— but the depth of the meaning I pondered before we moved on, as I swam through his mind, his wisdom, his knowledge, his counsel.
I died yesterday in those moments: I purged myself, of myself, so there was room for him: my argument, or case, or thoughts, or reasonings— died out, were purged out, and I made room to receive.
“And really,” he just said to me as I type this, “that is the point of all of this today, Janet: that my people would learn how to be good receivers of the Lord Jesus Christ, of his Spirit, and of all he brings with him. And in that, dear child, my people will rest in me, and know me, and be aware of all that I am: for I am mighty, and sovereign; I am good, and loving; I see well in advance, and I have much for my people— as I desire to fight for them, in them, and bring forth all that was lost in the garden.
I desire to mend the breach, Janet. And in this mending of the breach, or the gaps, holes, and losses— I will restore them, in me, to me, and of me: but they have need to learn how to receive.
And that, dear child— begins with a purging, and a death to all that sets itself in competition within the souls of men, against my Spirit and all I can bring to a man, of myself.”
And all that begins with ‘resting our case,’ in him, and to him: so that ‘his case,’ can be taken up within us: Lordship, headship, mind of Christ erect in men’s souls (the high places).
“I rest my case:” This statement, according to the online definition, when spoken by a man, means: A man believes that something that he has just said proves that he is right or telling the truth.
Our Lord is speaking, these days, to me, about REST: and this morning I heard the statement (whilst reading with him), where he said: “I rest my case.”
And I knew in an instant what he was saying was different from the statement above that a man makes when he is seen, heard, and rests his case. With what the Lord has shown me— that is only the beginning of coming into ‘the rest of the Lord;’ it is the launching point, like a diving board— the place of purging the soul to our Lord, of our own thoughts: but there is more beyond that point of release.
Beyond the point of purging the soul’s intellectual reasoning, perceptions, and mind to the Lord— it becomes emptied. When the mind becomes emptied of its contents that it was holding— then the Lord has room to come in with his presence.
I was speaking to the Lord last night about the difference between knowledge of God, and awares of God. And I was speaking to him about the difference between thinking and receiving: and both have to do with the human mind, or God’s mind, and the vastness of the importance of both in an intimate relationship: but man will always yield to God, and God will yield to man in a requited relationship of importance, whilst communing one with the other, or one in preference to the other.
The knowledge of God comes from an intellectual stance, where first your mind is engaged, you study the scripture to begin to come to know him in the mind— the human mind, with its reasoning, and computations, and strivings, as man mulls over topic after topic in the scripture, coming to deeper revelation hidden inside what has been written.
Then— that written knowledge of God (the bible) becomes a launching pad, like a diving board, where we bounce up and down in reading and meditations with the Word of God (written, and the person of), and we are propelled upward, in an ascension, upon the Son of man— where deep calls to deep— and we come face to face with the awares of God: the person himself, and we yield to his Spirit, and his Spirit begins to speak of deep and profound things upon his heart, his mind, and what he has to personally speak to us.
Then we come face to face, with the face of the deep (the living waters, the face of God, the face of the Spirit): will you free dive, free fall off into the deep, with your God?
Psalm 42:7-8
“Deep calls unto deep at the noise of your waterspouts: all your waves and your billows are gone over me. The Lord will command his lovingkindness in the day time, and in the night— his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.”
Isaiah 43:2
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.…”
The bible is meant to be a launching pad. It is meant to be the foundation wherewith we are propelled upward, in that upward calling, to ascend into the awares of God; where our human mind stops speaking, and divulging, and reasoning, and working— and we yield our member (mind) to be used by the possessor, the owner of this vessel— and he erects his own mind, the mind of Christ within us; and in this— we cease from our own works (workings of thought and intellect, reasoning and perceptions), and we are given over to the mind of God in Christ Jesus, and now— he begins to interface with us, of his own accord: this is the dream of God, that he would use our vessels as a two way radio, that we would go back and forth and hear, really hear one another.
When we become aware of the person of God, who has been freely given to us all, that he is inside of each man since the completion of the cross, to those who desire this union once again, through the cross; we begin to be believers of the truth, that God in his Spirit, is inside of us, and the access to the Kingdom is inside of us, and the mind of God, is inside of us: and when we yield our member to him (of the mind), he will come and sup with us.
God desires to be seen, and heard, and validated— just like us. He gave us free desire (will) to choose this day, and every day, what we will yield our vessels to; it is why we will be judged before him for what we do in vessel, or in body: because all along we had the opportunity to yield ourselves to him, or to remain in the lordship role (god role).
When we will yield our minds, when we will stay our minds (shut them down, cast the human carnal mind down), then can we receive of the mind of God: like a radio station— one must dial into a particular channel if you desire what is being broadcast from that provider, that channel, that network, that one who is releasing what they are releasing.
When we will dial our channel out, and become emptied for the Lord, before the Lord, and then we will be still (and this is very important, and why the purging must come forth first; and even still he is saying, it must be yielded again and again if it comes barreling back up again). It is in the stillness that the still small voice of God begins to come forth.
As we dial into God, and out of our own channel— we become willing vessels and members (minds and hearts), and God has a space that is now emptied for him to fill himself into, and begin to commune with man, right in his vessel and mind:
Philippians 2:5
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”
Let— is an action that only we can do toward Christ Jesus and his mind. Let— is an action that is required of us, to requite a back and forth conversation— where God is reverenced, eventually, into the high place (mind), and he is given the red carpet rollout to come forward, as we slink back in reverence and preference for him to come forward: Let— is required of us; he has a hard time trying to speak over all other voices, reasoning, and perceptions inside.
When we begin to ‘rest our case,’ when we have been heard by God, and we have purged out all there is to speak to him about our lives, hearts, conditions, dreams, desires, wishes, discrepancies, griefs, disturbances, vexations, and all disgruntled arguments— we then make room for the mind of God to come forth: and we need to be still and quiet, this is the reverence and preference that must come forward of our souls— for God to be ushered forward, to hear his mind, heart, desires (it’s his will we are to be hearing, seeing, and doing, bringing forth), truth, perception (vision/sight), we are to be yielding to.
After all— we are not even our own any longer, we are bought with a price; and yet I wonder how often the bondservant is still in charge of his very own vessel— despite the ownership transfer, by the blood of Christ, at our purchase on the cross?
“So much fear! Why is there so much fear, Lord?!”
There is so much fear— because we have not rested our cases unto God yet.
What do I mean?
When you have been heard, and God has seen your mind, your reasoning, your life, your complaints, your disagreement, your leaning inclinations of your soulish mind— it is time to ‘rest your case’ with God, and take up his.
The tree of Life— is both the cross, and death to being the first Adam who is separated AWAY from God in the high places of his heart and mind, where God has been given the place of authority and fatherhood, to counsel and raise us up in the way; and it is RESURRECTION into the Life ‘of’ Christ Jesus, the second Adam, the final one who reunites us directly to the Father once again, inside our vessels: the tree of life is the tree that dies to separate knowledge, and begins to live, or resurrect a man into the awareness of God within, made possible by the blood of Christ, the life of Christ, and the Spirit shed abroad of Christ’s fulfillment unto us.
To LIVE in the tree of life— is to vacate soul leadership, in the soul mind, led of the flesh (self, apart from God, nature); and it is to come into unified life in Christ Jesus once again, and unto the Father gaining the Father role in us once again, and unto the Lord gaining his lordship role in us once again, and unto the head of the church, Christ Jesus— taking his rightful seat, with his mind erect in us; as our headship/mind/reasoning/deciding/judging faculties die out through the cross and purging, the death— and so he can live, resurrect, erect his own mind and headship, lordship within us.
The tree of life is death to death (or separation), and it is death to pride (or life to reverence to God in the headship role).
When we will give God his rightful places back within the high places (places of high regard that man’s flesh does not like to give up), we will gain everything— in Christ Jesus, and all he has to offer us.
When we begin to rest our case— rest our own leadership, and the pouring forth of it in all our reasonings and computations— we begin to come into the LIFE OF CHRIST, and the rest of the Lord.
When we begin to rest our case, having been heard by God, heard out, seen, listened to, and validated as important to God— we can then yield our member over to God now (our minds and hearts), and we can hear God out, and choose— whether we will rest in his case, or ours.
What do I mean?
When we will yield our mind and suits (cases) of contention, challenge, reasoning, worries, fears, and inclinations of the carnal mind, or soulish mind to God— it is then that God can present his case, his truth, what he, his person, says and shows to be considered; and then— after he has presented his case— we have an opportunity to receive his case (what he is presenting to us) as what we will ‘rest in,’ or if we will continue in our case that has been presenting— and thereby choose to not ‘rest our case or suit’ brought up to God, but remain therein.
In this case— we will not come into the rest of the Lord that is available— because we will not yield ourselves to the person of God, and what he says and details out to us as the truth, his desires/will, his mind and perception, and what he is choosing to put into play in our lives: we do not enter into the rest of the Lord.
The ‘rest of the Lord,’ is his: and we enter into HIS rest— when we will yield our members (mind and heart) to his mind and heart; and his mind and heart become erected inside of our vessels:
Galatians 2:20
“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
To rest in Christ— I have found I must die in some fashion in my mind and heart. Not die out entirely as if I am not important or cherished by God; but to die out of the head role, the headship role, and give my members over to him (as we are in here together in this vessel), and allow him to come up into the high places, with regard and honor— and give him the floor in my mind AND MY HEART: which means— I honor him to come forth and present HIS case or truth, perception, and desire or will unto me, with his reasoning or conversation; but also— I must be soft toward what he brings forth, and I must receive what he speaks and extends, OVER, that which I previously was thinking, or reasoning, or focusing on— and give him preeminence and supremacy (lordship) inside of my mind and heart: which brings forth a change in current, like electricity, or radio signal, or mind; and in that change of current (the flow of the Holy Spirit, and his mind, the mind of Christ Jesus) comes a ‘resting of a case:’ whether it’s his case resting in me, or mine— remains to be determined in every situation and thought process; and it determines who’s in the lordship (ruler) position upon my mind AND heart.
Freedom comes to me when I will ‘rest’ my case, and take up the case or presentation that the Lord is bringing up to me: when I will rest my case in that I have been heard, seen, and validated as very important and cherished of God— but at the same time will retire that case, and take up his case, or what he is presenting.
I do not find rest in the Lord, until I take up his case inside of me, and relinquish my own: this is when lordship, and the position of supremacy and preeminence is hashed out inside of me— and dealt with, as I cast myself out of that role, when hearing him out, and giving him reverence; and as that takes place— the rest of the Lord God comes forth in my mind and heart.
Resting in him— is coming into awareness of him in our lives, and giving him the place inside where he is supreme and Almighty, sovereign, and aligning all things. It is the place where we begin to believe what he is saying— and not what we are thinking or feeling down here in the carnal mind, or the soulish mind: it is the place where we ascend the Son of man, and come up into his mind, and his mind and power comes into our vessels— and our weak mind and strength of our own is now traded out for the owner of the vessel’s mind, and his strength now comes forward in us, into preeminence and supremacy (reverenced), and we can begin to rest in his presence.
The difference between intellectual knowledge of God that we can come to, and the awares of the knowledge of God— is the difference between using our own minds, and exalting them in thought all the time; or giving our minds to Christ to use, and ushering him to come forth with his presence, his person, and yielding our members to him to bring forth the awareness of him, right now, right here, right in the very situations— and that— takes the pressure off of us, the perception away from our soulish minds, the reasoning can cease, the fear can go…
Because now we are ushering the King in, the Lord of lords in— and he will present HIS CASE now; and in his presentation— we can choose to ‘rest our case,’ or rest our mind— and allow, LET him come forth with his, and yield to him in the vessel he has ownership of: and in this— we are brought into the rest of the Lord, for our mind and heart has chosen peace with what God is presenting, by his very own presence; and we can ‘rest our case,’ and take up his.
This is a KEY he has brought forth to me— and I desire to share this with you all.
A mind works in intellect— in knowledge, reasoning, computations, debate, perceptions, essentially— judgments made on a moment to moment basis; and we will remain in ours— if we do not give the mind (member) over to Christ Jesus— and take upon us, his: this where the heart of Christ becomes established within us too.
Last night he said to me— “Janet, it is not that you have a heart for me, and a heart for the people; it is that I am erecting my own heart within you, and you are now aware of what is in my heart, the goings on, and the portion I am giving unto you to share in my sufferings there.”
And I then thanked him for his wisdom to know just how much to ‘share’ with me— because there are times (like with this grief and fear issue his people are having and going through) where I say to him— “Any more, and I feel as if the weight of it will crush me.”
He has given me a call, a mandate in the earth— to be a student body representative, a congregation representative, a body of Christ representative in the earth, working in heaven with him, and bringing it back to the people— what he is saying and showing me of ‘his’ body in the earth.
Many times we think of his body as a group of members, like to a club, or a group, or a family— and we are; but we are also his hands and feet, his body (literal flesh) in the earth: and when we are going through things— when we have entrapments, where we are bound up, entangled, struggling, grieving/sorrowing, fearing (not him, but something else, anxieties/worries), ect— it is happening to HIM, in time and space, because it’s happening inside his ‘body.’
And that understanding— caused me to have such compassion for you all, and for him, all at the same time— because they are synonymous— your pain, and his, your fear and what he feels and sees in you because of it, your anxieties he is feeling with you, your grief he is experiencing with you— as you are his vessel that he lives in by his Holy Spirit: and he desires that HE ‘would be able’ to bring you into his rest, and his peace, and his person; and that you would LET his peace, and his person in— so that he can bring you into his rest.
But in order to do this— we must yield our members to him (mind and heart especially), and we must allow him, we must LET the mind of Christ be erected inside of us, where he is able to speak, and bring forth, and carry us into his rest: but this will require a removal our own knowledge, reasoning, perceptions, thoughts— in order for his to come forth. It will require a death to our case, and an uptake of his in our hearts and minds (both, mind, and heart where we trust and believe him): but in this— we will be brought into the rest of the Lord. Why?
Because when we truly will rest our mind, cause it to go down, be silent, relinquish the high place to God— he will come in, take up residence, abide, bring forth his very person; and we will be able to breathe again, recall he’s here, he’s the Almighty, he’s ruling and reigning over all his creation (unless we say no inside of us), and he holds all things together; he is enormous, and powerful, intelligent beyond our comprehension, and wise beyond all others. He is cunning (skillful), he is there to counsel us, lead us, protect us, fight for us, and bring us FULLY THROUGH— and out the other side of all things: and we will be more settled, and secure, and matured, and seasoned— for what he is allowing and bringing forth in our lives.
But whether we will REST IN ALL OF IT, in the presence of the Lord God, inside, in all the high places of us (mind and heart), and give him the rule with his power there to save, to bring us into peace, to bring us into truth and wisdom, and yield all our intellectual thinking and reasoning to his— is for each man to choose, each day, and in everything presenting.
He asked me to feel and know his heart, and it’s grieving— but to rest in him in it; because he said— “I must rest in all that my people are going through, and bring them my peace: rest with me, as we see, and feel, all that is vexing my body.”
WOW— is that a true challenge of God; to hear him out, see what he’s showing, and then lean into him for the comfort and rest, all at the same time: denying neither his truth, and state he finds himself in— but also the availability of his rest in it all: as he takes rest in his finished work, as he beholds where he is taking us all, out of where we are currently— and into the future he’s planned for us.
He began to speak to me about the present, or the current, as in what is now. And he said…..
Word from the Lord
“Janet, the present is what is presenting right now. The current is the now of what is flowing in your lives; but just as the current of a river can change flow direction, or the current of electricity can vary and differ— change or alter, as the radio station can be changed and the channel can change (river of God, and what comes forth from that living water, or spirit) —so can what is presenting right now, or what is current (the flow) right now; and with the change, with the change of mind, change of perception, change of focus, change of leadership within man, change of hopelessness into hopefulness in the Lord God and his sovereignty and love for each of you and what I desire to bring in, unto you, in my hopeful ending I have planned for you…
So, too, can the current, or what is presenting— change— and with it, with the change— the future becomes the present, what is presenting, what is current: for the current changed, the channel changed, the presentation changed to what I am showing, saying, and bringing forth of the truth toward you, your life, and the real perception or way of seeing things— through my eyes (mind) and heart: and this is that which is calling forth that which is not yet seen, as if it is— for when you yield your members to me, all of them (mind and heart), you actually begin to see THE SUBSTANCE OF YOUR FAITH, as I bring forth your future, your current ending, culmination of you, as I see and know you— outside of time and space, in the eternal.
And this, dear child, is when you begin to rest in what I see, say, and know to be the truth; and when what I see, say, and declare to be the truth is erected into the high places within you, and you couple with me in my ‘case’ for you, not against you— then— will you be brought into the hopeful and planned future I have for you, bringing it into the current as you uphold it there until it comes forth; but you will also come into the rest of the Lord, as I labor— and you cease from yours. As I think— and you cease from yours. As I bring forth, and you cease striving— and the only thing you strive at any longer— is to cast anything down inside the high places of you that threatens my presence there, and your awares of me, and what I see, say, and declare.
Tell them, Janet— this is the place, of the rest, of the Lord: and it’s available to all.
Tell them, Janet— to cease from their own works (thoughts, reasonings, and computations of judgments), and come into mine: for my burden is light, and I desire to carry them by my Spirit, not their might, not their strength— but mine.
Tell them— I desire that they should take rest, and take up sabbath in me. I desire that they should rest now— and let my mind be erected within them, bringing them peace, truth, love, power, and a sound mind: I desire to vanquish all fear in them— as I am ushered forward; I desire that they should rest their cases with me, and let me take up suit and case for them— as I advocate for them, intercede for them in power and love, day-in, and day-out.
Tell them, Janet, that I desire that they would truly let the carnal mind be cast down, purged out, done away with, and bring the soul into rest— as the mind of Christ is brought forth into the high places of the mind, with the heart softened and receiving what I am presenting.
Janet, tell them, that I desire for each to be able rest their weary souls, for they are weary for the weight they are carrying; and it is much better that each soul would purge to me the weight it carries, be heard, and seen, known, cherished, and validated: but that, in the end, they should relinquish their mind, for mine, and hear me out: for I have things that will heal a man’s soul, and mend a man’s wartorn heart and mind: I have what they need, and their minds are so tired.
Tell them, Janet, to let their minds go down, and rest— and cast up my presence, my mind, my heart, and listen to both my mind and heart, as I take up your case, and you can rest yours.
Tell them, Janet— There is a rest that many do not come into, that is available to all— if only my people would shut down the use of their minds, after purging, and their hearts after sharing— and give those high places over to me, for my presence and person to bring forth of myself, into them, toward them, and over them.
Tell them, Janet— that if one will ‘rest their cases,’ their grievances, their pain, their sorrow, their desires, hopes, and dreams to me, in me; then I can erect mine.
Ask them, Janet— if they are willing to trade. Ask them if they are willing to purge out their mind, will, desires, emotions, reasonings, and perceptions— for mine.
Because if they are— the rest of the Lord will come forth in them, as they cease from their works, and yield their members to me— all of them: and when this happens, it is Christ who then takes up and is alive in them, and with him in charge within the high places— freedom comes, rest comes— for where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom; and where the power of the Spirit, in his love is erected— the mind becomes sound— and fear flees.
Tell them Janet, that this— is what I desire for them; for my heart and mind is vexed, because they do not spend enough time with me, in them: my heart, and my mind.”
—The Lord God
Psalm 46:10
“Cease striving and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations (people), I will be exalted in the earth (ours, each, first)."
Hebrews 4:9-11
“There remains therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.”
John 14:10
“Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.”
Romans 6:13
"Neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God— as those that are alive from the dead, and your members— as instruments of righteousness unto God.”
Philippians 2:5
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus...”
Ephesians 1:22-23
"And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.”
Colossians 1:18
“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.”
Ephesians 5:23
“For the husband (the bridegroom) is the head of the wife (the bride) —even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.”
Galatians 2:20
“I am crucified (death of self rule and independent identity) with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me (resurrected into the life of Christ, alive in him, and codependent now, collaborating together, as one— yielding to him)…”
Jude 1:4
“...the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Revelation 17:14
“...he is Lord of lords, and King of kings…”
Acts 2:36
“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.”
The word "Lord" in Greek is Kyrios, which means master or one to whom someone belongs; and his mind and heart belong to you— will you LET him, allow him, to erect them inside of you, with all they will bring to you?
Will you let him be lord in your mind and heart— and welcome him in, as he will welcome his peace and rest into you, should you do so?
Luke 6:5
“And he said unto them— That the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.”
He is the MASTER, and MASTERFUL ONE OF REST: will you rest your case, and let him take up his in you, today, in your mind and heart?
Will let him be Lord of your mind and heart?
For if you will— he will give you a new one— his, both his mind and heart. And you will come into peace with God, and into the rest of the Lord, the Lord of rest, or sabbath— will take up his rightful position in you: and you will cease from your labors/works, and he will take up his own in you.
I love what he reveals of himself to us, if we will give him room to do so.
If we will only empty ourselves, well— of ourselves— then he can fill us with himself, fill us with his Spirit, with his person: and we can take a backseat, and we can rest.
"The Son can do nothing by himself;
he can do only what he sees the Father doing.”
Lord— may we yield our members to you, so that we can see what you are doing, inside our minds: what are you saying, what are you showing?
If we will purge our souls of what WE are saying and showing, declaring, and focusing on— then can we become those who RECEIVE OF GOD, and not just give him an earful; but be those who give over the supremacy and preeminence within us— and yield our members of the mind and heart over to you, so that you can bring forth: and we can freely receive our inheritance: YOU.
May we decrease, Lord— that you may increase within us; may we die daily— that you may live; may our thoughts be purged out— to receive yours.
2 Corinthians 3:17
“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
May you, truly, become our Lord in all ways, sir: may we die to self leadership, purge ourselves of this, empty our souls to you— that you may fill them with yourself, that we be brought into the knowledge of the awares of you, and not some intellectually knowledge of words on a page: but that we would truly allow you to introduce yourself, in real and tangible terms, within our minds and hearts.
May you become real inside of us, as we die to all, and for you to do so as you desire, sir: and in that— may Christ truly live in us, and with us, and bring us into freedom/liberty, peace, and rest— as we take up your case over our lives, and lay our own reasonings— down.
2 Timothy 1:7
“God has not given us the spirit of fear— but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
For when we will truly give over to your truth, your mind (thoughts, reasonings, computations, and declarations of your truth, in your wisdom), and your heart (believing your deep and profound love for us, in all trials and situations in earth) —we will be brought into a sound mind within us, and fear will flee, and the Spirit of power in your love and truth will be ushered forth, and become erect inside of us.
The second part of resting in the Lord, beyond the initial purging of the soul— is the empty space where the presence of the Lord can now indwell, infill, and take over the high places within us, and bring in all that he is: and in this— we come into, and understand, and experience, the liberty freedom, peace, and rest in the Lord.
It is the purging of the Soul— that is the platform that will launch us into the infilling of the Holy Spirit, bringing in the mind and heart of Christ Jesus, who brings the heart and mind of the Father into us (for the Father is in the Son, and the Son in the Father).
When the soul is purged, and the human mind, reasoning, perceptions, inclinations, grievances, fears, sorrows, pains, and all have been heard, seen, and validated by the Lord as dear, precious, and cherished: it is then the empty place that has been created, in reverence and honor to the Lord, wherewith he can now step into, and come forth, and bring all that he is, and all that he has with him in the way of truth, love, peace, freedom, and rest— as we cease from our own works, and freedom comes in with Christ Jesus and his Holy Spirit, where once all we could feel, hear, sense, and know— was the soulish man’s mind and heart, and with it— all it brought forth.
There is such a beautiful place created inside the vessel of God (us), when we will cleanse the building for him, empty ourselves, of ourselves, and then make room for the holy One to come forth: and when we will do that— he can move mountains, dear, blessed, beloved, child of God.
It is mountain moving time within the minds and hearts of God’s people: for they have need of rest, and so does he— inside of them: let him rest his head, in you!!!
Matthew 8:20
“Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head…”
May that be us, now, as we yield a place for his head (headship), his mind (the mind of Christ), to now have a place to call home, in us: the temple of the Lord God, and his indwelling, infilling, Holy Spirit.
Romans 12:5
“So, we— being many, are one body in Christ— and every one, members, one of another.”
1 Corinthians 12:26
“And whether (or if) one member suffers— all the members suffer with it; or (if) one member be honored— all the members rejoice with it.”
May we all, as members of Christ’s body— bring each other, and him (as he is the head of this body), may we bring him his desire today, and soothe his soul (inside each man, in each man’s soul), and give over the high places to him today, soften our hearts toward him, purge our souls, and make room for him, LET him, come up and have supremacy and preeminence there— and come into his rest; as we rest our cases (suits and thoughts, reasonings and perceptions, judgments and decrees), and take up his, inside of us: as we come into the truth in Christ Jesus.
For where one of us will heal— we will all be that much better for it; and where one us will yield to Christ— Christ, in that soul, in that body, in that member of his body— will begin to rest his head, and our head too will rest, as he brings forth the awares of his person to the throne and high places of man.
And where the Spirit of the Lord is, and is allowed to rule— there is freedom.
And he desires our freedom— today. He desires our peace— today. And he desires us to come into the rest of the Lord— today.
It only requires us to rest our case with him, and take up his case within us: where we will now rest from our labors, and let the Lord fight for us against all darkness— in the souls of men.
Deuteronomy 1:30
“The Lord your God— which goes before you— he shall fight for you…”
Jude 1:24-25
“Now unto him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy— To the only wise God our Saviour— be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”
Exodus 14:14
King James Version
“The Lord shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”
New Living Translation (NLT)
"The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm."
New International Version
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
English Standard Version
“The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”
We need only to hold our peace (rest our case with him): become calm, still, and silent before him: and his peace, truth, love, wisdom, reason, mind, and rest will indwell our vessel, and rule our members— as the Lord and headship he is.
Will we practise this with him, and revere him in us— as the Lord of all lords, and as the ruler (King) of all rulers (kings)?
Because if we will— peace, power, sound minds, soft hearts, unity with God, and the rest of the Lord will come into us; as he brings himself up into the high places (minds and hearts) of man— because we LET him in, and we LET him do so— as we purged ourselves before him, to empty ourselves to him, and with that…
God is placed back in authority within us, in headship over us, in counsel to us, in wisdom given us, in union as one with his Spirit as we meld into him: we come full circle back to where we strayed in the garden, and kicked him out of the high places within us.
Whereby one man sin entered into us— separation; and whereby the last Adam or man, the resurrection life has entered into us, bringing us freedom by his Spirit, and soundness by his mind, and love— by his heart.
May your heart, your mind, your truth, your love, your way, your headship, and your Spirit— be given supremacy and preeminence in your people (vessels) once again, Oh Lord; and in doing so— may we come into the rest of the Lord, as he is the Lord— of the sabbath rest.
And in doing so— may fear and every dark thing be vanquished in the light of your love, truth, heart, wisdom, mind, and person: may the Holy Spirit of God rise into our high places, and set us free with his presence— this day, and every day, this thought to the next.
May we, indeed, go from glory to glory— in this walk with our God.

“Take my hand”
Greg Olsen