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A raw battle unto victory: his word of what we will all go through

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


A battle against satan, and a victory in Christ:

The quoted telling of this story— from the mouth of God.


[video link to this word: ]


I began this morning knowing I was in a very big warfare challenge.  What I didn’t know was that it was a setup to succeed with the Lord (and still is, as he plays this out).  All strategies are his, and he is sovereign over the life of his sons.

You see, I literally have been just doing what he leads me to do, saying to you all what he says to me;  essentially— living authentically with him, facing him head on, and being accountable in my spirit and soul— to God.  In that, he said— I have made a reputation in the spirit realm— one who stands for the Most High;  and as we know— that comes with challenges:  we have an adversary, the devil, the carnal nature (his personality and attributes), the demonic— filthy thought stream, and the plots and ploys of hell.

I woke this morning with a serious issue going on, and truth be told— it was going on last night too (and maybe before that).  He said to me…


Word from the Lord


“Janet, I set up an onslaught of temptations to come your way.  I set it up that you would be challenged with EVERYTHING they could send your way to doubt, to be in unbelief toward my goodness and intentions for you and your life here, to cause you fear, to send prideful thoughts your way— that give you an opportunity to focus on solely, yourself— and to deny coming to me, exalting me, or worshiping me.

I set it up— just like I set up Job in all his temptations and challenges;  you have an adversary, I have an adversary in my children— who will attempt to come up against me, in them.  But you see…

When they gave all they could at you, and through my sovereign will, that they should tempt you in it all, to test you— and for you to see what is truly in your inner soul and spirit— YOU CAME TO ME WITH IT ALL.

Oh sure, it was hard, vile thoughts of anger, resentment, unbelief, frustration, accusation, fear, doubt, pride, and so much more— BUT— where did you go?  To whom did you run to?  Did you turn your back on me, and hide away?

No, you didn’t— you faced me head on, spilled it all out to me, and stared me down about it.

Don’t you see?  When you do that you come through phases with me.  You are tempted to sin and turn your back on me— this was a TRUST exercise.

They told you it was your belief system, and that you are out of belief in God, you are a doubter of my goodness in your life, and my intentions toward you— that you are impure;  and a lack of faith, doubt and unbelief have left you impotent.  They said to you— you cannot trust me to be faithful and true to you, oh— maybe others can— but not you.  They said— you should shut down, and slink away into the darkness.

But instead— YOU BROUGHT THE DARKNESS TO ME: that is victory in the trust department, child.  And do you know why?

NO ONE, will come to me, with all that, sit at my feet, look me directly in the eye, tell me the vileness that is coming forth— if they DO NOT TRUST ME, and SEEK ME WITH THEIR WHOLE HEART:  that is what you were doing, worshiping me— when all seemed to be that I have abandoned you and forsaken you:  the truth is, I never will.

The challenge was this:  When all seems as if it’s COMPLETELY OPPOSITE of me supporting and loving you— will you be tempted to believe that, and turn from me?

You did not— you brought all things to my face, perhaps in confusion, and definitely in major testing— but you came through with flying colors.  It was never about the thoughts— but WHAT YOU WOULD DO WITH THEM, and WHOM YOU WOULD TURN TO.

I challenge the best, and what I have for you— requires the ultimate purification, refinement and testing:  YOU— must know what is in you, and in whom you have believed, and am persuaded is able.

You see, challenges— bring forth perseverance, and perseverance— brings forth tenacity, and tenacity— brings forth victory.  Define these below.”


Challenge—  a call to take part in a contest or competition— especially a duel.  A task or situation that tests someone's abilities, an attempt to win a contest or championship in a sport, an objection or query as to the truth of something, often with an implicit demand for proof, an invite to engage in a contest (to contest something) —make a rival claim to or threaten someone's hold on a position, invite someone to do or say something that one thinks will be difficult or impossible, make demands on— prove testing to, dispute the truth or validity of— object to;  root definition— Middle English (in the sense) ‘accusation’ and ‘accuse’: from Old French chalenge (noun), chalenger (verb), from Latin calumnia ‘calumny’, [making false, slanderous statements] calumniari ‘calumniate’.

Perseverance—  persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Persevere— continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success;  root definition— late Middle English: from Old French perseverer, from Latin perseverare ‘abide by strictly’, from perseverus ‘very strict’, from per- ‘thoroughly’ + severus ‘severe’.

Tenacity—  the quality displayed by someone who just won't quit — who keeps trying until they reach their goal;  the quality or fact of continuing to exist. 

Tenacity: the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; grip, persist, determined.

Victory—  an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition:  a victor.  Victor— a person who defeats an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition;  root definition— Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French victo(u)r or Latin victor, from vincere ‘conquer’.

Romans 8:35-37

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.  Nay— in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”


“So, let’s recap this, Janet:  the challenge came— I warned you it was coming, and only NOW— are you recalling what I said to you was coming;  you even have it in other recordings.

In the challenge— was a set up, and set up to gain victory, and for you to really see what was in you, when push came to shoving (from the enemy) —what you would do.  You’ve always said to me— ‘Would I be one running into the fire, or away from it (to save), when push came to shove?  I will only know— when the fire comes.’

Well— the fire came, and this is what happened, Janet;  I tell you this— so you will tell them.

The fire (the challenge) came, and it was to bring forth as the definition states— it brought forth a call to a contest, or contesting you and your belief in me, based in my identity as your Father:  it was a duel, one kingdom (rhetoric) against the other, the principles upon what is believed and upheld, within.

So, that duel and contesting— brought forth a situation to test your ability to believe in my goodness toward you— and give you an opportunity to prevail over it all— as it was objected (and hardcore) within your mind:  you were challenged against the truth, in your mind— engaged in warfare and temptation to turn from the truth;  when the rival claim, came— to threaten your hold and position (this is just the definition of challenge, but is what takes place).

This challenging claim comes into a man’s mind— to invite that man to do or say something, come into agreement— that this thing is impossible:  and this is to prove you (refinement) —test your resolve in the truth, and the validity of it, and the objection to it;  think— accuser of the brethren, and a court proceeding to sway a case (this is what he does).

As the root definition of challenge states— ‘accusation, accuse,’ and ‘calumny’ —or making false and slanderous statements— to ‘calumniate.’

Didn’t he tempt you by doing just that?  To come to me— flinging all those vile lies at me, knowing— as you spoke— ‘This is the carnal nature, who is at enmity to you, and I am sorry, but it is saying, this and thus… and these statements are not the truth of your person.’

In that— you prevailed to still face me head on, bring it all to me, not turn your back on speaking to me, and I then began to tell you— This was that challenge that was coming:  the challenge of unbelief, doubt, fear, pride, anger, bitterness— and more:  the challenge to turn your back on me;  the trust challenge.

Will you trust me— when I make it seem as if I will never come through for you, with all I have spoken to you?

And then, the long testing of perseverance— I told you— If you endure to the end, then the salvation, didn’t I?

Well— perseverance through all those challenges (and child, I let them come with it ALL— at you) —brings forth a tenacity in you.

If you persist, despite the difficulty or delay in achieving the success (this is the definition of persevere to the end, to endure) —to continue the course— even in the face of difficulty, or with little to no prospect of success…

And you will abide strictly, very strictly, thoroughly and severely (these are the root of the definition)...

Then tenacity is developed;  and tenacity is the quality displayed in a person who won’t quit— it’s doggedness;  and this tenacious person will persist until they reach their goal:  they were seeking to stop you, with everything they had to bring forth— but you came to ME, with it all.  You fulfilled the root definition of tenacity— the quality to continue existing in the promise, gripping it firmly— very determined.

AND THAT, Janet…

Brings forth the victory, in due time/season:  and your time is come up due, sweet child, for promises to come to fruition in this realm.

Your actions of defeating the internal battle, and enemy of (the opponent) the contesting (as you fight the fight of faith) —has brought you forth as a victor:  a person who defeats his enemy or opponent in a battle or contest and competition (two competing forces) —and has become a CONQUEROR.

All my children will go through testing, and you are right to say— all things in life are ordained of God, for he is sovereign;  and you chose to believe I brought this all to you (though you were confused, note— that’s when an adversary is present):  and that all I bring to you, should be given thanks for;  because it is ALWAYS FOR MY BENEFIT.

I told you it was, that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR YOUR GOOD, BECAUSE YOU LOVE GOD.  What way did I tell you that you really love me?

To obey me, reverence me, and trust me:  this is obedience, honor, and faith:  you endured through a testing of your faith in me.

The rest is mine to bring forth— the promises.

As you have gone through many challenges, temptations and battles— and still remain loyal to me;  tell them all— I do this with and to all:  it is refinement, testing, and proving (the tempering of the sword).

Crossing you over into the promises— was always mine to bring forth;  but I did tell you— that you will have to be as Joshua, in the wilderness, with Caleb;  you will have to believe that the giants are conquerable— and then with perseverance and tenacity— fight the good fight, and God will go before you, and will obtain the victory WITH YOU:  for if God be for you, who can be against you (or remain against you)?

Joshua and Caleb believe in who I am, what I promised, and would not turn back— but instead, no matter the opposition, or how it looked— they went forth, WITH ME, and we conquered ALL before us:  this is the testing of that faith and trust.

When pushing became shoving with them— those in the wilderness— and the promises were at stake;  Joshua and Caleb went forth, and did not look back (there was not turning back from the plow);  they forged forth into the unknown— believing in whom they were persuaded, was able:  this is that challenge.

I will now take my Joshuas and Calebs forth— into the promises;  and the others will see the beauty in my faithfulness and power to save:  this is the witness, Janet.  And I have need of witnesses in this hour.

Go forth— my first fruits, when I send you forth in one accord— go forth in all I equip you with— and bring my witness to the world:  for I have need of some mature first fruits to come forth:  so others will believe on me too.

Well done— the rest is mine to fulfill. 

Warn them that I will test all in this— for it is a final purification— as I told you:  and you have come forth as pure gold, refined in the Refiner’s fires:  they will all go through the fire (and remember— I call it ‘challenges,’) for our Kingdom has an adversary in this earth— and we hail from another Kingdom— so you will all be challenged in this earth.

But— when you come into one victory after another in this realm— all realms will eventually open up to you, as you have been tried and found true to the Truth, the Way and the Life— in Christ Jesus.

I have need of a people who know their God, and will and can— do great exploits with him;  but one must slay the giants INSIDE— before you will be able to slay them outwardly— publicly— for the whole of creation to witness:  they, after all— are eagerly awaiting the sons of God, to manifest.

I am willing, and I am able;  that means— I desire this as my good will to do, and I am able to bring it forth of my power.

BELIEVE— remain loyal in your challenges of the enemy within, and you will become a victor within, and then— the results are seen in the material world;  and yes— I mean bodily manifestations of my power to save, and my love to restore.

I need Joshuas and Calebs— who are not afraid to go into the land, and slay giants;  those are a rare breed— but I do have a few, here and there— ready to manifest with me, and help me bring the truth to the world.  I told you— what I have written and choose to do with you— is VERY DIFFERENT than the average mission:  I have need of an Enoch caliber man of God in the earth— to bring forth the sons of God, into maturity and manifestation:  these, are the forerunners.

Not only are they warning of the wrath to come, and calling all to repentance— but they are quite literally— SLAYING GIANTS;  and those— I have need of, and will walk straight out of them, myself.

You asked me, and I heard you, just now…

‘But what about the times I came into agreement with you, but it never manifested?’

And I say to you— If that’s not a challenge of my Goodness and Faithfulness, what is?  I told you— it would seem as if these things are not coming to be— but they are, in their appropriate timing;  and the timing— is mine:  as I told you, the precision— is mine.

How can you be challenged to trust me— if you are given nothing to doubt?

I need to tell you, Yes— and then, cause you to wait, and see that all things do not look as you think they should;  and then— see what you do toward me with your trust— if all things look a mess, and incongruent.

Are you believing by SIGHT— or by every word that proceeds out of my mouth, my decrees?

Blessed are those who do not NEED TO SEE— but still believe:  this is the fulfillment of that.  And so— tell them, likewise— they must stay loyal to the truth, no matter what it looks like:  BELIEVE, and CONQUER GIANTS with me, children.

For your Lord— Goes before you, and is your rearguard:  I am always there— no matter what it seems like:  stick tight, fight, persevere— become tenacious toward the promises, and in whom you have believed;  and you too— will be victorious, we slay giants.

The victory is in the faith, and facing me;  BELIEVE, and do not be swayed to turn from that belief:  and in time (my timing) —the promises arrive.

I have need of pioneers, and forerunning pioneers venture into uncharted territory with me— but I ALWAYS— bring them through:  this you must know about me, and solidify within yourselves.

Be as this one— and whatever the battle within— bring it to my face, stay resolute with what I have told you, do not turn back on it— no matter the temptation;  and then, when you have endured to the end— you will be saved.

Healing (wholeness) is the children’s bread;  and I love my children, and bring healing in my wings (my outreach);  believe me for this— no matter how ugly the mean time is:  I am faithful and true.

And I love you;  and see— through your obedience, reverence and faith— that you love me:  and ALL THINGS WORK OUT (together) FOR THOSE WHO LOVE GOD.

ALL THINGS:  even— hardcore temptations in the wilderness of affliction;  but in the afflictions of suffering— I was taught obedience too, incarnate;  and in your battles— as you head off with satan and his nature (lies and accusations, faithlessness and unbelief) —you will be refined, sanctified, consecrated unto me and purified for my use;  if you do not give up, or give in to the lies and accusations set against me, my nature, and my identity.

I am faithful and true:  and I am for you, not against you.

This— is the wilderness temptation:  challenges, perseverance to tenacity, and culminating in a victory— and a victor.


–Your Paraclete

(partner/advocate/counselor, comforter— 

the Holy Spirit of our Lord)

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