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Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

‘Time, Times & half Time’

Below are readings and revelations from God and his scripture, his words, pertaining to

‘the importance of the number 42,’ in our world and in the ‘time and season’ of the Lord, that we are ‘in.’

He has been bringing up the number 42 to me, since November 2021, after our school shooting in Michigan; I know there is a great understanding here, and more than I am even catching in my research and his revelations, but I have enough to understand it is not only: 2 + 2 + 2 = 222

(4 = 2 + 2, + 2) which is a ‘PERFECT, and SEPARATED WITNESS,’ but also these findings below, detailed.

If you have any more insight on 42, that I did not add into the biblical understanding of 42, please comment and include it!


“Historic interpreters have usually understood the

time, times and half a time(i.e. 1+2+0.5=3.5),

‘1,260 days’ and ‘42 months’ mentioned in

Daniel and Revelation to be references

to represent a period of 1260 years.

(based on the 360 day Jewish year multiplied by 3.5)

—Times and Seasons in Prophecy–

Times of Tribulation (Revelation 6-11)

Seven Seals >Excursus< (wanderings) of time and suffering.

We look at the expression

"a time, times, and half a time" which appears twice in Daniel (Daniel 7:25 Daniel 12:7) and once more in Revelation (Revelation 12:14).

We observe what this symbol tells us about our tribulations.

The "one time" represents a period of trouble, danger, struggle, and testing.

Faith is tested in many ways.

God’s people are not immune from tribulations of various kinds.

There are three tribulation principles that in a sense shorten, or reduce our troubles –cut them in half.

These are outlined below...

Firstly, God actively binds Satan.

"God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to bear…"

(1Corinthians 10:13)

Secondly, God gives us glorious hope.

"I consider the sufferings of this present time

not worthy of comparison with the glory

that will be revealed to us…"

(Romans 8:18).

Thirdly, through much tribulationwe share in Christ’s sufferings.

"To the degree that you partake

of the sufferings of Christ,

keep on rejoicing..."

(1Peter 4:12-19-- there are levels of partaking in suffering).

This understanding of troubled times halves our burden of distress and helps us to bear it

with dignity.

(Dignity– the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect, a composed or serious manner or style, a high or honorable rank or position.

Old Root definition– Middle English: from Old French dignete, from Latin dignitas, from dignus ‘worthy’.)

When God’s people undergo painful trials, it can feel as though God does not notice or care; however God is certainly there.

When we look at our troubles ‘as God looks at them’ –then what appeared to us as

"two times" –is seen to be but– "half a time".

Our tribulations in this world at the hand of Satan will not last long because our lives do not last long.

Soon we will find ourselves face to face with Jesus and those who trouble us –will be banished.

"The sufferings of this present time

cannot be compared to the glory

that will be…"

(Romans 8:18).

The same is true of 42 months (Revelation 11:2, 13:5).”

–Simply Bible. Com

Exodus– 42 wanderings…

There are 42 Stations of the Exodus which are the locations visited by the Israelites following their exodus from Egypt, recorded in Numbers 33, with variations also recorded in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy.

The number 42 appears in

various contexts in Christianity.

There are 42 generations (names) in the Gospel of Matthew's version of the Genealogy of Jesus; it is prophesied that for 42 months the Beast will hold dominion over the Earth. (Revelation 13:5)

Daniel 12:5-7

“Then I, Daniel, looked, and, beheld, there stood an other two –the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.

6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river

(Christ–God walking)

‘How long shall it be

to the end of these wonders?’

7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river…

when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and swore of himself

–that lives forever–

that it shall be for

–a time, times, and a half (time).

And when he shall have accomplished

–to scatter the power of the holy people

all these things shall be finished.”

“In the interpretation of the 70 weeks prophecy,

the final week –presents the most difficulty for bible scholars.

The first 69 weeks –culminate in the appearance of the Messiah, in approximately 28 AD.

In the gospel accounts, we can find evidence for a three and a half year ministry of Jesus, by carefully noting the annual feast days.

The ministry of Jesus –is the first half of the 70th week, and the "time, times, and a half" –completes the 70 weeks.

During the last week –Christ "confirms the covenant with many." (Daniel 9:27)

This is the gospel being preached

–in the world.

The gospel is called the New Covenant in Hebrews 8:13 and in Hebrews 12:24, which refers to Jesus as the "mediator of the new covenant.”

(Also mentioned in Galatians 3)

"Time, times, and a half" is a label, or sign,

representing the time during which

Christ confirms his covenant

–with his believers.

Christ was "cut off" or crucified –in the midst of

the final week.

The sacrifice and the oblation ceased;

the city of Jerusalem and the temple

–were destroyed by the Romans–

during the final half-week.

The 42 months–

1,260 days, 1,290 days, and 1,335 days…

all represent this same period.

In the first century AD, the apostle John wrote that it was already "the last time." (1 John 2:18):

1 John 2:18

“Little children, it is the last (days of) time:

and as you have heard

–that antichrist shall come–

even now there are many antichrists

(spirits in humans, functioning);

whereby (by this)

we know that it is

The Last (of the days of) Time.”

The final half-week of the 70 weeks corresponds to the mystical "time, times, and a half"...

representing –the time remaining for ‘the Church’ to take the gospel to the world."

–Creation Concept . info

Daniel 7:25

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to


–times & laws:

and they shall be given into his hand

–until a Time and Times


the Dividing of Time.”

Revelation 12:14

“And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place– where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time –from the face of the serpent.”

I came across Psalm 90:10…

"The days of our years are threescore years and ten (70 yrs old); and if by reason of strength they are fourscore years (80 yrs of age)

–yet is their strength, labor and sorrow;

for it is soon cut off– and we fly away."

Ok, 1 score = 20 years.

So, threescore and ten = 70 years.

What if "time" = 1 score(20),

“times” = 2 score(40),

and “half a time” = 0.5 score(10)?

Is it plausible that 3.5, as well as alternative renderings…

(e.g. "a thousand two hundred and threescore days",

"forty–two months", etc.)...

Could symbolize


"average" human lifetime?

“Appearances of the number 42.

The phrase 'little children'

appears 42 times

in the Old Testament.

The tribe of Levi was given a total number of 48 cities as part of their inheritance in the land of milk and honey.

Six of these cities

were to be designated as special

'cities of refuge' (Numbers 6 - 7)

leaving 42 other cities.

King Ahaziah of Judah began his reign at 42 years old but was only on the throne one year.

(2 Chronicles 22:2)

When we substitute a number for a letter

(because in certain languages, letters have corresponding numbers assigned to them as well)...

In Nimrod's name, we find 42 playing a role.

Nimrod's name equates to 294, which is 42 x 7.

42 is often found as a factor in anti-Christian names.

Elisha and the number 42.

A group of young men (roughly 30 - 40 in age) began to make fun of the prophet Elisha after his friend had mentioned Elijah was taken away from him in a fiery chariot.

They shouted

'Get out of here, you bald guy!'

–to Elisha as he passed them by.

According to the Bible, Elisha did not waste any time letting the young men know that what they were doing was unacceptable to God.

He turned

stared at them

and cursed them –in God's name.

After verbally correcting the men

two large female bears came out of the woods,

and tore to pieces 42 of them (2 Kings 2:24)!

The main body of John's gospel was penned in 42 A.D; the same year the gospel of Mark was also recorded.

In the genealogical table of Jesus Christ's physical lineage in the book of Matthew, the Greek word gennao is recorded 42 times. Its correct translation is the word 'begat' since the lineage is through males who 'beget' a son.

Most of the original apostles

–leave Jerusalem in 42 AD.

They depart in order to fulfill their calling of preaching to the lost sheep of Israel's ten tribes scattered in the world (see Matthew 10:5 - 23).

In the same year, the prophet Agabus predicted a coming 3 year famine that will take place during Emperor Claudius' reign (Acts 11:27 - 28).

Christians in Syrian Antioch, in the spring of 42 A.D., are informed by the prophet Agabus that a famine will occur that will last– a grueling three years (Acts 11:27 - 28).

The believers respond by planting food

and collecting needed relief

–for Christians in Jerusalem.

(verse 29)

The children of Israel had 42 wanderings, in the desert– until they finally were given rest

(Num. 33:1 - 50).” -Bible Study . org

The angle rounded to whole degrees (42) for which a rainbow appears.

(the critical angle–

also GOD’S SYMBOL for ‘his promises,’

and fulfilling them.)

42 represents

Christ heading off with Anti-christ,

in the earth;

this number is connected with offense,

trials and evil deeds

being met face-to-face–

with Christ Jesus and his Holiness.

Jesus ‘keeps’ bringing this number up to me– DAILY (clocks, signs, car license plates, etc),

since last year– November 30th, 2021 –where we had a ‘school mass shooting,’ at my daughter’s high school, in Michigan.


one senior boy,

shot and killed (my daughter’s friend),

was protecting and blocking

others from harm’s way,

saving lives

was Tate, Oxford High School’s

–number 42.

He headed off with the anti-Christ’s spirit in the 15 yr old shooter,

right there, with Holy Spirit that day:

Christ heading off with– Anti-Jesus personalities and powers in the world.

There’s a page of wikipedia for further reading on the importance, many various entries outside religion, that pertain to 42.

The Lord has been stating there is ‘something about’ 42, that is related to the Anti Christ spirit heading off with Christ’s spirit, and it’s ‘for now,’ in its importance to understand; ‘the hour’ we are in.

We will see this happening, and we will gain a greater experiential understanding of biblical history repeating itself, via the same spirits engaged, through the same patterns again; It’s the showdown with the prophets of Baal, and God’s prophets– the TRUTH of the ‘right spirit’ behind operations, brought forth PUBLICLY for all to see.

God is about to ‘show up and show out,’ will we be the proper vessel to be used during this time, as we close out the old wine skin period, at the end of an era…

And enter into the new wine-skin, which is the pruned and refined vessel, to carry the new movements of the Holy Spirit and his agenda to ‘stand against the enemy and his harolds,’


HE says and does??

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