2 Trees, 2 Persons, 2 Ways/Paths, 2 Divorces,
2 Covenants: Marriages/unions

[Video link: https://youtu.be/4eNvha6Wwqo ]
H2896 – Good
Hebrew: טוב
Transliteration: ţôb
Pronunciation: tobe
Definition: From H2895; good— in the widest sense; used as a noun: a good or good thing, a good man or woman; the good, goods, or good thing, also as in adverb meaning— well: (beautiful, best, better, bountiful, cheerful), at ease— fair (word, be in favor, glad), good (deed, gracious, joyful, kind), liketh, (loving, merry, most pleasant, pleasing, precious, prosperous, sweet), be well/wealth/welfare.
H7451 – Evil
Hebrew: רעה רע
Transliteration: ra‛ râ‛âh
Pronunciation: {rah} raw-aw'
Definition: From H7489; bad or (as noun) evil (naturally or morally): (adversity, affliction, bad, calamity) + displeasing (distress), evil (favored man thing) + (exceedingly great) grievous (harm, heavy), hurt(ful), ill (favored + mark of mischief/misery), naughty (noisome) + not (pleased), sad(ly) (sore/sorrow/trouble/vex), wicked (one), worse/worst/wretched, wrong.
H2416 – Life
Hebrew: חי
Transliteration: chay
Pronunciation: khah'ee
Definition: From H2421; alive— hence raw (flesh);
Fresh (plant, water, year) strong; also (as a noun) —living thing (whether literal or figurative): (age, alive, appetite, wild, beast, company, congregation), life, live(ly), living (creature, thing), (raw, quick, springing, running) troop.
H1847 – Knowledge
Hebrew: דּעת
Transliteration: da‛ath
Pronunciation: dah'-ath
Definition: From H3045; knowledge: cunning— having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion— attractive, ingenious— clever, inventive, devised, mind/intellect (compare with engine), norantly— know, recognize, acquainted with, awares— knowledge or perception of a thing/situation/fact, wittingly— with full knowledge and deliberation.
Cunning— Middle English: perhaps from Old Norse kunnandi ‘knowledge’, from kunna ‘know’ (related to can1), or perhaps from Middle English cunne, an obsolete variant of can1. The original sense was ‘(possessing) erudition (great knowledge/learning/scholarly)— or skill.’
Engine (ingenious) —Middle English (formerly also as ingine ): from Old French engin, from Latin ingenium ‘talent, device’, from in- ‘in’ + gignere ‘beget’; compare with ingenious. The original sense was ‘ingenuity, cunning’ (surviving in Scots as ingine ), hence ‘the product of ingenuity, a plot or snare’, also ‘tool, weapon’, later specifically denoting— a large mechanical weapon.
Genesis 2:9, 15-17
“And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow— every tree that is pleasant [delighted in, beautiful, greatly coveted, delectable, desirable] to the sight, and good for food [provision/provender: things to be supplied]; the tree of life [fresh, living, raw, strong flesh] also— in the midst of the garden; and the tree of knowledge [cunning, ingenious, wittingly awares— a plot or snare, tool/weapon] of good [well/be well, at ease— fair (beautiful), better, gracious, joyful, kind, loving, pleasant, merry, sweet] and evil [bad (naturally or morally), adverse, displeasing, grievous, harmful, ill, hurt, naughty, sorrowful/trouble/vex, wicked, wretched, wrong].
And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden [fenced area] of Eden— to dress it [work/serve/till it— be a worshiper: person who shows reverence or adoration for a deity, and devotion for] and to keep it [hedge it about— that is guard it, protect/attend to it, take heed to self, keeper of self— look narrowly and observe/preserve/regard/save self: watchmen].
And the Lord God commanded [enjoined in constitute (combine/part of a whole— establish by law— establish, appoint, set up together), bid, charged/ordered, sent a messenger to set/put in order] the man [ruddy human being/mankind + another + hypocrite + common sort, low man— man of low degree, person], saying— Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil— you shall not eat of it: for in the day [space of time— birth daily, process of time/season, chronicle] that you eat thereof —you shall surely die [literal or figuratively be killed, crying dead body, worthy of death, be destroyed, cause to be like death/dead/necro, slain].”
H398 – Eat
Hebrew: אכל
Transliteration: 'âkal
Pronunciation: aw-kal'
Definition: A primitive root; to eat (literally or figuratively): burn up, consume, devour, dine/eat, feed on, wise deed, be of meat.
Hypocrite— Middle English: from Old French ypocrisie, via ecclesiastical Latin, from Greek hupokrisis ‘acting of a theatrical part’, from hupokrinesthai ‘play a part, pretend’, from hupo ‘under’ + krinein ‘decide, judge’.
Every tree that is pleasant, or— delighted in, beautiful, greatly coveted, delectable, desirable to the sight, and good for food, or— provision/provender: things to be supplied. This means— God made pleasant, coveted (make you want) desirable to the sight— trees; and these trees were good for delivering us something to intake into our bellies, or innermost parts (food), and that food was for provision, or provender— to bring about a supply of something.
The tree of LIFE, or— the tree of fresh, living, raw, strong flesh— was in the middle of the garden (notable— as middle means, symbolically— should be the main point of attraction, to see from all around); and the tree of knowledge, or— cunning, ingenious, wittingly awares— a plot or snare, tool/weapons of GOOD— well/be well, at ease— fair (beautiful), better, gracious, joyful, kind, loving, pleasant, merry, sweet, and EVIL— bad (naturally or morally), adverse, displeasing, grievous, harmful, ill, hurt, naughty, sorrowful/trouble/vex, wicked, wretched, wrong… was also there.
This tells us— that there was/is a tree that supplies freshness, living (being alive, truly), raw in strength of life to the flesh (that is God and union with him) —and it has a fruit to be taken in, and to fruit out in us (the planting of the Lord); but there is also in the garden (heart/soul soil— symbolically, spiritually) an option of taking into us as provender (supply of) —moral bad (nature of the carnal/fallen), adverse to God’s nature, displeasing to God/grievous to God, harmful, ill, hurtful, naughty, sorrowful/troubling/vexing, wicked, wretched, and wrong— nature— in the garden, in a tree that bore fruit (that was good to look at, and brought forth provision or provender [supply of something in it] for food.
And the choice was always man’s to intake— but the Lord did warn; and yet, every parent of a cognizant life being, who was designed to make choices, to think for self (will, reasoning, decisions) —must allow that person to choose for self; or else— it is a dictatorship, and our Father made us in his image: he thinks and reasons, and decides things.
The situation was, though— that he gave us the right to choose between doing it sans God (without him, and for ourselves only), or with him— as our counselor, mentor, leader, and Father of us: we chose foolishly— as infants do.
Now we must ‘choose another way,’ which is to deliberately and willfully return to him, his way, his counsel, his leadership and fatherhood of us: which means this— WE GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO REASON FOR OURSELVES— WHAT IS GOOD OR BAD, RIGHT OR WRONG— and we DEFER ALL REASONING AND CHOICES, WISDOM, COUNSEL AND UNDERSTANDING— to our Father, to God once again; understanding that we are infantile beings, led of lusts, know not what is good for us (we don’t even know what to pray for), nor how to lead— and we desire for him to lead us; we desire for his ways, wisdom, counsel, knowledge, and understanding— for his presence to join to us again, and father us.
Our Father took man, the— ruddy human being/mankind— another who was walking out a role (hypocrite— playing a part, under, decide and judge), a common sort of fellow, a low man— a man of low degree, and put him in the garden.
I make this point because— man had a role (a position) to play out— that was to be his child, essentially: to be one who will judge and decide rightly (this is how our Father operates); but he is a lower person (entity) than our Father, a man of lower degree. Lower degree means— not as great; lesser— not so great as the other, lower in rank or quality.
Man was made not as great as God (though made from his glory, beautiful, a likeness), and lower in rank and quality; quality— the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind, the degree of excellence of something, general excellence standard— high standing; root definition— Middle English in the senses ‘character, disposition’ and ‘particular property or feature’: from Old French qualite, from Latin qualitas (translating Greek poiotēs ), from qualis ‘of what kind, of such a kind’.
The point here is that man was created ‘lesser’ than God (as was the fallen one), and yet we resemble God in his glory, and in the likeness of him— meaning we have the ability to function as he does— but to a lesser degree; lesser degree means not as great in size, amount or importance: God is supreme, we are not— as created beings. Man (the created), was in an infantile state, but with the ability to fully function, when introduced to the garden (which I believe, symbolically, is union in heart/soul with our Father).
As an infant, but made in his likeness— we ‘could’ have character development, disposition (which means— a person’s qualities of mind and character), with particular (specific) features— of a certain ‘kind,’ which means— a people having similar characteristics: character/nature— in the same way.
The issue comes into play when we realize that satan had the ability to ‘offer’ to man— through his cunning (sly influence) —his option; and in our infancy of being a newly created being (ignorance/unlearned/inexperienced), he was able to dupe us; but we had every opportunity to go to the GREATER ONE— and we did not; he even gave us an opportunity (after the fact— “Adam, Adam— where are you?”) —but we hid from him even then.
We stepped away in shame, and so God was attempting to reconcile us through repentance and reconciliation— but man stayed away, estranged, in a death state of dying now (which means— broke apart from God, and his ways, character and disposition) —which left us coupled with satan. We now have to ‘uncouple’ from satan— and rejoin God holy, into his character, mind(ing), and ways again— WILLFULLY. Meaning— by an act of our will to humble ourselves, apologize, see the error— AND AGREE WE MUST NOT WALK THEREIN ANY LONGER— we ‘rejoin,’ we ‘yoke up to’ our Father again, IN HIS WAYS, and IN HIS CHARACTER BEING DEVELOPED IN US.
When we will do that— we do not have a need to figure anything of good and evil out for ourselves; in fact— when we agree to step back into vital life found only in God— WE COME TO AN AGREEMENT WITH GOD— that we— DO NOT KNOW GOOD and EVIL FOR OURSELVES, and we DESIRE TO BE WALKING ONLY IN GOOD, and HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN ASSIST US IN THIS: it is reverencing God only again, as the one above all others, the greatest, the only one able to ‘keep’ us from all evil (we cannot).
And in that— we can, and must— STEP OUT OF the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; which means— we step into doing things God’s way: and WE KNOW GOOD FROM EVIL (God holy and his ways, from satan and his) — and now— MUST LIVE IT: scripture tells us what God’s will is, his character is, his ways are.
For we must, now— if we have entered into a contract with God and Life; for he is only one way, no other way— and he is only good: are we walking as he walks?
That is the difference between remaining in the tree of cunning intellect, deciphering and deciding (that’s stressful too) for self; or— stepping into God, Life, and the tree (or system of, the kingdom way of) Life (true living, true good) —and walking only therein: freedom, relief, and stresslessness is in the tree of Life, and only good is as well.
We remain stressed (and we should note we are in the wrong tree, if we are) —if we remain in the tree of death (intellect, trying to decipher right and wrong, good and bad [evil], proper and improper) for ourselves: if one has truly entered into the tree of eternal life… then one will rest.
Eternal— perpetual (meaning— continual and constant), everlasting.
The reason many do not rest is that they are hanging out in the tree of death still; the tree that brings estrangement from God— because man has decided, to reason and decide, decipher and judge all things intellectually for himself; the child of God who rests in the REASON OF GOD— is the child who looks to Father for what is good and right, and heeds his leadership; they do not try to reason matters for themselves any longer; and in this— there is freedom from being ‘leader of self.’
And that— is where freedom resides— when we decide, to not decide for ourselves, nor lead ourselves, nor remain in the intellect (alone) any longer— but to step into GOD’S MIND (the mind of Christ), and gain his counsel, from his knowledge, his wisdom, his understanding of all things— and then— WALK DISCIPLINED IN THAT.
You see— when we will walk as he walks— we will be free from satan; when we carry what he carries— we will not carry what satan does (stress, death, anxiety/fear, destruction, etc); we will be walking (living) in LIFE ETERNAL; or in a perpetual state of ALIVE, and WELL— in Christ: having deferred all to his wisdom and character and TRUSTING IN HIM FOR WHAT IS GOOD— and then just OBEYING HIM THERE.
If we remain obstinate toward ‘surrendering all’ to him, for our own good— we will remain in rebellion to his leadership, to reconciliation, to growing up.
We have to become grown ups, spiritually; and grown ups spiritually— are those who know their Father, God— is the one who IS IN CHARGE OF ALL THINGS, and OUGHT TO BE PLACED THERE WITHIN US, as well.
You see— the child of God understands that true freedom is found when yoked to God, reverent to God, and assimilating our persons into the kind of person God is; there is no other way to be— that will ever bring rest, peace, and proper functionality.
God was attempting to ‘fence in’ Adam, in the heart of God; but the fallen one found a way to speak to Adam, even there; you see— he spoke (as spirit beings do, with no space, distance or time interference), and he offered Adam something to contemplate, whilst he was in the fenced area with God; he offered him ‘another way.’ The way to decide for self (and be like God, but not by his leadership— do it on your own) —which was the fallen way.
God asked for Adam to work, serve, and be a worshiper unto God (attention, affection and effort at = worship) —in the garden (or heart and relationship to God); to be one who reveres— seeing it as valuable— the adoring of God, being devoted to God— hedged about, and protecting, guarding, attending to that relationship; which would be Adam being mindful of his relationship to God (yoked to him, intertwined), keeping himself in heeding— looking narrowly and observing/preserving/regarding and saving self as a watchmen— from anything that would threaten that.
We can see that he did not do as God asked, even from the beginning, or at minimum— didn’t take it as seriously as he should have; for Adam allowed the intrusive counsels and thoughts of satan (led away by his own lust to reason and think for self) to not only come, but to not send him away from the garden (intimacy area with God), nor himself, nor his wife— HE ALLOWED THE COUNSEL— for he was already led away of his lust to ‘be himself,’ meaning— outside of God’s leadership in his life.
Like satan, and especially as satan keeps speaking— AND WAS NOT CHALLENGED, NOR CAST DOWN— Adam was led away by the enticing idea that he himself, could decide right from wrong— if he were to ‘disobey’ God, eat from the tree of death— completely naive to what it would bring: a total dissolution of their ‘bond,’ or ‘enjoining/yoking’ together: essentially— we beheld ‘our’ beauty— and were led to stare at what we could do and be— instead of our heart focus on God, and who he was/is, and what he means to us (namely, one to obey— as obedience to his superiority in our lives [which means we truly exalt him as wiser, greater, needed] —is how he said he knows we really love him) —as being the MOST EXALTED ONE/THING TO BE SOUGHT AFTER.
Adam was asked to uphold, reverence and honor God— seeing him as precious, valuable and needed; and essentially— when we ate of the tree that provides the ability to reason, think and decide from our own intellect (sans God’s counsels) —we decided— God was not needed.
We fell in our souls/hearts— before we ever took a bit, to release all the evil and good knowledge into us: we fell from his grace (seeing him as beautiful, gracious, desirable, and loved— obeyed) first; and then— we fell from all things good, precious, protected, fenced in safety— and into us entered evil: we were led of ‘lust,’ and lust was conceived in pride.
James 1:14-16
“But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust— and enticed. Then, when lust has, conceived [clasped/seized (arrested in capture) and aided], it brings forth [produces from a seed (thought allowed to live in) planted— being born] sin [offense]: and sin— when it is finished [consummated and completed]— brings forth death [literal or figurative/symbolic]. Do not err [roam from safety of truth and virtue— go astray, be deceived/seduced, and wander out of the way] my beloved brethren.”
Lust is always conceived in pride: pride is heart focus on self (thinking self is beautiful, powerful, smart/intelligent and capable of doing for self), and pride always brings its lusts with: lust of the eyes (it was good for food— supply of something), and lust of the flesh (it wanted what it wanted, right then), and hence— the pride of life (the pride of the living creature to decide for self) was walked in: the opposite of the humility of life (which is— God knows better, and I divert all to him, and serve him; instead— we served self; and when we did— we served death [destruction] and estrangement from God— unto ourselves).
Can we see how we need to come full circle back to actually exalting God and his way— to actually, and perpetually live in life (alive, goodness, strength and provision of God and his ways)?
We must decide (by our will), that we will obey God now.
We must decide (by our will), that we desire to listen/heed God’s counsel, knowledge and ways, character and disposition now.
We must decide that we do not know what is good, right or God’s will— but yoking to him, learning of him (in scripture and by his Spirit), revering him, and obeying him (loving him) —is the only path now.
And in that— we come full circle, and we understand— intellect, alone, and on our own— of good and evil— will not take us to perpetual life; only coming back to God, listening to him, doing things his way— will ever bring us into LIFE, and out of DEATH.
And the Lord God commanded, or— enjoined in constitute (combine/part of a whole— established by law— appoint, set up together), bid, charged/ordered, sent a messenger to set/put in order— the man— the ruddy human being (mankind), the other— the one with a role to play as a child of the most high— the common one, or one of lesser degree.
This is saying— God was attempting to establish law inside of man (conduct, and leadership of that conduct), bidding him or encouraging him persuasively, giving him directions of how to put things in godly order; with man being the lesser of God and man— and the one needing a teacher/parent/counselor/leader over them— to bring them up in the way to be.
And he said to man— Of every tree of the garden you may eat freely of— But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil— you shall not eat of it; this was a direct command for our good— not that we could not, for it was there— but WE WERE NOT TO (in order to protect us). But again— God is not a dictatorship/tyrant— he gave us a will that was free to decide for self— no matter how destructive that will might be, or away from him and his ways— it may lead.
Because he was attempting to tell/warn man, that in the space of time, the day you birth this choice— when you take this way into you (fruit) —you will surely die; you will be killed (opposite of live), you will cry in a dead body (opposite of a vibrant, living, strong body); and this body will be worthy of death (because we chose another leader, his ways, and we left God— who is life and the provider of) —and we will be considered, or like— death/the dead/the necro, or slain.
[All Strong’s definitions]
Necro— the dead, corpse, dead tissue (opposite of living).
Slain— kill in a violent way, murder; root definition— strike or kill.
Essentially— we stepped into being dead, a non living entity, corrupted by evil, walking in disobedience, irreverently to God and holiness, unwilling to come under an authority figure (would not bow— but stood up to God and his way), and in this— we were violently killed (murdered), struck by satan and his ways (he was a murderer from the beginning— who comes to steal from us, destroy us, and murder us).
The way out— is to come out of this tree system, this root system in our souls— and step into obedience, revering God, heeding God and his counsels and leadership of us— as we now— BOW TO HIM, instead of standing opposed to him.
Remember— WE OPPOSED HIS COUNSEL and LEADERSHIP (through lust and pride, seeking for self) IN THE GARDEN: if we will be saved— we will TURN, REPENT FROM THAT DIRECTION and HEADING— and we will BOW TO HIS LEADERSHIP, WAYS, CHARACTER, DISPOSITION (mind and character) —AND WE WILL ASSIMILATE INTO IT/HIM.
We will yoke and enjoin him in his ways, and with his proper position in our lives: Lord of lords, King of kings— and we will obey him again: coming out of pride— into humility (bowing), and out of lusts of our own hearts/souls— and into fulfilling HIS DESIRES (will and good pleasure).
Full circle back to proper standing with God— requires GIVING UP: it requires giving up leading oneself by our intellect of right and wrong; and coming into obedience once again of what GOD SAYS— is right or wrong, and DOING ONLY WHAT IS RIGHT— in ‘his eyes.’
Because we fell, when we decided we would know
what was right in our own eyes
(or perspectives and reasoning, of the intellect).
The mind is a great force— but undisciplined— it's DANGEROUS and DEADLY; as it will wield the mouth (speech) FROM THE HEART/SOUL of a man— and lead him to death (estrangement from God) —if it is not tempered by God’s Spirit.
Judges 17:6
“In those days there was no king in Israel— but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”
Do we see what this is really saying??
We would not have a ‘King’ over us (God/leader) —and so we fell, and we fell into doing whatever WE DECIDED WAS RIGHT, in our own— EYE (or perspective).
Israel— is the symbolic name for the people of faith in God (his family, essentially); and here— the people called by his name— would not have him as King/leader over them; spiritually/figuratively/symbolically— this speaks of our rebellion in the garden (soul/heart relationship place with God); and the only way we will come out of this— IS TO TURN AROUND FROM THAT— and MAKE HIM KING/LEADER, MOST HIGH ONE— inside our souls/hearts/minds again.
Genesis 3:1
“Now the serpent was more subtil [cunning in a bad sense, crafty] than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman— Yea— hath God said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
“And the serpent (burning one) said unto the woman— You shall not surely die: For God does know that— in the day you eat thereof— then your eyes [fountains that take all in, your outward appearance, affliction, conceit, countenance, displeasing eye/sight, presence, regard and resemblance— yourselves] shall be opened [observed]— and you shall be as gods [magistrates (judges/deciding/verdicts), like the Most Supreme God] —knowing good and evil.”
“...The serpent beguiled me— and I did eat.”
“And the Lord God said unto the serpent— Because you have done this, you are cursed [execrated: loathed] above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon your belly (lowest position) you shall go— and dust [ashes and rubbish] you shall eat all the days of your life: And I will put enmity [hostility] between you and the woman, and between your seed [fruit and posterity (family, duplicates), and seed time/sowing] and her seed [fruit and posterity (family, duplicates), and seed time/sowing]; it shall bruise your head [captain/chiefest place, heights (high places), priest principal ruler, sum top]— and you shall bruise his heel [track— rear of an army, liers in wait].”
“And the Lord God said— Behold, the man is become as one of us— to know good and evil: and now— lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life— and eat, and live forever….
Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. (another place)
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword— which turned every way, to keep the way [road/course of life or mode of action, custom/manner] of the tree of life.”
Cherub— kerûb— cherub, cherubim (plural), an angelic being— as guardians of Eden— as flanking God' s throne, hovering over the ark of the covenant; the chariot of Jehovah— figuratively. (Taken from Brown-Driver-Biggs lexicon.)
H5175 – Serpent
Hebrew: נחשׁ
Transliteration: nâchâsh
Pronunciation: naw-khawsh'
Definition: From H5172; a snake (from its hiss): serpent.
Snake— (in addition to a reptile in the literal, it is also…) a treacherous or deceitful person, something that moves with twisting motion.
Twisting— distort shape, turn or bending in a position or direction, move something by rotating it— in a wringing or writhing fashion, injure or wrench something, distort and misrepresent words, wind around or through something— interlace or wind strands together, an unusual feature of a person's personality— typically an unhealthy one, a new treatment or outlook— a variation; root definition— to twin or twine.
In Genesis 3 —the Hebrew word 'nachash,' meaning—
the shining one— has been rendered 'snake,' or 'serpent.’
The above was taken from a hebrew sight online— meaning, it was NOT— the choicest of options to choose from, to call the the fallen one ‘a snake’ (but was because of the similitude of his ‘hiss,’ or wicked speech, brought forth like a whisper); it was actually better to call the snake— THE SHINING ONE: like a spirit (especially one who can ‘purport himself’ to be a messenger (angel) of ‘light,’ or truth).
H5377 – Beguiled
Hebrew: נשׁא
Transliteration: nâshâ'
Pronunciation: naw-shaw'
Definition: A primitive root; to lead astray— that is— mentally to delude, or morally to seduce: beguile, deceive— greatly and utterly.
And, God was attempting to point out to humanity that the burning one known as satan (the serpent, like a seraph is called a serpent— for their movements), the cherub— the angelic (spirit messenger) being— that was to be a guardian of Eden (the garden relationship with God and man, at the marriage seat of covenant)— who was to flank God' s throne (which means— encompass around, guard, strengthen) —hovering over the ark of the covenant…
Had gone rogue and was on a path of destruction— and God wished to keep him and his ways— away from his family; because he was more cunning and crafty than any other creature God created; and he came to twist/pervert things— because that’s his person.
He is a treacherous and deceitful person, who moves in/with twisting; he distorts shape, turns or bends (someone or something) from a position or direction— by rotating it (turning it around the other way) —in a wringing or writhing fashion (like a snake— see the reference?) Causes to injure or wrench something (twist it up) —DISTORT AND MISREPRESENT WORDS— wind around and through— INTERLACING STRANDS TOGETHER (like stories or yarns, fables or fiction/lies); and uses his features of his personality— unhealthy personality and ways— to give a new outlook and variation (to turn from something else, or someone else [like God]): and he means to DUPLICATE HIMSELF IN US; twinning and twining.
*He aims to lead astray from God and godliness—
beguile— to deceive greatly and utterly (totally).
WE— HAVE TO SEE THIS, and understand this; and if we do not know our Father by coming back to him, WILLFULLY choosing to yoke to him and righteousness/holiness once again…
To walk in his ways, and by his leadership over us as we exalt him within, and throw our own intellect down— choosing to not lean on our own understanding, but to exalt him and his— ACKNOWLEDGING HIM once again: then— he will direct our way again.
He will not even DIRECT OUR PATH— until we DESIRE FOR HIM TO DO SO; that is what a gentleman, or a nobleman does: he is good.
Our outward appearance and the fountains of our perception were afflicted through conceit (self focused, took our hearts off God), and we became displeasing in presence, regard and resemblance to God. We began to observe ourselves as MAGISTRATES (the ultimate deciders, not God over us) —and we stepped into God’s position in our hearts (the one we go to for counsel: self) —where all judging/deciding and verdicts are made: we stepped into the Most High’s position (like satan) and we took over where only he is to be placed: and there— we have been deciding right and wrong to do, ever since.
We were beguiled by satan and his influence— and we will have to come out of all that, WILLINGLY— to enter back into union with our Father once again— through TRUE REPENTANCE (turn around to serve him again, not ourselves: having a God OVER US).
Because if not— we will go where satan does— because we WILLFULLY choose to stay tight/tied/yoked/covenanting with him: and he’s on his way to the Lake of Fire for eternity.
God execrates (loathes) satan more than any other creature he has made— and he is accursed because of this; we must not be as satan, nor remain in his ways and character— or this type of person remains God’s opponent/opposite and enemy— and will be loathed as well.
And God said he will be THE LOWLIEST (on his belly) FOREVERMORE (hence, lake of fire was created for him) —and he will eat ASHES and RUBBISH (garbage/waste) FOREVERMORE.
And God put hostility between the woman— and satan; that means— women HATE SATAN, and will be HOSTILE toward him and his ways (we were duped, and if we learn from it— we are his adversary) —WHEN WE WILL UPHOLD GOD HOLY; women— in Strong’s states, as one definition— the adultress; and so— when we come back, bow to Father again, and to holiness and righteousness, honoring him and obeying him— we become AN ADVERSARY (hostile opponent) TO SATAN.
And ‘our seed,’ our— family duplicates (that’s birthing/creating more like us— following after righteousness and holiness, with obedience and reverence toward God again) —will be hostile toward him too, becoming his ADVERSARY, or OPPONENTS, SPIRITUALLY.
And in that— our seed (kind) shall bruise his leadership (in them first, being corrected through repentance and casting down his image and counsels/ways); and the high places, the priestly places that are to be given to the High Priest and ruler of us— at the sum top… shall return to the Most High and Holy One.
[God was upset with Adam too— he said, “Because you listened to your wife” … He was supposed to HEED GOD, but he ‘gave over’ leadership to his wife; in this— men will have to learn to bow and obey our Lord once again— as the leader of his ways and counsels, too: they both sinned, they both erred— and in that, both will have to learn their ‘place’ again— for both fell into harlotry against God.
Good, godly women of the Lord WANT THE MEN IN PROPER STANDING and POSITION WITH GOD: and good, godly men— KNOW WHAT IT IS TO DEFEND, LEAD, LOVE, and HONOR— the woman (the other vessel), and CHERISH their helpmeet: as our Bridegroom displays unto all, both men and women.]
He will bruise ‘his’ heel; ever think about why that is in the male tense: because we are to be GROWING UP, coming out of the tree of death (intellectual knowledge and leadership of self in right and wrong, good and evil) —and coming back into union with Life (the Spirit of) —and in that— BIRTH THE MAN-CHILD (the fully mature one in Christ Jesus).
His ‘heel’ —is a reference to the ‘way,’ or the ‘road,’ or the paths we walk in life; and satan will come to sneak attack, in the RECESSES (at the rear) OR DARK PLACES (if they are still in us) —lying in wait to deceive us: but with God— WE CAN BE FREE, and DEFENDED by THE TRUTH, HIMSELF.
But we must come full circle again— and WILLINGLY— leave the tree of self determining, and decide, ONCE AND FOR ALL OF OUR LIFE— God knows what’s best, he has laid it out in scripture, I will learn it and of him and his ways— AND I WILL WALK THEREIN!
*This is the Romans 8, manifesting the Spirit of Christ,
their Father— child of God; there is no other child of God.
We came into the knowledge of good and evil— and became like God holy; BUT— God holy is the only one that can ‘know of’ evil— AND NEVER ASSOCIATE WITH IT, OR COME INTO AGREEMENT WITH IT, OR WALK IN IT: if we desire for this as well— we will COME BACK TO HIM, and COME BACK UNDER HIM (in reverence and obedience).
Until then— we are still our own boss, obstinate, and deciding what we will remain in and do, reason and decide— based on swimming inside self intellect (our own understanding— not his).
And he COULD NOT have us take from the tree of ‘living that way’ FOREVER!
Meaning— we needed reforming, reformation through repentance and yoking with our Father in sanctification clean up— BEFORE— we stepped into eternal existence in the way of corruption.
You see— one will exist forever— either in the state of eternal death (opposite God’s ways and person, and without him in torment) —or— we will enter back into Life (God’s ways, person and truly being alive— under and yoked to him): but the choice is ours.
He desired that we had the opportunity to exit the corruption— entering back into union with him, through Christ (the perfect one) —so God can take his time cleaning us up, reshaping us (remember—that’s in how one’s mind and character is) back into his shape, character/image/mind, and sanctify us by his Word (his truth of purity) —BEFORE— we enter into living corrupted forever: he saved us from entering into an eternal state, that would not be able to be changed.
THIS LIFETIME— is for REFORMATION CHANGE; THIS LIFETIME— is to come out of alliance with satan, his ways and his character and leadership— and come back to God, allegiance to him, his ways and character and leadership: this is why salvation without sanctification and reformation— is lunacy.
Lunacy— insanity, extreme state of folly.
Insanity— state of being mentally ill or mad, extreme foolishness/irrational, state of mind that prevents normal perception, a state of extreme distraction; root definition— mid 16th century: from Latin insanus, from in- ‘not’ + sanus ‘healthy’.
So God sent man out of the garden— so he would not enter into a state that would not be ever able to be amended— perpetually for all of eternity (existence).
He drove man out— in Strong’s this states— DIVORCED/EXPATRIATED, drove out from POSSESSION (ownership/yoking) —man; he thrust him out of relationship covenant with him (intertwined); and it will be because of A WILLFUL DECISION to humble ourselves to him, bow, and reverence him again— that we will come back to ‘covenant’ with him (marriage/yoking/contracted).
And there are burning ones (cherubim) who guard that ‘way back’ to him— in the garden of Eden, to this day; and the only way back into eternal life with God holy again— is through— WILLFUL, and OBEDIENT choice to enter back into contracted relationship with him again, under his leadership, and in reverence to his person and holy ways— upheld within us— making him HIGH ONE IN OUR SOULS/HEARTS.
Those beings— were designed and meant to guard and protect the way of life with God— satan fell from that— but others are here to help us with that; and when we come back to God, through Christ and his blood, and we are serious in our souls toward him and his righteousness (and choose to BE THAT) …we are allowed entrance back, coming full circle back INTO LIFE, as we once were led into DEATH.
THIS IS THE WAY and THE LIFE— found only in and through Messiah, YahShua (Jesus the Christ); and the choice has always been ours.
But the way back to him begins with realizing we do not know what is good or right, and we choose to relinquish this internal debating and reasoning— to now be led of his Spirit and his truth, his ways and his righteousness— and we choose to BE THIS, from our very souls; we choose to return to the ancient paths of righteousness, and be like him in shape/conduct/character/demeanor again: holy, as he is holy.
When we choose this, and turn from the wicked ways— we enter back into covenant/contracted union with his Spirit again; and he will start and finish a good work in us— as we are his workmanship— his project to reform.
We cannot come into a vain understanding of salvation; salvation INCLUDES— REFORMATION (a reforming of our inner person); for without that— NOTHING CHANGED FROM THE FALL OF THE GARDEN, where we chose to lead ourselves in the lifetime God gave to us in this earth (dirt body) realm.
If we don’t change inside, and learn to uphold holy living/righteousness— we remain exalting unrighteous living, our souls remain bound to those ways and paths— and that path— leads to destruction and hell (then, hell is thrown, with its inhabitants— into the lake of fire forever).
Salvation has always been coming back to God, to live yoked to him (and he is holy); it has always been because we choose to know the being of holiness, become holy like he is again (we revere holiness and righteousness), love him (obey him) and partner with him again: and he requires a reformed (changed full circle), sanctified (cleaned up, living in truth, purity and holiness once again), and consecrating our lives to him (choosing him, only him, and bowing and vowing in our souls to him and upholding him and his truth within us: making him sacred in us).
Without this understanding that we must exit one tree system and leadership— and enter into a covenant with another leader and his ways— we do not understand salvation.
*What would we have been saved from?
Salvation— saves us from ‘a way,’ and ‘a person;’ and brings us into— ‘a way,’ and ‘a person:’ Christ Jesus.
*We were divorced in our rebellion—
we are remarried—
in our reconciliation and obedience.
Do we understand the great pearl of an opportunity our God laid before us— in giving himself, slain before the foundations (or beginning) of the created world— so that we could come back to him, and our right minds/character and demeanor: as/like we were made?
We chose (ignorantly, and naively, and blindly— but we chose nonetheless) to divorce our Father (un-partner with him) in the garden rebellion; and we will chose, now WILLINGLY— and— WITH CLARITY OF MIND— to come back to him in reconciliations (make up), and MARRY HIM (unite as one spirit again): where two become one Spirit in Christ Jesus, unto our Father.
Salvation— is a marriage; and marriage can only take place when we divorce the other one we are married to— since the fall; when we will do that willingly, and HONESTLY, and with ALL WE HAVE of our STRENGTH, MIND, and SOULS— LOVE/OBEY GOD again— we have come back into marriage union with his Spirit: and we have returned, coming out of the tree of death (self leadership, deciding right and wrong for ourselves) —and returning to Life (thinking and reasoning together) in Christ Jesus; we have come— FULL CIRCLE.
