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144,000, First Fruits--- and the Cost

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

The life most will not lay down;

sonship— the cost, and the reward.


[Video link to this teaching:]


There are, and have been, only a small remnant of believers who truly follow the Lord God, as he described one must follow him. There are very few people of the earth and church, who become resolute in their obedience and discipline of him— who become disciples of his ways and person— and pay the cost to walk out the intimacy of God in this earth.

Salvation is a free gift to us; it is a free opportunity to unite with God holy once again— after walking a life separate from him, in opposition of his person’s character, nature and conduct— on paths of unrighteous living (old man ways). But once we receive Christ, there is a cost to our faith and walking out our salvation with Christ in this realm: what happened to Christ in this earth, will happen to us— in many ways.

Christ was persecuted, mocked, maltreated, disrespected, set against and pursued, challenged every step of the way, dishonored, rejected, betrayed and hated; and his disciples and followers (both old and new testament, who followed the Lord God) were no different in their journeys upon this earth.

“Jesus Christ freely offers the water of life to everyone who thirsts— but, we need to understand that when we receive His free offer— we are no longer our own; we have been bought with a price. Thus, to truly follow Christ, we must consider the cost and not begin to follow him superficially— only to turn back later when things get tough.”

—Bible. org

Jesus warns against this.


Matthew 16:23-24

“But he turned (Jesus) and said to Peter— Get yourself behind me satan: you are an offense to me, for you savor not the things that are of God— but those that are of men.

Then said Jesus unto his disciples— If any man will come after me— let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”


To ‘get oneself back,’ is to bow to, and get behind another person; Christ is literally saying— You are in submission to me, under me; you are not the one over me and my affairs— you do not usurp authority over God. As well he is saying— fall in line, and hear me; you are an offense to me. This means he is offending God right then and there by acting contrary to how God acts, and attempting to subvert the agenda God has— by claiming another agenda, and attempting to change what God has declared to be.

And how and what is Peter doing (as he listens to satan), that is so offensive to God? Well, Peter is thinking of how it will affect Peter— should God fulfill what he said he would fulfill— and go to the Cross and pay the price for humanity's salvation. In addition— Peter was going after what man desired, not what the Spirit of God desired and ordained— and Peter was upholding the idol of self focus, self desires, and the carnal nature— and had no idea in that very moment, that he was opposing the Living God— and his agenda in the earth; nor that he was doing satan’s bidding right then and there.

So Christ rebuked both Peter and satan in this.


“If any man will come after me— let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”


‘Come after me,’ is the same Strong’s word as used for ‘get behind me,’ which meant— to follow him in submission and in obedience— not buck him in his authority, and fulfilling man’s agenda and desires.

And let him ‘deny himself,’ in Strong’s, is detailed out as— Utterly deny, disown, and abstain.


Deny— refuse to give or grant, refrain from satisfying oneself, refuse access to someone; root definition— Middle English: from Old French deni-, stressed stem of deneier, from Latin denegare, from de- ‘formally’ + negare ‘say no’.

Disown— refuse to acknowledge, or maintain connection with.

Abstain— refrain oneself from doing; root definition— late Middle English: from Old French abstenir, from Latin abstinere, from ab- ‘from’ + tenere ‘hold,’ essentially— withhold.


How many of us are refusing to give, grant and refrain from satisfying ourselves in our own desires— as well as refusing ourselves access to carnal nature things, and from the lusts thereof in our hearts?

How many of us are FORMALLY saying NO— to ourselves, in order to follow Christ and his person’s conduct, character, disposition, demeanor and Spirit’s fruit workings of his person?

How many of us are disowning our carnal desires and nature— and refusing to give acknowledgment to those inclinations— and BREAKING OFF CONNECTION to them in our lives, fully throwing them down?

How many of us are refraining from, holding back from following the carnal nature, our own desires and reasoning for them— and withholding from ourselves what would please us— and relinquishing all for Christ, just to follow him as he said to?


Matthew 16:25-26

“For whoever will save his life— shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life— for my sake— shall find it.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world— and lose his own soul? Or, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”


Whoever will desire to save his own reasoning, ways, conduct, actions and lead of himself— according to how he desires and decides matters— will lose his life in Christ; because life in Christ— is about ‘giving over to Christ,’ as one is now ‘bought with a price,’ and has an owner, operator and master over him; to save your own self, leadership, ways and conduct, of conducting your own life— is to deny unity with, yoking with the living God— and returning to obedience under his authority: one has fundamentally chosen to do his own thing— thereby saving his ‘own’ life.

Can we see it’s self centered, and ‘we’ are the ones who remain on the heart throne, and minding self? And we do not uphold that we are a possession made by God, returned to God, led by God, and submissive to God— once we come back into reconciliations with him, through accepting him and his salvation way back into his ‘life?’

Getting ‘behind God,’ is as much submission, as it is SUPPORTING GOD; getting behind something or someone, is supporting, upholding, honoring, and striving WITH, not against that person, organization, event, topic, or agenda: we must get behind Christ, and submit to his leadership in our lives— and give up our own endeavors.

Because whomever will acquiesce, and relinquish all to Christ in submission and support of him and his leadership in their lives— lay down their desires and self leadership, for his sake and purposes in the earth, and to honor him— will have become one who ‘follows Christ,’ and one who is ‘behind Christ,’ and one who will come to understand what a ‘saved life’ truly is in God through salvation: this person will have laid all down, living a sacrificial life as our Savior, with our Savior’s help— and will be humble and lowly, as/like our Savior— and will find out what Life In Christ— is really all about.

He gave his life, and laid it down for us— he asks the same of his disciplined ones (his disciples) who ‘follow him.’

We cannot fundamentally follow two masters— God and our own desires and leadership, through our reasoning— and the reasoning, perspective, will and lead of God: we cannot do two opposing things, at the same time— this is Lukewarm, and because these are noncommittal— in the end— they are rejected, and vomited out into eternal separation.

“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world— and lose his own soul? Or, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul.”

The ‘whole world,’ is a euphemism for— Gain all his own desires of how to live, like the spirit of this world conducts himself like (satan); and do all you desire to do, consume all you desire to consume, serve your own interests in this time allotted to you to choose whom you will server for eternity— and lose your eternal life, into eternal death??

Satan tempted Jesus with all the things of this world— that he could gain— if only he would turn his back on our Father God, and do HIS OWN WILL in his lifetime, on earth.

We need to really think about that— and what ‘doing our own thing,’ will really bring about— as only those who do the will of the Father God, will enter heaven.


Matthew 7:21-23

"Not everyone who says to me— 'Lord, Lord' —will enter the kingdom of heaven— but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.”


You see MANY will say— ‘Lord, Lord,’ but in that, it is an oxymoron, meaning— one must actually BE one’s LORD— to qualify as in truth, being under another as an obedient one of the Lord. Many will ‘claim’ he was their Lord— but they have zero idea that a Lord is one OVER THEM in authority and dictate.

So these will say to him in that day— ‘You were my Lord,’ and he will say— ‘Depart from me, you who continued to work lawlessness (iniquity— continued transgressions against me), I never knew you intimately, and you never knew me intimately.’

Because this type of person was someone who ‘claimed’ to have ‘followed him,’ but in truth— never submitted, never changed by his counsels and reformation process, and fundamentally rejected him, gaining and living under and with a holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit— and remained ‘estranged’ from God in their lifetime, and now will remain estranged from him forever.

God is not joking when he says the strait (narrow conduct) path of righteousness— few find it; and ‘find it’ in the Strong’s means, ‘perceive it’ (that means see what he’s talking about, and what ways to walk with him in conduct, character, obedience and submission), and ‘obtain it,’ which means— RECEIVE IT.

To be a ‘follower’ of Christ, is to adhere to his leadership, in obedience to his Spirit, become reformed in our person to his shape and likeness again— ditching the old man, and old man ways of carnality— and becoming sanctified.

Even fewer become resolute about him, the walk of righteousness being fulfilled in them, obedience to him, resuming his image and likeness as their own now, and SACRIFICING ALL— just to be as intimately close to him as they can be: there is a ‘caliber’ disciple— who becomes a FOUNDATIONAL PILLAR in his house, and they are called Apostles, and they are prophetic, PRIESTLY (in the Order of Melchizedek), and disciplined by him, and under his authority.

These will do great exploits with their God (as all manifesting children will), but they will also GOVERN with him— but more on that later on.

Doing the Father’s will, his good pleasure and purposes— has always been the key to the great leaders that God has instituted in his house leadership— for all of time; he is the same, yesterday, today and forever— he said so; and he never changes. What he did in the past, he will repeat in process: the Order of Melchizedek is coming forth into the earth— and they are ‘set apart’ from the rest— and they are PILLARS IN THE HOUSE OF GOD.


Revelation 3:12

“He who overcomes— I will make a pillar, in the temple of my God— and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God— which is new Jerusalem— which comes down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.”


There is always ‘something’ we overcome— if we are overcomers; and this is how one receives a new name— THEY CHANGED FOUNDATIONALLY and FUNDAMENTALLY; and not only will these receive a new name, but a new city— or land of the Lord God: New Jerusalem— it is a place INSIDE MAN, as much as outside in geography or the material landscape— it is the landscape of the cultivated heart soil— ‘land’ —of the vessel God indwells, as well.

These will receive the new name— and it will be THE NAME OF THE LORD GOD HIMSELF— upon these of his.

These folks will live like Christ, with Christ, and by Christ— unto the will of the Father in the earth; they will help God raise up many others in his house and family— for they will live sacrificially, having given up their own pursuits and desires in life, have slayed the carnal nature, and have become obedient and desirous of fulfilling the will of the Father in the earth, and in their lifetimes: they are PRIESTS UNDER THE HIGH PRIEST, and they are apostolic, prophetic PILLARS in his temple.

Many desire to know who will be in the holy of holies with the Lord God, able to enter into his Temple and reside there for eternity with him— and how to; this is the way.

One must return to being a priestthat is what God is; and they must lay their lives down, reform entirely, submit entirely, hold no carnal nature erected within that is bowed down to— and become focused on ministering to him, sitting at his feet, and relinquishing all else in life: they are not looking to live their best prosperous life ever, according to worldly endeavors; they are desiring spiritual things, and the will of their heart’s desire— God, and his will to be done in their lives, and the lives of others.

These will give all— so these will receive all from God: himself, and intimacy, and a level of proximity of the ultimate closeness— with God himself, in his Temple, for all of eternity.

I am not sure there is a greater desire, nor goal to attain and strive toward— through total surrender to his Spirit, and the sanctification and consecration process— of reformation in Christ Jesus; in becoming reformed back into the image of God, and desiring whole-heartedly to do so.


Luke 9:57-62

“And it came to pass, that, as they went in the way, a certain man said unto him, Lord— I will follow you [go the road— in the same way— accompany and be a disciple] wherever you go.

And Jesus said unto him— Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has not where to lay his head.

And he said to another— Follow me [go the road— in the same way— accompany and be a disciple]. But he said— Lord, suffer [allow] me to first go and bury my father.

Jesus said unto him— Let the dead bury their dead: but you go and preach the kingdom of God.

And another also said— Lord, I will follow you [go the road— in the same way— accompany and be a disciple]; but let me first go bid them farewell, who are at home at my house.

And Jesus said unto him— No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looks back— is fit [well placed and appropriate] for the kingdom [royal rule, and realm reign] of God.”


“I will follow you; I will go the road— in the same way— accompany and be a disciple of you— wherever you go.”

How many of us have said this to him? Because this is the statement and walk of a disciple of his; and he didn’t say— Go and make a people who ‘profess’ me as their Lord and Savior, but do not walk the walk. He said— Go and make DISCIPLINED ONES (disciples) of me, in the nations.

If we are disciples of his, disciplined one under him— we will go where he goes, go through what he goes through— because we walk his same paths; and what the world spirit did to him, it will do to us; but likewise— what the Spirit of our Father did to him, and for him— will come to us as well: the walk is worth the cost.

“Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has not where to lay his head.”

Animals, even the wild animals have places that they call ‘home’ in this earth— but the Son of man does not, who follows God; no place is home in this realm— we are sojourning here; we hail from a kingdom not of this earth. In this place— we will have hardships, and we will walk alone, and we will sojourn here— not storing up treasures here, not even so much as having a place to call ‘home;’ or rather— a place to stay in, and do as one pleases, comfortably; but instead— one will be as a vagabond in this world.

He/she will go where the Father says, when the Father says, and unto the will of the Father. The disciple, the disciplined one of the Lord, who will walk the path of Christ, and as a ‘son’ of the Living God— will be one who pays a cost in this lifetime of sacrificial living. The one who sacrifices with the Lord, and for the Lord— will also be glorified with him, and because he learned to be submissive UNDER HIM, and to GET BEHIND HIM— he will rule and reign with him.

One does not get to rule and reign with him, as a king, over and governing his people with him— lest they learn to fall in line first, under the High King and High Priest.

One who will walk as a 144,000 caliber man of God, with God; will be one who long since submitted to God, relinquished the carnal, was humbled in all ways (like a vagabond in this earth), was softened inside, became supple in the neck— to be turned about by him— and now can be entrusted to rule with him: we will not become kings who reign with him, and under him and his leadership— if we will not reform into PRIESTLY again.

Priestly, and High priest at that— is his person; High King over all others— is his role.

Not everyone will conform all the way into priesthood— but the 144,000 will.

Those who will rule with him as kings under him and alongside him— those who will have his Spirit ruling their vessel, and he himself will manifest himself THROUGH them— will be a people who desired, and submitted to becoming holy and priestly under him once again: these will be the priests, in the Order of Melchizedek— who will be kings who rule with him in the Millennial Reign of Christ.

PRIESTS first— ruling KINGS under Christ— second.

There is an order to all God does.

Manifesting children, first fruits— will do exploits with their God; they will walk out miracles and do signs and wonders— as all disciples do, and did. But the 144,000 priests, who will rule and reign with Christ, and over territories of people— are a whole different caliber child of God entirely.

These will be called to TEACH and LEAD those who need to yet reform; those who were tied up in Lukewarm living and religion— who will need to reform, and pay the cost all followers of Christ pay— in relinquishing the carnal, and becoming reformed and conformed back into his image.

The 144,000 will walk in the apostoliclaying foundations in the world for God, and in people; they will establish order— where there was chaos.

They will be ministers in the house of God, unto God himself— and God’s very Spirit will manifest through them, and unto bringing in his last harvest of souls— in the last days.

They will govern over territories of people with him— because the learned what it is to be stripped of all, humbled, live sacrificially, become resolute unto God and his leadership— as well as the reformation process of killing the carnal nature, upholding that cross, stopping the sin he declares to them— and become the new creation in Christ Jesus.

They will be TEACHERS, and they will REFORM WITH GOD, they will DELIVER with God, and they will BOW TO GOD— and teach and example the walk to others; they will have MUCH required of them from the Lord— but they will walk a solitary path of intimacy with God, that most would envy— but are unwilling to pay the cost to obtain.

They will go through what Christ and the heroes of the faith endured: they will be stripped naked (spiritually speaking), they will be humbled in soul and body, they will be persecuted, they will be attacked, they will be challenged by the spirit of this world and its followers (the religious), they will be rejected, ostracized, alienated…

They will sorrow and mourn, they will break and rend their hearts, they will relinquish all other relationships for Christ, they will be alone often as others bail on the cost and responsibility of walking with God (they will have no place to lay their heads)...

They will endure what others will not, or could not, they will desire God above all other things and walk tightly with him— and so they will endure what others will not— and in, and with a cost to pay.

They will submit all to him, and acquiesce to his will— denying their own, and slaying sin where it is found in them; they will give their all to him— because he gives his all to them.

They will go through pain— both physical, and figurative— soul, thoughts, emotions, spiritual pain.

They will see spiritual, eternal endeavors— and see past the carnal, temporal, and vain endeavors— and they will strive to fulfill the will of God— no matter the cost that must be paid; because souls, lives eternal are on the line— and honoring their God is the most important endeavor they could possible seek to do— whilst in this realm.

They will walk vastly different than the others around them, they will be called to witness the will of God— no matter how foolish they look in this realm; they will be lovers of the truth, and they will uphold the truth, the way and life in Christ— in all situations; they will not bow to another god— despite the consequences in this realm.

They will walk a tight conduct of their person, with and by their God, and master of them.

They will stand out as— men of men— they will stand in the fulness of Christ’s person— and will be placed in leadership positions to govern, when others will not— because they paid the cost in all God stripped them of, humbled them by, and reformed of their person.

Others will walk beside them, assist them, work with them— but the role of sitting at the right hand of God— was given to Christ for his OBEDIENCE FULL OBEDIENCE— to the will of the Father; these too, will rule WITH CHRIST— for Christ RULES THEM, ENTIRELY.

These will reign with him, for he reigns in them.

These will walk the walk of Sonship, as Christ walked and walks— and was given all authority in this realm, and all of creation.

These will walk that same walk, and will learn of their Father in the same ways, and will bow in all ways to Christ— and in so doing— they will have been found FIT to rule and reign with him; for they PAID THE SAME PRICE CHRIST PAID— unto the Father: TOTAL SUBMISSION and OBEDIENCE.

These— will have been found worthy to rule over others, as Christ does— and to ‘show them the way;’ which is through SURRENDER/SUBMISSION, and OBEDIENCE to the will of the Father, through the sanctification process of reformation to their inner man.

Sanctification— is the walk of the priest; one does not walk successfully in the Order of the Priesthood— without sanctification: becoming holy (a priest), as he is holy.

There is always a price or cost to pay— to walk in places others do not walk, or not allowed entrance; there is always a work to accomplish to ascend a mountain; if one does not train— they will not succeed. And training under the Lord (discipleship/sonship) is required— to ascend to the heights, where only God walks— and walk with him.

The 144,000 are a type and caliber man of God— who had one goal and vision in mind, during his life here; GOD, and intimacy with their God— at whatever cost was required to gain that intimacy with him.

These— are found FIT to RULE with him; that is a VERY ACCOUNTABLE ROLE; one will have other lives under them, and accountable FOR THEM; and no one wants blood on their hands, in a detrimental way: the leadership of God will be highly accountable.

It’s not just all fun and games as the 144,000; to whom much has been given (rule and reign with him), much will be required of him: and God has said to me time and time again…

“I have chosen my vessels— VERY WISELY, Janet.”

He has prerequisite all throughout scripture— and those with eyes to see, and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying— are those who have trained their gaze upon him— and their hearts are fixed: these have no other lustful draws— pulling their affections away from him— and they will walk with him in ways others will not.

But let us recall Moses.

He walked with God, intimately— and he gained and walked in things of intimacy with God, that others did not, and would not; but…

He also disobeyed God in the latter end of his life— did his own thing— and missed out on the promised land, and died outside the promise; let us note this— and remain slaying the carnal, and being led by God's Spirit only. For anything else— is to forgo the promise, the treasure, the milk and honey of the Word of God himself.

And the 144,000— know this.

Taking care of others, as important, or the cares of this life— will stand in between God and us— and receiving the intimacy we dream of— if we dream to go wherever God goes, and do with him what he does.


“Jesus said unto him— Let the dead bury their dead: but you go and preach the kingdom of God.

And another also said— Lord, I will follow you [go the road— in the same way— accompany and be a disciple]; but let me first go bid them farewell, who are at home at my house.”


We cannot fundamentally be FORSAKING ALL FOR CHRIST— if we are asking him to allow us to take mind and heart for the ‘cares of this worldly life.’

He said that forsaking all— and going and preaching the kingdom of God— is the most important thing; not burying the dead, not saying goodbye to anyone, or any other draw our carnal man desires. The 144,000 caliber man or woman— will forsake anything, and anyone the Lord asks of them in this life: but it is each man’s choice— in whom he will serve— this day— or any other.


“And Jesus said unto him— No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looks back— is fit [well placed and appropriate] for the kingdom [royal rule, and realm reign] of God.”


No man, who has said yes to Christ, yes to being humbled, stripped, obedient, reformed, and set about to do the will of the Father, and work the fields of harvest, in the Great Commission with God— and has begun that work, but then decides he needs/desires to care for some earthly things, some carnal things— is FIT, or— well placed and appropriate for kingdom, royal rule— and realm reign with God.

He said so— right there.

There is a caliber man who WILL RELINQUISH ALL to God, no matter the cost, pain, hardship, mourning, or battle against his flesh; and this man will be the caliber and type of man who will rule and reign with Christ: because Christ was this man’s ALL; and so he gave ALL to God; this man can be trusted with great authority over others, and under Christ, in his kingdom, and in his reign here in the earth.


Luke 9:34-35

“While he thus spoke, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud.

And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying— This is my beloved Son: hear him.”


There is a man, like what Father said of Christ— who will walk with Christ, bow to Christ, and love God (in obedience to him) —who will hear that they are a good and faithful servant, but also— one who is beloved of the Father (as a son): and these— will hear him out, Christ.

Those who will come behind him, get behind him, get submissive under him— will be close to him, and his heart, and his will: it’s the product of Oneness, the product of where 2 had previously had 2 separate wills— but now have come together sharing 1 will, and 1 conduct of persons— in Christ Jesus.

Oneness— will be the walk of the 144,000, priestly, apostolic, prophetic people of the Lord God— who walk behind, follow in his ways, and in obedience to him— Christ Jesus, and his Holy Spirit.


Luke 9:26

“For whoever shall be ashamed of me, and of my words— of him, shall the Son of man be ashamed— when he shall come in his own glory— and in his Father’s— and of the holy angels.”


The Romans 8 manifesting children of the Lord (and the 144,000 priesthood), are not ashamed of God holy in this realm; they will uphold him against all opposition, in family, in foes, in whoever comes against the truth— and they will stay loyal to him, and will not deny him publicly, nor privately.

When he comes in his own glory, and the glory of the Father and in the glory (or manifesting of holiness) in the holy angels— is when his SPIRIT comes to each man; if we will deny him, he will deny us this honor of seeing him in his glory— as he manifests.

The men, women and children who are not ashamed of him— no matter what situation they face, or whom (death threats, anything) —the Son of God will then glorify with his very own glorious Spirit unto them.

There is a ‘cross’ to bear up under— a death to self; and the manifesting children, the first fruits of God— understand this, and they bow to this process in submission and obedience to sanctification and consecration.

144,000 will be of the first fruits, manifesting children— but they will be called to lead with God— over others, where not all Romans 8 manifesting children will— pertaining to thousands of souls they will be responsible for, and over territories.

They will be called specifically by God, to fulfill this in the earth with him— and they will have been stripped, equipped, mantled, and anointed to do such work: and it will the sanctification and consecration process to the priesthood of holiness/righteousness and obedience— that granted them the entrance in, and the honor of position and rank bestowed.

There are heroes of the faith that went before us, that they too— had to pay the price— to walk in intimacy, favor, mantles, calls, and positions of leadership with God; walking in the royal realm of leadership, unto the kingdom of God in this realm— is a SERIOUS matter, and one God chooses his vessels for, VERY WISELY he said.

The Romans 8 manifesting first fruits— will do awesome things, miraculous things with their God— walking out miracles and deliverances, and teaching and raising up others with their God!

But the 144,000 chosen to rule and reign, and walk out the priesthood in this earth— paid a cost that others did not; and they were chosen by God for their obedience to, and love for God, and the brethren; they became Christ like in their reformation, sanctification, consecration process— and have been found worthy and fit (well placed and appropriate) to rule and reign with him, UNDER HIM; for they submitted and reformed to him— when there was no reward— but his presence with them.


Luke 16:13

“No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one— and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”


Wealth and treasure— PERSONIFIED— and opposed to God; that is the definition of ‘Mammon,’ in scripture.

We cannot be a people (his children) who are going after self gratification, and desire to gain treasure and wealth in this world, WORLDLY WEALTH and TREASURE— and serve God, and heavenly treasure and wealth (riches stored up in heaven, spiritual riches), at the same time: we will love and adhere to one or the other— and this is why the Lukewarm are vomited out eventually; they would not commit to him, and consecrate and consummate the marriage union— where 2 become 1 in will and conduct, ruled by the same headship over them— God holy.


1 Corinthians 6:19-20

“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you— whom you have from God— and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price— Therefore glorify God with your body (sound whole of your person— in Strong’s).”


The first fruits of God, are those who understand they must come out of Babylon— and be ye separate; that spiritually speaking, is cleaning up, getting reformed, becoming obedient to God holy, suffering persecution as others mock and attack us— and consecrating our lives unto God.

Many men and women of old— knew the secrets of intimacy with God— and the keys, or access they would gain— that others would not; but they had a cost, or price to pay in walking this intimate walk with God— in a realm set about to slay them in every way.

Moses came out of great earthly wealth, hedonistic lifestyle being raised in Egypt, and into humility, coming back into his ‘real’ spiritual and biological family of people, and obedience to the Lord God; he sacrificed greatly in humility and meekness (well disciplined in the Lord), and he walked a solitary life, alone with God— because others thought him strange.

He moved in ways others did not; he was called to lead, and succeeded at it, where others did not. He walked closely with God, engaged God intimately (his face glowed by the glory of God because of this intimacy), he obeyed God, he served the people in ministry, and he had to bring hard truths, judgment calls, and was unpopular in and with the people of God— who walked half-heartedly for God.

And when he disobeyed God— he did not ascend, or go any further; this we should take note of.

Joseph was hated by his brothers, because he was gifted, anointed and mantled for something they were not; but he also suffered in ways they did not.

He was cast into a pit, left for dead, sold into slavery, lived almost his entire adult life in a foreign heathen land, worked for an man who was not from God’s family; but he also was humbled, matured, refined, favored, blessed and used of God mightily— and it all worked out for his good in the end— because he never forsook the Lord God in all the stripping and refinement of his life and person.

He dove into relationship with God, and trusted him in all of it; he leaned not onto his own understanding— but kept acknowledging God and his goodness in all things he endured: and in the end, he was blessed in so many ways.

He was over the entire kingdom of Egypt in many ways, under only the Pharaoh himself, kept the resources of the kingdom for him, and was allowed to divy them out accordingly; he was reunited with his brethren, and his father, and was able to care for them in the midst of a famine— where otherwise he would not have been able to provide for them: all under the guiding hand of his God, in whom he served— who works ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD, who love God, and are called according to his purposes.

We will have to go through things in this life that look like calamity and woe— but in the end— God is working a work that only he can do— that will benefit us, and OTHERS, when he accomplishes his will in our lives.

David was the runt of his family, the least likely to be chosen of God, and others ridiculed him and left him out; they saw him as worthy only of being a shepherd in the house of Jesse; but God saw another caliber man altogether.

David fought a giant, with his God, and won— when no one else had the guts or the relationship with God to accomplish that feat.

He was then anointed by God to be king— but spent most of his life running from Saul, who had set out to kill him because of this anointing to be king.

He was often holed up in caves and solitude with God, shunned by others, ridiculed and alone in his belief in God, and in his loyalty to God.

He made HUGE mistakes, like Moses— and killed a man, as well stepped fully into adultery, and then sinned more in trying to cover it up— as like the murder of her husband, a good man.

But— one thing David did, was be sorrowful, and repentant unto his God— and he turned from his wicked ways, in his heart and actions— and he engaged his God, over and over again: this is why the tabernacle of David will be erected in the last days, within our hearts.

Because the tabernacle, was how he was intimate with his God, and obedient and submissive to him; and when he wasn’t, he QUICKLY repented, humbled himself before God, and CHANGED his ways; he was ‘rebukable’ through others— when they brought the word of the Lord to him— and he ruled honestly, and justly with God, as a king.

These are those who will rule and reign with God as well; for they will have been men and women running after the heart of God, as well as— men and women who had hearts reformed into, and as/like God’s very own heart, too.

The apostles, like Saul/Paul— learned obedience, submission, and sanctification with their God; they learned— HE— is the treasure and prize, and doing his will, and being as close and in in union and oneness with him as possible— is the ONLY thing to go after in this lifetime, or any other!

These PILLARS, these large, and influential people that God has used, time and time again— God will continue to use, even in our time.

Living stones— we are— in the house of God; but some are PILLARS: pillars hold up large sections (numbers of people, spiritually) of the house of God, alone— with their God; stones hold up smaller weight in sections tightly linked together with, and by God.

PILLARS will stand out more so than individual stones, and they will BEAR MORE WEIGHT; they have been created and positioned to do so; to these pillars, much was built into them, much was put into what they would bear up, and they were designed specifically for this workload.

Many stones (others in the house of God) will stand with them, by them, and help them support the house of God; but the PILLARS (the 144,000) will stand in the porch of the Lord’s entrance to his temple— holding up the ‘WAY’ for others to Go; and they will usher them into the kingdom, to the door, and through the door (Christ Jesus) —and they will teach, and lead, and reform, and rebuke, and whip into shape a people for the Lord, with the Lord, and unto the Lord.

They have a duty to help God refine the people of God, in leading them ‘the way of the Lord;’ and they have paid a heavy cost to do so in this lifetime; they have been refined to the utmost, and have become polished shafts in the quiver of the Lord.

They will lay their lives down for God and the brethren— and they will forever serve in the temple of the Lord God, doing his will, and ministering unto him: the 144,000 are ministers of the Lord, unto the Lord God himself— and will reside in his temple, serving as a priest with him— forevermore.

Being a first fruit, a manifesting one, manifesting the Spirit of the Lord God to the world is an amazing calling, and one MANY will not walk out with their God!!!

One should relish in that, one should thank God for becoming one of his first duplicate offspring, in whatever manner, and at whatever place on the journey with their God that they are at.

But I want to CLEARLY make it known, that those who are called to ‘lead’ with God holy, and lead in the Millennial reign of Christ in earth, during those 1,000 years— are a people who have been refined to the hilt (quite literally, as they are the weapon Christ will wield— like a sword), and they are priestly, clean, ironed out in their conduct, disposition, demeanor, spirit and soul— obedient, and reformed into the image of the Son once again: and because of this, they will hold great authority, great responsibility, and will be held with great accountability— as they lead with Christ, and govern a great many people under them— in the Millenium.

It is an honor— but it is also a duty; and that duty comes with training requirements and prerequisites, and to be stripped, and then equipped for this position and rank, in the house of God.

The priesthood of Melchizedek— is a holy Order, a priestly Order, and it will take holding the ‘keys’ to gain entrance in; but it is the desire of the King and High priest, Jesus himself— to pull more into this Order, and the 144,000 will assist the Lord in this.

Many will miss the first wave, or the first harvesting into this Order— but they will have time to reform, pay the cost, get sanctified and consecrated unto the Lord as well: there will be other fruits beyond the first harvesting.

Those of the leadership of God— will continue their work in the temple of God, in the house of the Lord— to pull more in, through teaching, correcting, deliverance, healing, and showing them the way— back to their first love.

The 144,000 will have a perfect (or whole) love of God once again; they will have regained the ruined land (heart), and will have cultivated that field unto, and with the Lord— and they will help others to learn how to do the same with God, unto God— in their very own lives and hearts, fields of the Lord— as well.

Christ paid a cost, and the cost was great in Sonship; those who walk sonship out with the Father now— will pay the same cost, in their very own lives as well.

So, to desire to walk as close to God as Enoch, Elijah, Paul, David, Moses or Christ Jesus— will require a sacrificial, sanctified— cleaned up heart and life of obedience, unto the Lord God holy— returning to his image, erecting him as most important, and most highly regarded one inside…

Living as Father leads, going through what Father ordains to go through, giving up what he asks us to give up, and gaining attributes of his very nature into ourselves— and walking out ONLY those attributes, as the holy Spirit disciplines us— to be as he is.

The walk of sonship is one of TOTAL OBEDIENCE and TOTALLY CONFIGURED BACK INTO HIS IMAGE and LIKENESS, to his satisfaction— and the leadership will lead with God (144,000), because they learned how to bow to him, and follow— FIRST.

There is a reason leaders are called and mantled to do so in the house of God— they were raised up by the Father, in obedience and submission to him, as he was their PRIZE— to do that role; they were stripped of their carnality to his liking— and they were then built up and equipped by himself, and his attributes, to do the job they were created for: and I mean that quite literally— they became an ENTIRELY NEW CREATION IN CHRIST JESUS; and this is required in, and of, the 144,000 priests of the Lord God holy.

The 144,000 will encompass all 4 faces of God: the Ox, Eagle, Lion and Man faces.

They will have been refined and trained up under his PERSPECTIVE and his PROPHETIC gifting: the face of the eagle.

They will have been refined and trained up, and will bear up under the LOAD they are asked to carry in this lifetime, and they will PLOW THE FALLOW GROUND that others will not— they will work fields others will not: the face of the ox.

They will walk out the dominion of God in this realm, ruling and reigning with him— because they learned how to be submissive to him, obedient to him, stripped and humbled of him— and rebuilt back into his likeness and image of his inner man, in their inner man once again, they have returned full circle: the lion face.

And the will walk it all out in their man face— the vessel of the man of flesh in this realm, who slayed that nature, returning to God within, and walking that inner man out, from the new and changed character, conduct, disposition, demeanor and nature of God holy that resides within them now; going from the man of perdition, the completely carnal man, the beast (666) → to the man of redemption, the redefined, reconfigured man of holiness and righteousness— the workmanship of the Lord: the man face of God.

The 144,000 have been through the mill (the refinement process), and they have been REDUCED; less of me, more of him; they have been chipped away at, reshaped, reconfigured into his likeness and image once again, pliable in his hand— easily turned about, soft in their hearts toward him— and have become a polished shaft (arrow) in his quiver, to be shot from his bow— right arm, and right hand of power.

These will assist the others in the ways of the Lord, in the Lord himself— and they will stand as apostolic, priestly and prophetic pillars, in the house of God— SERVING— the house of God, and God himself.


There is beauty in all of God’s house, in all of God’s roles and positions he divvies out; each person is unique, each calling the same— and each role in his house is an honorable one.

But each vessel, life and position is chosen by God wisely, and according to his will and process of refinement and sanctification— or equipping each man accordingly.

He will use each of us as he wills, and where and how he so desires; we ought not covet a position of leadership— we ought to desire the Lord God HIMSELF— as he is our treasure. And in that— he will place us where he wills, and according to his good pleasure.

I thank him for wherever I fall in his plans and house— for I will be there with him forevermore; and this is what any man should be desirous of: life, forevermore with our Lord.

Love him with all you’ve got, and you will catch his eye; give him all of you— and you will like where you end up with him.


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