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The Lord’s Prayer–its meaning and successful execution, A word –from the Lord, and more.

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Jul 16, 2022

Matthew 6

“Take heed (be mindful) that you do not (do) your alms before (in front of, like a performance) men, to be seen by them: otherwise (if you do), you have no reward of your Father, which is in heaven.”

Alms– money or food given to poor people, Old English ælmysse, ælmesse, from Christian Latin eleemosyna, from Greek eleēmosunē ‘compassion’, from eleēmōn ‘compassionate’, from eleos ‘mercy’.

Heaven, again, is referenced here for God is of Spirit,’ and this person listed here, is living carnally as they are minded upon fleshly appearance, and the recognition or fame of it, a pious outward ‘look,to be ‘seen.’

But we are already seenof God, and need not man to pat-us-on-the-back.

That IS the reward, Father said. The outward ‘noticing’ of you doing it, by another…that’s your reward.

2 “Therefore when you do your alms (mercy acts), do not sound a trumpet before you (don’t announce yourself to the world), as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and streets, (so) that they may have the glory of men.’ Verily I say to you, “”They have their reward.””

Ouch, he not only states here that the ‘local church’ of the time were HYPOCRITICAL SPIRITUAL PEOPLE, but that they are doing it to be ‘self gods.’ They are wanting ‘adoration, recognition, fame/notoriety’ and many other satanic attributes.

This person is operating with an ‘antiChrist’ spirit within them; wolves, in sheep attire, are VERY DANGEROUS.

So are GOATS, for they know not that they ARE NOT SHEEP; they ‘sound alike’ to most folk…

but only ONE, PRODUCES for the Lord.

(Matthew 7:16

“You will know them by their fruits.)

3 “But when you do alms (mercies), do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing:

(Left hand/Right hand means, don’t go announcing to everyone what you are doing, leave some things private, between you and the Lord, SO MUCH SO, that not even your one hand can know what the other has done.)

4 (So) that your alms may be in secret: and your Father, which sees in secret himself, shall reward you openly.”

Biggest take away from this is that Father is mentioned here as SEEING IN SECRET, HIMSELF

Seeing in Secret– People cannot see God with their natural eyes very often, but he works ‘behind-the-scenes’ with us every second of every day.

He works where things matter, ON THE INSIDE; because with the inner man work,’ he is then able to

justify the outer man, as well, bringing all things

‘into alignment,’ body, soul and spirit man.

He rewards those that live this way, the way of

BELIEVING HIM, even ‘though’ you cannot SEE IT ALL CLEARLY with humus-eyes.

WE ARE SPIRIT anyway, and that’s why he asks us to

SEE WITH OUR SPIRITS (faith/trust), and not with our humus-eyes (humus/human-dirt-suit)...

For we cannot ‘SEE SPIRITUALLY,’ if we are

‘CARNALLY MINDED,’ for to be minded on fleshly things is to be looking down here for God, when GOD IS ABOVE, NOT BELOW.

We must ‘look back to God’ again, and remove our flesh-minded-perspectives, focused on SELF, satan did that; we must *LOSE ALL ASPECTS OF SATAN from our ‘Lives,’ or we are not TRULY ‘living,’ BUT TRULY ‘dying.’

“...for to be carnally minded is death.”

Romans 8:6

“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”


5 “And when you pray, you will not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of –men.

Verily I say to you, “”They have their reward.””

Something about God, when he repeats himself, he’s ultra serious that we should be taking note; here he’s drawing emphasis upon them, ‘needing to be rewarded.’

That’s the TRUTH OF IT; they were invested,

because theywanted a reward.’

They wanted RECOGNITION/fame…

not God, not Truth, not Lovefame.

6 “But you, when you pray, enter into your closet, and when you have shut the door

pray to your Father, which is in secret; and your Father, which sees in secret, will reward you openly.”

7 “But when you pray

do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do: for they think that they will be heard for their much speaking.”

8 “Do not be like them: your Father knows what things you have need of, before you ask him.”

9 “After this manner you pray:

“”Our Father”…

First he is stating…

Right from the git-go, you address FATHER GOD, see him ‘as your Father’ to whom you go for all things.

“which art in heaven”…

Again, Jesus here is stating that HEAVEN is to be noted.


Because HEAVEN is Father’s TRUE DOMAIN, he is Spirit and Truth, and his PLACE is a

spiritual domain and dominion.

Which is really awesome, because if he took you to another planet, you WOULD STILL HAVE DOMINION WITH HIM THERE, for he is OVER ALL CREATION.

Heaven is as much a STATE OF BEINGinside,’ as it is LITERALLY a PLACE to go to.

Jesus is making us spiritually minded right from the start.

Hallowed be your name”…

HALLOWhonor as holy, make holy; consecrate, Old English hālgian (verb), hālga (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German heiligen, also to holy.

Hallowed–”HOLY IS YOUR NAME,” he is saying.

Next, he wants us to bring into remembrance…

that God IS *HOLY, and so is his reputation/his name sake.


CONSECRATE– be made or declared sacred, represent the body and blood of Christ, dedicate formally with divine purpose, devote something exclusively, to a particular purpose.

late Middle English: from Latin consecrat-

dedicated, devoted as sacred’, from the verb consecrare, from con- (expressing intensive force) + sacrare

dedicate’, from sacer ‘sacred’.


here he is saying…

“Come with me into communion”– your Father.

Father God is your source to all, and of all, where you CAME FROM; in doing this remembrance, recall that

he is HOLY, and YOU TOO are to ‘be’ HOLY.

Remember then that, holiness comes to your relationship with/through God, in CONSECRATION; and consecration is DEDICATION to God, to he and YOU ‘together,’ in HOLY COMMUNION.

Devoted, EXCLUSIVELY, one-to-another, in holiness and truth, via his Spirit and conduct.

10 “YOUR Kingdom, COME…”


*HIS ‘Kingdom.’

Not ours, not our opinion, ideas, comments or way…”his.”

Number one, he is calling us to remember that HE IS THE KING of Little Kings, HIGH RULING AUTHORITY, and his “Kingdom” is in remembering –HE RULES.

He is a deity and a monarch; we do not have our own lives any longer to run-around conducting thoughts of our own, if we are truly BOUGHT WITH HIS PRICE–Sinless Blood.

(‘You are not your own,’ he said.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

“Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, *WHICH ARE GODS.”)

We have been ‘bought with a price,’ and that price was in BLOOD. We are called to SUBMITour WILLS to God, so that he can ‘RULE OUR SPIRIT’S’


OUR SOULS: mind of thoughts, emotional display in our dirt-suits, AND…”your WILL.”

You see, we are supposed to GIVE OUR WILLS BACK TO FATHER, for in ‘the fall’ we LOST OUR RIGHT TO GOVERN SELF, because we stink at ‘doing it God’s way–without God–alone, where satan lives, and we NEED GOD TO LEAD US HERE

WHERE THERE IS ‘war on against God and Holiness and Truth’ in this realm.


He is calling us to remember, we are in ‘a fallen place,’ with a fallen– false god running amok, with his opinions and logic and reasoning here, and we NEED GOD TO GET IT IN CHECK,’ within us.

He can ONLY DO THAT, If you *RELINQUISH YOUR RIGHT to ‘self govern,’ which to say– BE YOUR OWN GOD.

For those that choose to ‘be their own god,’ in a FALLEN REALM of LOGIC and REASONING

(tree of death-knowledge of good and evil)



He says…”C O M E!!!”

He is telling us to PROCLAIM INTO YOUR LIFE that…

What God has for us, IN HEAVEN, the way it proceeds there, the way I ‘look and feel’




To CHANGE IT ENTIRELY,inside to outside,’


I Bring ‘that storyINTO PLAY– IN THIS REALM SIR!”


the blood sacrifice,’ IN FULL!



to comeAND INVADE THISdark land

(to your person inside, and to the world) and



YOUR WILL be done, in earth”…

Again, God is referencing that it is “Father’s WILL,”

his choices and reasonings that we are to be ‘mindful’ of…

“...having this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,” because it is FATHER’S WILL we are to have here in our earth-suits, not *our own. (–satan did that)

“As it is in heaven…”

Witnessing, once again, that it is theSPIRITUAL focus we are to be mindful’ of; God and his SPIRIT, as his Spirit is centered upon his CONDUCT of Character in– ACTION within.

If we have ‘his Spirit’ in operation within us, then we are CONDUCTING OURSELVES HOLY, for he is holy.


Then we are yet still in a satanic spirit, as we are ‘minded’ upon *OURSELVES, with our *OWN OPINIONS and REASONING, which is what satan did, and does.

AS IN HEAVEN = ‘As’ Father rules and operates in

HIS SPIRITUAL DOMAIN, we bringthat choice,’ withthissituation, INTO PLAY.


The only way that comes to fruition, where we get the BEST CASE SCENARIO for our lives


LEAD USinto all righteousness.’

John 16:13

“Howbeit when ‘he,’ The Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.

What does that mean??

He is NOT SPEAKING OF HIMSELF; he is speaking of Father God and what Father said, thought, felt, showed, emphasized, detailed out, etc…

He came to BE AN AMBASSADOR of Father– Christ Jesus, ‘what Father said and did; JESUS, came to be AN AMBASSADOR (rep) of THE FATHER.

And, The Holy Spirit of God, will only represent Jesus, who rep’d Father; HE WILL NOT SPEAK OF, OR FOR, HIMSELF: that’s NOT HIS MISSION!

It also states that PROPHECY IS NOT DONE AWAY WITH, like cessationists purport; he clearly states “Holy Spirit will bring you into ALL TRUTHS ‘and’ he will


(future happenings)

Not only does he state that he will tell you all truths, but that you will SEE THE FUTUREbecause THE HOLY SPIRIT IS STILL ON SCENE, ALIVE, WELL, and LEADING US ALL!

Without him ‘in a man,’ ONE CANNOT be holy, nor know the mysteries of God, for Holy Spirit is the great revelator of God, he REVEALS CHRIST and FATHER.

Without him indwelling you, leading you, and RULING you, because you…GAVE UP YOUR ‘freewill’ and YOU ADOPTED ‘HIS WILL,’ and ARE PUTTING ‘HIM’ INTO PLAY as leader of you, in becoming ‘his’ WAY, IN ‘your’ LIFE

you do not become SANCTIFIED, CONSECRATED, or EVEN KNOW GOD, for the Holy Spirit is the ONE OF GOD– that REVEALS GOD, in COMMUNION and RELATIONSHIP even!

We must GIVE UP CONTROL/LEADERSHIP of one's person, in this fallen realm, if we wish to GO HOME TO HIM, afterwards, for THAT IS ‘his kiddo.’

It means, Father God, “if” he’s allowed to RULE YOU, will actually ‘be’ your God, and…



For he did say, ‘you cannot even please me without OBEDIENCE,’ and then he said, ‘your OBEDIENCE is BETTER THAN SACRIFICE.’

((Hebrews 11:6)) trust/faith and obedience, go together, CLOSELY.

((1 Samuel 15:22)) “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,”


JESUS SACRIFICED A LOT, whoooweee!!!!!

And thinking about that sacrifice, he is stating that it

was Jesus’ OBEDIENCE to FATHER and ALL HE SAID and DID, that BROUGHT HIM FACE-TO-FACE with his ‘destiny/story/mission,’ and that was his SACRIFICE.


Without Jesus’ OBEDIENCE to the Father, in ALL SERIOUSNESS, to the point of…

if he doesn’t say it, I don’t either;

if he doesn’t DO THAT, I don’t either’...



would have never allowed Calvary to happen;

For, he would have lived CARNALLY, for SELF:

which is satanic.

Thank God, QUITE LITERALLY, that’s IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO NOT BE HOLY (which is where obedience comes from– holiness); and THANK GOD that ‘we’ can now

be holy through him, as he is holy.


(Philippians 4:13)

11 “Give us this day our daily bread”...

THIS DAY– denoting the current 24 hour period you are in; he told me ‘it’s the only one you are currently dealing with Janet, why fuss about any other one, for yesterday is like a hazy dream and tomorrow too.

Take mind of ‘today,’ for it is SUFFICIENT UNTO ITSELF for its ‘troubles’ AND its ‘blessings.’

Here he is reminding us to take ‘ONE DAY at a TIME!

And boy-oh-boy, don’t we need to remember that!?

‘OUR’– who’s that now??

Well, HIS CHILDREN, of course; he is reminding us we are NOT ALONE, NOT ABANDONED, BELONG TO the ROYAL FAMILY, KNOW OUR IDENTITY ‘in Christ,’ HAVE an ANGELIC ARMY at our USE, and we are ‘HIS!’

He really is so very awesome to ‘spell things out’ for us.

DAILY BREAD– well that’s easy, THAT’S THE WORD and HIS PROVISIONS, his WATCHING OVER US, and our RELATIONSHIP with him: reading his words, speaking with him in prayer communion and he with us, hearing his voice and getting our instructions for our24 hourtime allotment to do ‘for this day.’

He will always give us EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED FOR THAT DAY; it’s why we should have ZERO WORRY, for HE HIMSELF IS TELLING US, that HE IS ENOUGH, EVERYDAY.

HE IS ALL WE NEED, but we ‘reallyNEED TO BE AUTHENTICALLY ‘in relationship’ with him:


12 “And forgive us our debts”...

FORGIVEstop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake, cancel a debt, Old English forgiefan, of Germanic origin, related to Dutch vergeven and German vergeben, and ultimately to

for’- and ‘give.’

“To Forgive” –is to GIVE RELEASE FROM ‘offense.’ If we WILL NOT do this for/to ‘others,’ he will not forgive us.

He will not GIVE RELEASE FROM ‘our’ OFFENSES of ‘sin,’ either.

Matthew 6:15

“But if you do not forgive men their trespasses,’ neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

TRESPASSESTo enter without permission, commit an offense against (a person or a set of rules), sin or offense,

Middle English (in trespass (sense 2 of the verb)): from Old French trespasser ‘pass over, trespass’, trespas

passing across’, from medieval Latin transpassare.

Here our Lord is stating that we must let loose of unforgiveness for it is ‘satanic,not of God,

(and ALL THINGS NOT OF GOD, make there way to the Lake of Fire–separation from God almighty, holy and true);

God forgives entirely, even the most vile of offenders if they seek him in truth, we are to forgive as well.

If we do not forgive others, he cannot forgive us, for we are guilty ofsatanic practiceswithin ourselves that we will not cease from, and are actually ‘rep'n’ the wrong kingdom:

reaping and sowing.

He is a faithful God and he will ‘give us what we ask for.’

If we ask him to ‘hold offenses against us…

for we hold offenses against others,he will oblige us, for he is ‘just.’

DEBT– Something that is ‘owed’ or ‘due,’ Middle English dette : from Old French, based on Latin debitum ‘something owed’, past participle of debere ‘owe’. The spelling change in French and English was by association with the Latin word.

He’s literally stating that we MUST FORGIVEtrespasses/sin’ against us– COMMITTED BY OTHERS, and we MUST FORGIVE the ‘debts owed’ us,

if we are to EXPECT GOD to do the same for/to us: JUSTICE.

As we forgive our debtors”...

This is a MUST; without FORGIVENESS we do not

‘enter the Kingdom of God’ for ourselves, received in,

nor do we ‘enter the Kingdom of God’ WITH ANY UNFORGIVENESS working in our members.

We are to ‘be as God is,’ entirely, within our conduct ‘becoming of God,’ Truth and Justice, in Holy living.

13 “Lead us not into temptation”...

TEMPTATION– Implication ADVERSITY, Strong’s G3985.

ADVERSITY– Difficulties, misfortune, hardship, distress, Middle English: from Old French adversite, from Latin adversitas, from advertere ‘turn towards’.

God does not do this; Jesus here is stating that we are to TRUST THAT GOD DOES NOT LEAD US INTO PERILOUS SITUATIONS or TIMES, nor does he ‘turn us towards’ them, but that he does the very opposite:


We are to ‘be this’ as well.

We are to deliver our brothers and sisters– by forgiveness, not condemning them via displaying ‘satanic’ behaviorsunbecoming the God OF LOVE, almighty, holy and true.

“But DELIVER US from EVIL“...

DELIVER– Bring and ‘hand over,’ provide somethingpromised or expected,’ FORMALLY HAND OVER, surrender someone or something, acknowledge that one intends to be bound by (a deed), either explicitly by declaration or implicitly by formal handover, launch or aim (a blow, ball, or attack), give (a judgment or verdict), give birth to, save, rescue, or set someone or something free from, Middle English: from Old French deliverer, based on Latin de- away + liberare set free’.

EVIL– Profoundly IMMORAL and WICKED, harmful or tending to HARM, extremely unpleasant, profound immorality and wickedness, especially when regarded as a supernatural force, especially in people's actions,

For YOURS is The Kingdom, and The Power,

And The Glory, forever…Amen.”

Jesus ends with reminding us that THE KINGSHIP, that HE IS THE KINGDOM DOMAIN, HIGH-RULING-DEITY and has HIS UNDISPUTED-THRONE-RULE as MOST-HIGH-GOD, is to be recalled.

We are NOT OUR OWN any longer; we were BOUGHT WITH A PRICE, one in SINLESS BLOOD.

His Kingdom, is his RULE and the DOMAIN in which his RULE RESIDES, HIS WAY, UNDER HIM, at ‘his place,’ which is WITHIN US NOW, ‘for the kingdom of God, is WITHIN.’

The POWER of HIS HOLY SPIRIT, is what religion,’ and its ‘followers,’ DENY of God Almighty, holy and true.

And yet, JESUS HIMSELF reminds us, with the ending of ‘how to pray to Father God,’ that HIS POWER

(as THE ‘all high ruling deity’)


‘brought into remembrance,’ for man has FORSAKEN GOD and LOST REVERENCE for his POWER and RULE.

And last, BUT NOT LEAST, he leaves us with THE GLORY.


We do not have reputations any longer, or performance based living, ALL WE DO IS WITH and THROUGH HIS HOLY SPIRIT and his LEADING.


If ‘we shine,’ it is BECAUSE ‘HE’ SHINES ‘through us,’ with his GLORIOUS LIGHT and LOVE, and that

‘we have SUBMITTED OUR WILL unto HIS.’

We have SWAPPED-OUT ‘having a SELF PURSUIT LIFE,’ in order to GIVE HIM THE OPPORTUNITY TO SEEK and to SAVE ‘that which is LOST’ right THROUGH US, in our dirt-bodies, led of HIS SPIRIT CONDUCT HIMSELF,

once again: CHRIST, WITNESSING HIMSELF, ‘through’ US!

14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:”

15 “But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

16 “Moreover, when you fast, do not be as the hypocrites of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces

(cause to ‘appear taxed, forlorn,’ on purpose),

so that they appear to men to be fasting.

(a show/performance, to garner ‘sympathy.’)

Verily (truly) I say to you, “”They have their reward.””

These folk get the ‘pity,’ or ‘attention,’ and THAT IS THEIR REWARD, for unto God he sees it as ‘stubble to burn-up,’ EMPTY, SUPERFLUOUS DEEDS/actions, unto *SELF-SERVICE.

17 “But you, when you fast, anoint your head, and wash your face;”

Here he is saying, “don’t let the others see you are suffering in any way, anoint yourself to look and smell nice (we are rep’n him) , do not ‘put-on-airs,’ but

BE CLEAN in your appearance AND ‘in your motives.’”


That is not HOLINESS’S ‘way.’

18 “That you do not appear to men ‘to fast,’

but to your Father which is (sees you) in secret: and your Father, which sees in secret, shall reward you openly.

19 “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust does corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:”

This is where many a ‘Christian’ heart is led astray into LUSTS of the FLESH: over stuff; when ‘stuff’ has a person in it’s grips (materialism, mammon), many do not make it to heaven, for ‘their god’ is MATERIALISM,

(Mammon is their god), and they SERVE SELF to GAIN the STUFF of their god.


Folks get ‘entrapped’ in materialism and lose sight of God, and sooner, rather than later, they find themselves in a heep of troubles, and on their way to

FINAL SEPARATION from him, as they REJECT GOD and his WAY whilst ‘in earth.’

(where we are to ‘choose whom we will serve,’ for now and eternity)

20 “But (instead) lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:”

Here, Jesus himself is reiterating that to ‘be Spiritually minded’ IS LIFE; why??

Because Jesus IS LIFE, and Life HAS ZERO CORRUPTION, and the d’evil (demonic-evil) DOES NOT EXIST

in him/God’s domain,’ and ‘HIS HOLY SPIRIT IS LIFE!’

His *holiness/RIGHTEOUSNESS– INCORRUPTIBILITY, is OUR LIFE IN US; ‘corruption,’ is of satan, SO BE ‘Holy Spirit LED’ (ruled) and YOU WILL BEstoring upTreasures in HIS WAY, HIS PLACE, and ‘by’ HIM.

21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

22 “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye (perspective/attitude) is single, your whole body shall be full of LIGHT.”

He is stating that if you give up YOUR WILL and THINKING and to RULE SELF, and ‘be ruled by God Holy and True,’ by HIS HOLY SPIRIT

YOU WILL BE SO BRIGHT IN HOLY LIGHT, because you have ‘become like’ YOUR GOD ‘in his character and discipline,’ NOT DOUBLE RULED, TWO MASTERS, LUKEWARM, or COMPROMISED…

BUT CONSECRATED and PURE: full of his Light, HIM!

23 “But if your eyebe evil, your whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you BE DARKNESS, ‘HOW GREAT,’ is that DARKNESS !?”

Did you know our light that Father made us, that is him, uniquely packaged into you, can GO DARK??

That’s what happened to/with satan, that’s why the bible says that ‘And do not marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.’ (2 Corinthians 11:14)

This is because he is DARKNESS now, where once he was Light; like our Light if we entertain evil, our Light goes DARK, and like satan ‘we can purport ourselves’ to be of the Light of Father, made in his image–the outer shell–humus-dirt-image– but INSIDE are RAVENOUS WOLVES.

Matthew 7:14

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing (say, look the part), but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

FALSE PROPHET– ANYONE who is not hearing from God holy and true, BUT IS HEARING FROM another ‘god,’ whose god is –The god of This Age, and speaks Hell’s agenda, Hell’s Fear and Hyper-Grace message.

HYPER-GRACE– The term hyper-grace has been used to describe a new wave of teaching that emphasizes the grace of God to the exclusion of other vital teachings such as repentance and confession of sin.

False Prophecy– is not when someone gets some things spoken, unfulfilled; we are in a fallen world atmosphere, and we are a lens, a human-lens, that God has to work throughwe will not always get everything spot on either (who does down here??)


If people are UNWILLING VESSELS, things do not play out as God desired, and spoke on; God doesn’t always get his way here, because folks are not ALL SURRENDERED VESSELS that have GIVEN UP THEIR FREEWILL to God to be SANCTIFIED and CONSECRATED.


that God designed himself…

hardwired to be so…

But that is CAUGHT UP IN WITCHCRAFT and Divinations…

currently siding with satan…


to be LED of HIM, again–

and to come into their calling and position with God,

by joining God Holy, COMING UNDER HIS RULE, obeying him… and coming into our ranks and FAMILY

thereby creating MORE HARVESTERS for the Masters Great End Time Harvest of Souls.

We are NEVER to shame our brothers and sisters, or we will not WIN THEM at all; who will convert and surrender to Christ, if the ambassador image bearer of Christis actually playing DEVIL’S ADVOCATE, and is CONDEMNING SINNERS to HELL?!

It’s why Christ walked in the way side, dwelt in tents, kept moving along, did not get caught up in ‘religion;’ but instead he PROVOKED and FACED HEAD-ON, a face-off with the Hypocritical-’church,’ and he’s still doing the same; he is here to show a hypocrite (OF HIS WAY) what they are: THAT’S HIS NAME SAKE!

He has to REFORM our insides, bringing a NEW SPIRIT CONDUCT WITHIN US; if he doesn’t, we DON’T REFORM ‘our inside man,’ and that INSIDE MANwill go to Hell and Separation with satan, in the end.

We were NOT CALLED to be FINGER POINTERS–that’s THE ACCUSER ‘of the brethren,’ THAT’S SATANIC; do we see error–likely, but OUR JOB is to heal, set-free the captives, open the eyes of the blind, and ears of the deaf, remove the bonds that bind up our brethren, BRINGING THE FREEDOM of Christ to ALL.

He went into the Red-Light-district folk/areas, and he came with HEALING IN HIS WINGS, he said it himself…

John 3:17

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world; but (instead), that the world through him might be saved.”

We’ve definitely got to do Christ-ian better, and we can; but it REQUIRES death to our own will and OPINIONS

(which is a lens/focus/attitude– issue, NOT focused and USING– God’s perspective),

to rid ourselves of the satanic RELIGIOUS SPIRIT,

like the Pharisees.

They are actually rep’n the

ENEMY’S KINGDOM with Condemnation, Ridicule, Criticism, Sin-pointing OSTRACIZING that is creating– DISUNITY and ‘with’ the ANTICHRIST spirit.

They cannot see that their dung –stinks tooHYPOCRITICAL; as they are using a SPIRIT OF PRIDE

to CONDEMN our brothers and sisters,

FORGETTING WE TOO WERE ‘filthy’ before Christ ‘CLEANED US UP.’

True Children of the Most High God, are SACRIFICIAL (that means– they are GIVERS, unoffendable souls

for their MIND and EMOTIONS, as well their WILLS,

*have been relinquished unto the Lord, and their thoughts,

are now his, their emotions are under HIS CONTROL and GUIDANCE (if we don’t take the wheel back), and

their MINDS are UPON ‘HIS’ THOUGHTS/perspective.

24 “No man can serve (obey) two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other."

"*You cannot serve God and Mammon.”

MAMMON– biblical term for riches, often used to describe the debasing influence of material wealth. The term was used by Jesus in his famous Sermon on the Mount and also appears in The Gospel According to Luke.

Medieval writers commonly interpreted it as an evil demon or god. (excerpt from internet)

25 “Therefore I say to you, ‘Take no thought for your life, what you will eat, or what you will drink; nor yet for your body, what you will put on.

Is not the life more than meat (food alone), and the body (more) than raiment (clothing alone)??’”

He’s saying, stop fussing over dirtland stuff, and my ability to provide for my *own; am I NOT the God/HIGH RULER of ALL THINGS, and do I NOT PROVIDE FOR ‘my heirs??

Why do you MURMUR and COMPLAIN as the disgraceful/ungrateful, WILDERNESS folk?’

26 “Behold the fowls of the air (birds): they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns;

yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

Are ye not much better than they?”

He is always watching out for us and taking care for

‘his people, his children.’

27 “Which of you by taking thought (merely thinking)

can add one cubit (height measurement) to his stature?

28 And why do you take thought for raiment (clothing)?? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

29 And yet I say to you, ‘That even Solomonin all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these.’

30 “If God so (truly) clothes the grass of the field, which today is (here), and to morrow is cast into the oven,

shall he not much more clothe you,

Oh you of little faith!?

Again, our trusting him is called into play; trusting him for what??

IN ALL PROVISIONS, LEADING, COMMANDS, SERVICE– his character to be: God Holy, Loving and True.

31 “Therefore, take no thought, or say,

‘What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal (how) shall we be clothed?’

32 (For the Gentiles/unsaved/unredeemed, seek all these things:) but your heavenly Fatherknows that you have need of all these things.”

He does not fail to provide for his; we must KEEP THE FAITH that is in him, HIS FAITH-FULL-NESS, his RIGHTEOUSNESSis his INTEGRITY of Character and FOLLOW THROUGH.

33 “But (INSTEAD), seek firstThe Kingdom of God, and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS;’ and all these things shall be added unto you.

The Kingdom of God– his rule, and high reign over all as King of Little kings: submissive OBEDIENCE.

His RIGHTEOUSNESS– His HOLINESS, TRUTH, LOVE and HIS JUSTICE, executed in/from HIS KINGDOM, his Domain and DOMINION– IN PERFECTION, which is over all of creation AND that means, Created Beings.

34 “Take therefore no thought for tomorrow: for tomorrow shall ‘take thought for the things of itself.’

Sufficient to the day, is the evil thereof.”

God is saying ‘why are you thinking about, fussing about and otherwise worrying about TOMORROW and its happenings??

Tomorrow will have enough to be thinking upon, IN THAT DAY; WHY MUST YOU– bring into today, what you should ONLY DEAL WITH TOMORROW, as I give you MY GRACE to carry through tomorrow, ‘in’ TOMORROW??

The PROBLEMS of TOMORROW will still be there tomorrow, NOT TODAY, which is…

The ONLY DAY THAT IS BLESSED WITH MY PROVISION, to care for today, IT'S THE 24 hour, TODAY period that I have given you: worry is of satan, because HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT I WILL DO TOMORROW– but YOU CHILDcan know that.

Ephesians 1:9-10

“Having made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he has purposed in himself:

10 That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:”

For ALL CAN SPEAK WITH THEIR GOD, I know your voice, AND YOU KNOW MINE, and if you CALL UNTO ME, I WILL ANSWER YOU, and show you MIGHTY and WONDERFUL things to come!’

Jeremiah 3:33

Call to me, and I will answer you, and (I will) show you great and mighty things, which you know not (of.)

Our God is FULL OF EXPLANATION; our scriptures are DETAILED ACCOUNTS, and in those details we ought to RECALL that God always provides for his children.

Beloved, whatever is happening in your lives, RIGHT NOW, God is fully aware, and he is READY to explain it all to you, as to why it’s happening the way it is.

We just have to REKINDLE our intimacy with our Creator, our Father and His WORD, his Son, our Savior YaH’shua/Jesus– the Messiah.

He said, ‘my sheep hear my voice;’ he is not a man to lie, he cannot! What HE SAYS, IS TRUTH!

Numbers 23:19

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man (a humus-child), that he should repent:

HAS HE SAID (anything), that HE SHALL NOT DO IT !??


HAS HE SPOKEN (anything), and SHALL HE NOT

make it good!?’”

God is FAITHFUL and ALL POWERFUL, not a sinning, unfaithful, wishy-washy, compromised, ‘man.’

Titus 1:2

In hope of eternal life, which God, that *CANNOT LIE, promised before the world began;

Hebrews 6:18

“That by two immutable (unchanging over time or unable to be changed) things, in which it was impossible for Godto *LIE, we might have a strong consolation, (we) who have fled for refuge, to lay hold upon the hope set before us:” (that HOPE–Christ Jesus)

God is NOT A MAN, he camelike, as’ – a man…

It is NOT HARD for God Almighty, to ‘become’ AS ‘a man;’ a man is so far diminished in this fallen realm compared to God holy and true. It doesn’t take much for him to put on that suit.

It was not hard for God to ‘become like’ man (learning blindly, with adversity, learning to hear God and obey him); he just made himself ‘like us,’ because of the

NEED TO UNITE WITH US AGAIN, the Mighty God of Heaven and in ALL THINGS, came to OBEY HIM, TO BE LED OF HIM, and to HELP US… FIND OUR WAY BACK HOME TO HIM, via his leading THE WAY.

Without God doing this FOR US, from HIS HEART, and CALLING UNTO US FIRST, we would not make it back home to him.

So, ‘FOR THE JOY SET BEFORE HIM (us, and the prospect of getting us back) HE ENDURED THE CROSS.’

We are to do so, as well: ENDURE ‘TIL THE END.

Philippians 2:5-8

“Let this mind, be in you, which was also in– Christ Jesus:”

6 “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

He knew his identity in Father, but instead forgoed BEING GOD, to ‘be like man,’ to SHOW MAN HOW TO DO THIS PLACE, and LIFE with GOD!

7 “But made himself of NO REPUTATION

(for us, to serve us–in love–in death and sinless BLOOD), and took upon himthe form of a servant,’ (the Lamb) and was made into the likeness of’ men:”

He walked and talked, as we do, butUNTO GOD, as he is God; but he was/is, FULLY SURRENDERED, ‘as a man’ is *supposed to be to God, UNTO HIS LEADER, HIS GUIDE, HIS GOD, HIS FATHER, HIS TEACHER and

HIS *All Powerful AUTHORITY FIGURE to him,

as we are TO DO.

8 “And being found in fashioned as a man, he humbled himself (means he condescended, became lower) and became obedient, to death– the death of the cross.”

Father is calling us to this LIFE; the life of the servant to him and his way, it IS PRECISELY what Christ himself was CALLED TO by ‘our Father,’ and it’s EXACTLY what he meant when he said to ‘pick up that same CROSS TO BEAR, COME AS A MAN–UNDER GOD, and SERVE HUMANITY.

True Love is–SERVICE to GOD, first and foremost, BUT THEN, as we serve God, TO THEN SERVE HUMANS, being led of God, to bring God to themSETTING THEM FREE, by bringing THE TRUTH, Himself.

You see he’s been telling me that MANY WANT HIS STUFF, all that he can provide, MONEY, SUCCESS, MINISTRY MANTELS and ANOINTINGS

but like satan…they seek THE STUFF, the BLESSING and the GLORY


He keeps reminding me…

“Sweetie, humans need to come out from SELF SERVICE, and SERVE– I was VERY CLEAR. Servants are my people; they GIVE ENDLESSLY and they GIVE ALL!

I am very detailed, it’s very black-and-white, the scriptures; man does not get to alter them to SUIT THEMSELVES. Truth is Truth– and needs not a definer, save what I already MYSELF defined in my Word.

It would behoove my children TO LOOK UP what the actual scripture means, and then APPLY IT, don’t QUESTION WHAT I SAID, ‘that’s debating one's own intellect,’ and IN A FALLEN WORLD AT THAT!

I told you to COME OUT FROM THAT ‘tree of knowledge,’ TRUST NOT YOUR *OWN, TRUST ME!

I have knowledge to DIG INTO, it’s scripture, and it’s CHALK FULL OF DETAILS, and SEASONS, and TIMELINES, and EXAMPLES; but if they do not TAKE ME, they will LOSE ME.

I am coming, and I am coming for MINE; are you in that group I AM is coming for??

Time is running short, tribulations are here, come back to me and under my wings, for THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET VERY TURBULENT.

I have seen enough; I am coming with Justice and Judgment against THE EVIL in operations within people.

I AM COMING TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH; and it’s been UGLY, the TRUTH of the goings on of man, BUT NO MORE.

Man will NOW SEE the TRUTH of God almighty AND the Truth of themselves– for the hour has come:

Harvest Time and Recompense.

REPENT NOW– turn 180 degrees, and COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM.

‘Seek me, while I yet can be found;’ for I AM is not coming this time, AS THE LAMB. I AM is coming–as THE LION of the TRIBE of Judah.

Don’t you want to know if you are MY BRIDE, that is FROM that TRIBE: the Tribe of Judah!?

For I AM IS COMING, and I am coming for a WRINKLE-FREE, SPOTLESSbride.

You will NOT FIND HER out cavorting with devils.

It’s ‘MY JOB,’ The Holy Spirit of God TO CLEAN YOU UP, and get you there: SPOTLESS (no grime/no MIXTURE) and WRINKLE-FREE (not even a slightly crumpled area).

But, YOU MUST ‘want to’ BE CLEAN and SPOTLESS and *ALLOW ME TO *REFINE YOU; that’s NOT COMFORTABLE for all men FIGHT AGAINST HOLINESS in the ‘fallen natural realm,’ but YOU MUST

‘fight the GOOD FIGHT of Faith,’ I TOLD YOU THIS:

IT’S A BATTLE to ‘be in right standing with God’ in A FALLEN REALMwith the devil on your TAILS!


PICK UP ‘your CROSS TO BEAR,’ suffer with me in my afflictions as the WORLD comes against ‘us,’ together, me in you, and you in me…

And FOLLOW MY WAY, for IT LEADS TOmy home and MYSELF; and THAT IS what you are in this for, yes??

To come home to me, in ALL WAYS, NOW and FOREVER?!

Not wanting me only for what I can DO or what I can GIVE OUT, right???”

Jesus seriously just WANTS US BACK, but he’s a gentleman, he GIVES *freewill, and with our freewill, we get to freely CHOOSE, and that’s FROM THE HEART of man, not his head.

He would not be warning so many prophets, and the hearts of his people that we are in perilous times, if the truth was not so; he cannot lie, nor would he FAIL TO WARN HIS BRIDE.

You might get away with offending God, BUT YOU CANNOT OFFEND HIS BRIDE, holy living folk–unto himself, AND NOT HAVE HIS WRATH and JUDGMENT find you; for his judgment and wrath come but for one thing, and one thing only: EVIL.

If you are purporting evil against HIS BRIDE, you are of ANOTHER KINGDOM, for you are HURTING ‘his’ BRIDE!

His WAY does NOT change; and he cannot LIE.

What we have sown/seeded in, WILL HARVEST OUT.

But…he extends his GRACE PERIOD for salvation, while he can still yet be found, here on earth.

There will come a time when his Holy Spirit is NOT HERE any longer, RESTRAINING THE EVIL

Oh yes!


imagine if HE DID NOT?!


Please, COME OUT OF THE WORLD, and what it’s ‘churches’ have taught, of LIES and CONTRADICTIONS to the VERY WORDS GOD SPOKE HIMSELF, and his VERY WALK, HE WALKED–HIMSELF.

He is warning us that ALL IS NOT WHAT IT SEEMS,

‘wake now,’ for many are soon to see their final hours

(at some point we all do, from this dirt realm);

we don’t have A LUXURIOUS or SELFISH time period in this realm to LIVE AS IF HELL and HEAVEN, the devil and God…do not exist.

They do, and God laid the foundation and the walk out for us…

Please, pick up true salvation, believe God is True, and his Blood is SINLESS and it IS THE PROPITIATION for our sins, and THE WAY home, to our Father.

Come out of ‘religion’ that teaches you to pray a prayer, say some words (even truthful ones), and then go out

And NOT MAKE DISCIPLES OF YOU–UNTO GOD, UNDER GOD, and LIVE ‘however’ they WANT TO not changing or CONVERTING ANY PART of THEM–into the NEW SPIRIT MAN NATURE, that THROWS OUT THE OLE MAN, carnal nature--satan’s nature, and PUTS ON THE NEW MAN.

WE MUST COME OUT FROM ‘false religion,’ ESPECIALLY IF IT WEARS THE NAME: Christian, and yet sports satanic living.

It QUITE LITERALLY, IS LEADING PEOPLE TO HELL, hand-over-fist, and it’s BREAKING GOD’S HEART, and has INCURRED HIS ANGER against any leading his Sheep,

‘HIS BRIDE,’ into PERDITION, with them!

He will have to reject these people, with the statement…

Matthew 7:23

“And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, all you that work iniquity.”

INIQUITY– is LAWLESSNESS toward God, his holiness, his NATURE about him; and he will say I never knew you because YOU NEVER HAD A REAL INTIMATE RELATING WITH HIM, didn’t actually seek him, obey him, hear him and heed his commands: Disobedience.

Many will DEPART FROM HIM, for they WERE NEVER ‘under him.’


(and thereby GOD) as what he DEFINED THEM and HIMSELF and HIS WALK, HIS WAY…to be, in truth; he is NOT MOCKED, and especially not mocked

by ‘HIS OWN people.’

We will come under his CORRECTION and RULE and REIGN, if we do function this way.

But his children, his true children, ARE HUMBLE in Spirit, they SERVE, as he does, AND IN LOVE; they ALWAYS MINISTER THROUGH THE LENS OF GOD–Love.

Hard truths may be HARD TO HEAR, but IN HIS LOVE, HE INSTRUCTS; in his CORRECTIONS we GROW, and we GROW ‘into’ him.

He is calling us ALL, UP HIGHER; it’s where HIS PERSPECTIVE ROAMS, where the EAGLES ARE.

Luke 17:37

“And they answered and said to him…

“”Where, Lord?”” And he said unto them,

“”Wherever the body is, there, the eagles will be gatheredtogether.””

This here is stating a TWO-FOLD truth, that first–

the BODY OF CHRIST (his true family) IS IN HEAVENLY PERSPECTIVEnot earthly/carnal;

THERE, are his ‘eagles,’ his CHILDREN MINDED with his very OWN MIND/perspective, and THOUGHTS, (it’s how they see and hear him so clearly, PURITY),

and also…


His true children, GATHER IN UNITY, and SOAR ABOVE THE STORMS of ‘carnal living.’


no matter how hard it is to hear.

John 8:31-32

“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him

““If (conditional) you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, (32) and you will know the truth, and the truth, willset you free.”

Truth– is Love, for it ALWAYS WARNS, and warns again, and again, and again…until there is no more time;

I warn the same, now…

BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, and I will give ‘my all,’ for


even if NO ONE likes me for it NOW.



you will have been ‘WITH ME THERE,’ and THAT, is why Jesus and I do what we do…

and give what we give: we are making a family for eternity and there is NO HIGHER CALLING than to

‘love your brothers and sisters, as if they are you, yourself.’

John 15:13

“A Greater love, no man has than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

Come home to him; he has provisions for you all laid out, even a table to serve youbefore your enemies (which are his).

He has the plan that helps you succeed and to TRIUMPH HERE, it begins with:

Obedience to his Word.

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