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Isaiah chapter 12

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn



Summarizing chapter 11— Speaking of the coming Messiah, in the previous chapter— and the blessing that will come to his people, with his arrival.

The Branch that shoots forth out of the stem of Jesse, and the 7 spirits of God that rest upon and with him.

He shall judge righteously, and not from his earthly perspective— but by the Spirit; and with his lips— he shall slay the wicked.

Peace shall be upon the inhabitants with his rule, and the LORD shall utterly destroy the oppressors; and there shall be a highway, upon cleared paths for the remnant of his people.


Isaiah 12

“And in that day [space of time] you shall say— O LORD [self-existent and eternal one], I will praise [literally— use the hand, hold it out— revere and worship, bemoan and give thanks to] you: though you were angry with me— your anger is turned away [ceased, retrieved, returned and taken away], and you comfort [pity in a favorable sense, console and ease] me.


In the space of time, the selected arrival and henceforth result of the Messiah coming and incarnating upon this earth, in a flesh-suit, to live amongst men (as an average man), to walk out the old covenant flawlessly (as we could not)...

We will say of his arrival and presence— that the self-existent and eternal one— who has arrived to bring our salvation and deliverance from the old covenant, the bondage to it, and to sin’s consequences in need of it— HE IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED— which means to literally use our hands, holding them out to revere and worship, bemoan and give thanks to him.

He is no longer angry with his people— but instead desires to take pity (mercy) upon them— which is to be in a favorable sense toward them, to ease and console them.

Why do we say he is worthy to be praised??

Many would say, for he brought us salvation!

And I would agree.

But do we understand what that means?

Salvation is so much more than the fact that he walked out the old covenant, keeping the law flawlessly— though, because he did, we receive his free gift— which is the Lamb, who was slaughtered for us, being the perfect sacrifice— leaving us with the ULTIMATE GIFT: the holy Spirit.

But SALVATION— is to be understood much more thoroughly.

What he did is so much more pervasive— God, that is.

Our Father saw our fall from the garden, looooong before it actually happened; he saw the need to help us, all along the path of creation, from inception to fulfillment, and from fall and brokenness— unto restoration and reconciliation.

He found a way, within his infinite wisdom, to rescue, save, redeem, make a way, and come through as— that way— to deliver man, from his own will and choice to disobey him: the Father.

We can blame satan/Lucifer/the nameless one— but it was not his fault alone that we fell, he only offered up the option through his cunning, crafty wickedness— but we were the ones who chose to DISOBEY God’s direct leadership in our lives; the commandment he gave to abstain from that tree’s fruit, in order to avoid its results.

He gave us a mind to use, and a will to decide for ourselves, because he wanted children; and children of the Most High God, made in his image— think, and make decisions.

He did not want slaves or robots for children— he wanted people who would use their minds and decide for themselves, AFTER taking his counsel.

But he would not decide ‘for them,’ as we cannot decide for children of this realm either; all must decide for themselves.

So, when he saw the fall, or slip up— albeit a major and consequential one, that mankind walked straight into, following the counsel and leadership of satan— he found way after way to come through for his children.

Can we see that he was coming against his TRUE enemy, in all of that? The one who DELIBERATELY set out to mislead, with his tainted and narcissistic leadership— to dupe and curse God’s family.

God was setting out to destroy his ENEMY, that’s the ‘only’ one God has ever wanted to set out (literally kick out of heaven) to destroy.

God was always hoping man would choose to reconcile with him, and come out from their bad decision to DISOBEY him, and come back into LIFE— out of death and it’s covenant agreement that we partook in, when we put satan into the leadership role of our lives.

God set up the old covenant as a way to use ‘innocent’ animal blood (because ‘life’ is in the blood) to atone for our sin issues— but that blood wore off quickly enough, and more blood would need to be spilled; do we know why?

Because ‘life,’ innocent and uncursed by their actions, animals— became the source of blood that was ‘able’ to atone for our death arrangement with satan; animals had NOT chosen to follow him, and thereby became the sacrificial blood of innocence that was able to carry away our sin.

[Save the snake, that agreed with satan— and was cursed below all the other animals, to slither upon his belly, henceforth.]

But one animal, was never enough to wipe away the sin penalty— the animals couldn’t even follow the Law of the old covenant to walk it out perfectly— they were just innocent of committing the sin infraction of disobedience from the garden; we were not innocent, and needed their life source to atone for ours.

But we needed something better than the Law, which showed us just how far we have fallen from his likeness now— Father God, that is— and that animals, who were incapable of following the Law— would never be the ultimate sacrifice to pay for our tresspasses.

Have we ever wondered why he came as a Lamb, symbolically, for our sacrifice?

A lamb, is innocent, meek and sacrificially the best choice for the atonement of our sin, because of those qualities, in the old covenant; so, our God— came as the most MEEK, servant, lowly and undeserving sacrifice, of such slaughter— symbolically— the perfect sacrifice.

Perfect, because he WAS able to walk out the old covenant— TO FULFILL IT; we were walking for eons unable to fulfill that sucker with a perfect person to do so; but with Messiah— he accomplished this, and wrecked the need to be under that bondage of laws, and continual killing and shedding of innocent blood— for our long lasting infraction in the garden.

HE LOWERED HIMSELF SO LOW— that he became an ‘animal’ sacrifice for us; do we understand that??!!

He didn’t just lower himself to serve us, and live the old covenant out perfectly, fulfilling the Law to break the old covenant requirements off of us, or to stop animal sacrifice, as a ‘man’ alone— HE BECAME THE SLAUGHTERED ‘animal,’ too— FOR US!

That, I’d say— is the MOST I have ever had some do for me— and he did it for all, not just me.

The root definition of animal, means— ‘one having breath;’ I’d say that’s pretty low for our MOST HIGH GOD, to lower himself to something that is fundamentally described as just— one having breath.

He’s the Most High, self-existent one, and he made himself— ‘just something with breath, to be slaughtered for us—’ albeit, he was flawless in the deployment of that mission.

He saw the need to find ways to save us again and again, but he offered himself as to be the ultimate sacrifice, one who was undeserving and innocent in all ways, since before the foundations were even created: that means the building blocks, y’all.

He decided that the way to beat his enemy, was to come, himself against his enemy— satan and death— and pull out all the stops to give his children an opportunity to come back to him, and not be separated from him forever.

He would blast away the old covenant— being beholden to it— by his perfect sacrifice, as he laid himself down as/like an animal to be slaughtered— bowing and lowering himself to this position, to set men free from the legal penalty of sin— and to give them the option to yoke DIRECTLY TO HIM, giving them the way into life with him, unhindered by obligations of following the Law to a ‘T,’ or having to slaughter innocent blood ever again.

Albeit, our lives will not be easy, we will be required to walk his paths with him, and put effort into our relationships with him— but the legal penalties were blown out of the water, and done away with— ‘IF’ we take his hand in marriage.

He, even before that— came to his children ‘inside of’ the old bondage marriage covenant to the Law, and the sin sacrifices needed— and he always made a way for his people to escape; those who ‘kept covenant’ with him.

What does that mean anyway?

We now say our covenant with him— is the marriage to him, personally— through Messiah, Yahshua; and, well → it is.

But we had a marriage agreement with God before that, which is what the old covenant was— it was his way to be ‘yoked’ to him; but it required following rules, and statutes and customs— to a ‘T,’ and sacrificing one innocent animal after another— just to ‘maintain’ this marriage union.

God sought ‘a better way,’ a ‘better covenant;’ and that better covenant needed a sacrifice SO perfect, that the slaying thereof— needed only be done ONCE, and for all to receive— that would receive him.

Now, when we yoke to God, we yoke directly to his person in marriage— before, we had to follow rules, precedents and procedures, customarily, with the sacrifice of innocent blood all the time— just to stay in ‘bonds with,’ or in union with, or in RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH— the Almighty, holy and pure Father.

With the NEW MARRIAGE agreement, we choose God himself— who came to slay himself as the perfect animal (breath) sacrifice, with untainted blood, shed for us— fulfilling ALL THE REQUIREMENTS of the old marriage covenant, flawlessly— and we are only told to OBEY HIM, and EFFORT at coming into oneness with him now.

Do we see— it was the ‘disobedience,’ to God— that KILLED US; as death, is called ‘estrangement;’ so what kills us still, is when we are estranged from union, at-one-ment with the Almighty God and Father— even still yet.

And the only way we can prove our love to him, he said— was through OBEDIENCE TO HIM, and will come into union with him, and no longer be estranged.

Do we understand why he equates OBEDIENCE to him, as loving him??

Because he loves us SO MUCH that he came and did all that, plus came to raise us like children as disciples, showing us the way to conduct ourselves— and desires NOTHING MORE THAN to be ‘in relationship,’ as one— with his kiddos.

But why ‘obedience,’

to show our love??

Because DISOBEDIENCE led to our breakup, estrangement, death covenant with satan, and consequently— we made satan our ‘god’ —through DISOBEDIENCE; which means ‘chief ruler, counselor, and leader of us.’

Only through OBEDIENCE, now— can we reconcile with God, follow him as our leader, counselor, ultimate supreme one over our ways, decisions, hearts and minds— will we come out of that covenant with satan, that marriage to him and his ways— take God’s hand in marriage again— and be SAVED.

Obedience to him— placing him in his rightful role as our ‘God,’ again— is how we show him we love him; because in that— he can save us from the wiles of his enemy— death, and estrangement: becoming a ‘couple’ again, means everything to God.

It isn’t perfection at our efforts he seeks— that’s why HE HIMSELF came and fulfilled it all; it is effort with him, desire of him, love toward him, union with us— that matters to God: and that is all accomplished by ‘following’ him, as our leader once again— QUITE LITERALLY.

I say quite literally, because many are trusting in the scriptures, ALONE for salvation— and they are the ‘letters that kill,’ still; meaning— we are not trusting in words alone, but the entity BEHIND THE INSPIRED WORDS.

And do we understand being in a DIRECT relationship with him as SPIRIT, now— is WAY BETTER THAN, alone, being yoked to some words on paper, that were ‘inspired’ by him— but did not come from him directly— TO US, personally.

Sure, we have individuals who heard from God directly, and were inspired to record their interactions, for our benefit— but folks he did not come and sacrifice himself for us to remain in second-hand relationship with him; that’s why he FINISHED, or fulfilled the old covenant— so man could COMMUNE WITH HIM MIND TO MIND, and HEART TO HEART, now: face to face.

[That means— countenance, to countenance.]

If we are living unto those words he gave to ‘other’ kiddos of him, only, right now— and we are NOT in direct relationship with him, ourselves…

Communing with, loving on, relating to, learning from, being corrected by and led of our Father, DIRECTLYwe have not stepped into FULL Salvation: for salvation’s fulness— is A PERSON, the person of Yahshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Christ.

He set up his ultimate sacrifice long before we would need him to fulfill it all— and we cannot TAKE HIM FOR GRANTED, by living in the bible ONLY, and of second-hand relationships of those people— ONLY— and never step into personal relating to the Almighty Father ourselves— or we are still under the ‘letters,’ and not the New Marriage covenant at all.

And that’s a travesty to me,

and detrimental to anyone doing this.

Religion comes to worship the ‘letters,’ of which are the inspired words of God, and should be honored, learned from, and loved— but folks, HE’S A PERSON, who came to stop us from having to have relationship to the ‘letters,’ alone; he came to OFFER US HIMSELF NOW, not just words he gave to his other children.

He wishes to give us words, directly to us, in a private and intimate relationship— pulling out all the estrangement, and *RECONNECTING INDIVIDUALLY WITH US.

If we are going to live as if knowing those scriptures is all we are in need of doing— we will end up being those who will be departed into hell, even though we could quote all the letters of the bible; because we never stepped into REALITY [and the definition of TRUTH, in Strong’s = REALITY]: reality being real relationship with the Almighty, through believing he’s real, and to be related with —and in direct communion, and marriage with.

The letter kills, as Paul said, in— 2 Corinthians 3:6

“Who also has made us able ministers [attendants] of the New [fresh] Testament [disposition, contract, devisory will, covenant]; not of the letter [writings, epistles, scripture] —but of the spirit [breath, current, breeze of the rational soul, or vital principle mental disposition of the Holy Spirit, God, Christ]: for the letter kills [destroys and slays], but the spirit gives life [vitality].”

Because following words alone, is not a person— following the PERSON SAYING THE WORDS, is what the New Marriage Covenant is; to follow the words, the scriptures, and focus only on the rules, precedents and statutes, ALONE, and not be talking with, sharing heart to heart, and mind to mind— yoked as ONE with the Almighty Father, now— is DEATH.

And death is estrangement from God; and we are still estranged from God if we are not following ‘him,’ directly— by his SPIRIT now; which is the entire purpose and way made, when he finished Calvary and the Cross for us.

He made the ‘way,’ open to us all; he being the door— but we have to actually ‘OPEN UP TO HIM,’ he said; and yes— I mean that from our hearts and minds, actions and decisions.

He speaks quite often in spiritual/figurative terms, and we need spiritual eyes and understanding to gain what he saying.

Revelation 3:20

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and opens the door— I will come in to him, and will sup with him— and he with me.”

We must literally, inside— open up to ‘him,’ now; not just the ‘letters’ of the scriptures, that he gave to others; we must PERSONALLY open up to ‘him;’ which is why he said the letter, or scriptures alone kill— but the Spirit (being in relationship to, and with him) GIVES LIFE: it’s all about relationship, for REAL, folks; religion kills → relationship breathes life.

When we realize he pulled out all the stops, or hindrances and hangups that we could get entangled with, and made HIMSELF available to us, DIRECTLY once again— restoring that Eden relationship and union— he really did become THE BETTER WAY, THE BETTER MARRIAGE, and OUR SALVATION: relationship with the Almighty Father again, through the Son.

THIS IS WHY, as verse one states— HE IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED, with our hands— held out— and revere and worship, through bemoaning (or to lamenting over) and giving thanks to him.

As his anger is turned away from us— for the walk of the Son— and he is pitying us, or— looking at us in a favorable sense, console and easing us— by his VERY PERSON now.

This is why the Son is so highly regarded— for he returned Father’s children, to him— in the ability to now have RECONNECTION TO HIM, DIRECTLY— through his flawless, and perfect sacrificial life, laid and slain— for us to have the privilege to do so.

He is quite glorious.


2 “Behold— God [the Almighty] is my salvation [deliverance, aid, victory, prospering, health, helping and welfare]; I will trust [flee into refuge, into confidence or surety, be bold, secure, made to hope] —and not be afraid [startled in fear, made to shake]: for the LORD [Jah, or Yah— the sacred name, meaning— Lord Most Vehement, or strong feeling, forceful, passionate, intense; root meaning— ‘intense, high in degree’] JEHOVAH [self-existent one] —is my strength [security, majestic praise, boldness, might and power] and my song [praise]; he has also become my salvation [deliverance— prospering, help, welfare].”


EXACTLY— he is our deliverance, aid, victory, prospering, health, helping and welfare: our salvation— ‘HE’ is.

It’s all about him, it’s always been all about him; we sinned, turned, transgressed and left him: estrangement, break up.

But HEcame, gave, worked hard, died, rose, and OPENED A DOOR TO HIMSELF AGAINdespite our actions and disobedience; to open up the ‘option,’ to OBEY him once again.

This is why obedience to ‘him,’ is so critically important; it is that direct relationship that saves us, not the scriptures alone— HIM!

He is our salvation!

I said to him (and others), just last night—

“You know, one definition of salvation is ‘help;’ you might as well have said ‘HELD,’ because only by your embracing us once again— are we truly saved.

You may as well have said the definition of salvation and deliverance is— being held by the Almighty, once again, in marriage union to him— and delivering us out of the hand of marriage unto death and satan, through sin and transgression: salvation, sir— is no more or less than BEING HELD BY YOU once again.”

I hope you can all understand that; it’s only by being in union with him once again, taking his hand, and stepping through that relationship door where we sup together— that we are truly saved: from estrangement, break up, and being enemies, one of another.

We are to TRUST HIM, and NOT BE AFRAID— as verse 2 details out; trust is defined as— flee into refuge, into confidence or surety, be bold, secure, and made to hope in him; and NOT AFRAID is defined as— not startled in fear, or easily made to shake (also, shake is the definition of tribulation).

And it says, because the LORD JEHOVAH, or— Jah/Yah— the sacred name, meaning— Lord Most Vehement, or strong feeling, forceful, passionate, and intense; root meaning— ‘intense, high in degree’ —and the self-existent one, is my strength, or— security, majestic praise, boldness, might and power.

He is my song of praise, and HE has become my salvation— or as I have described, he has HELD ME TO HIM, IN AN EMBRACE AGAIN— and has delivered me from the arms, grip and marriage to satan, sin, and death estrangement.

I believe we can see why he is WORTHY TO BE PRAISED, and we are BLESSED IMMENSELY, just to be ‘offered’ union with him— let alone he exalting us, within his heart so grandly— that he lowered himself down to animal status as a sacrifice, and humbled himself to lay aside all his divinity, and walk as an ‘average’ man; just because he deemed us— VALUABLE BEYOND and ABOVE— all that!

HE— is salvation; and relationship, taken seriously with him, obeying him once again— placing him in the ‘God’ role within our lives again— is what he asking of us.

He opened/unlocked the door to enter into union with him again— and he stands and knocks at our hearts— should we ‘open up to him,’ for REAL, in our inner man and hearts, and listen for his instruction, communion and fellowship as he leads us…

We will find ourselves yoked to, in union with, and obedient children of— the Most High, Most loving, Most generous of all beings— who loves us with a love that goes well beyond our understanding, our flaws, and our shortcomings.

He simply— WANTS US; and he wants us— CLOSE TO HIM again.

No other name, or renown of persons— is worthy to be praised, like our Father, and his Son who came to lay down the character, obedience, nature, attributes, gifts and fruits of his Spirit (Father’s), sacrifice and humility— destroying sin —unto an undeserving bunch of children— all because he found us VALUABLE, above all that sacrifice, lowering, and mission.

We have the opportunity to yoke up in life, heart, mind with him again—and bow down low to HIM, now— and to walk obediently with him— handing him the role of God/Father in our lives once again; and I cannot think of anything greater we can give to him— than his original dream: to have a family, be a father, and raise his kids.


3 “Therefore with joy [cheerfulness, welcome, gladness, mirth and rejoicing] you shall draw water out of the wells [fountains and springs, satisfaction] of salvation [welfare, help, deliverance].”


With joy, or cheerfulness, welcoming him into our lives, in gladness, mirth and with rejoicing over what he has given us— HIMSELF— we will draw water (life sustaining refreshing) out of wells, or fountains springing forth with satisfaction— of his salvation, welfare, help and deliverance…

As he provides HIMSELF TO US once again.

He is our savinghis person ← and being able to talk, relate, dream, hope, strive with and honor one another, again— HE IS OUR SAVING FROM ESTRANGEMENT and DEATH, SIN and SATAN: He is!!!!

Again— salvation is being held in the arms of the Almighty loving Father once again— brought to us, courtesy of the Son and his humble life, lowering himself to animal status for sacrifice, laying aside his full divinity, to walk as an average man, taking on ALL our offenses, undeservingly, and fulfilling it all— to ‘make the way back to the Father,’ possible to us all once again.

I pray we understand the depths of his love and sacrifice, and OUR VALUE he has placed over our lives, in his own heart and person.

I pray many receive him, as they get to truly know him— by personal relationship with him, and an excellent witness of the ONENESS of relationship, with and through those who are yoked to him, sincerely— within covenant marriage to him: we, his witnesses, as he witnesses himself, through, and with each one of us.

He quite literally ‘wears’ each one of us, on a daily basis— and lives straight out of us; we have only to obey him, be reformed by him, come into agreement with him, attain his image again, and get out his way as he brings us into all truth, and then…

He himself witnesses his own Spirit straight through man; it’s the most glorious marriage union I’ve ever heard of.

WE, folks, WE— have the blessed opportunity to allow the holy living, loving, Almighty God— to wear us like suits, and express himself and our union of onenessSTRAIGHT THROUGH US: this is what witnessing Christ to the nations, really is.

I pray we see his amazing offer, and the amazing privilege we have in having him RIGHT INSIDE US NOW, yoked to us, and expressing himself straight THROUGH US, as he wears an expression lens of himself, called: ‘YOU and ME!’

What an incredible honor— we only have to come into agreement with him, OBEY him once again, and get out of our own way, and his way; we are the only ones who can stall, stop or hinder this union, oneness, and witness to the earth.

We— must agree with God, and let him work his wonder, as he reforms us, and lives with, and through us— as ONE, in spiritual marriage, now.


4 “And in that day [space of time] you shall say— Praise [literally— use the hand, hold it out— revere and worship, bemoan and give thanks to] the LORD [self-existent eternal one— Jehovah], call upon his name [position of authority, character and honor— renown/fame], declare [recognise, know, acknowledge, acquaint oneself with, be aware of, consider, comprehend, cause to be familiar with, regard, respect and teach] his doings [exploits, performance, deeds and invention, occasions of opportunity, his work] among the people [flock, troops, attendants, tribes]— make mention that his name [position of authority, character and honor— renown/fame] is exalted [lifted, lofty, strong inaccessible (unreachable to be like him), defended, excellent, set on high].”


When— and in that space of time that comes, and indeed has come— where Christ, the Messiah, Yahshua Hamamshiach has entered into the world, and fulfilled his mission— making the way of salvation (union unto him) possible to us all again, and has cleared the path…

We will say from our lips, hearts, minds, understanding and hands of— Praise, or —the literal use of our hands, holding them out in reverence and worship to him— bemoaning, and giving thanks to the LORD…our self-existent eternal— Jehovah.

And we will call upon his name, or— his position of authority, character, honor— renown and fame— into our own personal lives, as we declare, and recognise, know, acknowledge, acquaint ourselves with— be aware of, consider, comprehend, and cause ourselves to be familiar with him— as we regard, respect and teach of his doings…

Or his— exploits, performance, deeds, occasions of opportunity, and all he has worked— among the people, or his flock, troops, attendants, and tribes/nations.

We will make mention that his name: position of authority, character, honor, renown and fame— is, and should be EXALTED lifted, lofty, strongly inaccessible (unreachable to be like him exactly, as there is no other like him), defended, excellent, and set on HIGH (that would be Most High).

There is no one like him, and we are being remade into his image— this will take time, even eternity— to be shaped into our Father’s image; and even in that— there is only ONE God, but we— are his blessed little ones, made in his image.

He is greatly to be praised, honored, and revered; we are blessed beyond our comprehension, that he is so wonderful, so humble, so generous— that he would stoop down, to lift us back up into his embrace— when we became so filthy.

And yet, he did not balk at that— he picked us up in our filth, he came and he took that filth upon himself— just to have the opportunity to be in union with us, that is relationship with us, once again.

I pray NO ONE ever says, they are NOT VALUED, or INSIGNIFICANT TO GOD, ever again— for no one does all that I have detailed out here, in this chapter today— that he himself did for us— if he fundamentally finds us NOT VALUABLE, or REJECTED: that is utter nonsense, and the speech and bark of satan with his lies.

We are HIGHLY VALUED BY GODalways have been, always will be.

No one does what he did, and plans that all out, before we even need him to fulfill it all— just so he didn’t have to scrap us entirely— but instead, devised, counseled, found and executed a PLAN OF REDEMPTION → for US.

And why??

Because he could not make ‘another you,’ EXACTLY LIKE HE DID— and so, he found a way to keep you, and hold you, and uplift you, and join you to himself again— if you will.

He only makes a ‘you,’ one time; and even if you got filthy, and misshapen— the blessing is— HE LOVES TO GET DIRTY, WHILE HE REDEEMS and REFORMS HIS MISSHAPEN VESSELS.

He is NOT intimidated by some hard, dirty work, where he has to get soiled— to redeem something so valuable to him: YOU.

He puts on his dungarees, his overalls, his bibs— and he gets to work; he formed us once, and it pleased him; we went all pear shaped, and it devastated him— so, now, he delights in REFORMATION— reforming us back into his image.

We have the MOST HARDWORKING GOD, who has pulled out all the stops; we ought to give him our best efforts at this relationship, back toward him, in how he said to —love him: to obey his Spirit now, his lead, his Fatherhood in our lives.



5 “Sing [song celebration] unto the LORD [self-existent eternal one, Jehovah God]; for he has done excellent things [majestic high things]: this is known [recognised, discerned, acknowledged] in all the earth.”


Singing and celebrating him, the God who is outside of all this created business, and yet, inside it all, WITH US, helping us through it all— he himself is EXCELLENT, and worthy to be praised.

He is over it all, and we fuss so; we will have to go through hardships whilst we are here, he told us so— because this realm is broken, malformed, twisted and perverted— with a perverted spirit over it all.

But he has given himself, INSIDE this mess, and that includes our person— to right this ship, and save a remnant out of her, first.

He is outside all this, but it is HIS MESS, and he has desired to resurrect her, to save her, and to offer that saving— to those who will choose to do life in covenant with him.

He will at some future point, redeem the earth itself, burning it, and reforming it, and laying new foundations upon her— and he is doing the very same with humans.

He is purging them, reforming them inside, and laying down the new foundation within them, where HE is at the God role, and helm of this relationship: REDEMPTION, is through burning/purging, reforming and laying new structure down.

But in that beautiful mission, desire and heart of his, for how incredibly he VALUES US— he does this laborious work with us, daily, hourly, and minute by minute— unto restoration— both of us, and our relationship with him.

And it is DEFINITELY going to be known, or— recognised, discerned, acknowledged— in all of the earth; the truth that, his person is all that, accomplished all that, has offered all that— and stands in all authority, rule, and deserving of all honor, glory and praise— will be known abroad: and through his children.

He is to be RECOGNISED, HONORED and ACKNOWLEDGED— this is to KNOW HIM; and all those who do— are his children, and are upholding covenant with him, as they obey him once again— and honor him in that obedience: as this is placing him as GOD, once again, in the lives of his children.


6 “Cry out [gleam in cheerfulness, sound out clearly in expression, lift up, rejoice and shine] and shout [cry out in triumph]— you inhabitants [those sat down in, dwelling, remaining and settled to marry, abiding, established] of Zion [God’s mountain capital]: for great [older, extravagant, exceedingly high, mighty and noble] is the Holy One [sacred God, by eminence saintly, and a sanctuary] of Israel [people of the faith, spiritual lineage of Jacob/Israel; root meaning— ‘he will rule as God,’ posterity (great future generations)] in the midst [bowels, center most inwards] of you.”


It should be EASY for us to cry out, and gleam in cheerfulness, while we sound out clearly— in expression, lifting him up, and rejoicing and shining as we do— ACKNOWLEDGING, RECOGNISING and HONORING Him —in his glory.

As we shout out in triumph, due to him— overcoming death, estrangement, sin and bondage to satan; when we are in bonds to God— we are married to him, yoked— when in bondage to satan → we are married and yoked to him.

God came and DESTROYED that forced relationship, and gave us the option to yoke and marry him again.

That ALONE— should be shouted about!!!

All of us inhabitantsor, people who sit down with, dwell with, remain with— who have settled into marriage and abide established unto God

Who are of ZionGod’s mountain capital in the literal physical, and his Spiritual home, figuratively/symbolically— our home, are BLESSED to be tied and untied to him once again.

For great, or —older, more extravagant, exceedingly high, mighty and noble— is the Holy One, which is to say —the sacred God; who by eminence is saintly, and he is a sanctuary unto his spiritual people of Israel— the people of the faith, and spiritual lineage of Jacob/Israel.

And the name Israel means, at its root meaning— ‘he will rule as God,’ and posterity— which means great future generations— will be in the midst, or bowels, center most inward parts of you!!!!

GOD HIMSELF— will reside, within the inward, centermost parts of us…

Giving us posterity or successful generations of seedlings, children— spiritual or literal physical, from the spiritual line of Jacob.

And because he’s been erected inside of us, as our partner in marriage, God and supreme one over us— ruling as God within— who is the Holy One of Zion, his home and dwelling of his people…

And we inhabitants, or— people who sit down with, dwell with, remain with— who have settled into marriage and abide established unto God— we are BLESSED!!!

BLESSED, because —he made the way, pulled out all the stops, brought himself, bowing and lowering himself so, humbling himself— to SERVE US— in taking it all on, and flawlessly accomplishing it all…

Just to RECONNECT WITH US, reform us, purge us, take away the penalty of sin and the estrangement: he did all that, just to RECONNECT WITH US!

We ought to be able to see ‘why’ he is worthy to be praised; and how easy it should flow from us— to do so.


This chapter in Isaiah is really about HIM, and how glorious life ‘will be—’ as it hadn’t happened yet, that Messiah had not come yet during this prophecy— when he has come, made the way, and offered himself and reconciliations, or RECONNECTION to us all.

And folks— HE HAS DONE THAT NOW; we have the ability to say “yes” to him, and accept one-on-one, real relating with him now; in conjunction with the scriptures, but BEYOND THEM ALONE, as they are to guide us to the Holy One himself.

The scriptures were a GPS to guide us to who God iswhat he said, how he did it, who his person is, who we are to him, who the enemy is…

what happened when his people OBEYED him, and what happened when they didn’t; to show us the way to be in relationship with him, and the way NOT to be in estrangement, or disobedience and dishonor against him.

But folks— if we never actually ‘DO’ the relationship, we have missed the point of the inspired word of God entirely; it was designed to lead us back to HIM, in a real relationship with him— just like he had with those people in the bible.

If we lose sight of THAT TRUTH, about ‘why did God give us the bible and scriptures to begin with—’ then we will miss the point of salvation; which is RECONNECTION to the Almighty Father.

The scriptures of the old testament were to tell the history of God and man— how it unfolded, how they fell, how he came in many ways to save us, how they disobeyed, how they obeyed— what happened with each of those scenarios…

What God’s person is like, what we mean to him, how far we fell from being like him and yoked to him, that we could not find our own way back to unification, unity and oneness with him…

That it would take ‘HIM,’ himself— to come as the perfect sacrifice to reconcile us (which is the greatest love, and love story ever)...

Who satan is, what he’s like, how to discern him, how to beat him, that we will suffer whilst here, we will share in afflictions, as he went through them, we will…

That there will be tribulation and persecution against us here, because the world, and the spirit of satan of this world hated him first— and if we accept his sacrifice and union to him— it will hate, and persecute us too.

BUTthe gift iswe have gained union to his Spirit, and in that, we are brought back to him, made up in a relationship, penalties are paid, and debts and sentences EXPUNGED from our records.

But folks— WE HAVE TO DO RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM, or → we miss the whole point of giving us his → REMEMBRANCE, GUIDANCE and ‘APPLICATION’ book: scripture.

We are to learn from it, let him and it guide us into understanding him, and allow him, by his SPIRIT and our relationship with his Spirit— to bring us into all truth, by walking out a relationship with him —QUITE LITERALLY NOW.

If we are only studying a bible, or the letter of the law— but failing to reunite with and unto HIM— we have missed the point of salvation, the scriptures, and deliverance out from the arms and counsel of satan— altogether.

Many cannot understand how you can ‘know’ scriptures, quote it, cast out demons, or such— and hear from God...

Matthew 7:23-25

“And then I will profess [confess, acknowledge] unto them—

I never knew [was aware of, perceived, have known or spoke with] you: depart from me, you who work [toil at, engage with, labor and minister unto] iniquity [the law of unrighteousness— illegal violation of righteousness, wickedness, and transgressions].

24 Therefore whoever hears these sayings [discourse] of mine, and does [performs, applies, commits to, exercises and executes] them— I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

25 And (when) the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house— it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.”

Because ‘the Rock,’ is a person, not just some words said or written— he speaks, as he is a person— and he is NOT DEAD; so, he speaks, he loves, he relates, he communes and fellowships with ALL his children— still yet: that is how we all do relationships, even down here.

He is not words alone → he is word made flesh, and who dwells among us in Spirit.

It’s time we come out of religion, and death by the letter alone— and come back into relationship reconciliations, to a real person, God, and Father of us all, FOR REAL.

Religion kills, the Letter of the Law, kills— GOD, HIS PERSON, IS SALVATION, and yoking to him, for realSETS US FREE FROM BONDAGE TO SATAN, SIN, and ESTRANGEMENT: HELL and SEPARATION.

“He,” is worthy to be praised;

and YOU— are ultra valuable to him.


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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
01 jun 2023


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